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Cavs looking to swap love/mozgov for Demarcus Cousins and gay


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
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Jul 17, 2014
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Yeah, and I'm currently looking to swap my girlfriend for Kate Upton. Keep dreaming, Cavs.
yah- i cant see how this would really work for either side to be honest....the Cavs would be betting the rest of LeBron's career on DeMarcus Cousins...not sure thats a GREAT idea- even though he is super talented....

Plus - Love is locked up for the long term- that might be pretty appealing to a team that is looking for a focal point of their offense- especially if the asset they trade- they think they might get rid of at some point down the line---at this point though- it looks like Cousins has embraced the Kings and wants to stay though....only way this trade would even be considered by either side is if A- the Kings were trying to get value for Cousins since they think its inevtiable he is gone- which is not the case- AND B- the Cavs are SURE they cant win a title as presently constructed and want to blow it up before even letting these guys play 82 games together as a healthy unit....neither one of which i see happening.


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Sep 2, 2014
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Yeah, and I'm currently looking to swap my girlfriend for Kate Upton. Keep dreaming, Cavs.


This "trade" a downgrade.

Love doesn't fit next to LeBron all that well. But Cousins fits even worse. He'd too often clog the lane and even when he does space, it is a bad idea because Boogie loves to shoot the ball even when it isn't effective.

Cousins stats are highly inflated. He is a center that is shooting the ball 20 times a game and only hitting 44% of his shots. You put him with Lebron and Irvin and his shot total drops down to about 12 a game and all of a sudden he is a 14 to 15 point a night guy at best.

And 1/4th of Cousins point come in the post up game. The Cav's wouldn't do that for him because (especially without Love) they can't surround him with enough outside shooters. So the one area where Cousins is a major upgrade is nullified by the fact that the offensive set doesn't work with the Cav's.

Then add into the fact that Cousins is a moron and this would be a major downgrade. Love's a crybaby too at times but at least he has been a good soldier in Cleveland. Cousins likely would have went ape shit crazy by now if he had to be the 3rd or 4th option on a team.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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This "trade" a downgrade.

Love doesn't fit next to LeBron all that well. But Cousins fits even worse. He'd too often clog the lane and even when he does space, it is a bad idea because Boogie loves to shoot the ball even when it isn't effective.

Cousins stats are highly inflated. He is a center that is shooting the ball 20 times a game and only hitting 44% of his shots. You put him with Lebron and Irvin and his shot total drops down to about 12 a game and all of a sudden he is a 14 to 15 point a night guy at best.

And 1/4th of Cousins point come in the post up game. The Cav's wouldn't do that for him because (especially without Love) they can't surround him with enough outside shooters. So the one area where Cousins is a major upgrade is nullified by the fact that the offensive set doesn't work with the Cav's.

Then add into the fact that Cousins is a moron and this would be a major downgrade. Love's a crybaby too at times but at least he has been a good soldier in Cleveland. Cousins likely would have went ape shit crazy by now if he had to be the 3rd or 4th option on a team.
All very good points


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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This "trade" a downgrade.

Love doesn't fit next to LeBron all that well. But Cousins fits even worse. He'd too often clog the lane and even when he does space, it is a bad idea because Boogie loves to shoot the ball even when it isn't effective.

Cousins stats are highly inflated. He is a center that is shooting the ball 20 times a game and only hitting 44% of his shots. You put him with Lebron and Irvin and his shot total drops down to about 12 a game and all of a sudden he is a 14 to 15 point a night guy at best.

And 1/4th of Cousins point come in the post up game. The Cav's wouldn't do that for him because (especially without Love) they can't surround him with enough outside shooters. So the one area where Cousins is a major upgrade is nullified by the fact that the offensive set doesn't work with the Cav's.

Then add into the fact that Cousins is a moron and this would be a major downgrade. Love's a crybaby too at times but at least he has been a good soldier in Cleveland. Cousins likely would have went ape shit crazy by now if he had to be the 3rd or 4th option on a team.

You're insane. I'm not going to even involve myself in this type of argument right now. Cousins a major downgrade from Love? Please just stop.

Bringing up percentages, how's Love's 41% shooting better than Cousins' 44%? And don't say it's because he takes a ton of threes because Cousins is attempting 3.6 threes per game.

If you can honestly say you think Love is better than Cousins then please do us all a favor and never post on the NBA forum again.


Jul 14, 2014
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If the Cavs really wanna fix things immediately I got 1 name for them...

Delonte West!:yes:


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Sep 2, 2014
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You're insane. I'm not going to even involve myself in this type of argument right now. Cousins a major downgrade from Love? Please just stop.

Bringing up percentages, how's Love's 41% shooting better than Cousins' 44%? And don't say it's because he takes a ton of threes because Cousins is attempting 3.6 threes per game.

If you can honestly say you think Love is better than Cousins then please do us all a favor and never post on the NBA forum again.

And yet Love has a better career scoring and shooting efficiency. And besides that, he doesn't turn the ball over at an absurd rate either.

But Love back on a team where he is option #1 and he puts up monster numbers still. He's still a very good offensive player.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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And yet Love has a better career scoring and shooting efficiency. And besides that, he doesn't turn the ball over at an absurd rate either.

