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Sunday Night Football: SNF: ARIZONA vs. SEATTLE


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Come on. You are normally smarter than that.

Seattle hasn't looked good on offense all year. They have had a couple of series here and there, just like in the OT, but that line has just sucked ass in every game. You cannot possibly have watched that game and not seen how bad that offense was.

It takes both bad offense and good defense to suck that badly. It's not possible to have that much difficulty and give 100% of it to one or the other. That's just a plain old fact. Given the rest of the season though, you give more than 51% of the blame to that offense vs anything the defense was doing. They just suck this year.

Lynch is gone. Rawls is hurt. Michael isn't a feature back and yet that's all they have right now. Wilson is hobbled and not doing what Wilson is known for. And both tackles on that line are junk. If they don't go get a trade and bring a real tackle in there is no chance they win any playoff games and might be lucky to even reach the playoffs.
To sit there and say, AZ didn't dominate that game on both offense and defense is crazy. You can say all day long, Seattle is missing this and that, but AZ was missing receivers, guards, RB's, Safety etc. And the AZ offense hasn't been lighting it up either. This was a great defensive game, but just about everyone, aside from Seattle fans, saw AZ dominated them in 2 of the 3 phases.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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To sit there and say, AZ didn't dominate that game on both offense and defense is crazy. You can say all day long, Seattle is missing this and that, but AZ was missing receivers, guards, RB's, Safety etc. And the AZ offense hasn't been lighting it up either. This was a great defensive game, but just about everyone, aside from Seattle fans, saw AZ dominated them in 2 of the 3 phases.
Whatever you need to make yourself feel better about it.

I've watched that same offense struggle against average defenses. At some point you have to connect the dots at the common factor. It's really not that complicated. Arizona's D played a solid game, but it's clear as day Seattle's offense didn't put up much of a fight. That cannot be argued by anyone that understands football.


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Sep 11, 2013
Edmonds, WA
Hoopla Cash
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I disagree. The Seattle special teams was dominant. Don't get me wrong, the defense played tough, but the special teams killed AZ.

The blocked FG resulting in no points for AZ
The blocked punt resulting in Seattles only points in regulation. They went backwards after having it on the 20.

If not for Seattles special teams, that game ends 6-0 AZ.

AZ left a lot out there with mistakes as well.

-Arians going for on 4th down on the 20. In a defensive game like that you take the points.
-Floyd dropping another ball on third down in overtime which would have made it first down on the 14. (That ball hit him right between the numbers.)
-Not challenging the Johnson run in OT which looked like it could have been a TD.
-The obvious missed 18 yard field goal which was a wash considering Seattle did basically the same thing.

AZ dominated and Seattle did what they do... make every game interesting.

I think (again, just my opinion from what I saw) that Arizona would have been shutout if Seattle's offense had done anything at all right (i.e. sustained just a few drives). Obviously that had a lot to do with AZ's outstanding Defense, but our OL was just an unmitigated disaster (worse than normal, even) which basically killed everything we tried to do on offense, which put our defense out there for TWICE as long as AZ's defense, and they still held AZ's offense (a better offense than Seattle's when both are playing at an equivalent level) to just 3 points (regulation) and a very crappy day efficiency-wise.

3 of your 4 points are spot-on. The bolded they could not do (can't challenge in OT, and even if they could, they had no Timeouts, so they could not have thrown the flag) and they made the decision (or just didn't think about it) to rush their next play to try to catch Seattle off-guard, instead of giving the booth a chance to decide to review. Incidentally (and I haven't looked at a lot of angles), I think he was not in and his foot hit the pylon/out of bounds before he extended the ball across the goalline. Could be wrong on that one, but that's what it looked like from the few angles I saw last night.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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To sit there and say, AZ didn't dominate that game on both offense and defense is crazy. You can say all day long, Seattle is missing this and that, but AZ was missing receivers, guards, RB's, Safety etc. And the AZ offense hasn't been lighting it up either. This was a great defensive game, but just about everyone, aside from Seattle fans, saw AZ dominated them in 2 of the 3 phases.

AZ dominated on defense. Seattle just dominated BY FAR more defensively and special teams.

Both offenses should be ashamed. Seattle looked absolutely pedestrian 90% of the game. It didn't help that EVERY play I was looking for yellow. Outside of that, Arizona's offense played just as terrible. They had free passes all day and a COMPLETELY 100% gassed defense and still couldn't do anything.

Palmer is done. I just don't know how else to say it. I like the guy and still remember his injury with the Bengals being 100% absolute BS, but he's toast. If Wilson had his mobility I think Seattle wins that game easily considering how well Seattle's defense played.

