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Were the books cooked in San Fran?


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If he did, he did. But GB players were pushing and shoving and squirmishing too, and this is all happening because of a GB cheapshot.

So now you are saying he did it? You first say he wasn't... now you are saying "so what."


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If you didn't see Boldin push off on that 4th and 2 you were not watching the game. And, to say it had no effect on that game, is just as stupid. It kept the ball in possession of the 49er's with 3 minutes to go in the game allowing them to kill valuable time.

When you learn a thing or two about football you can come back and talk.

Also, this has nothing to do with how bad the Ravens played last week. Just keep on remembering what they did to your team the last two times they faced off and stay bitter.

They didnt calll the push-off, I agree they missed that. But those types of calls are missed all the time. Probably many times a game we don't see.

The 9ers should have had first and goal at the 3, not third and goal at the 6 (or whatever it was), so the Packers got a slight benefit.

9ers were the better team and won the game. End of discussion.


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So now you are saying he did it? You first say he wasn't... now you are saying "so what."

I am saying I don't see boldin doing anything everyone else isn't doing. He gets pushed violently in the back and grabs the guy who did that. I couldn't see him holding on to a facemask. What was clear though, was Mathews grabing Staleys face mask and punching at him. Either way my point is that boldin isn't doing anything that everyone around him isn't doing. it was mayhem for a minute.


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This one is even better, it actually show Boldin doing it...

Yeah, I saw it there. But I saw bolding get punched in the back by the guy right before he did it too.


Apr 17, 2013
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The reason we are talking about it is only because some people are crying like little bitches and acting like GB got screwed. So tell them to move on.

Secondly, you are wrong, if they called it correctly, the NFL wouldn't come out and say they didn't call it correctly.
Breaker, the real problem with this play compared to every other play is it was not enforced correctly as called.

Let's just say the penalties, as called, WERE enforced correctly and it was 4th and 2, wouldn't any comment from any 9er fan just be seen as sour grapes and crying about calls?

We all know your 9ers would be kickin a FG, tied 7-7, Harbough aint that stupid!

The REAL problem was the penalties, as they were called, were not enforced correctly.

Everything else is pure crying about the way the penalties were called or not called.

Pathetic! And you're talking about others crying like little bitches.... :lol:


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People who bet on football have a legitimate gripe, but the Packers don't. The Niners won by 6, and they weren't even in field goal range when the game ended. It makes no difference either way.


Apr 17, 2013
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People who bet on football have a legitimate gripe, but the Packers don't. The Niners won by 6, and they weren't even in field goal range when the game ended. It makes no difference either way.

And the reason why the NFL was covering their ass....


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  1. The NFL came out today and said the error on that mathews late hit and ensuing scuffle was giving a penalty to Staley at all. It should have been first and goal at the 3 yard line.
  2. blatant no call? what a crock. It wasn't blatant, and to act like that changed the outcome is hilarious.
  3. You should really worry about the ravens. Because they really suck.

So doesn't that avie you are sporting


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The 49ers got and deserved a TD on the play for SEVERAL reasons.

1. Mike McCarthy had the 49ers stopped 4th and 1 but decided himself to bring it back to 3rd in 6 due to a penalty. Obviously he thought they would go for it on 4th and short.

2. Mike McCarthy could have brought up the fact that on offsetting fouls after the play, the down counts. I have seen coaches correct a NON-judgement error by the officials several times and the officials will always correct their mistake.

3. It should not have been offsetting penalties in the first place. The Matthews cheap shot was the CAUSE of the fight. Their should have been offsetting penalities on the fight as well as Matthews late hit. That would make 2 fouls for Green Bay to 1 for the 49ers. And yes, you can have 2 fouls on the same play. Go look it up if you don't believe me.

4. There is a very good chance the 49ers would have gone for it anyway on 4th and 2 because Jim Harbaugh is an aggressive head coach. They went for it on 4th and 2 at the end of the game when they were not even near the goal line! And since they converted a TD on the next play, there is no reason to assume they wouldn't have converted on 4th and 2.


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:laugh3: @ the dunce hat, you don't know much about betting do ya?


It's a tin foil hat just for you. I know about first half betting, but look at what you're saying. The 49ers were FAVOURITES in the 1st half. They went into the locker room tied, so the call made no difference on the first-half bets. The Packers covered anyway in the first half.

And first-half bets are a tiny fraction of what people bet on football anyway, and they're almost always divided just about evenly because they're such a crap shoot.


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People who bet on football have a legitimate gripe, but the Packers don't. The Niners won by 6, and they weren't even in field goal range when the game ended. It makes no difference either way.

They were in field goal range with 3 seconds left and if it was 4th down and the 49ers kick a field goal the score is 30 to 28. it would have been a 60 yarder or so and Crosby was putting them in from 64 and 68 yards in practice. The odds may not have been good but they would have had a chance to win


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They were in field goal range with 3 seconds left and if it was 4th down and the 49ers kick a field goal the score is 30 to 28. it would have been a 60 yarder or so and Crosby was putting them in from 64 and 68 yards in practice. The odds may not have been good but they would have had a chance to win

You know how rediculiusly stupid that sounds?


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Yeah, I saw it there. But I saw bolding get punched in the back by the guy right before he did it too.

Let me guess, you didn't see him throw a shoulder TWICE out of bounds and after the first flag was thrown as well and before he got shoved in the back. then, like another poster said, grabbed him by the helmet and facemask and walked him out of their like a dog.

Again it doesn't matter. Like was said many posts ago, so many things that could have been flagged on both sides. I just find it funny how people can't let them see something right in front of them anyway other than the vision they've made up in their mind.


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They were in field goal range with 3 seconds left and if it was 4th down and the 49ers kick a field goal the score is 30 to 28. it would have been a 60 yarder or so and Crosby was putting them in from 64 and 68 yards in practice. The odds may not have been good but they would have had a chance to win

Fair enough. But as long as we're playing the hypothetical game...

The Niners kicked their last FG with like 6 seconds left on the play clock. They could've ran it down 4 or 5 more seconds if they were worried about the Packers kicking a FG rather than scoring a TD. Or Harbaugh could've gone for it on 4th down at the end of the half; it's not like he was legally obligated to kick a FG.

It sucks to get screwed on a call, but this wasn't a make-or-break-the-game kind of call.


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I don't think they lost because of that call at all.

It was a pretty good game all things considered, the 9er's made more plays and deserved to win. GB gave them a couple turnovers and one inside the 20 I think. Hard to win when you're giving it away, but don't take it away yourself against a team like the 49er's.


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The big Sunday night game next week is what again? The Hawks also got some favorable calls toward the end of their game against the Panthers. It's like pro wrestling in that the league needs both teams to go into a big money game like that looking strong(equals more viewers).

People keep forgetting that the NFL is first and foremost a business.

Here's something you may not be aware of.....Crack is bad for you. Put down the pipe before you make yourself even more brain damaged.


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