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NBA Bows Down To Political Correctness

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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I don't think there's anything more that the NBA could do. I mean, what else is there that doesn't punish innocent people for what a state has done? For that matter, moving the all star game punishes innocent people.

Honestly, as a league, I don't think the NBA really has any business mixing in politics, etc. If the players want to make a statement of some sort, that's fine. It's them exercising their rights as citizens. But, imo, the league itself should stay the hell out of politics, etc.

They can't when their sponsors have made it known they will pull out of the event.



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Better make sure they cancel games in Mexico and China too.

If they can't play in NC hard to understand how they'd be ok with those two countries
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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Better make sure they cancel games in Mexico and China too.

If they can't play in NC hard to understand how they'd be ok with those two countries

You consider Mexico and China equal to the USA?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You consider Mexico and China equal to the USA?

If the NBA is truly concerned with human rights (and that is supposedly why they can't play in NC) why should they be playing in those countries that are significantly worse than anywhere in the US?

It has nothing to do with the US being better or worse, human rights are not relative based on the country, they are absolute. What is a crime vs human rights in america is a crime vs human rights in china/mexico.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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They can't when their sponsors have made it known they will pull out of the event.


Yeah, it's definitely a bit of a catch-22 for the league. They really shouldn't be mixing in politics/trying to make social statements, but when sponsors speak, they kind of have to listen.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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If the NBA is truly concerned with human rights (and that is supposedly why they can't play in NC) why should they be playing in those countries that are significantly worse than anywhere in the US?

It has nothing to do with the US being better or worse, human rights are not relative based on the country, they are absolute. What is a crime vs human rights in america is a crime vs human rights in china/mexico.

You can't force other countries to follow your policies when they aren't even country wide in the USA. It's insane that this isn't covered by federal law, as all human and civil rights issues should be. This is what happens when you let states make their own human rights or civil rights decisions.


Jun 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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They can't when their sponsors have made it known they will pull out of the event.

Exactly. I want my sports and politics separate just as much as the next guy or gal, but it's just not realistic. Everybody's got bills to pay, and a certain look to maintain.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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People are people, human rights violations are human rights violations. Amirite?

There's more basketball fans in China then there are people in the USA. The NBA won't risk losing money in that market any more than they'll keep the All Star game in Charlotte and lose sponsors over it.

Capitalism at it's finest.

There's one group happy about the decision. The Charlotte P.D. After what happened in Vegas a few years back it's all hands on deck when the NBA all star game comes to town


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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My fix? This isn't my fix. This is fact!

The city of Charlotte passed pro-LGBT legislation. The state, IN RESPONSE, passed this anti-LGBT legislation that got the NBA all riled up.

The NBA should be supporting the city of Charlotte because the city of Charlotte is in opposition to the state's stance on this issue.

But, instead, they are going to punish the city of Charlotte for the actions of a state legislature that the city of Charlotte is opposed to!

Good grief, how much clearer do I have to make it. The city of Charlotte loses the most out of this and they were the ones who were pro-LGBT to begin with.

Had they not put their neck on the line for the LGBT community and come into contradiction with their state legislature, they never would have lost the All Star Game.

That is not my fix. That is a fact!

The NBA should be supporting the city of Charlotte for their stance.

Not throwing them under the bus just to look good to idiotic SJWs on social media.

You can't support the city separate from the state. It is a state law and the sponsors are pulling out of the event. Like I said, the city of Charlotte needs to put that much more pressure on their state government to correct this issue. The NBA has given Charlotte the opportunity to get the all-star game back in 2 years if this issue is addressed.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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There's more basketball fans in China then there are people in the USA. The NBA won't risk losing money in that market any more than they'll keep the All Star game in Charlotte and lose sponsors over it.

Capitalism at it's finest.

There's one group happy about the decision. The Charlotte P.D. After what happened in Vegas a few years back it's all hands on deck when the NBA all star game comes to town

You are 100% correct.

I actually went to that All Star game and I have never been more afraid in my LIFE!!!

I was locked inside the LA County Jail for 12 hours, with no power, and only emergency lights with myself, another female ofc and a male Deputy, who was smaller than me, in his first month on the job and 220 inmates.

That was a day at the beach compared to walking down the street in Vegas during that All Star weekend.

Seriously, it reminded me of the riots after the Rodney King verdict...that's how fucking bad it was.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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Yeah, it's definitely a bit of a catch-22 for the league. They really shouldn't be mixing in politics/trying to make social statements, but when sponsors speak, they kind of have to listen.

Yeah, listen.....

I don't for 2 seconds believe the NBA is doing this for ONLY honorable intentions....lol

I doubt they would have taken this action without the pressure from sponsors.

How noble could they be if they allowed Donald Sterling to walk amongst their ranks for so many years?

