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Lakers Coach Byron Scott


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Then if Phil's coaching ability mattered that little, why even bother to use him the statement you made?

Why pick him? Because what that looks like is you picked a great coach to show that even they couldn't turn it around, thus absolving Scott for his failures in Cleveland. So you're at least implying that Phil is a great coach. Why else bring him up? But you can't be a great coach if you just rode ready made teams. Especially not to 11 titles. Basketball does not work that way he's way more essential than you're willing to admit.

And with Pop? I didn't ask if he was better than Phil. I asked if you thought he could do any better with the Cavs than Scott.

Scott should be absolved of what happened in Cleveland and no, I don't think Phil would have done any better than Scott. Of course, we'll never know because Phil would never have taken a job like that.

As for Pop, he may have done better than Scott, but only marginally. Considering the Cavs play in the east, he might have snuck them in to the playoffs as an 8 seed. Give him that roster in the west and he likely doesn't have them winning any more games than the Lakers did.
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True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I disagree about Phil, he claimed that he thought they wouldn't win it in his first year, but I'm not buying it. That team was one of the favorites to win the title and had already had a few playoff runs before Phil took over. In fact, they had been to the Western Conference Semi-Finals twice and the Western Conference finals once in the 3 seasons before Phil took over.

I'm a Lakers fan and love that Phil was able to bring 5 more titles to the organization, but people love to give him credit for and assume he's capable of doing stuff he's never done.

That team had never won a championship before and the small changes Phil made in the line up is what turned it into a title. Tyronne Lue - that little dude drilled some threes at the right time. Robert Horry - again drilled them at the right time. Ron Harper was the glue that taught Kobe and Shaq to be calm and not panic. Horris Grant - gave them an edge. Phil Jackson's era is over now and it's time to move, so let's see what Byron Scott can do. If he is as good as everyone thinks, then the Lakers will be about more championships, but let's not discredit Phil Jackson - he did not win 11 titles by accident and they were not handed to him on silver platters either.

I do agree though that Byron Scott is the best coach for the Lakers and I do believe he will help to turn the organization around that has been drifting like a ship without a sail or engine for the last two years. Almost anything that is not Mike Brown or D'antoni is going to feel like an upgrade to us

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Then if Phil's coaching ability mattered that little, why even bother to use him the statement you made?

Why pick him? Because what that looks like is you picked a great coach to show that even they couldn't turn it around, thus absolving Scott for his failures in Cleveland. So you're at least implying that Phil is a great coach. Why else bring him up? But you can't be a great coach if you just rode ready made teams. Especially not to 11 titles. Basketball does not work that way he's way more essential than you're willing to admit.

And with Pop? I didn't ask if he was better than Phil. I asked if you thought he could do any better with the Cavs than Scott.

Here is my take - right now Phil was one of the best coaches in the NBA retired or active and there are very few coaches that could outcoach him. Popovich is obviously one of them. Given the same team, however I don't think any of the others could out-coach Phil Jackson. Miami was loaded with talent and under-achieved if anything. I do think, however that Byron Scott was the best coach available and is a natural fit because of his past history with the organization. He has a history of taking two of the three worst teams in the NBA and turning them around in a short time and then somehow things fell apart.

For the time being I am going to call those failures growing pains that every champion has to go through before winning. I didn't start beating other chess players without losing to the best and neither is any other coach going to either for the most part. Chill out and let's see what the guy can do. Scott has the backing of the best players ever in the NBA which includes Kareem, Magic Johnson and some of the others. Perhaps they know something that we don't and consider. It's not like we have a choice any way


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
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My criticism on Byron is that he, a lot like Dantoni, has never won without a top point guard(Future HOF CP3). I am interested to see how he does. Im really holding back until i see what he can do. Though, i hope it works out .

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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My criticism on Byron is that he, a lot like Dantoni, has never won without a top point guard(Future HOF CP3). I am interested to see how he does. Im really holding back until i see what he can do. Though, i hope it works out .

Neither did Phil Jackson before he coached Michael Jordan and neither did Spoelstra before Lebron. They all have to get their first some where and Scott has a good history to help. Consider that more teams are going after former players to be head coaches - recent players tapped includes Jason Kidd, Derek Fisher and now Byron Scott. Mark Madsen is an assistant coach as well as others. I think it's time new blood gets tapped instead of rehiring losers like George Karl, D'antoni, Mike Brown and etc.


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Scott should be absolved of what happened in Cleveland and no, I don't think Phil would have done any better than Scott. Of course, we'll never know because Phil would never have taken a job like that.

