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NBA Bows Down To Political Correctness


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I think the bill's stupid but the NBA should realize that Charlotte's nBA team had nothing to do with this, they shouldn't be punished by this backward law.
The NBA would have no problem playing in China despite that country's atrocious human rights issue.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You couldn't sound more homophobic if you tried.

Homophobic is an offensive term used by those who have zero moral values in their feeble attempt to force their immoral agenda on the rest of the world. Just because a person does not respect or approve of such vulgar lifestyles does not mean they are afraid of them. Just saying

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Sorry, but it's not the same - Racial discrimination will never be on the same page as life styles that are not approved up by the general public. I get it that the gay community wants to do what they want to do, but that does not mean Christians have to approve of it or support those choices. Transgender is even worse, however because it enables men to dress up as women, claiming to be something they aren't and targeting young girls in public bathrooms. If a guy wants to pretend he is a woman - I will be more than glad to leave him alone or her is she is pretending to be a man - don't ask me to say that's normal behavior.

Up until recently, My Husband and I being different races was not approved of in the General public. Some places, it's still not.

It's only different in your eyes because you are against it.

A sin is a sin is a sin. Yet, people want to grade them on a sliding scale due to their biases.

Premarital sex, Lying, Stealing, Homosexuality....all sins.

But, only one will get you killed.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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The NBA would have no problem playing in China despite that country's atrocious human rights issue.
The law applies only to state operated buildings and does not apply to privately owned venues and etc so there was no conflict with how the NBA does business in that state. The NBA is merely trying to make a political statement which I guess is their business as long as the owners and players support that decision.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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The NBA would have no problem playing in China despite that country's atrocious human rights issue.

You know what?

You are correct.

I can totally see the hypocrisy.

Again, I don't think the NBA pulled out of N.C. due to some moral obligation.

They did it because their sponsors told them they would pull out

Big corporations would love to break into to the market in China.

So, they would totally turn a blind eye.

They already do. Like how many athletes go on publicity tours for their shoe companies in China every Summer.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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Up until recently, My Husband and I being different races was not approved of in the General public. Some places, it's still not.

It's only different in your eyes because you are against it.

A sin is a sin is a sin. Yet, people want to grade them on a sliding scale due to their biases.

Premarital sex, Lying, Stealing, Homosexuality....all sins.

But, only one will get you killed.

I go to a black church and the pastor's brother in law married to a white woman, black belt Karate champion all time and police officer and police chief in Monrovia, Ca for over 30 years and now is a bishop and a pastor. Fine man. He isn't afraid of any one, so calling him a homophobic for standing for this Christian values is not only incorrect, but is also offensive bullshit. That is there way of trying to take away our constitutional right of free speech. Just because they think something is good, does not mean we have to approve and there is the conflict. They are not satisfied with live and let live - We as a nation have been doing that already. What they want is to force every one to accept their life style and embrace it as normal and I can't do that. Since I don't bother them, harass them or say anything to them, I have done nothing wrong or illegal and if I were to have children it is my duty to teach them my moral values.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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The law applies only to state operated buildings and does not apply to privately owned venues and etc so there was no conflict with how the NBA does business in that state. The NBA is merely trying to make a political statement which I guess is their business as long as the owners and players support that decision.

They are not making a political statement.

They are making a business decision.

If every sponsor is telling them they are pulling out if the game is there, it is a business decision.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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You know what?

You are correct.

I can totally see the hypocrisy.

Again, I don't think the NBA pulled out of N.C. due to some moral obligation.

They did it because their sponsors told them they would pull out

Big corporations would love to break into to the market in China.

So, they would totally turn a blind eye.

They already do. Like how many athletes go on publicity tours for their shoe companies in China every Summer.
Money talks!
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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Homophobic is an offensive term used by those who have zero moral values in their feeble attempt to force their immoral agenda on the rest of the world. Just because a person does not respect or approve of such vulgar lifestyles does not mean they are afraid of them. Just saying

So you think gay people are immoral and vulgar. Got it!

= homophobe

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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I go to a black church and the pastor's brother in law married to a white woman, black belt Karate champion all time and police officer and police chief in Monrovia, Ca for over 30 years and now is a bishop and a pastor. Fine man. He isn't afraid of any one, so calling him a homophobic for standing for this Christian values is not only incorrect, but is also offensive bullshit. That is there way of trying to take away our constitutional right of free speech. Just because they think something is good, does not mean we have to approve and there is the conflict. They are not satisfied with live and let live - We as a nation have been doing that already. What they want is to force every one to accept their life style and embrace it as normal and I can't do that. Since I don't bother them, harass them or say anything to them, I have done nothing wrong or illegal and if I were to have children it is my duty to teach them my moral values.

Sure, I agree. You have the right to believe what you choose.

When did I call anyone homophobic?


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Sure, I agree. You have the right to believe what you choose.

When did I call anyone homophobic?
You never did, True Lakers Fan is just a troll.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I really don't care what the NBA does any way - I have never watched that much of the all star games or the events any way - I have always had more important things to do, but I think Mecca brought up the correct reason that I hadn't thought about - the NBA doesn't care about any one or their human rights or whatever. They only care about the money and the threat by their sponsors which actually is just business for them.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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You didn't - Shaqdaddy who thinks she knows everything did


Well, again....

I just read the posts on this page and without taking sides.....

Calling someone vulgar and immoral is on par with calling someone homophobic.

I understand that is how you were raised, what you believe...

But, I would find it offensive if someone described me that way.

We all carry sin. I live and let live and let God sort it out in the wash.

But, I am in no way trying to tell you how to live your life.

I think the gay community deserves that courtesy as well.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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I really don't care what the NBA does any way - I have never watched that much of the all star games or the events any way - I have always had more important things to do, but I think Mecca brought up the correct reason that I hadn't thought about - the NBA doesn't care about any one or their human rights or whatever. They only care about the money and the threat by their sponsors which actually is just business for them.

Yeah, this is not me guessing either.

It is a documented fact.

In the NBA’s decision to move the All-Star Game out of Charlotte because of North Carolina’s discriminatory laws towards the LGBTQ community: Cuban: “When it came up I told Adam Silver Dallas is ready, willing and able to host if they decide to move. But honestly I haven’t heard anything back from him on that so most likely it won’t happen. The only top-level thing that I got — and this has been publicly conveyed as well — is that we had so many sponsors saying that they wouldn’t participate if we did have the game (in North Carolina). The All-Star Game is kind of like the NBA’s Super Bowl. That’s where all the parties, all of our advertisers get together. That’s really where we try to connect the players with advertisers, with fans. And if the advertisers and sponsors aren’t going to be there then that doesn’t happen.
– via Dallas Morning News

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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Well, again....

I just read the posts on this page and without taking sides.....

Calling someone vulgar and immoral is on par with calling someone homophobic.

I understand that is how you were raised, what you believe...

But, I would find it offensive if someone described me that way.

We all carry sin. I live and let live and let God sort it out in the wash.

But, I am in no way trying to tell you how to live your life.

I think the gay community deserves that courtesy as well.

That may be true for those who don't read or understand the bible or go to church, but if a person has ever been a Christian and know what people who go to church believe, then they should understand the theology behind the church doctrine. For the unbeliever - its simply that - church doctrine they don't agree with, but that doesn't give them the right to label believers with offensive terms and it's hypocritical because while they are asking everyone to be tolerant of trans-genders they are also not being tolerant of the Christian values of believers which really cancels out their credibility. I have left Shaqdaddy alone over the years because I lost any credibility for her arguments years ago and she always goes off on a rant when she doesn't agree.