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Newton's reply to SB Interview Exit


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I totally get people disliking Newton. I dislike Brady due to his arrogance, smugness, crying, lying, smugness while lying, crying while lying, okay I'll stop), but I don't hate the dude. Seems to me that people take it to a different level with Newton. Maybe I'm off base...

When Cam played the race card I think it took it to a different level. People are sick of hearing how everything is about race and if you don't like a person of color you're a racist.

I still don't see the hatred that was heaped on Brady after deflategate last year.


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When Cam played the race card I think it took it to a different level. People are sick of hearing how everything is about race and if you don't like a person of color you're a racist.

I still don't see the hatred that was heaped on Brady after deflategate last year.

I never got this from what he said. I took it like the way he was acting was a "black thing" and other people (who aren't black) don't understand it. Along with that line of thinking comes the thought process that people are afraid of what they don't understand.

I feel like the whole "racist" thing was a misperception by some. People just went there. I'm not saying I agree with what he said, I just think people made more of it then it was.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I never got this from what he said. I took it like the way he was acting was a "black thing" and other people (who aren't black) don't understand it. Along with that line of thinking comes the thought process that people are afraid of what they don't understand.

I feel like the whole "racist" thing was a misperception by some. People just went there. I'm not saying I agree with what he said, I just think people made more of it then it was.

We'll have to disagree on that one. To me what he said was basically "The people who don't like me are racist".


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Sep 3, 2014
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I totally get people disliking Newton. I dislike Brady due to his arrogance, smugness, crying, lying, smugness while lying, crying while lying, okay I'll stop), but I don't hate the dude. Seems to me that people take it to a different level with Newton. Maybe I'm off base...

Couple major differences between Brady and Cam. Cam ain't won shit yet. People can talk all they want about that Nat'l Champ he won at Auburn, but that means nothing now. I also don't recall Brady proclaiming himself the Face of the League either. Whatever smugness or arrogance Brady has or exudes in somebody's opinion. He's at least earned it by winning titles.

One more thing - for all his supposed hate for losing. He sure put in a half-ass effort to recover that second fumble he had. Cuz up to that point the game was far from over especially giving how Carolina's defense was shutting down Denver's offense. Cam recovers that ball, they punt it away and if Carolina's defense 3 and outs Denver's offense its all there for taking for Cam and Panthers.

Given where the fumble occurred, deep in Carolina territory, Cam had to know a Denver recovery is pretty much the beginning of the end of Carolina's chances to win that game. And he still gave a far less than desirable effort on trying to recover it when it looked like he had a pretty decent chance to do so.


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I never got this from what he said. I took it like the way he was acting was a "black thing" and other people (who aren't black) don't understand it. Along with that line of thinking comes the thought process that people are afraid of what they don't understand.

I feel like the whole "racist" thing was a misperception by some. People just went there. I'm not saying I agree with what he said, I just think people made more of it then it was.

Pure speculation and really reaching at that, he said it arrogantly and meant what he said...
How many times have you seen these prima donna's set themselves as them against the world ?
And what would justify a comment like you describe as not being racist ?
That's like saying accept my race of people like they are, but we don't accept yours as they are because they don't understand us and they are afraid of us....That's absurd buddy !!


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Couple major differences between Brady and Cam. Cam ain't won shit yet. People can talk all they want about that Nat'l Champ he won at Auburn, but that means nothing now. I also don't recall Brady proclaiming himself the Face of the League either. Whatever smugness or arrogance Brady has or exudes in somebody's opinion. He's at least earned it by winning titles.

One more thing - for all his supposed hate for losing. He sure put in a half-ass effort to recover that second fumble he had. Cuz up to that point the game was far from over especially giving how Carolina's defense was shutting down Denver's offense. Cam recovers that ball, they punt it away and if Carolina's defense 3 and outs Denver's offense its all there for taking for Cam and Panthers.

Given where the fumble occurred, deep in Carolina territory, Cam had to know a Denver recovery is pretty much the beginning of the end of Carolina's chances to win that game. And he still gave a far less than desirable effort on trying to recover it when it looked like he had a pretty decent chance to do so.

