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are the best 2 teams in the superbowl?


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Jul 16, 2013
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It doesn't matter who the two best teams are.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Nope. I'm saying that as a fan I would be concerned that they didn't look very good in either home playoff game.

but we were good enough to win, weren't we?


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Apr 23, 2013
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Obviously this is not the no spin zone.
I thought that was funny so I gave you a thumbs up.

but I am kinda buzzed...


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Apr 23, 2013
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"Hammer's Law" was about how when a poster who supports a team with Superbowl trophies is losing an argument against a poster who's team doesn't have Superbowl wins that poster will eventually, inevitably bring up Superbowls to win the argument.

I should know. I'm Hammer. It's my law. I birthed it. LOL.

I actually have seen a couple of Hawk fans do it since we won, but it's still used more often than not by teams with multiple SB's who haven't won in a while.

I literally loled at "i should know, im hammer"

Love hammers law...but does it apply of your the defending champ? I thought it was more the guys that pull it out like niners and cowboys fans who havent won anything since clinton was in office


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Apr 23, 2013
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Remember the number of times Hawks fans would bring up "Hammer's Law" last year? It's hilarious how quickly Seattle fans turned to mocking people because their team has no (recent) titles. I realize it's not always the same people but in some cases it definitely is.

must be me.


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Apr 23, 2013
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"Hammer's Law" was about how when a poster who supports a team with Superbowl trophies is losing an argument against a poster who's team doesn't have Superbowl wins that poster will eventually, inevitably bring up Superbowls to win the argument.

I should know. I'm Hammer. It's my law. I birthed it. LOL.

I actually have seen a couple of Hawk fans do it since we won, but it's still used more often than not by teams with multiple SB's who haven't won in a while.
So that is what Hammer's Law is?
I have supported it without realizing that is his law. Well, very good. I approve of this law and will take every advantage to enforce it without asking for pay.
March on and Go Seahawks!


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Jul 25, 2013
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As much as I hate them, I think the Pats were the best in the AFC. Seattle...no, not this year. They got lucky and played largely backups, third string QBs and garbage for two months and then lucked into beating the Pack. I think Dallas (hate them too) and the Pack (although with yet another epic choke job they prob aren't deserving) are better.

Easily the least interesting SB in quite a while. The Brady/Sherman trash talk I'm sure is cute if you are a fan of either team, but it's just stupid to the rest of us.


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Aug 19, 2013
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I would argue that Seattle is the best team for the last 3 years. That is certainly debatable on both sides.

I have never seen any known Seahawk fan (someone whose handle we all recognize) say anything remotely close to this, but I have seen many who hate this team say that as if it is a quote.

We are a very good team as evidenced by the back to back. You appear to embellish just a bit when describing our fan base.

I don't know about 3 years, but definitely the last two years and I dion't think there is even a question about that. But, that isn't the thread title. IMO GB is a better team right now, but it is very close. Last year Seattle was much better than GB, so for the last two years I wouldn't even question who the best team was.


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Aug 19, 2013
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So by 'they' you mean Sherman and maybe Bennett I'm taking it? :noidea: You haven't ever heard a single arrogant comment out of Carroll, Wilson, anyone in the front office, Wagner, Kam, Earl, etc...

But keep on telling yourself these things. I'm guessing it really makes you feel better.

Why do so many Seattle fans here say stupid things like this that don't make any sense? Is that actually supposed to be an argument against what I said? Why would it make me feel better to pretend that is the case? Your WR didn't come off like a cocky ass after the last game? And I'm not talking this week, I'm talking body of work. Carroll is one of the cockiest coaches around and has been since he was here in NY and probably longer...Thomas may even be cockier than Sherman if that is possible...


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Yes they were. No one ever said otherwise did they?

Facts are facts though. They had way too many self inflicted wounds (bad snap, pre snap penalties, blown assignments) and were trying throws they never try to somehow give all of the credit to GB's defense for causing every bit of it. The proof is in the final 3 drives. All TD's and all looked like Seattle football. They finally stopped shooting themselves and the results speak volumes.

Of course they were lucky to still be able to overcome their own earlier incompetence. That's obvious. Any time you need an onside kick to win you had to have some luck along with the clutch play to pull it off.

well that is pretty much exactly what I was saying when I said they were lucky to win, but because it didn't come from a Seahawk fan it must be defended and disputed to the death here!!! I totally agree with you. They were horrible early and lucky to win the game (onside kick, hail mary 2 point conversion) BUT,,,they were also good enough to make the comeback and I'm not sure what other team could have done that.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Oh, I see. The BS is getting deeper now. All sorts of Seattle haters in here were talking before the Carolina game about how tough of a matchup it was going to be and it was going to be much closer than we thought. It was 31-10 with 5 minutes left in the game. Carolina got a garbage time TD and Seattle still covered the largest spread of the playoffs. You clearly see what you want, so whatever dude.

