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NBA Bows Down To Political Correctness

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Yes, it's called Church. That's were the most children have been prayed on for years.

As a Christian, don't you find what I just said offensive?

It's got to be a kick in the balls to be lumped in with the bad guys.

Welcome to being black, gay, Muslim, Hispanic, Christian and WHITE, Republican, Democratic..etc, etc...

One bad apple ruins the whole bunch.
It has happened in a lot of churches and I am still dealing with people that claimed it happened by a pastor I new 50 years ago. The only problem is - I fail to understand how it was possible for the child to be fondled by the pastor who was driving the vehicle when his wife was sitting in the front seat next to him and the mother and brothers right behind him. I have a credibility problem with that one. The priests in the catholic church was a serious problem and in fact it is a standard insurance coverage to provide pastors and ministers with insurance in case they get accused. That being said, however I have always heard that the potential comes from family members. As a single man who has never been married, I was taught 40 years ago to be extra careful, so even last Christmas, I put my nieces children on the floor to play after being in my lap a few minutes. I'm cautious and that's the way I run - if someone considers that being paranoid - then that's fine because I'm not in jail - I consider my life to valuable to go there. For me it has always been a security issue, but my brother never let his children go alone before they became teens and I always stood at the women's door outside and waited while he monitored the son. We took strong approaches to protecting the children. The best way is for businesses to have two bathrooms where only one person or family can use it at a time. Taco Bell has done that and no one has complained and it eliminates all potential complaints
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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As a single man who has never been married, I was taught 40 years ago to be extra careful, so even last Christmas, I put my nieces children on the floor to play after being in my lap a few minutes. I'm cautious and that's the way I run - if someone considers that being paranoid - then that's fine because I'm not in jail

So you put the kids on the floor because you're worried you might get turned on, or you put them on the floor because you're worried a family member might call you a paedophile during a family holiday?

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So you put the kids on the floor because you're worried you might get turned on, or you put them on the floor because you're worried a family member might call you a paedophile during a family holiday?
It was the first time I saw them since they were born - I hadn't had much communication with my niece since she married and had children - White people tend to get paranoid more and I was familiar with how she felt on some things, so I felt they should be playing and having fun

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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It has happened in a lot of churches and I am still dealing with people that claimed it happened by a pastor I new 50 years ago. The only problem is - I fail to understand how it was possible for the child to be fondled by the pastor who was driving the vehicle when his wife was sitting in the front seat next to him and the mother and brothers right behind him. I have a credibility problem with that one. The priests in the catholic church was a serious problem and in fact it is a standard insurance coverage to provide pastors and ministers with insurance in case they get accused. That being said, however I have always heard that the potential comes from family members. As a single man who has never been married, I was taught 40 years ago to be extra careful, so even last Christmas, I put my nieces children on the floor to play after being in my lap a few minutes. I'm cautious and that's the way I run - if someone considers that being paranoid - then that's fine because I'm not in jail - I consider my life to valuable to go there. For me it has always been a security issue, but my brother never let his children go alone before they became teens and I always stood at the women's door outside and waited while he monitored the son. We took strong approaches to protecting the children. The best way is for businesses to have two bathrooms where only one person or family can use it at a time. Taco Bell has done that and no one has complained and it eliminates all potential complaints

Unfortunately, you have to be a little paranoid to live in this world.

I am a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure kind of girl.

But, I wouldn't think twice if I saw my husband, brother uncle with a child in their lap unless they gave me reason to believe they were pedophiles.

My daughters are 11 and 12 and they don't go anywhere by themselves.

It's not just men you have to worry about. People who pray on children come in all shapes, sizes, races and sexual orientations.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Unfortunately, you have to be a little paranoid to live in this world.

I am a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure kind of girl.

But, I wouldn't think twice if I saw my husband, brother uncle with a child in their lap unless they gave me reason to believe they were pedophiles.
No, I wouldn't either but have seen enough where some simply don't want any one touching their children while others don't mind. My neighbor is Mexican and they have been really good to me and I have been good with their children. I have even ran the boys off the roof, ordered them to quit jumping on their brother's car and about dozen other things those two rascals get into, When I am not close to some one, I am simply more cautious and mindful that each family has their own rules. My nieces, really took up with me really well as did my nephew's kids - we are all good. The only one I really try to avoid is one of my sisters and my brother. The are republicans and I am democratic and they place a high value of politics before family where I am concerned. Some of them were pretty upset when a friend of theirs asked me if I was sad and lonely since my mother passed and I said no because I have plenty of friends and people in the church. They were secretly hoping I was miserable and at their mercy for family purposes. I am at no one's mercy


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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For the unbeliever - its simply that - church doctrine they don't agree with, but that doesn't give them the right to label believers with offensive terms and it's hypocritical because while they are asking everyone to be tolerant of trans-genders they are also not being tolerant of the Christian values of believers which really cancels out their credibility.

