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Reality, Fog Style


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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When people talk about reality, it's just a synonym for their opinion. But reality has such a better connotation than opinion does. People believe that opinions are like assholes, but reality! That elevates the opinion to grand status. But alas, when people talk about reality, they're talking about their perception of reality. Which is nothing more than their opinion.

So in this thread I will talk about my perception of reality. First, I want to discuss the big three contracts. Frankly, I don't care how big a contract is, as long as the person receiving it is earning it.

I'll start with C. J. His contract is too big for a WR. Any WR. For him to be able to earn a contract that size, he would have to surpass 2,000 yards receiving and 20 TDs every year. The Lions would have been a better team if they had let him walk, and spread that money around to positions that have a bigger impact on winning. Nothing against C. J. He busts his butt and does everything he can to earn that money. But it's too much to ask of any WR.

Stafford could earn his money as a QB, but hasn't come close to doing so. Doesn't mean he won't. The position is known for big contracts because it impacts winning more than any other position on a football team. He has the ability. At least there is hope.

Suh is the only player of the big three that earns his money. I don't understand the people who talk about a DT as if the impact of the position on winning is equivalent to a got damn guard, but they talk about a CB like it's the end-all be-all of a football team. And I certainly don't understand anyone who can't see that Suh is by far the best DT in football. Geno Atkins my ass. Here's the difference between Suh and Fairley. When Fairley makes a play, it's the only time you notice him. If he's not making a play, he's standing there pushing against an offensive lineman. When Suh doesn't make a play, he's still got that QB's feet moving like a Paso Fino horse.

To sum up, C. J.'s contract makes no sense. Stafford could earn his contract if he steps up his game. Suh earns every damn dollar.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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As much as I agree with most of your post, Scheme will determine how much the position is worth to the team. Not sure DT will as big an impact under Austin. We need to find that out. DTs pretty much are the guards of defense. They are there mostly to take up space and occupy blockers.

On offense WR was an important position based on our system. That could change too. No way to know how much for this either. Stafford needs to stop turning it over. The offense should be way better than what they performed last year. Staff takes most of the blame for that.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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In my reality, it's going to be a sad, sad day when CJ gets cut. Three maybe four years from now it's inevitable. Randy Moss was shown a door or two in his day. Jerry Rice got cut too, it happens.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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I agree with most of the first post except for the whole Calvin thing. He is a top 5 player in football, AT ANY POSITION. Just cause he doesn't play QB, so what. The guy can be triple teamed and still catch game winning TD's. He is the Lions version of Barry Sanders but at the WR position. And just because we can "split his money" between 3 or 4 positions. Does that mean we are more likely to win a championship? Doubt it. So have 3 or 4 run of the mill players over possibly the greatest WR to ever play? Football is all about mismatches and we have one of the best in the biz.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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I'll start with C. J. His contract is too big for a WR. Any WR. For him to be able to earn a contract that size, he would have to surpass 2,000 yards receiving and 20 TDs every year. The Lions would have been a better team if they had let him walk, and spread that money around to positions that have a bigger impact on winning. Nothing against C. J. He busts his butt and does everything he can to earn that money. But it's too much to ask of any WR.

I have to disagree here. Calvin Johnson, to me, is the only one of the three big contracts that has earned his money. He is double and triple teamed every game and all he has done is set the NFL record for most yards in the 3 year span, as well as set the NFL record for most receiving yards in a season.

We got to see 1st hand what the Lions looked like on offense when he missed a couple games last year. They were absolutely brutal. Imagine what would happen to our offense if defenses could blitz at will and not worry about their CBs having to play man coverage on our WR's?

Suh is the only player of the big three that earns his money. I don't understand the people who talk about a DT as if the impact of the position on winning is equivalent to a got damn guard, but they talk about a CB like it's the end-all be-all of a football team. And I certainly don't understand anyone who can't see that Suh is by far the best DT in football. Geno Atkins my ass

I've already stated -- Suh is my favorite player on the Lions. Saying he is the best DT, by far, is a bit much. Geno Atkins faces the same double teams and he has been much more productive than Suh. Does it make him better? Who knows, it is all opinion. Gerald McCoy pressures the QB like Atkins and Suh, while being much better against the run than Atkins and Suh, which is why you will find him ranked as the top DT by many sites. It is nothing more than one's opinion.

