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Reality, Fog Style


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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No Idea how that happened unless he got his degree from Taco Bell....


Not sure where your buddy went to school but 20 thousand dollars doesn't cover much when it comes to college.....I think your buddy was exaggerating facts.

No, his school was completely paid for. Then he got a monthly allowance for rent and food.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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No, his school was completely paid for. Then he got a monthly allowance for rent and food.

If he was under the G.I. Bill and went to UCLA and that paid for 5 years of college (Masters degree) then I need to move to Cali and go to school fast.

I think there are some things that ar'nt in the open. 20 thousand dollars might get you freshman year at UCLA. It will definitley get you an Associates Degree But not 5 years at UCLA.

Please ask your buddy how he got the military to pay for 5 years of college. They assist but it's not like they hand you a check for 120 grand.....That's just silly.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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Thought public universities in California had some kind tuition exemption for residents? (Sister works at CalBerkley, often tone out her über liberal chatter or at best float in and out of the conversation.)


May 4, 2013
Los Angeles
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Super cheap for residents. Usc is the expensive one in that city. Well that and all the private schools.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Super cheap for residents. Usc is the expensive one in that city. Well that and all the private schools.

What's super cheap? The Military will pay you 20 Grand to go to college and help with little things while your using the 20 grand...(like rent and books) the second you stop taking classes, you stop getting money and you have to take at least 13 credits per semester etc etc....There are stop gaps imposed so not to game the system.....

I'm still waiting for the answer on how someone got a Masters Degree from UCLA for free from the Military......It doesn't exist so goggle your little liberal fingers off till they bleed....You won't find it.:yahoo:


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Heck I'll just use Broyels or Leshoure as examples of athletes not deserving......How many games did they play, how much money do they make and how many years........That Military member can put in 5 years even with the G.I. bill and still have to pay for 3 more years of college.......

Again back too SUH....No Player is worth that contract......Let him walk before he sets this franchise back another 10 years....If he wants to give us a hometown contract SUPER I'm all for it, but let's not pretend there is anyone on this website that knows more then Lewland and Mayhew......Meow included.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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$ 16,206.54
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Super cheap for residents. Usc is the expensive one in that city. Well that and all the private schools.

USC is private, isn't it? Why the hell did you move to Alabama anyway? Jim Rome still does his show from LA...


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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Heck I'll just use Broyels or Leshoure as examples of athletes not deserving......How many games did they play, how much money do they make and how many years........That Military member can put in 5 years even with the G.I. bill and still have to pay for 3 more years of college.......

Again back too SUH....No Player is worth that contract......Let him walk before he sets this franchise back another 10 years....If he wants to give us a hometown contract SUPER I'm all for it, but let's not pretend there is anyone on this website that knows more then Lewland and Mayhew......Meow included.

Suh won't be setting this franchise back muzz. I'll leave it at that.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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Broyles and LeShoure will make a little over 1.2mil COMBINED this year. That's both of them, together. For the entire season.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Suh won't be setting this franchise back muzz. I'll leave it at that.

Agreed, by his play on the field.....But financially he will......Get what we can out of him this year and let him walk.

No sense in signing him after this year with the money he will command...

He will have a monster year and the Lions won't be able to afford him afterwards.....Book it buddy...Copy and paste it and make a thread about it next April to prove me wrong.

I'm actually begging you to do it, so I don't have to....But If I'm right and state it next April I will be labeled as a Seahawk fan or pessimist etc etc.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Broyles and LeShoure will make a little over 1.2mil COMBINED this year. That's both of them, together. For the entire season.

That's a lot more then some soldier getting 20 grand for college.....What did they make last year while not playing? Lol

I think I dispelled the whole "the military paid for my friends masters degree from UCLA" myth.......


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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Agreed, by his play on the field.....But financially he will......Get what we can out of him this year and let him walk.

No sense in signing him after this year with the money he will command...

He will have a monster year and the Lions won't be able to afford him afterwards.....Book it buddy...Copy and paste it and make a thread about it next April to prove me wrong.

I'm actually begging you to do it, so I don't have to....But If I'm right and state it next April I will be labeled as a Seahawk fan or pessimist etc etc.....

