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Trade Deadline Thread


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Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
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I don't. He is a free agent. They don't think they will be able to pay him, and they don't trust him either. They are pretty much all in now with an aging core, so why not go with some reliable vets and then blow it all up in a couple years?

Yeah he's gone. I don't mind giving him up but I don't want Howard back in return. I prefer Horford at this point


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Rumors around the Lakers are...there really aren't any of any significance. Seems that the Lakers are more or less trying to stay out of any rumors.

While the word "untouchable" hasn't been used, the Lakers aren't looking to break up their young core of Randle, Russell, Clarkson and Nance Jr. Unless something significant lands on their doorstep, they aren't likely to move any of those 4. Several of their vets could be in play though. Hibbert will likely be shopped, but his expiring contract isn't likely to be as valuable as in the past. Brandon Bass would be good for a team that needs a competent offensive big. Lou Williams could bring a decent return (although I'd prefer they keep him).

And if anyone wants Nick Young...all lines are open and operators are standing by to take your call. :lol:


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Lakers' big moves are likely coming in the summer.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Lakers' big moves are likely coming in the summer.

I agree. It's going to be a very, very interesting off-season in Lakersland.

Just saw Chris Mannix on Dan Patrick. He says that he thinks Byron Scott will be gone at the end of the season. Said it makes no sense to fire him now because the Lakers are losing and that's kind of what they want to be doing right now.

He thinks that if they keep the top 3 pick, coaches who might not otherwise be enticed to go to the Lakers, will be enticed. You'd now have a real core with Russell, Randle, Clarkson, Nance Jr. and Simmons/Ingram on a team that eventually will land top level FA's. He says that if they get core with, for example, Thibs as head coach, you now have a team that FA's will likely come running to join.


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
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I heard that Ben is pretty much gone. Another wasted lottery pick. Has any team failed more in the lottery than the Kings and Wolves?
This would mean 2 of their last 7 lotto picks are not with them anymore, and I think 6 of them were top 7 picks. Considering they've passed up on Steph, Klay, Kawhi, Lillard, and others along with trading away their great 60th pick for nothing, it's hard to argue. At least the Wolves recently hit with Wiggins(even if he was added in a trade they would have selected him anyway), LaVine, and KAT.


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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I think Miami trading Whiteside is a huge mistake. Guy is young and talented, he will be a staple for them in the future.

I'd also rather have Dragic than Teague.

Dragic hasn't lived up to this contract as Beno Udrih has been outplaying him from the bench.

I'm done with Whiteside. He's got a huge upside, but he doesn't conform to the Heat way. He's about getting his and that's it. He's a great rebounder and rim defender, but he has zero offensive moves and is a subpar free throw shooter as he can't be counted to play in the 4th quarter.

I think the Heat are better off trading Whiteside so they can get something back. I just don't want Dwight Howard anywhere near our team.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Dragic hasn't lived up to this contract as Beno Udrih has been outplaying him from the bench.

I'm done with Whiteside. He's got a huge upside, but he doesn't conform to the Heat way. He's about getting his and that's it. He's a great rebounder and rim defender, but he has zero offensive moves and is a subpar free throw shooter as he can't be counted to play in the 4th quarter.

I think the Heat are better off trading Whiteside so they can get something back. I just don't want Dwight Howard anywhere near our team.
Whiteside is the soda pop of the NBA- empty calories with no nutritional value. but it sure can


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Apr 16, 2013
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Kings made Belineli available. Miami must target him


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Sep 2, 2014
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Is there a huge ship full of crack cocaine that is off the Miami coast that is burning? Because you have to be on crack to think that Whiteside + Dragic have any value whatsoever.

Whiteside: Whoever trades for him gets little to no benefit when going to try and resign him. Everyone knows his contract quirk with the Heat. That same quiky situation is just as true for any team trading for him as it is for Miami. He's still going to be an UFA this summer and the team trading for him will need cap space to resign him as having him on the roster for the rest of the season doesn't mean you can go over the cap when signing him. And because of that contract quirk, Whiteside can be viewed as nothing more than a 3 month rental because he could easily walk at the end of the year. The long and short of it is that trading for Whiteside doesn't really make signing him this offseason any easier or any harder. If you have cap space, you can court him no matter where he plays these next couple of months.