As for Pop, he may have done better than Scott, but only marginally. Considering the Cavs play in the east, he might have snuck them in to the playoffs as an 8 seed. Give him that roster in the west and he likely doesn't have them winning any more games than the Lakers did.

Phil and Pop never went through rebuilds so we can't say for sure. So you say Phil couldn't have done any better with the Cavs because he never had a job like that and there's nothing to suggest he could. But Pops could do better even though he hasn't either? That's your logic. It's safe to assume Pops could do better but you can't assume Phil could. That's flawed reasoning. Unless you really believe Phil isn't a great coach. But if that were the case, why even bring Phil up?

BTW, 8th in the East is a far cry away from where Scott had the Cavs so any coach doing that would be a huge accomplishment. Marginally better is what Mike Brown did.


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Neither did Phil Jackson before he coached Michael Jordan and neither did Spoelstra before Lebron. They all have to get their first some where and Scott has a good history to help. Consider that more teams are going after former players to be head coaches - recent players tapped includes Jason Kidd, Derek Fisher and now Byron Scott. Mark Madsen is an assistant coach as well as others. I think it's time new blood gets tapped instead of rehiring losers like George Karl, D'antoni, Mike Brown and etc.

New blood? Dude, then wtf is Scott if not a rehire? Scott has been a coach for over a decade

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Scott in the terms of coaching hasn't been coaching that long - he's had three jobs, done very good at two of them and I agree with TrojanFan about his stint at Cleveland - he never had a chance there. I agree he hasn't won any championships, but name me coaches that won championships in the first few years of coaching and then we can talk


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Phil and Pop never went through rebuilds so we can't say for sure. So you say Phil couldn't have done any better with the Cavs because he never had a job like that and there's nothing to suggest he could. But Pops could do better even though he hasn't either? That's your logic. It's safe to assume Pops could do better but you can't assume Phil could. That's flawed reasoning. Unless you really believe Phil isn't a great coach. But if that were the case, why even bring Phil up?

BTW, 8th in the East is a far cry away from where Scott had the Cavs so any coach doing that would be a huge accomplishment. Marginally better is what Mike Brown did.

And Scott's never walked in to a "ready to win" situation like Phil has. That's my point. You talk about Phil as if he's proven himself to be a great coach and he simply hasn't. He's proven himself to be an ego manager. He's had great situations with teams that already had great players. Byron has never had that. In fact, taking this Lakers job is arguably the closest he's ever come to walking into a "ready to win" situation. That's how bad the jobs he's taken were.

Also, I didn't assume anything with Pop. I said that Pop may have done better than Scott, but only marginally and that was based on the fact that Pop has outcoached Phil.Nice try at changing what I said to try and fit your point though. So, my logic isn't flawed at all. Your understanding of it is. Unless you intentionally were trying to change what I said to fit your point, which would just be desperate on your part.

Considering it only took 38 wins to get the 8th seed in the Eastern Conference, it's hardly "a far cry" from where Scott had the Cavs.

It's pretty clear that Phil has been great at taking advantage of great situations. He's never "turned water into wine" like he gets credit for.
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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LA fans want offense. That's what Mike D. was known for....run and gun

Byron's stressing Defense right off the bat (which is a good thing) while Magic is sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong saying "showtime is back."

He needs to STFU and worry about the Dodgers. Thought it was very odd that Magic was the first to speak at Byron's hiring press conference

Our Showtime had to defend teams....wouldn't you think after we didn't play ANY D under D'Antoni to have a coach preach defense is refreshing and warranted?? Defense wins championships last I checked.

As for Magic, first off you do know that he still is on their payroll with a title of VP, right? And why wouldn't he want to claim that "Showtime is back" whether the team will replicate style or not? Magic has EARNED the right to make any claim based on his bball resume. Go find a Knick with that same resume.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Our Showtime had to defend teams....wouldn't you think after we didn't play ANY D under D'Antoni to have a coach preach defense is refreshing and warranted?? Defense wins championships last I checked.

As for Magic, first off you do know that he still is on their payroll with a title of VP, right? And why wouldn't he want to claim that "Showtime is back" whether the team will replicate style or not? Magic has EARNED the right to make any claim based on his bball resume. Go find a Knick with that same resume.
Up until this morning, I was not aware that Magic had a title Vice president with the team. I thought when he sold his share, he was just relegated to "super fan" in a sense. But, he is NOT on the payroll, just holds that title of V.P

Not sure what he does or expected to do for the organization, if anything. Seems like during the Mike D. tenure there, he did more criticizing of the team, than support it. That's not something a V.P does for a business.

