Guys I can help with new avatars for you. Although not sure when i can qsueeze them in. I'll have a little time this week so first come first serve. Tomorrow though i am going to work on the site trying to update everyones personal top 200 and home page. Then I have to get everyone's position ranking unless, should I even do that since we are all listed on the connsensus. Maybe i should focus on everyone's personal page. ie Sams spud page, joes blitz etc. ? what you guys think?
Foot - on avatars. Just looking it would seem that yours, Joe's, mine, Brian's, & Barkilo's should all be ok. Anyway, I don't plan to change. I have a few ideas for some of the others (ex, Sam = a potato character in a football helmet).
As for what to work on. I personally like the original idea of having our rankings split out and shown on our personal pages - - but considering the 'work' involved to maintain it all (9 personal pages with top 200 and/or positional + consensus top 200 + consensus positional), maybe we, as a group, need to rethink that. Presently, you (and you alone) can post those items and, for now, articles, etc - - that appears to be a heavy burden and may not be manageable with only so many Foot hours to devote.
That said, maybe the personal pages are reserved for articles ("The Way (xxxx) See's It") and our weekly ranks/sleepers (e.g. "Weekly Thoughts", "The Week Ahead"). Also, I don't know what's involved to accomplish this, but it would be nice if we each could access our page to post those items. That would allow you time to manage the top 200, positional, overall site, and your own page.
These are just my random thoughts to help make it work smoother and keep us from getting bogged down or overwhelmed.