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tOfficial "Johnny Manziel" Superthread

When Will Manziel Be Taken

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RG III, Jackson building seamless partnership - ESPN

Remember not long ago when the media made a huge deal about DeSean Jackson going on vacation and not showing up at Redskins voluntary workout sessions? As per above - it made absolutely no difference and was a complete non-story.

Same thing with Manziel's vacation. So a rookie player is not allowed to go on a short vacation before dedicating 8-9 months of his life to football? Ridiculous. You would have never even heard of this type of story several years ago. Some of you need to chill out.


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My view: It is, and could potentially turn into a major deal. Let me first off say, I have no problem with 20ish people wanting to have fun and gamble. That's fine by me. But I am seeing signs of the Ryan Leaf mentality, of somebody who isn't 100% dedicated to his craft and isn't willing to put in extra effort. The NFL is far more complicated than college, and requires a lot of mental intelligence, particularly at the QB position.

The press is hard on Mr. Cleveland, because he has built up his reputation for being a spoiled rich kid and loves to party.

Also, isn't Hoyer ahead of Manziel as far as knowledge of the playbook?

So - do you have proof that all of the other QBs drafted high in this draft and the successful young QBs from recent drafts did not take any type of vacation around this type of year. Is their only option to stay close to home & study their playbook 10+ hours a day? Or do you just take issue that this took place in Vegas?

What happened during an extended weekend is not going to guide his career one way or the other (as long as he doesn't break the law). He has a long ways to go to even approach Leaf territory. Also - who gives a crap what the Cleveland press thinks.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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Did he win anything at the slots or tables? Did he get lucky? If the answer is no and no then it was a bad vacation in Vegas.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
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In a word, no.

He went to Vegas....so what? Big deal.

Granted, it's not something I personally would have done. After telling everyone how committed I was to football, I'd be living at the complex but remember, this are OTA's.

Much ado about nothing.

Well see what he's like come pre-season when he's on the field.


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Dec 3, 2013
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Did he win anything at the slots or tables? Did he get lucky? If the answer is no and no then it was a bad vacation in Vegas.

See pics of his GF? he is one lucky SOB


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Packers QB Aaron Rodgers a big 'Johnny Manziel fan'

Aaron Rodgers likes Johnny Manziel -- both as a quarterback and in the way the Cleveland Browns' rookie quarterback handles the spotlight.

Although Manziel would surely like to become the quarterback Rodgers has for the Green Bay Packers, in some ways Rodgers has become more like Manziel when it comes to handling the limelight that comes with being an NFL star.

Case in point: After Rodgers was photographed recently by Us Weekly magazine holding hands and kissing his new girlfriend, actress Olivia Munn, he said he was not bothered by what earlier in his career he would have described as an invasion of his privacy.

"I'm just going to live my life and enjoy my relationship and realize that comes with it," Rodgers said during an interview on Monday. "I still enjoy what little privacy I have left, and I'm going to hold on to that. But I'm not going to let that stuff bother me in ways that it used to."

In that regard, he said he admires how Manziel has handled all the attention that has come with being "Johnny Football."

"His talent speaks for itself, but you know what, I think he has kept the right attitude through all of this," Rodgers said. "He's a young guy doing what young guys do, and he's enjoying life. He's had some opportunities to do some pretty cool things -- sitting courtside at games and whatnot -- but he can't control the people taking pictures of him. He can't control the people wanting to be around him. He can control where he's at, and I'm sure he learned a little more about some of the reaction he's going to get when he does go to Vegas or whatnot.

Source: ESPN


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of course he loves him, regardless of how good he is, he takes the attention off of Aaron Rodgers and Aaron prefers it that way. I think Rodgers is happy when anybody makes the story about them, because it means the media isn't looking at him.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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Brady Quinn vs Johnny Football

Brady Quinn critical of Manziel's behavior in ?money phone? video

In an interview Tuesday on SiriusXM NFL radio, former Browns quarterback Brady Quinn ripped Johnny Manziel for the infamous 'money phone' Instagram video, in which a woozy Manziel pretends a huge stack of money is his phone, but he "can't hear you because there's too money in my f------ hand!', Mary Kay Cabot of the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports.