I thought Seattle was going to win by 30. I don't read all of the threads, so I'd be shocked that all sorts of people were saying that game was going to be close, but it was. So, It's also disingenuous to frame the game like you did. You can see it as the game being a blowout with 5 minutes left, but it was 14-10 at the end of the 3rd Qtr.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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well that is pretty much exactly what I was saying when I said they were lucky to win, but because it didn't come from a Seahawk fan it must be defended and disputed to the death here!!! I totally agree with you. They were horrible early and lucky to win the game (onside kick, hail mary 2 point conversion) BUT,,,they were also good enough to make the comeback and I'm not sure what other team could have done that.

Well if you had just said so to being with it would have saved everyone some time. :nod:

I'm not sure if everyone up here gets it, but there are some of my fellow seahawk fans that just like to get a rise out of people and enjoy stirring the pot. I'm not sure they all buy into their own BS. I do think a couple are that delusional, but the rest just like a good fight and there are way too many of you willing to give them what they want.

I too like to stir shit up now and then. Never have hid that or denied trolling for fun.

We can agree on what you said because it's all sort of obvious. The real haters want to say it was ALL GB. They got a huge lead because their defense was unlike that which Seattle has seen in many years and the comeback was all because they choked. The reality is GB played very well early on defense and so-so on offense AND Seattle played very well on defense and down right shitty on offense (and ST). GB went into conservative mode on offense and prevent defense and Seattle woke the fuck up and took advantage of it.

They were fortunate to complete a hail mary kind of 2pt conversion AND an onside kick. That's freaking crazy man. Unbelievable. Historically unfounded. But they did drive down the field and score 3 straight TD's under the most intense pressure imaginable. And the goat of the game turned into the hero on the last play. It's like some fucking made for tv movie kind of script or something. I mean that shit only happens in movies, not real life.

Seattle has a very very good team that is dangerous even when they aren't playing their best football. Best team in the league? Best team in the NFC? Subjective at best. They do deserve to be there. That's all anyone can ask for.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
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well that is pretty much exactly what I was saying when I said they were lucky to win, but because it didn't come from a Seahawk fan it must be defended and disputed to the death here!!! I totally agree with you. They were horrible early and lucky to win the game (onside kick, hail mary 2 point conversion) BUT,,,they were also good enough to make the comeback and I'm not sure what other team could have done that.

I see, so the numerous mistakes that the Seahawks made (more than the Packers) don't count, while the few the Packers made had such a huge impact on the game. That's what the crock is. And it isn't that the Packers played to not lose instead of to win. It's that the Packers played like they already lost with 2 minutes left on the clock when they had the flippin lead. Mistakes happen. It's how you respond to them that's key. And the whole attitude now is that some idiot on the hands unit who's barely on the team blew it. The Seahakws have everybody on the roster thinking they can play themselves into the line up if they prove it in practice and that everybody is as important as the next guy. That obviously isn't the case with the Packers. They were already blaming the guy for "losing the game for them" when they still had the lead with the Seahawks needing to get into the end zone to pull ahead with quite a bit of field and little time to do it. That wasn't luck. That was the Packers not deserving to win because they obviously weren't able to play a full game of football.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I thought Seattle was going to win by 30. I don't read all of the threads, so I'd be shocked that all sorts of people were saying that game was going to be close, but it was. So, It's also disingenuous to frame the game like you did. You can see it as the game being a blowout with 5 minutes left, but it was 14-10 at the end of the 3rd Qtr.

I really do struggle to see the logic when people say this stuff though. It's a game of 60 minutes. Not 45, not 50, and not 56 as GB found out last week.

If you look at the stats Seattle is average in the first half at best. Our fans are often bitching about their OC all throughout the first half of pretty much every damned game as they start so slowly. They become an entirely different team in the second half. Most of their double digit wins come late. But they still count.

Sure, Cam played a hell of a game. Probably the best he has ever played, at least on that level of stage. And yet it never really felt like the game was still going to be in question, at least to our fans. Why? Because we've see that over and over before.

It WAS a blow out. When that happened seems irrelevant and yet it's all some can talk about. A big win is a big win. This team closes out games like no other I've ever seen and I've been watching pro ball since long before there was a Seattle Seahawks. This is what they do.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Apr 17, 2013
Oak Creek WI
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Not sure if the "best" teams are in, but certainly the teams that played the best are.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How was this not meant to be?

You have the Seadderall Seahawks vs the New England Deflateriots.

Seems legit.

Mondo Jay

Wine Mafia
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If Manning, the defense and coaches were all better than I claim that Denver is the best team in the world.



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Dec 28, 2014
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I thought Seattle was going to win by 30. I don't read all of the threads, so I'd be shocked that all sorts of people were saying that game was going to be close, but it was. So, It's also disingenuous to frame the game like you did. You can see it as the game being a blowout with 5 minutes left, but it was 14-10 at the end of the 3rd Qtr.

Well, I was coming back at a guy who was claiming Seattle didn't look/play good in either game. I never made a claim that Seattle blew out anyone. But if the best evidence someone has that Seattle played bad vs Carolina was the score at the end of the 3rd qtr, then I think that's flimsy. Many of Seattle's games this year appeared close on the scoreboard well into the 2nd half and then we pull away. That's just the profile of quite a few wins this year. Either way you look at it, if Russell Wilson looks as "not good" vs NE as he did in the Carolina game, we have nothing to worry about.