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Lakers Coach Byron Scott


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If he wanted to walk in to Jim or Mitch's office and say it, I'm sure they'd have listened to him. But to take shots just because someone stuck a microphone in his face was detrimental to the teams reputation and makes it harder to attract players.

I doubt any Lakers fan was a fan of D'Antoni and the way the team performed -- in particular -- the absolute disregard of team playing anything resembling a defense. Anytime they stuck a microphone in D'Antoni's face the word "defense" rarely if ever came out of his mouth. If anything, it was embarrassing and Magic did the right thing, VP or not.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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As for Jimbo, has he rarely ever said anything resembling a Knick prediction/commentary on his own team?? 'Cause you know there's lots to be said about a team who last took the title in '73. Yeah, the math comes out to 41 years and counting even w/PJ and Fish at the helm.

I guess it's always the aim of fans to try and knock down Goliath, ie the Lakers vs. David, ie the Knicks --a team that is notorious for being in the cellar. No matter whether Lakers are contending or not, they're ALWAYS the target. Gotta love the jealousy and envy from other teams' fans.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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As for Jimbo, has he rarely ever said anything resembling a Knick prediction/commentary on his own team?? 'Cause you know there's lots to be said about a team who last took the title in '73. Yeah, the math comes out to 41 years and counting even w/PJ and Fish at the helm.

I guess it's always the aim of fans to try and knock down Goliath, ie the Lakers vs. David, ie the Knicks --a team that is notorious for being in the cellar. No matter whether Lakers are contending or not, they're ALWAYS the target. Gotta love the jealousy and envy from other teams' fans.

The Lakers made virtually no splash at all in the free agent market, and granted that Boozer is no door prize, he is worth more than what the Lakers had to pay for him. The Lakers then made a pretty good splash with their next head coach which makes me believe that it is sour grapes for the haters in here. They are getting nervous that the Lakers rebuilding process will happen faster than expected or hoped.



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Apr 18, 2013
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As for Jimbo, has he rarely ever said anything resembling a Knick prediction/commentary on his own team?? 'Cause you know there's lots to be said about a team who last took the title in '73. Yeah, the math comes out to 41 years and counting even w/PJ and Fish at the helm.

I guess it's always the aim of fans to try and knock down Goliath, ie the Lakers vs. David, ie the Knicks --a team that is notorious for being in the cellar. No matter whether Lakers are contending or not, they're ALWAYS the target. Gotta love the jealousy and envy from other teams' fans.
This is the general board. I comment on threads that are posted here.

If you and others don't want me talking about the fucking Lakers, then tell someone to move their threads to the fucking Lakers board. Until then, quit fucking crying like a bitch.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you and others don't want me talking about the fucking Lakers, then tell someone to move their threads to the fucking Lakers board. Until then, quit fucking crying like a bitch

Jealousy is a biatch


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Interesting. B. Scott starting to raid the TWC SportsNet offices. Dave Miller next?

I read where B's son will likely be added to staff...why not bring them in. Bottom line is how the players will respond with play on court. They're certainly heavy on pedigrees...


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you and others don't want me talking about the fucking Lakers, then tell someone to move their threads to the fucking Lakers board. Until then, quit fucking crying like a bitch.

spoken like a New Yorker too, fuhgettaboutit


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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In case I didn't make myself clear, Jimbo, keep them Lakers comments coming. It makes for entertainment and a need to unload on haters, capisc?


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They are getting nervous that the Lakers rebuilding process will happen faster than expected or hoped.

whether we contend or not, the Lakers are team all other teams' fans hate even more than the Celtics....or at least one they want to discuss. See many threads on this board having to do with the Celtics no matter their state of affairs? Nope.
Dec 18, 2013
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This is the general board. I comment on threads that are posted here.

If you and others don't want me talking about the fucking Lakers, then tell someone to move their threads to the fucking Lakers board. Until then, quit fucking crying like a bitch.

Feels free to tell the guy who started this thread where he can and cannot post his topics, your highness.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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I read where B's son will likely be added to staff...why not bring them in. Bottom line is how the players will respond with play on court. They're certainly heavy on pedigrees...

Gary Payton is another rumored staff addition. He's a guy that is close with Kobe. He'd be good for Lin's and Clarkson's development.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Feels free to tell the guy who started this thread where he can and cannot post his topics, your highness.
Has that guy cried, bitched or moaned about my posts in this thread, like a couple 2-3 other LA fans have?