The reason I say Calvin is the only one who has earned his contract -- both Calvin and Suh face double teams, but Calvin still puts up monster numbers. Suh hasn't put up monster numbers since his rookie year. Suh isn't even ranked near the top of any categories for DT, with the possible exception of QB pressures (i can't say for sure, as i tried looking up the stat, but couldn't find anything. i know i heard it somewhere that he had a lot of QB pressures)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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How many players can we get to fill out the Lions roster for Suhs' contract?.....I'm sure we could add atleast 4 quality upgrades on the roster for his contract.....Don't get me wrong......I like Suh...Just not the contract he will be commanding.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Something just struck me with all this contract talk, and since it is the 4th of July, I'll go ahead and say it......Young enlisted soldiers that make between 15 and 30k a year go to war and could be killed any day they are engaging in battle, fire fights, errant bombs, friendly fire, terror raids, etc etc etc......But somehow Suh is worth 17 mil for playing a fucking game.....I love football but no contract is worth 17 mil a year.


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Being overseas for many years and talking to the locals, I'm starting to understand why they hate us so much.


Gang Member
Apr 18, 2013
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How many players can we get to fill out the Lions roster for Suhs' contract?.....I'm sure we could add atleast 4 quality upgrades on the roster for his contract.....Don't get me wrong......I like Suh...Just not the contract he will be commanding.

Forget 4. How about 2? Could get two stars for the money people are suggesting Suh gets. I'd keep Suh If the money doesn't cripple the team.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Forget 4. How about 2? Could get two stars for the money people are suggesting Suh gets. I'd keep Suh If the money doesn't cripple the team.

I'll meet ya half way and say we can get 3.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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I do not care who they are, no interior lineman on either side of the ball should see anything near 8 figures.


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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If you think a WR is more important than a DT, there is no point in having this conversation. It's like Copernicus trying to explain that the sun doesn't revolve around the earth.


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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That sounded shitty.

What I should have said was, since we disagree about the relative merits of the different positions by a wide margin, this convo will go nowhere.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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Something just struck me with all this contract talk, and since it is the 4th of July, I'll go ahead and say it......Young enlisted soldiers that make between 15 and 30k a year go to war and could be killed any day they are engaging in battle, fire fights, errant bombs, friendly fire, terror raids, etc etc etc......But somehow Suh is worth 17 mil for playing a fucking game.....I love football but no contract is worth 17 mil a year.

They also chose to be soldiers. They also get free health care, college, room and board. That shit ain't cheap.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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That sounded shitty.

What I should have said was, since we disagree about the relative merits of the different positions by a wide margin, this convo will go nowhere.

Well, like I said in one of my earlier posts, It depends on the scheme. On a team that with a run first mentality that would be true. Also on a defense that stresses stop the run first that would be true. We did have a stop the run defense up until this year. Not sure that will be the case this year, but it is hard to tell because we will not be running the same defense as last year or the old Ravens defense either. Pretty sure we will still be a pass first offense for the next few years as we know pretty much what Lombardi and Caldwell are planning to do.

And even regardless of that, you are talking about possibly the best WR of all time versus a DT who is not even the best now. He is barely top 3.
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May 4, 2013
Los Angeles
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When people talk about reality, it's just a synonym for their opinion. But reality has such a better connotation than opinion does. People believe that opinions are like assholes, but reality! That elevates the opinion to grand status. But alas, when people talk about reality, they're talking about their perception of reality. Which is nothing more than their opinion.

So in this thread I will talk about my perception of reality. First, I want to discuss the big three contracts. Frankly, I don't care how big a contract is, as long as the person receiving it is earning it.