He asked if he could do some recruiting this off season and said that's what he use to do when he was part owner. So it sounds as if he has the title just for the sake of having it and needs permission first before doing things.....:noidea:


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Apr 18, 2013
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Phil hates young guys, he would never have taken that Cleveland job.


Apr 17, 2013
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Up until this morning, I was not aware that Magic had a title Vice president with the team. I thought when he sold his share, he was just relegated to "super fan" in a sense. But, he is NOT on the payroll, just holds that title of V.P

Not sure what he does or expected to do for the organization, if anything. Seems like during the Mike D. tenure there, he did more criticizing of the team, than support it. That's not something a V.P does for a business.

He asked if he could do some recruiting this off season and said that's what he use to do when he was part owner. So it sounds as if he has the title just for the sake of having it and needs permission first before doing things.....

Whether it's an honorary title or whatever, like I said and majority would agree he's earned the right to give his opinion on any and all things Lakers. It's what a player does when he's responsible for 5 trophies and success on/off the court. Former Lakers have always had an open door with Buss ownership. It doesn't always translates to execution but they're part of the family which is something majority of the teams can't even smell.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
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Up until this morning, I was not aware that Magic had a title Vice president with the team. I thought when he sold his share, he was just relegated to "super fan" in a sense. But, he is NOT on the payroll, just holds that title of V.P

Not sure what he does or expected to do for the organization, if anything. Seems like during the Mike D. tenure there, he did more criticizing of the team, than support it. That's not something a V.P does for a business.

He asked if he could do some recruiting this off season and said that's what he use to do when he was part owner. So it sounds as if he has the title just for the sake of having it and needs permission first before doing things.....:noidea:

Hes just an ambassador yimmy.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Up until this morning, I was not aware that Magic had a title Vice president with the team. I thought when he sold his share, he was just relegated to "super fan" in a sense. But, he is NOT on the payroll, just holds that title of V.P

Not sure what he does or expected to do for the organization, if anything. Seems like during the Mike D. tenure there, he did more criticizing of the team, than support it. That's not something a V.P does for a business.

He asked if he could do some recruiting this off season and said that's what he use to do when he was part owner. So it sounds as if he has the title just for the sake of having it and needs permission first before doing things.....:noidea:

Yeah, the V.P. thing is more honorary. Magic gets trotted out for things like this because he's beloved and has that "Master of Ceremony" thing going for him.

As Inimical points out, he's essentially an ambassador for the team. His criticisms during the past 2 seasons with D'Antoni is why the Lakers basically told him to stfu. He wasn't being the ambassador.

It was one thing for him to do it when he was doing analysis on ESPN, but when he started doing it outside of that role, the Lakers let him know he needed to stop and he did.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Yeah, the V.P. thing is more honorary. Magic gets trotted out for things like this because he's beloved and has that "Master of Ceremony" thing going for him.

As Inimical points out, he's essentially an ambassador for the team. His criticisms during the past 2 seasons with D'Antoni is why the Lakers basically told him to stfu. He wasn't being the ambassador.

It was one thing for him to do it when he was doing analysis on ESPN, but when he started doing it outside of that role, the Lakers let him know he needed to stop and he did.

Magic was right to call out Jim Buss for a bad hire. I will give them a pass on Mike Brown, but they could have had Phil Jackson and they turned down Phil for an idiot like D'antoni. Someone needed to tell Jim Buss he made a jackass move. Magic was being an ambassador for all of the Lakers fan in that case.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Magic was being an ambassador for all of the Lakers fan in that case.:yahoo:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Magic was right to call out Jim Buss for a bad hire. I will give them a pass on Mike Brown, but they could have had Phil Jackson and they turned down Phil for an idiot like D'antoni. Someone needed to tell Jim Buss he made a jackass move. Magic was being an ambassador for all of the Lakers fan in that case.

Magic may have been right to call him out and doing so on ESPN was fine. It was when he started spouting off outside of his analyst job that the Lakers had an issue with it.

If he wanted to walk in to Jim or Mitch's office and say it, I'm sure they'd have listened to him. But to take shots just because someone stuck a microphone in his face was detrimental to the teams reputation and makes it harder to attract players.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Magic may have been right to call him out and doing so on ESPN was fine. It was when he started spouting off outside of his analyst job that the Lakers had an issue with it.

If he wanted to walk in to Jim or Mitch's office and say it, I'm sure they'd have listened to him. But to take shots just because someone stuck a microphone in his face was detrimental to the teams reputation and makes it harder to attract players.

Magic was a little harsh on Jim for sure, but honestly I am tired of seeing Jim Dumb Door Prize spouting off about the Lakers organization when he knows zero about their history and how they work. I have had dogs that know more than he does.:L