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I love NY and their fans who can be some of the most knowledgeable anywhere....there's always the exception

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I love NY and their fans who can be some of the most knowledgeable anywhere....there's always the exception

Do ever get tired of Door's condescending bitching and whining? - She never really talks substance from what I have seen


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And Scott's never walked in to a "ready to win" situation like Phil has. That's my point. You talk about Phil as if he's proven himself to be a great coach and he simply hasn't. He's proven himself to be an ego manager. He's had great situations with teams that already had great players. Byron has never had that. In fact, taking this Lakers job is arguably the closest he's ever come to walking into a "ready to win" situation. That's how bad the jobs he's taken were.

11 championships proves you're a great coach. It's almost comical you're denying this. The "just a manager" arguement would be valid if he just had one or possibly two championships. But 11? That's a huge number, especially in the modern NBA. Winning titles is HARD. You have to be more than just a manager to do that. And as for LA being Scott's "closest to a ready win situation" thing, you're really overvaluing LA's roster if you believe that. It's also not true. The year before Scott took over NO, they won 41 games.

Also, I didn't assume anything with Pop. I said that Pop may have done better than Scott, but only marginally and that was based on the fact that Pop has outcoached Phil.Nice try at changing what I said to try and fit your point though. So, my logic isn't flawed at all. Your understanding of it is. Unless you intentionally were trying to change what I said to fit your point, which would just be desperate on your part.

"May" is an assumption. And I didn't change what you said because the individual match up doesn't matter. In fact, I never even addressed it. I asked you if Pop could do better with the Cavs. You brought up seeing Pop outcoach Phil. I responded by saying I didn't ask you if he was better than Phil, I asked you what he would do with the Cavs. You then responded with what he would do with the Cavs, saying he'd do better but you never mentioned Phil in that reasoning. Not once did I change what you typed.

Considering it only took 38 wins to get the 8th seed in the Eastern Conference, it's hardly "a far cry" from where Scott had the Cavs.

It's pretty clear that Phil has been great at taking advantage of great situations. He's never "turned water into wine" like he gets credit for.

Scott's win totals in Cleveland were 19, 21 (lockout year), and 24. The 8th place win totals in those years were 37, 35, and 38. So the difference is 18, 14, and 14. That's a HUGE gap. 14 games could be the difference between being a playoff team with homecourt advantage vs being in the lottery. So yeah, I'd say that safely qualifies as a "far cry".

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I guess you can't please everyone, and I agree that Byron Scott has not been the best coach in the NBA, but I still believe that he was the best coach available. There is no question that Phil Jackson was a better coach, but Phil Jackson is gone and even when he was available, he did not want to coach again. I think that is the reason the Lakers moved a different direction. I say give Scott a chance to prove himself. He might surprise us


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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11 championships proves you're a great coach. It's almost comical you're denying this. The "just a manager" arguement would be valid if he just had one or possibly two championships. But 11? That's a huge number, especially in the modern NBA. Winning titles is HARD. You have to be more than just a manager to do that. And as for LA being Scott's "closest to a ready win situation" thing, you're really overvaluing LA's roster if you believe that. It's also not true. The year before Scott took over NO, they won 41 games.

"May" is an assumption. And I didn't change what you said because the individual match up doesn't matter. In fact, I never even addressed it. I asked you if Pop could do better with the Cavs. You brought up seeing Pop outcoach Phil. I responded by saying I didn't ask you if he was better than Phil, I asked you what he would do with the Cavs. You then responded with what he would do with the Cavs, saying he'd do better but you never mentioned Phil in that reasoning. Not once did I change what you typed.

Scott's win totals in Cleveland were 19, 21 (lockout year), and 24. The 8th place win totals in those years were 37, 35, and 38. So the difference is 18, 14, and 14. That's a HUGE gap. 14 games could be the difference between being a playoff team with homecourt advantage vs being in the lottery. So yeah, I'd say that safely qualifies as a "far cry".

Uh, hate to break it to you, but Phil walked into situations where his coaching skills were largely unnecessary. But his ability to manage ego's was. He took over teams that were favored to win. When he has had teams that weren't favored to win, those teams didn't win. He has never had a team that performed better than expected, but has had at least 2 that didn't perform as well as expected. That speaks to him not being a great coach.

You probably think Robert Horry is better than MJ. After all, Horry has 7 rings and MJ only has 6. Also, the roster Scott took over was not the same roster as the season before. So yes, this years Lakers team is the closest he's come to a "ready to win" situation. Nice try.

"May" absolutely is not an assumption. "May" simply acknowledges a possibility. An assumption would have been if I had said that Pop definitely would have done better than Byron. I never assumed that Pop would have performed better than Scott, I acknowledged that possibility. It's clear that it wasn't you intentionally changing what I said, you just didn't grasp it.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree with Trojan on Scott, and I agree with WildTurkey on Phil.

And Jimmy, I just realized you was a Chargers fan. No wonder, you seem to not know what you are talling about.