I'll start with C. J. His contract is too big for a WR. Any WR. For him to be able to earn a contract that size, he would have to surpass 2,000 yards receiving and 20 TDs every year. The Lions would have been a better team if they had let him walk, and spread that money around to positions that have a bigger impact on winning. Nothing against C. J. He busts his butt and does everything he can to earn that money. But it's too much to ask of any WR.

Stafford could earn his money as a QB, but hasn't come close to doing so. Doesn't mean he won't. The position is known for big contracts because it impacts winning more than any other position on a football team. He has the ability. At least there is hope.

Suh is the only player of the big three that earns his money. I don't understand the people who talk about a DT as if the impact of the position on winning is equivalent to a got damn guard, but they talk about a CB like it's the end-all be-all of a football team. And I certainly don't understand anyone who can't see that Suh is by far the best DT in football. Geno Atkins my ass. Here's the difference between Suh and Fairley. When Fairley makes a play, it's the only time you notice him. If he's not making a play, he's standing there pushing against an offensive lineman. When Suh doesn't make a play, he's still got that QB's feet moving like a Paso Fino horse.

To sum up, C. J.'s contract makes no sense. Stafford could earn his contract if he steps up his game. Suh earns every damn dollar.

To replace Calvin with a decent number one out of going to be over ten million a year. The remaining money will not get you two impact players. We could get a solid defensive tackle to pair next to Suh In place of Fairley and get one more above average starter unless you're going for Really good player at a lower impact position.

I would say that Matt has earned his extension you compare it to other guys. I know kap and flacco have win in the playoffs but they are not superior quarterbacks.

I do agree that suh is amazing


May 13, 2013
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As an active service member, I feel like you're slightly misinformed as to what kind of free services the military has access to. The health care, Tricare, doesn't cover much of anything out in the civilian sector and the equipment and training used at the medical facilities are generally outdated. To gain money for college, you have to apply for money that isn't guaranteed to be there once school starts, often resulting in the service members paying out of pocket for classes. The room and boards, which you speak of, are small, old buildings that are generally infested with all sorts of pests. The military isn't quite what it used to be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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As an active service member, I feel like you're slightly misinformed as to what kind of free services the military has access to. The health care, Tricare, doesn't cover much of anything out in the civilian sector and the equipment and training used at the medical facilities are generally outdated. To gain money for college, you have to apply for money that isn't guaranteed to be there once school starts, often resulting in the service members paying out of pocket for classes. The room and boards, which you speak of, are small, old buildings that are generally infested with all sorts of pests. The military isn't quite what it used to be.

Amen brother. College kids on scholarship live like Kings compared to single soldiers in condemned barracks......I just say again, no football player is for worth 17 mil a year, not even Peyton Manning himself.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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As an active service member, I feel like you're slightly misinformed as to what kind of free services the military has access to. The health care, Tricare, doesn't cover much of anything out in the civilian sector and the equipment and training used at the medical facilities are generally outdated. To gain money for college, you have to apply for money that isn't guaranteed to be there once school starts, often resulting in the service members paying out of pocket for classes. The room and boards, which you speak of, are small, old buildings that are generally infested with all sorts of pests. The military isn't quite what it used to be.

All I know is my buddy served 6 years, when he came out he got his entire college degree paid for (masters in anthropology) plus 2k a month for a place to live and food to eat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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All I know is my buddy served 6 years, when he came out he got his entire college degree paid for (masters in anthropology) plus 2k a month for a place to live and food to eat.

No Idea how that happened unless he got his degree from Taco Bell....

When I joined in 1993. The Army gave you a choice if you wanted the Montgomery G.I. Bill. You either opted in for it or you opted out of it. If you opted in, that meant that you paid 100 dollars a month for 12 months. (1200 dollars) and upon seperation/or while you are still in the Army the Army will pay up to 20 thousand dollars for your college......Not sure where your buddy went to school but 20 thousand dollars doesn't cover much when it comes to college.....I think your buddy was exaggerating facts.