Better watch it Caynine. Google may frown upon this picture as well. Of course if you can repost it with a Google decal or banner somewhere on it I'm sure it would then be OK........
Good point.
I hope not, though... 'cause there's an entire group dedicated to guns and shooting further down the SportsHoopla main page.
I wasn't aware of that. You'll have to forgive me. I've become so cynical in my old age that I find myself critically examining everything. Part of it comes from being constantly bombarded with political correctness and spin motivated by someone's agenda. It's extremely hard to find the truth these days. Reminds me of a quote by Iris Murdoch....."We live in a fantasy world. A world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality."
I'm not really into guns Caynine. I do have one to protect the house though. But I am definitely against the govt. removing our right to possess guns. Once that happens the only people who then have guns are the criminals. But I suspect in the politically correct environment we live in today, instead of enacting real laws to protect people, the more ignorant will win out and remove the right to bear arms.
I definitely prefer to read about cars than to read about guns but you all got me going. We can never let the government restrict the ability of self protection. The police are the cleanup crew they show up after the fact. I have a conceal and carry permit and I have many guns and so do my loved ones. I don't want evil people getting guns and I don't want crazy people getting guns but it's going to happen. I joined the Marine corps at a time when everyone in uniform on base could wear their service pistol or carry their rifles openly. That changed several years ago and I remember people saying back then that we will have shootings take place on base now. I laughed at that prediction back then but I was wrong...gun free zones are kill zones so why would anyone try to make America a gun free zone?
I do however think that along with our rights comes responsibility and we're lacking that big time. Today we don't have the level of maturity nor do we have the respect for life it takes for a society to handle the freedom that the 2nd amendment offers. I don't suggest that we take guns away...I suggest we begin teaching our children the things we used to teach them. Like civility, kindness and the respect for others. Teach them that there is something greater than themselves and one day they will need to answer to that something for their actions in life.
When I grew up everyone on our block had guns. There were gun cabinets in every living room. All of us kids had guns of our own. We hunted and went target shooting all of the time. We never heard stories of mass shootings in our schools and churches. We respected life and we had better get back to that real fast.
Don't be ignorant Shopson. There are indeed people out there that are trying to take guns out of EVERYBODY'S hands. All the laws and background checks to rule out the criminals and mentally ill are wonderful. Do you really think that is going to keep the guns out of the possession of the criminals and mentally ill? The answer is no, but that is the argument that the PC will use to take the guns out of law abiding citizen's hands as well.
I don't have a horse in this race. If they take my gun away I have other methods of self-defense. But its the point of the thing that I was pointing out. The PC crowd is destroying our morality and our rights in this country. Agree or disagree. Doesn't change the reality any.
I definitely prefer to read about cars than to read about guns but you all got me going. We can never let the government restrict the ability of self protection. The police are the cleanup crew they show up after the fact. I have a conceal and carry permit and I have many guns and so do my loved ones. I don't want evil people getting guns and I don't want crazy people getting guns but it's going to happen. I joined the Marine corps at a time when everyone in uniform on base could wear their service pistol or carry their rifles openly. That changed several years ago and I remember people saying back then that we will have shootings take place on base now. I laughed at that prediction back then but I was wrong...gun free zones are kill zones so why would anyone try to make America a gun free zone?
I do however think that along with our rights comes responsibility and we're lacking that big time. Today we don't have the level of maturity nor do we have the respect for life it takes for a society to handle the freedom that the 2nd amendment offers. I don't suggest that we take guns away...I suggest we begin teaching our children the things we used to teach them. Like civility, kindness and the respect for others. Teach them that there is something greater than themselves and one day they will need to answer to that something for their actions in life.
When I grew up everyone on our block had guns. There were gun cabinets in every living room. All of us kids had guns of our own. We hunted and went target shooting all of the time. We never heard stories of mass shootings in our schools and churches. We respected life and we had better get back to that real fast.
Very well said Rambunctious. Of course we live in a distinctly different world now than we did when you and I were young. Not only can't you trust everybody to act responsibly with a firearm, we can't let our children out to play without fear of them being abducted. We can't trust what people do with the internet when they're stealing your identity, etc. The list goes on ad nauseam. Because we live in a more and more liberal country, where society's morals continue to decay, kindness and civility went out the window a long time ago. This is the price we are going to pay. When Hollyweird promotes immorality and violence in even children's shows....When you can't teach about creationism (which is at the very least a plausible theory just as evolution is) in school, but it's OK to teach evolution....when you can teach "alternate lifestyles" but not mention God or lest you get expelled from school.....when people pat you on the back for being a homosexual but chastise and criticize you for being a Christian....I really believe this world is going to hell in a hand basket, and the U.S. is leading the way.
Isn't that completely in line with using background checks and other such regulations? Honest people with guns are not the issue; it's the ill or unstable that should be restricted. I would argue that the cabinets (or gun safes) should be locked, but other than that, legal guns owned by trustworthy people are not being challenged, maybe with the exception of owning assault rifles and the such. The 2nd amendment can't realistically be used to defend the ownership of assault rifles, in that the founding fathers had no such idea that such things would ever exist or be available to the public. Look at it this way, the 2nd amendment is just that, an adjustment to the original document of rights. No reason it can't be adjusted again (not to take guns away, just to clarify and modernize the language).
I disagree with this 100%!Isn't that completely in line with using background checks and other such regulations? Honest people with guns are not the issue; it's the ill or unstable that should be restricted. I would argue that the cabinets (or gun safes) should be locked, but other than that, legal guns owned by trustworthy people are not being challenged, maybe with the exception of owning assault rifles and the such. The 2nd amendment can't realistically be used to defend the ownership of assault rifles, in that the founding fathers had no such idea that such things would ever exist or be available to the public. Look at it this way, the 2nd amendment is just that, an adjustment to the original document of rights. No reason it can't be adjusted again (not to take guns away, just to clarify and modernize the language).
This goes with what Boss was saying regrading the degradation of our societal values...I was with you until you started blaming. I would posit that the real problems with this country are more along the lines of greed and special interests. Big companies have more control over the laws in this country than the political parties do, since they all sell out to the lobbyists. So, you have weaker regulations, allowing for the rich to profit further off the poor and middle class, resulting in class separation we haven't seen since the great depression. Lobbyists buy votes to lighten pollution regulations, so our environment suffers. Ever-escalating costs of secondary education limits schooling to the well-off and/or willing to put your future under piles of debt. Lack of regulation for financial institutions results in predatory loans, your 401K being gambled with, and credit given where it never should be, resulting in even more crippling debt.
There is greed at the personal level as well. Everybody seems to be addicted to consumerism, need to have the brand new car, flat screens in every room, etc etc. So, now you have two income families leaving their kids to be raised by cable tv and video games. Of course, with nothing much actually being produced in America anymore (due to politicians allowing jobs to be shipped overseas to countries that don't guarantee a living wage), these over-consuming families suddenly lose an income and they're crushed.
It's not liberal/republican, black/white, gay/straight, or religious issues doing this. It's all greed, on both sides of the aisle and every ethic group or minority.