But saying someone who lives a lifestyle that you don't approve of is vulgar and immoral is somehow not offensive?

As Christians are we not told to respond to others with love?

Are we not told to not judge others, lest we be judged?

Are we not told to love the sinner, but hate the sin?

Are we not told about pointing out the sliver in another's eye while ignoring the log in our own?

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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But saying someone who lives a lifestyle that you don't approve of is vulgar and immoral is somehow not offensive?

As Christians are we not told to respond to others with love?

Are we not told to not judge others, lest we be judged?

Are we not told to love the sinner, but hate the sin?

Are we not told about pointing out the sliver in another's eye while ignoring the log in our own?
When did I say anything about hating them? Consider this: You disagree the actions of a person without hating them. You can disapprove of their lifestyle without condemning them. Consider this: Jesus told the adulterous woman that he did not condemn her and to go her away but not to sin again. On the other hand Muhammad the prophet told the adulterous woman to come back after the holy month had passed and then he had her buried from the neck down and had her stoned to death. Now I haven't seen any one being condemned and I haven't went around tell people what to do or what not to do - and have left them to live their lives as they please. Now please tell me where I have went wrong here.

One question on this transgender stuff though comes to my mind. What happens when a transgender wants to go into the women's locker room to dress and undress with the biological women and young girls? How are you going to feel when you know that your daughter is changing clothes in front of some dude that appears to be a woman. I see young kids going to the gym every day and using the swimming pool. Are you okay with that? Honestly all I have said is that it is risky because it opens the door for sexual predators to disguise themselves as transgendered women for their own personal gain. Other than that I have no quarrel with any of them and they can do anything they like. I have always treated everyone except for my pain in the ass sister and brother with respect. Two of my five siblings however do not get my respect until they decide to show the respect that I believe I deserve.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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Unfortunately, you have to be a little paranoid to live in this world.

I am a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure kind of girl.

But, I wouldn't think twice if I saw my husband, brother uncle with a child in their lap unless they gave me reason to believe they were pedophiles.

My daughters are 11 and 12 and they don't go anywhere by themselves.

It's not just men you have to worry about. People who pray on children come in all shapes, sizes, races and sexual orientations.

Not paranoid - just asking some legitimate questions. Growing up my mother God love her let us go all over the creation alone when were as young as eight years old. Cold chills go up my spine thinking about kids doing that today, but sooner or later you will have to give your daughters some freedom. That is how they grow up and I assume you have already taught them some survival skills. Personally I would enroll them into karate as well, but make sure you take the same classes so they can't beat you up:lol:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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When did I say anything about hating them? Consider this: You disagree the actions of a person without hating them. You can disapprove of their lifestyle without condemning them. Consider this: Jesus told the adulterous woman that he did not condemn her and to go her away but not to sin again. On the other hand Muhammad the prophet told the adulterous woman to come back after the holy month had passed and then he had her buried from the neck down and had her stoned to death. Now I haven't seen any one being condemned and I haven't went around tell people what to do or what not to do - and have left them to live their lives as they please. Now please tell me where I have went wrong here.

Calling someone "vulgar and offensive" seems fairly hateful. Not to mention, judgmental.

One question on this transgender stuff though comes to my mind. What happens when a transgender wants to go into the women's locker room to dress and undress with the biological women and young girls? How are you going to feel when you know that your daughter is changing clothes in front of some dude that appears to be a woman. I see young kids going to the gym every day and using the swimming pool. Are you okay with that? Honestly all I have said is that it is risky because it opens the door for sexual predators to disguise themselves as transgendered women for their own personal gain. Other than that I have no quarrel with any of them and they can do anything they like. I have always treated everyone except for my pain in the ass sister and brother with respect. Two of my five siblings however do not get my respect until they decide to show the respect that I believe I deserve.

So, when did the crime wave of sexual predators dressing up as women so they can assault young girls and women happen? I seem to have missed it. If a predator is going to assault someone in a bathroom or locker room, they aren't going to worry about dressing up like a woman to do it.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Calling someone "vulgar and offensive" seems fairly hateful. Not to mention, judgmental.

So, when did the crime wave of sexual predators dressing up as women so they can assault young girls and women happen? I seem to have missed it. If a predator is going to assault someone in a bathroom or locker room, they aren't going to worry about dressing up like a woman to do it.

The only thing I remember calling vulgar and offensive is some of the posters in here and Donald Trump. He is always that category and I never said there was a crime way or will be. I said it has that potential to happen, but hey if you trust people to do the right thing, that's no problem with me. I don't have children to worry about.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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My exact words - were that calling another person "homophobic" was an offensive and vulgar term. It's a common trick to pull the debate into the pro-gay/transgender argument their way. I stand on what I said. I do not approve of those lifestyles, but I do not bother them and I haven't bothered them. On the same token, I am not required to agree with anyone insisting that I am homophobic if I don't approve and I again repeat - calling me homophobic is offensive


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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The only thing I remember calling vulgar and offensive is some of the posters in here and Donald Trump.

