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NBA Bows Down To Political Correctness

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, this is not me guessing either.

It is a documented fact.

In the NBA’s decision to move the All-Star Game out of Charlotte because of North Carolina’s discriminatory laws towards the LGBTQ community: Cuban: “When it came up I told Adam Silver Dallas is ready, willing and able to host if they decide to move. But honestly I haven’t heard anything back from him on that so most likely it won’t happen. The only top-level thing that I got — and this has been publicly conveyed as well — is that we had so many sponsors saying that they wouldn’t participate if we did have the game (in North Carolina). The All-Star Game is kind of like the NBA’s Super Bowl. That’s where all the parties, all of our advertisers get together. That’s really where we try to connect the players with advertisers, with fans. And if the advertisers and sponsors aren’t going to be there then that doesn’t happen.
– via Dallas Morning News

It always comes down to the money - lol
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That may be true for those who don't read or understand the bible or go to church, but if a person has ever been a Christian and know what people who go to church believe, then they should understand the theology behind the church doctrine. For the unbeliever - its simply that - church doctrine they don't agree with, but that doesn't give them the right to label believers with offensive terms and it's hypocritical because while they are asking everyone to be tolerant of trans-genders they are also not being tolerant of the Christian values of believers which really cancels out their credibility. I have left Shaqdaddy alone over the years because I lost any credibility for her arguments years ago and she always goes off on a rant when she doesn't agree.

So you think calling a group of people with different views and values to you 'vulgar' and 'immoral' is the same as me calling you a fucking moron for thinking that?

You need to get checked out TLF because there's something seriously wrong with you.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Either way - they can do what they want - I have no children to worry about and I know how to protect myself in the men's restrooms in the event that women dressed up as men decide to enter. They should just take the signs off and make all bathrooms available to both sexes without prejudice any way - I had to take my mother into the women's room many times before she died and eventually took her to the men's room because I felt more comfortable with her in the private stall. In general the men understood what I was doing and why and they didn't have the potential to freak out like the women did and they never did say anything to me. In Ca it is legal for the attendant of the opposite sex to enter with a handicapped person. The other alternative if you don't like it is to pee at home


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I was responding to some one else dumbshit - and I did explain that to her after she asked me that question
Maybe you should think first before posting another stupid comment.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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That may be true for those who don't read or understand the bible or go to church, but if a person has ever been a Christian and know what people who go to church believe, then they should understand the theology behind the church doctrine. For the unbeliever - its simply that - church doctrine they don't agree with, but that doesn't give them the right to label believers with offensive terms and it's hypocritical because while they are asking everyone to be tolerant of trans-genders they are also not being tolerant of the Christian values of believers which really cancels out their credibility. I have left Shaqdaddy alone over the years because I lost any credibility for her arguments years ago and she always goes off on a rant when she doesn't agree.

I understand your point, I just don't agree with it.

No sin is larger than the next.

People pick and choose which ones to rally against and which ones to turn a blind eye to.

Look at SOME, not all, Catholic Churches.

Let's rally against homosexuality. But, let's continue to let our Priests r*pe our children.

Some A.M.E. Black Churches...

Let's renounce the homosexuals. But, let's pay our womanizing Preacher's millions of dollars, a private jet and several million dollars homes while they have babies out of wedlock.

I'm not pointing the finger at you, nor your religion because I don't know you.

But, the hypocrisy of some of these religious factions is SUFFOCATING.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I said nothing wrong - not my fault you were too stupid to understand
You seem to be apologizing all the time. Maybe you should read your comment first before being in such a hurry to post it.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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So you think calling a group of people with different views and values to you 'vulgar' and 'immoral' is the same as me calling you a fucking moron for thinking that?

You need to get checked out TLF because there's something seriously wrong with you.

Yeah, offensive is offensive.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I understand your point, I just don't agree with it.

No sin is larger than the next.

People pick and choose which ones to rally against and which ones to turn a blind eye to.

Look at SOME, not all, Catholic Churches.

Let's rally against homosexuality. But, let's continue to let our Priests r*pe our children.

Some A.M.E. Black Churches...

Let's renounce the homosexuals. But, let's pay our womanizing Preacher's millions of dollars, a private jet and several million dollars homes while they have babies out of wedlock.

I'm not pointing the finger at you, nor your religion because I don't know you.