Dragic: A PG who isn't a top 20 PG in this league and is making $18M a year over the next 4.5 years. The Heat don't have the assets it would take to get a team to agree to take him on. He is a MONSTER negative in any trade talks. I can't imagine any team willing to take him on. He was a HUGE mistake on the part of Riley that is going to haunt the Heat for quite awhile. 6 Months or so after inking that deal and it already is one of worst contracts in the league. A team like Houston trading for him would give the Heat Howard and still need to get back Winston and draft picks if they are going to have to take on that Dragic deal. That's how big of a negative that contract is.
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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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Is there a huge ship full of crack cocaine that is off the Miami coast that is burning? Because you have to be on crack to think that Whiteside and Dragic have any value whatsoever.

Whiteside: Whoever trades for him gets little to no benefit when going to try and resign him. Everyone knows his contract quirk with the Heat. That same quiky situation is just as true for any team trading for him as it is for Miami. He's still going to be an UFA this summer and the team trading for him will need cap space to resign him as having him on the roster for the rest of the season doesn't mean you can go over the cap when signing him. And because of that contract quirk, Whiteside can be viewed as nothing more than a 3 month rental because he could easily walk at the end of the year.

Dragic: A PG who isn't a top 20 PG in this league and is making $18M a year over the next 4.5 years. The Heat don't have the assets it would take to get a team to agree to take him on. He is a MONSTER negative in any trade talks. I can't imagine any team willing to take him on. He was a HUGE mistake on the part of Riley that is going to haunt the Heat for quite awhile. 6 Months or so after inking that deal and it already is one of worst contracts in the league. A team like Houston trading for him would give the Heat Howard and still need to get back Winston and draft picks if they are going to have to take on that Dragic deal. That's how big of a negative that contract is.

The thing is, Dragic's game relies heavily on an up-tempo offense. The Heat play a half-court offense that doesn't suit Dragic, hence his fall off in production. I put that on Spo given that all we heard was how the offense was going to be more up-tempo. Yet we're still seeing the same offense as last season.


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Jul 9, 2013
NE Metro ATL
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I saw some talk today of Howard moving to Atlanta, Dragic and Whiteside heading to Houston, and Teague and Horford going to Miami. There's no way that could be true. That's not highway robbery. That's Pat Riley robbing Fort Knox

At least from the ATL standpoint...this deal could happen...ATL doesn't want to pay Horford a max deal, (good, but not a max deal player imo)and they are starting to favor Shroder over Teague at the point.

Howard is just a guy, but ATL needs to shake things up...


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Sep 2, 2014
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The thing is, Dragic's game relies heavily on an up-tempo offense. The Heat play a half-court offense that doesn't suit Dragic, hence his fall off in production. I put that on Spo given that all we heard was how the offense was going to be more up-tempo. Yet we're still seeing the same offense as last season.

Very well could be. But Miami can give every excuse in the book of why Dragic isn't playing as well as they hoped but none of it changes the fact that he is a bottom 20 PG in this PG heavy league with a near max contract. That was true even before he signed his contract. That is why it was such a head scratching move by Riley.

That contract is poison. Miami fans should get used to Dragic. Because he is going to be on the Heat for a long time. No way they find a deal to get out from under that one unless they start packaging Winslow with him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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Very well could be. But Miami can give every excuse in the book of why Dragic isn't playing as well as they hoped but none of it changes the fact that he is a bottom 20 PG in this PG heavy league with a near max contract. That was true even before he signed his contract. That is why it was such a head scratching move by Riley.

That contract is poison. Miami fans should get used to Dragic. Because he is going to be on the Heat for a long time. No way they find a deal to get out from under that one unless they start packaging Winslow with him.

I'm hoping you're wrong, but more than likely you're not. The Heat enjoyed having Lebron as a defacto PG where Miami was forced to give someone a huge contract with a pulse at PG.

Riley's made some questionable moves with this roster that's not just limited to Dragic. I also find the McRoberts contract highly frustrating as well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Riley's made some questionable moves with this roster that's not just limited to Dragic. I also find the McRoberts contract highly frustrating as well.

Yep. That was another huge head scratcher the moment it was signed. I had completely forgotten about that one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think Miami trading Whiteside is a huge mistake. Guy is young and talented, he will be a staple for them in the future.

I'd also rather have Dragic than Teague.

Please don't ever say this again


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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Rumored Tobias Harris to the Pistons for Brandon Jennings and Ersan Ilyasova