But Love back on a team where he is option #1 and he puts up monster numbers still. He's still a very good offensive player.

I'm not saying Love isn't a good player, because I agree if he was more involved in their offense or a #1 or 2 option on most other teams he'd be back to the 20-10 days he had in Minny, but Cousins is on another level right now.

I don't think you understand what kind of mismatch problems opposing teams would have with LeBron and DeMarcus on the same team. Good thing (for all our sakes) we'll never see that happen.


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Jul 17, 2014
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And yet Love has a better career scoring and shooting efficiency. And besides that, he doesn't turn the ball over at an absurd rate either.

But Love back on a team where he is option #1 and he puts up monster numbers still. He's still a very good offensive player.
these guys are such prisoners of the moment and fail to look at circumstance. 18 months ago you would get laughed out of the building trading Love for Cousins----- but Cousins gets 20 shots a game and is the focal point- and Love has to adjust to being the 3rd wheel- and all of a sudden their talent changes?!!!

its frusterating to try and reason with people that only care what happened yesterday and refuse to take a long-term measured approach.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
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LeBron at team meetings like, "More Allstars!"



I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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I'm not saying Love isn't a good player, because I agree if he was more involved in their offense or a #1 or 2 option on most other teams he'd be back to the 20-10 days he had in Minny, but Cousins is on another level right now.

I don't think you understand what kind of mismatch problems opposing teams would have with LeBron and DeMarcus on the same team. Good thing (for all our sakes) we'll never see that happen.

I don't see Cousins as being on another level. He just has a lot of volume this year.

Cleveland is is going to walk thru the Eastern conference. They would if they made this trade too. So all Cleveland is trying to do is match up with the elite Western conference teams in the Finals.

Whether it is SA or GS in the finals, I don't see Cleveland being any better off with Cousins as opposed to Love. Cousins creates less space, takes more dumb shot *, Cleveland would have to start the getting used to playing with each other all over again, ect. I think it would make them less likely to win this year than more likely.

* I haven't seen Cousins play this year. Maybe he has taken a big step forward. But from what I have seen in the past: Dude is a frickin moron with an EXTREMELY low basketball IQ. Love is no Einstein but he's not as dumb as Cousins. IMO the only reason SA is focusing on Cousins and Karl is praising Cousins like he is the best center in the league is to try and mend fences. It is likely more hype than reality IMO.

I've seen a lot of Love (Timberwolves fan). I still think if you get him in the big games in the playoffs a lot of people are going to walk away with a COMPLETELY different opinion of him than they do now. Love's biggest problem is that he just goes thru the motions too often. Get him in a high intensity setting and I think people are going to be shocked at the offensive threat he is capable of being.

Get Cousins in a high intensity situation and he is just as likely to suffer a meltdown as he is to raise his game to the next level.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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You're insane. I'm not going to even involve myself in this type of argument right now. Cousins a major downgrade from Love? Please just stop.

Bringing up percentages, how's Love's 41% shooting better than Cousins' 44%? And don't say it's because he takes a ton of threes because Cousins is attempting 3.6 threes per game.

If you can honestly say you think Love is better than Cousins then please do us all a favor and never post on the NBA forum again.
The way I understood his post was because of the position they play. Both are typically used as 4s, often times Cousins slides over to the 5. But, in either case I agree that Cousins wouldn't compliment LBJ & Kyrie. Mainly because of his inability to process that he's a professional and should conduct himself as such. Another reason is he's used to being the #1 option and focal point of the offense. In Cleveland that would change and many times he'd be the 3rd or even 4th option. That won't bode well with his already short fuse.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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I don't see Cousins as being on another level. He just has a lot of volume this year.

Cleveland is is going to walk thru the Eastern conference. They would if they made this trade too. So all Cleveland is trying to do is match up with the elite Western conference teams in the Finals.

Whether it is SA or GS in the finals, I don't see Cleveland being any better off with Cousins as opposed to Love. Cousins creates less space, takes more dumb shot *, Cleveland would have to start the getting used to playing with each other all over again, ect. I think it would make them less likely to win this year than more likely.

* I haven't seen Cousins play this year. Maybe he has taken a big step forward. But from what I have seen in the past: Dude is a frickin moron with an EXTREMELY low basketball IQ. Love is no Einstein but he's not as dumb as Cousins. IMO the only reason SA is focusing on Cousins and Karl is praising Cousins like he is the best center in the league is to try and mend fences. It is likely more hype than reality IMO.

I've seen a lot of Love (Timberwolves fan). I still think if you get him in the big games in the playoffs a lot of people are going to walk away with a COMPLETELY different opinion of him than they do now. Love's biggest problem is that he just goes thru the motions too often. Get him in a high intensity setting and I think people are going to be shocked at the offensive threat he is capable of being.

Get Cousins in a high intensity situation and he is just as likely to suffer a meltdown as he is to raise his game to the next level.
I donno about Love delivering in "big moments". The problem I see is Love having a hard time adjusting to his new role since Kyrie's return-whatever that new role is. Do they want him to play in the paint? If so why aren't there some plays for him there? Do they want him to be a spot up shooter? If so where are those plays in games? If he's unsure of his role how can he perfect it and make an impact in games?


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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That is a trade that would make both teams much worse.

Seems like an idiotic rumor.