But, the hypocrisy of some of these religious factions is SUFFOCATING.
I think I'm going to get out of this converstation - If you want to continue this one, we need to take it to the politics room, but from the point of view of believing in God, remember this; God is not an organization and God does not necessarily agree with the rules and regulations created by the leaders in those organizations such as the P.C.A.F., A.M.E., C.G.O.I.C, P.A.W, U.P.C.I. and others - the standard should always be the same - I understand what you're saying about sin, but you can't run with it's okay to sin just because every one has sin. If you see something that is a sin per the bible - you have to stand against it, but I don't harass drug addicts, thieves and etc either. I try to help them understand that there are better things in life then what this world has to offer. The world has self gratification that goes no where, but God goes further. No one is bothering these people or stopping them from their lifestyle so I will leave this final comment - if all you parents are comfortable with men dressed up as women, coming into the bathroom stalls while your little girls are also in their - that is your business and choice. Having witnessed a few things, I am just don't trust people quite as much though and I consider it a risky.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I thought you were referring to me too.

I didn't want to have another misunderstanding like we did last time, that I'm still very sorry for, that's why I asked.
This statement was directed for something different that gunsandprick said and an insult that he ignorantly threw at me - fyi
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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I think I'm going to get out of this converstation - If you want to continue this one, we need to take it to the politics room, but from the point of view of believing in God, remember this; God is not an organization and God does not necessarily agree with the rules and regulations created by the leaders in those organizations such as the P.C.A.F., A.M.E., C.G.O.I.C, P.A.W, U.P.C.I. and others - the standard should always be the same - I understand what you're saying about sin, but you can't run with it's okay to sin just because every one has sin. If you see something that is a sin per the bible - you have to stand against it, but I don't harass drug addicts, thieves and etc either. I try to help them understand that there are better things in life then what this world has to offer. The world has self gratification that goes no where, but God goes further. No one is bothering these people or stopping them from their lifestyle so I will leave this final comment - if all you parents are comfortable with men dressed up as women, coming into the bathroom stalls while your little girls are also in their - that is your business and choice. Having witnessed a few things, I am just don't trust people quite as much though and I consider it a risky.

"These people"

:L unbelievable

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I think I'm going to get out of this converstation - If you want to continue this one, we need to take it to the politics room, but from the point of view of believing in God, remember this; God is not an organization and God does not necessarily agree with the rules and regulations created by the leaders in those organizations such as the P.C.A.F., A.M.E., C.G.O.I.C, P.A.W, U.P.C.I. and others - the standard should always be the same - I understand what you're saying about sin, but you can't run with it's okay to sin just because every one has sin. If you see something that is a sin per the bible - you have to stand against it, but I don't harass drug addicts, thieves and etc either. I try to help them understand that there are better things in life then what this world has to offer. The world has self gratification that goes no where, but God goes further. No one is bothering these people or stopping them from their lifestyle so I will leave this final comment - if all you parents are comfortable with men dressed up as women, coming into the bathroom stalls while your little girls are also in their - that is your business and choice. Having witnessed a few things, I am just don't trust people quite as much though and I consider it a risky.

I would be willing to bet money that you have not seen half as much as I have.

I was a Corrections Ofc. for 14 years, Military Police for 8.

I have seen the worst of humanity up close and personal.

I agree that we should probably end this conversation and agree to disagree.

Because, I find it terribly disturbing that you are lumping being gay in with preying on children in a bathroom.

Gay does not automatically equal pedophilia.

That is fear mongering at its worst.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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I would be willing to bet money that you have not seen half as much as I have.

I was a Corrections Ofc. for 14 years, Military Police for 8.

I have seen the worst of humanity up close and personal.

I agree that we should probably end this conversation and agree to disagree.

Because, I find it terribly disturbing that you are lumping being gay in with preying on children in a bathroom.

Gay does not automatically equal pedophilia.

That is fear mongering at its worst.
You missed my point - gay is what it is and there fine communities all over the nation where they bother no one, so let me say it again

If you as a parent is comfortable with sending your 10 year daughter into the restroom or taking in the restroom knowing that there is a man disguised as a woman in there at the same time, then I will submit to your discretion as a parent. That's your choice and right. I consider it risky, not because I think all gays or transgenders are dangerous - they aren't. I consider risky because the actual criminals engaged in molesting children have an easier venue to monitor and attack children without being detected. If I am wrong on that - then I am wrong

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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I consider risky because the actual criminals engaged in molesting children have an easier venue to monitor and attack children without being detected. If I am wrong on that - then I am wrong

Yes, it's called Church. That's were the most children have been prayed on for years.

As a Christian, don't you find what I just said offensive?

It's got to be a kick in the balls to be lumped in with the bad guys.

Welcome to being black, gay, Muslim, Hispanic, Christian and WHITE, Republican, Democratic..etc, etc...

One bad apple ruins the whole bunch.