I go to Ross, home of the $5 tee-shirts, and if it doesn't have a skull as the logo I'll buy it. Then somebody will surprise me by saying something like Go Yankees and I think Yankees? I hate the Yankees. Oh yeah..It isn't a problem. People are creating context that isn't there.
My sister got pissed that Kaep wore a Brewers hat but I couldn't care less. I mean it was pretty cool and classy that Alex wore his SF Giants hat during interviews and the Bay Area teams showing support to each other definitely appeals to the fans but sometimes a hat is just an article of clothing, nothing more.
Lakers and Celtics r a huge rival in the NBA and u can see Rondo here wearing a Lakers hat. I still dont see a problem with it.
I wear Buccaneers gear all the time and every Saturday from the beginning of august to the beginning of November. I am a diehard 49ers fan and will always be!!! Does that mean that some of you don't like me?
(Both of my boys play football and their team is the West Mobile Buccaneers.)
Kaep was simply accessorizing his attire. That's what young people do these days, my little brother doesn't really watch any sports and he has several hats from different teams from all sports and he wears them when they match the other clothing he is wearing. ITS CALLED FASHION!!! Some people like to match others just throw whatever on and go. It doesn't mean they are gangsters or unloyal to the team that pays them. I am 100% confident that Kaep will give everything he has to the 49ers.
I wear Buccaneers gear all the time and every Saturday from the beginning of august to the beginning of November. I am a diehard 49ers fan and will always be!!! Does that mean that some of you don't like me?
(Both of my boys play football and their team is the West Mobile Buccaneers.)
Kaep was simply accessorizing his attire. That's what young people do these days, my little brother doesn't really watch any sports and he has several hats from different teams from all sports and he wears them when they match the other clothing he is wearing. ITS CALLED FASHION!!! Some people like to match others just throw whatever on and go. It doesn't mean they are gangsters or unloyal to the team that pays them. I am 100% confident that Kaep will give everything he has to the 49ers.
but you're not the starting QB for the 49ers, HUGE difference.
btw - you'd have a hard time arguing the Miami hat is the ONLY thing that accessorized whatever else he was wearing?
You dont have to condone it but you have to realize its a part of a dumb downed American Society. How many time have you heard an educated sports announcer use a hip hop verse from jay z, etc., to describe a highlight? probably several times right? It is whats hip today
Toby STFU I can already see ur going to be annoying on here. Whatever u say 2 1st names. Fuckin Steve Dave.
Yeah its not like Aaron Rodgers did the championship belt move the whole year on his way to winning the SB. Oh wait yeah he did.
LMAO. U do know that his tats r religious right? Have u ever heard Kaep speak? He is very soft spoken and the 1st time I heard his voice I thought he sounded like Michael Jackson. I dont know were u get gangster out of any of this but it might be ur age. Maybe its time to put u in a retirement center.
Says the guy who is worried about what another man is wearing and how he speaks.Ha ha! You've got to get away from that man worship thing.
Perhaps it was the only hat that he had that did, or the hat that he felt looked the best with what he is wearing. If wearing a hat of another team is so bad to you I could only imagine what kinda of little tantrum you would be throwing if you found out that Kaep and russel Wilson were best buddies and hanging out together all time.
wait......the Miami Dolphin hat is the ONLY thing he could find? he could not step out his door unless he wore THAT hat? what is fashionable about that hat, the colors, the style, the logo, what?
the 'face of the franchise' isn't supposed to wear gear from another franchise. he can do it in private but not in public.
I would NOT have a problem if he was friends with Russell Wilson, why are you even going there?
Well according to you he cant wear other apparel so why should he be friends with someone from another team. Just because you don't find the hat fashionable doesn't mean that he didn't. Are you that simple that you have to worry about what another person wears or doesn't wear. Man I cant wait for the season to start so we can actually talk about football and not people crying about what the 49ers QB is wearing to the beach.wait......the Miami Dolphin hat is the ONLY thing he could find? he could not step out his door unless he wore THAT hat? what is fashionable about that hat, the colors, the style, the logo, what?
the 'face of the franchise' isn't supposed to wear gear from another franchise. he can do it in private but not in public.
I would NOT have a problem if he was friends with Russell Wilson, why are you even going there?
It's money that you can use to bet on games. Their is a vbookie forum where you can make the wagers.
Also I think this topic got blown out of hand the Dolphins aren't our rivals so who cares if he rocks the hat? dude likes shoes and fitted/snap backs caps so be it. The guy lead us to the Superbowl I think we should know where his loyalties lie