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Golden Tate calls Seahawks contract offer "laughable"


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I doubt the Hawks offered him "40% less". That sounds like Tate hyperbole to me. I'm sure Seattle's offer was reasonable. Plus outside of Detroit were there any other teams willing to pay big to get Tate? If there was then maybe he has a point, but I'd bet most teams offers were probably more in line with Seattle's numbers than Detroit's.

I liked Tate a lot and I hope he does well in Detroit but I'm not sure we needed to pay him what Detroit is and I'm also not sure he'll be missed as much as he thinks he will since Harvin will fully back into the offense and Kearse's game seems to be stepped up.

I don't think there is any reason to believe that he's lying. By the way this offseason has gone, I would say that the hawks have lowballed a lot of players not named Michael Bennett, both free agents and home grown players. And I'm ok with that if it helps keep Sherm, ET and Wilson for the long term.

And I also think that just because the hawks gave him an offer, it doesn't mean thats the value that they believe he brings. I'm sure the hawks would have been happy to sign him to that same contract or slightly less if their cap situation was different. But unfortuntely there are just bigger fish to fry.


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Wasn't Tate who said at the beginning of the offseason he would take less to stay in Seattle... So much for that huh.

Less != 40% less

Assuming his numbers are accurate (which a lot of reports put close to that), that's a far shot from a discount.


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I never understand fans who get mad at players for taking the money and running, when the organization can (red, rice, clemons) just cut the player at any time they want.

I ALSO never understand Players who see what 100- maybe even 1000 fans on Twitter who are bashing him and think its an entire fan base.

But whatever thats whta I dont like about social media as a whole. Too many people have a voice. Golden ask yourself this, Why do you give a flying flip what Frank from Maple Valley has to say?????


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If tate would have just said at the beginning of the offseason something like

"it was memorable what i accomplished here in seattle and i will never forget the fans here, however I would like to explore the free agent market and weigh my options. Its in the best interest for me to find the most lucrative deal possible wether it is here in seattle or in another organization"

If he would have said something along the lines of that we would all be happy for tate moving on and getting his money


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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If tate would have just said at the beginning of the offseason something like

"it was memorable what i accomplished here in seattle and i will never forget the fans here, however I would like to explore the free agent market and weigh my options. Its in the best interest for me to find the most lucrative deal possible wether it is here in seattle or in another organization"

If he would have said something along the lines of that we would all be happy for tate moving on and getting his money

IMO, he just never saw that low of an offer coming. I could see being blindsided by that. I understand the valuation by the Seahawks of their situation, but I can understand the feeling of disrespect by getting an offer from a team that you helped build by paying you Ted Ginn money, when you at least deserve Andre Roberts money.

I still think he was being honest when he said that he would take a discount, but the offer competitive. The Seahawks aren't stupid and they had to know that he was probably gone, but it's not in vain, these are valuable resources to assure that this exact thing doesn't happen with Sherm, ET and Wilson. I know that those guys understand that in order to be special they need to keep the band together but I wouldn't expect any discount better than 15% from what they could get from the highest bidder.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Honestly I see neither the Seahawks nor Tate doing anything wrong or questionable outside of how Tate is handling the understandable backlash considering his unfortunate choice of words when asked if he wanted to come back.

This is the new media era and fans now have full access to you if you choose to pay attention to it. Either ignore it, or understand what it is and where it is coming from and deal with it.


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Apr 18, 2013
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When the offseason started I was about 98% sure Golden Tate would not be a Seahawk next season, didn't have a problem with that. I think Golden Tate is easily replaced. I think Settle sat down and said here is how we value you and its worth $4 mil (which i agree with any more than that is too much for him). GT then got upset that the Seahawks didn't have a value for him that he liked and they probably didn't give a shit if they brought him back. Then he got a bunch of money from the Lions, why wouldn't he take more money??? Good for him he got paid.

Now he is trying to make the Seahawks and the fans look like assholes. I am glad Golden Tate was a member of the Seahawks and I appreciated his time as a Seahawk but If he continues to talk shit about the Seahawks, the fans and Seattle then he can go fuck himself. All he is doing is tarnishing some beautiful years he had with the Seahawks. The fact that he calls $4mil laughable is hilarious what he is really saying is im greedy as fuck and need more millions.

I have no problem with him taking more money elsewhere. What I have a problem with is that he is being a dick about it. I would have been fine with him saying "thanks for everything Seattle its been great! You will always have a spot in my heart.. peace", Instead he is an emotional douche.


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
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A radio host in Boston said it best...."My salary has been posted in the newspapers, much like local athletes. I'm the highest paid Boston Radio personality because I deserve it. I bring advertisers and income to my employer. I make $360,000 a year. BUT, if the radio people down the road offered me $750,000 a year, I'd be gone in a heartbeat. We can't get angry at an athlete with a limited number of earning years taking as much as he can get while he can get it."

Would any of us turn down an offer from another employer to earn twice as much as we do today? I think not.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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All he was worth to me to stay on Seattle was 5 years $20M, which is prob. exactly what we offered. Or 4 years $20M.

40% of $32M is about $13M, so yah.. $32 - $13 = $20 or so. Exactly what I considered his worth considering our cap situation.