The only reason they were able to steal his team was because we live in the age of social media. Had the world not heard that recording, that piece of shit would still be sitting courtside at Staples Center.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's gone. But, Stern knew what he was and let it continue and like with this issue, Silver had to bow to public pressure to please the Sponsors.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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Would you feel the same way if this bill was for allowing racial discrimination instead of LGBT?
Sorry, but it's not the same - Racial discrimination will never be on the same page as life styles that are not approved up by the general public. I get it that the gay community wants to do what they want to do, but that does not mean Christians have to approve of it or support those choices. Transgender is even worse, however because it enables men to dress up as women, claiming to be something they aren't and targeting young girls in public bathrooms. If a guy wants to pretend he is a woman - I will be more than glad to leave him alone or her is she is pretending to be a man - don't ask me to say that's normal behavior.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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You are 100% correct.

I actually went to that All Star game and I have never been more afraid in my LIFE!!!

I was locked inside the LA County Jail for 12 hours, with no power, and only emergency lights with myself, another female ofc and a male Deputy, who was smaller than me, in his first month on the job and 220 inmates.

That was a day at the beach compared to walking down the street in Vegas during that All Star weekend.

Seriously, it reminded me of the riots after the Rodney King verdict...that's how fucking bad it was.
You know I remember the Rodney King riots like it was yesterday - at the time I had just started doing audits and remember many white conservative business owners telling me that the blacks were all coming to get us. They got a bit upset when I pointed out that it was few thugs doing most of the looting and plundering and was not a full blown riot like many thought. Then a few months later I was offered an auditing position that took downtown into Los Angeles all the way south To Compton on Crenshaw business and audited businesses left and right. I remember on family asking me for a jump because their car wouldn't start and I gladly helped. Many people thought I was crazy because as a white male I was helping black people in a black neighborhood, but that is how my parents raised me and none of us were ever afraid and we had and I still have more black friends then I do white ones. I also remember the riots after Martin Luther King was murdered and we went to a church right after us, I think a few of the black people looked at my mother like she was nuts, but never said a thing. The pastor at the time was affiliated with a man named Bishop Bowden who was the most respected preacher in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. The man knew both of my parents because they owned a church in Compton back in the 50's - so being scared was something I never had enough common sense to do
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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Sorry, but it's not the same - Racial discrimination will never be on the same page as life styles that are not approved up by the general public. I get it that the gay community wants to do what they want to do, but that does not mean Christians have to approve of it or support those choices. Transgender is even worse, however because it enables men to dress up as women, claiming to be something they aren't and targeting young girls in public bathrooms. If a guy wants to pretend he is a woman - I will be more than glad to leave him alone or her is she is pretending to be a man - don't ask me to say that's normal behavior.

Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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Sorry, but it's not the same - Racial discrimination will never be on the same page as life styles that are not approved up by the general public. I get it that the gay community wants to do what they want to do, but that does not mean Christians have to approve of it or support those choices. Transgender is even worse, however because it enables men to dress up as women, claiming to be something they aren't and targeting young girls in public bathrooms. If a guy wants to pretend he is a woman - I will be more than glad to leave him alone or her is she is pretending to be a man - don't ask me to say that's normal behavior.

You couldn't sound more homophobic if you tried.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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You can't support the city separate from the state. It is a state law and the sponsors are pulling out of the event. Like I said, the city of Charlotte needs to put that much more pressure on their state government to correct this issue. The NBA has given Charlotte the opportunity to get the all-star game back in 2 years if this issue is addressed.

But that's the cowards way out just as the NBA is taking the cowards way out. Had Charlotte not passed their own bill then there would be no state bill protecting business owners from having an agenda forced upon them. The NBA has set s precedent now and will look like massive hypocrites even more than they currently do with their double standard of choosing the tranny bill over the BLM movement.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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You know I remember the Rodney King riots like it was yesterday - at the time I had just started doing audits and remember many white conservative business owners telling me that the blacks were all coming to get us. They got a bit upset when I pointed out that it was few thugs doing most of the looting and plundering and was not a full blown riot like many thought. Then a few months later I was offered an auditing position that took downtown into Los Angeles all the way south To Compton on Crenshaw business and audited businesses left and right. I remember on family asking me for a jump because their car wouldn't start and I gladly helped. Many people thought I was crazy because as a white male I was helping black people in a black neighborhood, but that is how my parents raised me and none of us were ever afraid and we had and I still have more black friends then I do white ones. I also remember the riots after Martin Luther King was murdered and we went to a church right after us, I think a few of the black people looked at my mother like she was nuts, but never said a thing. The pastor at the time was affiliated with a man named Bishop Bowden who was the most respected preacher in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. The man knew both of my parents because they owned a church in Compton back in the 50's - so being scared was something I never had enough common sense to do

That's outstanding.

My Family looks like the United Nations.

So, I get along with everyone.
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