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Lakers Coach Byron Scott

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Mike Brown would have found a way to fuck those teams in the ass.

Rick Adelman - was a good coach and most likely would have won multiple championships in Chicago with Michael Jordan, but let's not forget that while Phil Jackson did not build the entire team with the Bulls or the Lakers, he did bring in the players that took those teams to the finals. I am talking about the Robert Horry's, Horris Grant's and Ron Harper's. That is what the Rick Adelman's, George Karl's and Mike Brown are missing. Phil Jackson just had the mind of a genius that took each good team to the next level. The others have no championships ever for a good reason - they weren't ever quite as good


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Byron Scott is making a huge mistake playing his weaker players more minutes than his better players. Ed Davis has been the best Laker this year, and he's 10th on the team in minutes. Wes Johnson does everything below average, is the Lakers 11th best player and is 2nd on the team in minutes per game behind Kobe. Coach Scott isn't a very good judge of talent based on who he plays and how much he plays them. Nick Young is having a terrible year and he speaks his mind, and Coach doesn't like that..but Wes can't hold his jock. And everyone but Byron Scott realizes this.


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Byron Scott is sounding like someone who desperately wants to be paid not to coach next season, which would make it two straight years of salary sans actual coaching. And to think they fired two real coaches and rejected Phil Jackson because of an over-the-hill Kobe Bryant who wasn't getting enough touches.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Byron Scott is making a huge mistake playing his weaker players more minutes than his better players. Ed Davis has been the best Laker this year, and he's 10th on the team in minutes. Wes Johnson does everything below average, is the Lakers 11th best player and is 2nd on the team in minutes per game behind Kobe. Coach Scott isn't a very good judge of talent based on who he plays and how much he plays them. Nick Young is having a terrible year and he speaks his mind, and Coach doesn't like that..but Wes can't hold his jock. And everyone but Byron Scott realizes this.

It's called tanking so that we have a better chance at keeping our top five draft pick


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Byron Scott is making a huge mistake playing his weaker players more minutes than his better players. Ed Davis has been the best Laker this year, and he's 10th on the team in minutes. Wes Johnson does everything below average, is the Lakers 11th best player and is 2nd on the team in minutes per game behind Kobe. Coach Scott isn't a very good judge of talent based on who he plays and how much he plays them. Nick Young is having a terrible year and he speaks his mind, and Coach doesn't like that..but Wes can't hold his jock. And everyone but Byron Scott realizes this.

The Lakers aren't making the playoffs. At this point, it's about evaluating players to see who will be kept going forward. He was playing the other guys more before they were eliminated from the playoffs.

Nick Young needs to be smarter and listen to what Byron is saying. If Young isn't hitting his shot, he has zero value at this point. He was shooting 36.6% from the field when he went down with his injury. Like Byron said, most of what he needs to learn is how to play without the ball.


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Genuine question - does anyone still think this guy is a good coach? Everything I've read seems to say that he is a dinosaur.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Genuine question - does anyone still think this guy is a good coach? Everything I've read seems to say that he is a dinosaur.

Considering the roster, I don't think most Lakers fans have too many complaints. What we don't know is whether or not he's a guy who, once they have talent, can get them back to winning titles. Or is he a Del Harris type, who can only get them so far before someone else has to be brought in to finish the job?

I do like that he has been bringing in some outside help like Steve Nash working with the guards and James Worthy working with the bigs.


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Rick Adelman - was a good coach and most likely would have won multiple championships in Chicago with Michael Jordan, but let's not forget that while Phil Jackson did not build the entire team with the Bulls or the Lakers, he did bring in the players that took those teams to the finals. I am talking about the Robert Horry's, Horris Grant's and Ron Harper's. That is what the Rick Adelman's, George Karl's and Mike Brown are missing. Phil Jackson just had the mind of a genius that took each good team to the next level. The others have no championships ever for a good reason - they weren't ever quite as good

I was a huge fan of Rick Adelman.

....until he because the coach of my Timberwolves. Not a fan in the least now. He was a coach with complete tunnel vision who literally paid no attention to what was happening on the defensive side of the court and only cared about how his offense worked.

He wins a title with the Bulls and Jordan (most would) but he would have screwed up most other teams.


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I was a huge fan of Rick Adelman.

....until he because the coach of my Timberwolves. Not a fan in the least now. He was a coach with complete tunnel vision who literally paid no attention to what was happening on the defensive side of the court and only cared about how his offense worked.

He wins a title with the Bulls and Jordan (most would) but he would have screwed up most other teams.

Wasn't he and his wife going thru health issues the whole time though? I could see where he just lost focus and his coaching would slip

DJ Fieri

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Jun 26, 2014
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Genuine question - does anyone still think this guy is a good coach? Everything I've read seems to say that he is a dinosaur.

He did as good a job as can be expected considering they lost Randle and Kobe to season ending injuries.