Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
gotta stop dropping that acid....why on gods green earth would if you didnt like lebron? - like i said- i actually enjoy when other teams hate on him and he ends up taking a dump on your head like last year
show me where i give a shit. lol. it doesnt exist. you can hate lebrons personality all you want- certainly within your right- but there is no denying he is one of the greatest ever to play the game.- that- and he isnt a scumbag like guys like kobe (and many others- dont mean to single out just kobe- just i think he is one of the best examples as he was indicted for r*pe)
You DO keep responding. exhibit A...
you can't help yourself and we BOTH know it...

if you TRULY didn't care you wouldn't respond...period...end of story...
waste someone else's time with them LIES...