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Post of the year.
and of course
I forgot I posted
Post of the year.
and of course
Sorry I didn't respond. I figured your "questions" were rhetorical and you already knew the answers to them. I will answer this one you posed though; yes, language should evolve, not devolve as it has with Kaepernick and the rest of the 142 characters or less crowd.
Who says it is "devolving?" Couldn't a strong case be made that written language is becoming more efficient thanks to media like twitter and text messaging? I will preface this by saying I am not a fan of the way language is currently evolving, however, if we are focusing strictly on the written word, shortening the communication could be viewed as progress.
That being said, it isn't as if Kaep's response was "ru 4reelz?gtfo my bizz haterzz. U dnt lyk wut i do, 2 bad!!!!!"
Sorry I didn't respond. I figured your "questions" were rhetorical and you already knew the answers to them. I will answer this one you posed though; yes, language should evolve, not devolve as it has with Kaepernick and the rest of the 142 characters or less crowd.
140, but who's counting?
I thought you said you were an English teacher? How about forgetting to use the word "Is" at the beginning of the first sentence and ending the sentence with the preposition "at"? No self respecting English teacher would let that go; that's like fingernails on the chalkboard. He then omits the word "to" after the bastardization of the word "going". C'mon man!
No, just the opposite. It has created a world where young people cannot express themselves in person to person conversation or to a group. Being able to express ones self eloquently in writing is a huge advantage in the workplace. I am just appalled at the writing that comes across my desk as official government correspondence. Its gotten so bad that people cannot even write free-hand anymore because everything they do is e-mail or text. I suppose the way we communicate is changing but even a layman like myself can see that it is not for the better.
No, just the opposite. It has created a world where young people cannot express themselves in person to person conversation or to a group. Being able to express ones self eloquently in writing is a huge advantage in the workplace. I am just appalled at the writing that comes across my desk as official government correspondence. Its gotten so bad that people cannot even write free-hand anymore because everything they do is e-mail or text. I suppose the way we communicate is changing but even a layman like myself can see that it is not for the better.
I think you mean "one's self" or "oneself." And "it's." You must disgust yourself.
Lakers and Celtics r a huge rival in the NBA and u can see Rondo here wearing a Lakers hat. I still dont see a problem with it.
It isn't a problem. People are creating context that isn't there.
My sister got pissed that Kaep wore a Brewers hat but I couldn't care less. I mean it was pretty cool and classy that Alex wore his SF Giants hat during interviews and the Bay Area teams showing support to each other definitely appeals to the fans but sometimes a hat is just an article of clothing, nothing more.
Exactly - it's just an article of clothing. Rondo wore that gear, but everyone who follows the Lakeshow knows that Rondo is Celtico puro.
Mike Richards of the LA Kings wore a SF Giants hat during an interview, and everyone knows about the LA/SF rivalry in baseball.
Yeah, because texting and twitter are the times to practice flawless grammar and spelling. And the failure to do so call into question one's integrity and character. You're a tool.
How many youths have you had conversations with recently? When you hear Kaep give interviews, are you dumbfounded at the way he speaks?
Would those from the 1800s approve of the way people communicated in written form in the 1960s and 70s? Introducing the perceived inability of today's youth to communicate in person is deviating from the point anyway. What does that have to do with how Kaepernick comes across?
The fact that you (and the rest of us to my knowledge) renders your (and our) opinion on whether this evolution is for the better or not invalid. You don't like it. Leave it at that.
I wonder how you would do in deciphering a court stenographer's shorthand, or a reporter or detective. Am I to believe that these people, who have their own form of written communication that they and their peers can understand incapable of writing properly?
Do you feel that in whatever you do as a government official you witness a fair cross-section of American youth, or is your job more prone to draw a certain "type" of person?
Is it possible that you've become the stodgy old geezer that just wants these damn kids to turn their music down and stay off your lawn?
I think you mean "one's self" or "oneself." And "it's." You must disgust yourself.
I have no problem with people making mistakes when they are trying to communicate properly. It's idiots like Kaepernick who purposely sound ignorant because they are under the mistaken impression that it's cool to be dumb.