"I just don't think it's right,'' Quinn told Jim Miller and Pat Kirwan on Movin the Chains. "I don't think it's respectful to the other veteran players too right now that are probably taking care of their bodies, trying to prepare to go into a winning season right now instead of doing things like that off the field.''

Quinn, who also criticized Manziel for his Vegas antics over Memorial Day Weekend, admonished the rookie for disrespecting the amazing opportunity he's been given by the Browns. Manziel signed his four-year contract worth $8.25 million on Tuesday.

"I think he has all the ability in the world,'' said Quinn, a fellow No. 22 overall pick of the Browns and currently a free agent. "He's probably got the best offensive coordinator for him to succeed and he's got some talent around him, especially if (Josh) Gordon ends up not being suspended. The thing I'm most worried about is what you're kind of seeing off the field."

"Some people say you can work hard and play hard, but I think my biggest issue is when you're drafted in the first round, you're the face of the franchise. And when you've got a video that comes out like that, I understand he's trying to have a good time and live his life off the field, but there's a little kid watching that, and now he's looking up to him as a role model and for me personally, I have a little bit of an issue with it. I don't think that's the way you want to conduct yourself."

"I always revert back to Russell Wilson only because he's so young, and he's been so successful, but you see all the time his good works,'' said Quinn. "When he's out there on camera, or out there on twitter or whatever it is, he's at a hospital with sick kids, giving them gifts, trying to brighten up their day. "

"That's the kind of role model [Russell Wilson] I'd want for my franchise and I don't understand why (Manziel) can't interject more of it into his life. He's got such a following."


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im not a big fan of manziel. he comes off as a prick. the media needs to stop though. a 22 yr old kid in vegas having fun in the offseason is a non story.


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Quinn just doesn't seem like the right guy to talk about what a QB ought to do in order to succeed in the league.


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I say grab Manziel,Bieber, Miley and Kanye/Kim and parachute them on a shark infested island. Enough media on these people, its sickening


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Apr 23, 2013
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The wilson comparison is fair. RW always says the separation is in the preparation. While JFF is there and works hard when he's there, he seems to me as a "just enough" guy, he'll do just enough and then fly out to vegas for a weekend. While RW is the complete opposite, he lives and breaths football his "off time" he's studying film, doing EXTRA work on top of the EXTRA work............ All I know is my team has a superbowl win in part because of RW's neurotic work ethic...... JFF does not have that work ethic.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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I think Quinn is right. The only real worries I had about JFF heading in to the draft was his off the field antics.


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Good grief, the day I care what Quinn thinks about anything is the day I jump off a cliff.

Sounds like a FA trying to passively remind teams he is still alive.


Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
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I hope that after they talked about Johnny boy the question Quinn as to why he really hasn't panned out in the league????

I mean to be fair, if he's gonna pass judgement on Manzel then by all means he should list his own faults..


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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im not a big fan of manziel. he comes off as a prick. the media needs to stop though. a 22 yr old kid in vegas having fun in the offseason is a non story.

Ryan Leaf had more talent than Manziel and we know how Leaf's career turned out.


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This = Missing the point.

LOL I get Qunn's point that it is necessary for an NFL QB to behave a certain way in order to succeed. That is merely Quinn's opinion. My point, which Quinn clearly exemplifies, is that he ability to play is factually a necessary condition.


Apr 17, 2013
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Didn't anybody learn anything with Michael Vick? That small body of Manziel is going to taking the same and perhaps a greater beating than Michael Vick once he starts playing on a regular basis. I suspect Manziel will be spending alot of time injured and that sure is a lot of proud talk for a guy of his fragile stature.