No, financially he wouldn't be either. Most third highest paid players on their team that are among the top two or three at their position are beneficial. He would be too. Now, other highly paid players, that aren't anyfreakingwherenear the top two or three at their position, that's where the problem is. Some just don't want to admit it.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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No, financially he wouldn't be either. Most third highest paid players on their team that are among the top two or three at their position are beneficial. He would be too. Now, other highly paid players, that aren't anyfreakingwherenear the top two or three at their position, that's where the problem is. Some just don't want to admit it.




Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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$ 16,206.54
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That's a lot more then some soldier getting 20 grand for college.....What did they make last year while not playing? Lol

I think I dispelled the whole "the military paid for my friends masters degree from UCLA" myth.......

Everyone has the opportunity to join the service. (Hell, you dont even have to be an American to be an American soldier.) Some will be told "thanks for the thought, but no thanks". (As I was. Really had looked forward to the 100% free education. But I understood.). The rest are brought in, trained and made into better Americans in exchange for their service. And the risk involved. (My ocvupation is inherently dangerous, I dont get tuition rembursement.) Most football players get nothing but scars, arthritis and stories. Some get paid. Im thankful to all of you that served. I honestly, sincerely am. But our country already spends more on the military than any nation on Earth. Sorry you and your fellow soldiers don't get more. Ask Roger Goodell for a chunk of his pie. Brain dead ex players got their chunk, it was shitty.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Everyone has the opportunity to join the service. (Hell, you dont even have to be an American to be an American soldier.) Some will be told "thanks for the thought, but no thanks". (As I was. Really had looked forward to the 100% free education. But I understood.). The rest are brought in, trained and made into better Americans in exchange for their service. And the risk involved. (My ocvupation is inherently dangerous, I dont get tuition rembursement.) Most football players get nothing but scars, arthritis and stories. Some get paid. Im thankful to all of you that served. I honestly, sincerely am. But our country already spends more on the military than any nation on Earth. Sorry you and your fellow soldiers don't get more. Ask Roger Goodell for a chunk of his pie. Brain dead ex players got their chunk, it was shitty.

I was going to comment but not sure it was sarcasm smitty....I will withhold what I was thinking until further clarification.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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If that is all Stafford did, can you Imagine what's getting ready to happen in Cleveland with Johnny Football?.....When you hire young immature kids that's the result......Have fun Cleveland .......Us Lions fans are only hoping that Stafford has out grown it? We shall see or does he need to be 30 before this shit stops.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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What's super cheap? The Military will pay you 20 Grand to go to college and help with little things while your using the 20 grand...(like rent and books) the second you stop taking classes, you stop getting money and you have to take at least 13 credits per semester etc etc....There are stop gaps imposed so not to game the system.....

I'm still waiting for the answer on how someone got a Masters Degree from UCLA for free from the Military......It doesn't exist so goggle your little liberal fingers off till they bleed....You won't find it.:yahoo:

Yep, remember guys, Muzzer is a realist- so his perception of reality is automatically always right. He knows of everyone who has ever went to school on military $$ and none of his records show a guy getting a masters degree...



Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Everyone has the opportunity to join the service. (Hell, you dont even have to be an American to be an American soldier.) Some will be told "thanks for the thought, but no thanks". (As I was. Really had looked forward to the 100% free education. But I understood.). The rest are brought in, trained and made into better Americans in exchange for their service. And the risk involved. (My ocvupation is inherently dangerous, I dont get tuition rembursement.) Most football players get nothing but scars, arthritis and stories. Some get paid. Im thankful to all of you that served. I honestly, sincerely am. But our country already spends more on the military than any nation on Earth. Sorry you and your fellow soldiers don't get more. Ask Roger Goodell for a chunk of his pie. Brain dead ex players got their chunk, it was shitty.



Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yep, remember guys, Muzzer is a realist- so his perception of reality is automatically always right. He knows of everyone who has ever went to school on military $$ and none of his records show a guy getting a masters degree...


Who you talking too? You said" guys?" As far as I know I am alone.....Sounds like you have a posse.....

What are these "records" you speak of? You are about to get your liberal behind in a corner and no talking and back tracking will get you out of.

Just a heads up, this is coming from a 10 year vet.....So choose your words wisely.

I recommend you look (goggle) a bunch of info on what the Military pays for education before replying.

It's a little more in depth then how many fumbles a player had for a year or a career.....(just a hint)