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Jul 3, 2013
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A radio host in Boston said it best...."My salary has been posted in the newspapers, much like local athletes. I'm the highest paid Boston Radio personality because I deserve it. I bring advertisers and income to my employer. I make $360,000 a year. BUT, if the radio people down the road offered me $750,000 a year, I'd be gone in a heartbeat. We can't get angry at an athlete with a limited number of earning years taking as much as he can get while he can get it."

Would any of us turn down an offer from another employer to earn twice as much as we do today? I think not.

Well… It depends how happy I was where I was… Being happy is more important to some people than money… Plus it's not like Tate would be at the local food bank either way… Were not talking about a 30,000 a year salary to 60,000 …. Were talking making Millions or more millions… How much money do you need in your lifetime…


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Well… It depends how happy I was where I was… Being happy is more important to some people than money… Plus it's not like Tate would be at the local food bank either way… Were not talking about a 30,000 a year salary to 60,000 …. Were talking making Millions or more millions… How much money do you need in your lifetime

As much as you can get if your earning window is more than likely less than 10 years.

It's easy to say, "he should take less..." from the cheap seats. And I think a lot of players would be open to a REASONABLE discount, including Tate. But nobody, I mean nobody is going to take 40-50% less when the chips are down, it doesn't matter if the difference is 30-60k or 3-6 mil.


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
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Are we the least bit surprised with Tate's cocky response? This is just the way the guy is. He said he would take a home-town discount to let us all know how awesome he was, not because he meant it. And he took the biggest possible contract he could get to show us all how awesome he is. And he will remind us of that every possible chance he gets on and off the field.

Does anyone know Tate's year-by-year breakdown of his contract he just got with Detroit? I only ask because I wonder if it is so backloaded that there is little-to-no chance that he sees the last year of it


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He meant it when he said he's take a discount. The difference between what you offered and what Detroit offered is significant. Very few people on the planet even consider that big of a discount.


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Are we the least bit surprised with Tate's cocky response? This is just the way the guy is. He said he would take a home-town discount to let us all know how awesome he was, not because he meant it. And he took the biggest possible contract he could get to show us all how awesome he is. And he will remind us of that every possible chance he gets on and off the field.

Does anyone know Tate's year-by-year breakdown of his contract he just got with Detroit? I only ask because I wonder if it is so backloaded that there is little-to-no chance that he sees the last year of it

I would say looking at his contract about $18 of the $31 million he will definitely see. The last 2 years are a bit up in the air just depending on how he is performing. Cutting him would equal a decent level of Dead Money except the final year of the contract but I could see after year 3 the Seahawks moving on.

Also like others have said there is a difference between say a 10% discount and that of a 40% discount when we are talking about millions of dollars. I don't agree with him airing this to the world but I also don't blame him for not signing the deal with the Seahawks considering how little they showed they wanted him. When you can just about double your money on the open market that would be hard for anybody to turn down even if you liked where you were. Plus in this offense with Detroit he will actually be a featured piece instead of a designated blocker that every once in a while catches a pass.


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As much as you can get if your earning window is more than likely less than 10 years.

It's easy to say, "he should take less..." from the cheap seats. And I think a lot of players would be open to a REASONABLE discount, including Tate. But nobody, I mean nobody is going to take 40-50% less when the chips are down, it doesn't matter if the difference is 30-60k or 3-6 mil.

I wouldn't say nobody… Pro athletes have allot of ego when it comes to there contracts and it's to the point where it's like monopoly money really… Look at what Jared Allen was saying… If he doesn't get 10 mil a year or so he's gonna just retire…. So instead of making 6-7 million he would rather earn NOTHING ? It's just crazy when you consider 7 Mill a year isn't worth playing a game for but if you make 10 Mil it's all good…. lol it's crazy when you think about it…


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I wouldn't say nobody… Pro athletes have allot of ego when it comes to there contracts and it's to the point where it's like monopoly money really… Look at what Jared Allen was saying… If he doesn't get 10 mil a year or so he's gonna just retire…. So instead of making 6-7 million he would rather earn NOTHING ? It's just crazy when you consider 7 Mill a year isn't worth playing a game for but if you make 10 Mil it's all good…. lol it's crazy when you think about it…

It makes perfect sense. He's beat up and isn't going to risk getting beat up more without what he feels is appropriate compensation for that risk.


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It makes perfect sense. He's beat up and isn't going to risk getting beat up more without what he feels is appropriate compensation for that risk.

?? That makes perfect sense to you ? lol HOW? 7 Mil a year as a situational pass rusher isn't enough ? So just retire and make NOTHING ? That's less than a 50 percent cut right there… lol


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A 50 percent cut for doing the exact same job is not comparable in any way to turning down what you believe is inadequate compensation and getting back a year of your time and a serious amount of wear on your body.

Your comparison is stupid.


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A 50 percent cut for doing the exact same job is not comparable in any way to turning down what you believe is inadequate compensation and getting back a year of your time and a serious amount of wear on your body.

Your comparison is stupid.

I think your feeling on the matter is stupid.. Actually


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He's not throwing away half his salary for the same job. He's declining the job because he doesn't feel the salary is worth beating up his body for.

If you can't see the obvious distinction nobody on the planet can help you.