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Golden Tate calls Seahawks contract offer "laughable"


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Jul 3, 2013
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He's not throwing away half his salary for the same job. He's declining the job because he doesn't feel the salary is worth beating up his body for.

If you can't see the obvious distinction nobody on the planet can help you.

It's ego bro… Plain and simple… He'll beat his body up for 10 but not for 7… In that case walk away regardless… He's a situational pass rusher here anyway and won't have the load he had in Minny so that = less wear and tear regardless…


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Apr 17, 2013
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What does his last situation have anything to do with anything? For him. To consider it worth his time, it needs a certain level of compensation. The 40% more he's holding out for is the same substantial amount we were discussing about Tate, btw. That is a massive difference and hugely tilts the scales towards being worth taking an extra year of beatings.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I wouldn't say nobody… Pro athletes have allot of ego when it comes to there contracts and it's to the point where it's like monopoly money really… Look at what Jared Allen was saying… If he doesn't get 10 mil a year or so he's gonna just retire…. So instead of making 6-7 million he would rather earn NOTHING ? It's just crazy when you consider 7 Mill a year isn't worth playing a game for but if you make 10 Mil it's all good…. lol it's crazy when you think about it…

The comparisons aren't really the same. For one, Jared Allen has already made a lot money. So now he has the option to walk away and spend the rest of his days hunting. He also is right to have a certain value attached to his production. He's been one of the most productive players in the league for years. If you can retire today with 50 mil in savings and in good health, or in 3 years with 60 mil in savings and most likely irreparable physical damage, I can understand drawing a hard line when it comes to compensation. I know it seems like monopoly money to us, but thats because its not ours. To them its very real and their compensation is relative to the market. The reason why these guys expect a lot of money is very simple, its because they are producers in an extremely lucrative business in which a very small amount of people even get the opportunity to produce.


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Jul 3, 2013
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It's gonna be very interesting to see what he signed for…


Jul 20, 2013
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Thanks Tate for your contributions but they have a whole team of spectacular players and it comes down to pick and choosing who they really want and need. I agree with the direction the team is taking in battening down the trenches most importantly. Good luck in Detroit, you should catch some real attention there.


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Apr 21, 2013
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It'll be interesting to see the kind of reception Tate gets when the Lions come to Seattle in 2015. I doubt he'll get the A-Rod treatment unless he repeatedly badmouths the organization between now and the game in 2015, but it wouldn't surprise me if the reaction was mixed. Some people will always cheer him because he was part of the first Seahawks team to win a Super Bowl. Others will see a guy who said he'd take less to stay not long before taking a lot more to go and then followed that up by chastising the Seahawks for their offer. Still others won't be bothered so much by his jumping ship as by how he handled the aftermath of jumping ship.

It's also possible that enough time will have passed by then that everything will be water under the bridge and he'll get a nice ovation. We'll see. I'm prepared for anything to happen at this point.


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
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It'll be interesting to see the kind of reception Tate gets when the Lions come to Seattle in 2015. I doubt he'll get the A-Rod treatment unless he repeatedly badmouths the organization between now and the game in 2015, but it wouldn't surprise me if the reaction was mixed. Some people will always cheer him because he was part of the first Seahawks team to win a Super Bowl. Others will see a guy who said he'd take less to stay not long before taking a lot more to go and then followed that up by chastising the Seahawks for their offer. Still others won't be bothered so much by his jumping ship as by how he handled the aftermath of jumping ship.

It's also possible that enough time will have passed by then that everything will be water under the bridge and he'll get a nice ovation. We'll see. I'm prepared for anything to happen at this point.
He has a Hines Ward-type attitude. By the time we see him again, he will be generally hated league-wide


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He has a Hines Ward-type attitude. By the time we see him again, he will be generally hated league-wide

:agree: Tate's problem is that he wanted to make more than he was worth to this team. The Hawks offered him what they felt he was worth to the them and were not going to overpay him. In a pass first offense, like Detroit, he is worth much more than he was in our run first offense. I wish him well, but I have a feeling he will generally be boo'd when he comes back, not quite with the same venom as with Arod, but the boos will outnumber the cheers.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
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I agree with the comments by slayer and STBR.
The Hawks had X amount of $'s available and that is what they offered Tate.

Because we have GREAT management, and Because we have Thomas, Wilson, and Sherman everyone in the Front Office did their DD, and offered what was available in order to sign the big 3 and NOT offer what he (Tate) is worth on the open market, because THAT would risk not signing one of the BIG 3. And the FO was not going to let that happen.

I'm sorry Tate had to go. but those were the economics of the Seahawk financial situation.


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Jul 3, 2013
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I agree with the comments by slayer and STBR.
The Hawks had X amount of $'s available and that is what they offered Tate.

Because we have GREAT management, and Because we have Thomas, Wilson, and Sherman everyone in the Front Office did their DD, and offered what was available in order to sign the big 3 and NOT offer what he (Tate) is worth on the open market, because THAT would risk not signing one of the BIG 3. And the FO was not going to let that happen.

I'm sorry Tate had to go. but those were the economics of the Seahawk financial situation.

True story…


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
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I don't blame Tate for taking the money. Honestly its a smart decision on his part. But the dude is a dick, plain and simple. As fans, we let him get away with a lot but look at at game film of the guy. Way before that taunt during the St. Louis game he was a show boater. Not in a Sherman-banter way, but in a cocky, look at me, sort of way. Add in the Hines Ward-type blind side blocks that send helpless receivers flying, and his off the field tweets bitching about fans saying anything other than how amazing he is. PLUS the dude is from Notre Dame. IDK, maybe I'm biased. I gave the guy a chance, but once I saw his true colors I never liked him, which is tough because I am a TOTAL homer with my Seahawks. Now I can hate him all the more freely