Arizona's defense? B. Whatever. It was a beat up Wilson with a crap O-Line. Seattle's defense? A+. Taking care of one of the hottest RBs in the NFL, shutting down Palmer with weps, and an O-Line that is actually professional level even with injuries.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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AZ dominated on defense. Seattle just dominated BY FAR more defensively and special teams.

Both offenses should be ashamed. Seattle looked absolutely pedestrian 90% of the game. It didn't help that EVERY play I was looking for yellow. Outside of that, Arizona's offense played just as terrible. They had free passes all day and a COMPLETELY 100% gassed defense and still couldn't do anything.

Palmer is done. I just don't know how else to say it. I like the guy and still remember his injury with the Bengals being 100% absolute BS, but he's toast. If Wilson had his mobility I think Seattle wins that game easily considering how well Seattle's defense played.

Arizona's defense? B. Whatever. It was a beat up Wilson with a crap O-Line. Seattle's defense? A+. Taking care of one of the hottest RBs in the NFL, shutting down Palmer with weps, and an O-Line that is actually professional level even with injuries.

So anytime a defense dominates Seattle you're doing to use this crap O-Line excuse?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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not sure, let's ask a Vikings fan
The Vikes o-line isn't very good. Not an excuse, just the truth. I'm not a Vikes fan, I just live in MN.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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So anytime a defense dominates Seattle you're doing to use this crap O-Line excuse?

Every time the Saints lose, you're going to use the crap defence excuse?


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Every time the Saints lose, you're going to use the crap defence excuse?

Umm i don't. I don't take credit from another team because we have a bad defense.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Every time the Saints lose, you're going to use the crap defence excuse?

Umm i don't. I don't take credit from another team because we have a bad defense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Umm i don't. I don't take credit from another team because we have a bad defense.

Ah I got ya. Sure, I for one, am not taking anything away from Arizona (well besides their coach perhaps). They played a helluva game.

Seattle's D being it's Achilles heel isn't an excuse, just reality, as I'm sure you'd agree, the Saint's D is theirs.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
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It's pretty silly to use a word like "dominated" in a 6-6 tie game. Both defenses played a lights out game. Arizona's D got off the field quicker, but Seattle just re-wrote the book on "bend but don't break" defensive play last night too. Arizona's Offense had the ball longer and put up more yards but it was all almost entirely between the 30 yard lines. I don't know how anyone can make the argument that Arizona's Offense "dominated" anybody when all they put up was 6 points in 5 quarters of football.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Its official Seattle luckiest team ever. Back to back weeks refs dont call penalties on them. Seattle should have 2 more L's. Oh well Karma will bite them later in the season.
What the hell are you talking about? Did you watch the "whole" game last night?. Both teams were flagged for penalties.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.12
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So anytime a defense dominates Seattle you're doing to use this crap O-Line excuse?

Yah probably. I mean it's pretty obvious the reason North Korea leadership went completely insane was because of Seattle's O-Line..


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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...and the NFL wonders why their ratings are down, lol.
Jul 9, 2013
North of Patagonia / South of Iguazu Falls
Hoopla Cash
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I have not seen Seattle play for some time, but did catch most of the game last night.

Seahawks O-Line looks horrible... and with Wilson not 100% and no running game not surprised they only got 6 points. Seahawks had 11 first downs for game.. in the 5 quarters (including OT), they averaged just over 2 first downs a quarter.

For me, most surprising was Cards only putting up 6 points with how tired Seahawks defense had to be.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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I have not seen Seattle play for some time, but did catch most of the game last night.

Seahawks O-Line looks horrible... and with Wilson not 100% and no running game not surprised they only got 6 points. Seahawks had 11 first downs for game.. in the 5 quarters (including OT), they averaged just over 2 first downs a quarter.

For me, most surprising was Cards only putting up 6 points with how tired Seahawks defense had to be.

Palmer has not been sharp, he may be past the "best by" date.


Low flying fruit bat!
Jun 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What the hell are you talking about? Did you watch the "whole" game last night?. Both teams were flagged for penalties.
Yeah, Seattle got the biggest no call when they didn't catch the foot scraping the center on the blocked FG, but AZ had a few go their way too. Way too many penalties over all, but they gotta call what they see.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, Seattle got the biggest no call when they didn't catch the foot scraping the center on the blocked FG, but AZ had a few go their way too. Way too many penalties over all, but they gotta call what they see.

They didn't miss that, it just isn't a penalty.