You referred to it as a "vulgar lifestyle" which ius essentially the same thing.

Just because a person does not respect or approve of such vulgar lifestyles does not mean they are afraid of them.

Then, you dropped this gem:

Transgender is even worse, however because it
enables men to dress up as women, claiming to be something they aren't and targeting young girls in public bathrooms.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You referred to it as a "vulgar lifestyle" which ius essentially the same thing.

Then, you dropped this gem:

Fair enough - I forgot how sensitive and some in here are and how quickly they get hurt when they hear an opinion they don't agree with. I think I started to talk about something else and got sidetracked though because I usually don't refer to the gays or transgenders as vulgar lifestyles. Again my apology and I will try to remember how sensitive some are to alternate opinions

Rust Cohle

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May 24, 2016
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Why do gays always get thrown into the same category as Trans? I've always been pro-gay rights, but I think Trans need to use the bathroom of they gender they look like. Nobody is saying they can't use the restroom at all, but stop being so god dam pushy. Caitlin Jenner should use the women's room, but while he/she was Bruce, he/she should have been using the men's room.

Also, what about my rights as a normal person (I'll never refer to myself as cis and anyone who does is a bitch)? I'm not comfortable with some butch looking "woman" strutting into the bathroom, while I'm taking a leak. Seriously, how long before they just say fuck it and do away with men's and women's locker rooms?

Rust Cohle

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May 24, 2016
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Fair enough - I forgot how sensitive and some in here are and how quickly they get hurt when they hear an opinion they don't agree with. I think I started to talk about something else and got sidetracked though because I usually don't refer to the gays or transgenders as vulgar lifestyles. Again my apology and I will try to remember how sensitive some are to alternate opinions

Again, trans is different than gay. Gay is no different than straight guys preferring ass or tits. Trans is just this weird frankenstein-esque transformation. I can't say I think it's wrong, but I'll never be comfortable being around those people.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Again, trans is different than gay. Gay is no different than straight guys preferring ass or tits. Trans is just this weird frankenstein-esque transformation. I can't say I think it's wrong, but I'll never be comfortable being around those people.
You know though -it might be that as a society we are over-thinking it. The nudist resorts in Europe are extremely common and they never have problems. The men, women and children do everything in the buff and again no problems, so perhaps it's time to lighten up. Who care if a woman is undressing next to me in the locker? It's not as if she will see something that will scare the crap out of her. I have noticed young kids in those resorts don't get excited or scared about each other and are very calm - It's all in the approach. We are taught to be distrust certain people like that as kids, but we are living in a different world now. One thing for sure - It's not something that worth fighting over - Live Long and Prosper

Rust Cohle

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May 24, 2016
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You know though -it might be that as a society we are over-thinking it. The nudist resorts in Europe are extremely common and they never have problems. The men, women and children do everything in the buff and again no problems, so perhaps it's time to lighten up. Who care if a woman is undressing next to me in the locker? It's not as if she will see something that will scare the crap out of her. I have noticed young kids in those resorts don't get excited or scared about each other and are very calm - It's all in the approach. We are taught to be distrust certain people like that as kids, but we are living in a different world now. One thing for sure - It's not something that worth fighting over - Live Long and Prosper

That's Europe, this is America, and frankly Europe's not as good. I wouldn't mind changing rooms if the girls were hot, but unfortunately you have to let the bull dykes and gross old ladies as well. It's already bad enough with old men who have actual conversations totally nude with their massive gray bush and flopping junk just hanging out.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That's Europe, this is America, and frankly Europe's not as good. I wouldn't mind changing rooms if the girls were hot, but unfortunately you have to let the bull dykes and gross old ladies as well. It's already bad enough with old men who have actual conversations totally nude with their massive gray bush and flopping junk just hanging out.
That's just it though - in those resorts, its the good and the ugly - they don't get worked up over it because they have seen everyone's naked body and seen it all. Not a pleasant thing to see and you certainly don't want to see your parents in the buff or having sex, but without sex you wouldn't be here, so there are no surprises.

Rust Cohle

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May 24, 2016
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That's just it though - in those resorts, its the good and the ugly - they don't get worked up over it because they have seen everyone's naked body and seen it all. Not a pleasant thing to see and you certainly don't want to see your parents in the buff or having sex, but without sex you wouldn't be here, so there are no surprises.

Again, that's Europe and a lot of European countries are filled with pussified men. I'm not uptight about sex at all, but there's certain boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, seeing your parents naked/banging is one of them.