Last year was such a great chance.Even though this doesnt shock me one bit, it doesnt make it any less frustrating to root for a franchise run by idiots.
They should have bought more last year, they should have sold more in 2013. Every fucking July its the same shit story. Jackass is bumbling idiot but ownership and Lincoln are even dumber for keeping him this long. I mean they wont even trade away Ackley.
Until the entire structure changes they will always be losers. It sucks
FUCK this team for not trading Iwakuma.
Is there some sort of revenue gain they get from Japanese viewers by keeping him on the roster? Some sort of endorsement deal where a % goes into Nintendo's pocket? That's the only reason to keep him, and would be in keeping with Lincoln and Nintendo's utter indifference to winning.
I wish I were exaggerating, but I just don't see how it's possible for this to be happening. The year is lost, and the team gains nothing by keeping him. We may not gain a lot by trading, but anything is better than nothing.
fuck fuck fuck fuck
And bye Ackley. Can't wait to see the Yanks fix his swing in about 2 weeks, and have him hitting like he did his rookie year.
fuck this team
Rameriz has good minor league stats since they converted him to relief. The Mariners desperately need him in their bullpen. He may go straight to Minnesota to join the team. i hope so anyway.Flores #27 for Yanks and Ramirez not in Top 30
Jeff Passan @JeffPassan
Sources: Despite well-under-.500 record, Mariners do not plan on trading Hisashi Iwakuma. Seattle telling teams ownership wants to keep him.
Last year was such a great chance.
Still kills me.
It's funny because if a white owner wanted to keep a player because he was white that would be blasted as extreme racism, but since they're Japanese wanting to keep a Japanese pitcher simply because he's Japanese, it's no big deal.
A Jewish boy in NYC. He'll do well. I expect him to hit .260 and exploit that right field porch in Yankee Stadum....Ready for Yankees-