Not going after that fumble was the most damning thing concerning Cam. You have to go after that ball


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Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Really. People have been killing Manziel. The guys a drunken criminal. Cam's just a bit of a spoiled brat but I've never heard about him breaking any laws or committing crimes so he's there's no reason to hate the guy imo.

Well then you should apply the same standard to RG3 & others. He is/was a model citizen in terms of having no off-field issues, no substance abuse problems & he does tons of charity work. However - people don't like folks who have attitudes. I never had an issue with him on that - just had an issue w/ his more recent sub par play. Just as it is the rt of players to act a certain way it is also the right of fans to lash out against them - nothing wrong with that.

As for Manziel - lots of folks have lashed out against him. However - as time passes & if he doesn't play less & less people will care about him - as it should be.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Well then you should apply the same standard to RG3 & others. He is/was a model citizen in terms of having no off-field issues, no substance abuse problems & he does tons of charity work. However - people don't like folks who have attitudes. I never had an issue with him on that - just had an issue w/ his more recent sub par play. Just as it is the rt of players to act a certain way it is also the right of fans to lash out against them - nothing wrong with that.

As for Manziel - lots of folks have lashed out against him. However - as time passes & if he doesn't play less & less people will care about him - as it should be.

Do people dislike RGIII for reasons other than his play? Seems a decent young man.


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Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When Cam played the race card I think it took it to a different level. People are sick of hearing how everything is about race and if you don't like a person of color you're a racist.

I still don't see the hatred that was heaped on Brady after deflategate last year.

Well - one of the differences is that deflategate was dragged out for months & months after the SB. If Newton either apologizes somewhat or maintains a low profile for a while then I don't think that he will get much more flack from the general public.


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Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do people dislike RGIII for reasons other than his play? Seems a decent young man.

Absolutely. Both in & outside of the Redskins community he has been called out for throwing teammates under the bus, bragging about himself & failing to acknowledge his weaknesses. I don't really take issue with this but lots of Redskins fans and Redskins haters have had issues with this.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Well - one of the differences is that deflategate was dragged out for months & months after the SB. If Newton either apologizes somewhat or maintains a low profile for a while then I don't think that he will get much more flack from the general public.

I was referring to the reaction to Brady's press conference when deflategate first popped up. He got killed for that. People will move on from the Cam thing soon.


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Jul 8, 2013
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I was referring to the reaction to Brady's press conference when deflategate first popped up. He got killed for that. People will move on from the Cam thing soon.

Yep. I just don't understand why he can't just acknowledge that he might have screwed up & move on. If nothing else it will make life easier & probably net him a few more $$. Oh well.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Absolutely. Both in & outside of the Redskins community he has been called out for throwing teammates under the bus, bragging about himself & failing to acknowledge his weaknesses. I don't really take issue with this but lots of Redskins fans and Redskins haters have had issues with this.

I remember people saying the owner treated RGIII like he was running the team but I don't remember too many personal attacks. Then again I probably wouldn't have paid much attention unless they were playing the Jets


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Yep. I just don't understand why he can't just acknowledge that he might have screwed up & move on. If nothing else it will make life easier & probably net him a few more $$. Oh well.

It does not appear to be in this young mans genetics to be humble or show any sign of humility. But, he's hardly the first and won't be the last. My old man tells me that when Joe Namath first hit the pros is cockiness and arrogance caused a lot of people to hate him.

Used 2 B Hu

Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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In addition to maturing, Newton should also learn the definition of the word "tautology".

Git outta here w/ yer damn book-larnin', ya hippie!


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Jul 9, 2013
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We'll have to disagree on that one. To me what he said was basically "The people who don't like me are racist".

If he actually said that I could roll with your line of thinking, but I didn't gather that from his comments either.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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If he actually said that I could roll with your line of thinking, but I didn't gather that from his comments either.

Quite a few people did. I guess that's one of the things giving this thread legs