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JR Smith suspended 2 games; Olynyk 1; Perkins fined $15k


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Why dont they just suspend Perk for 10 games to cover the JR suspension and more :clap:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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:lol: @Cavs fans still trying desperately to make what Olynyk did intentional. Give it up beches. Nobody is buying it. You're not even doing a very good job of convincing yourselves.


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If you watch the play from the beginning, Love locked arms with him first.
They were both going for a rebound,
Shit happens.

Exactly. Kevin Love locked Olynyk's arm first. Then Love tried to use his arm to keep Olynyk from getting to the ball. In reaction, Olynk grabbed Love's arm so that Love wouldn't get the ball either. Olynyk definitely intended to grab Love's arm, but I seriously doubt he intended to injure Love.


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:lol: @Cavs fans still trying desperately to make what Olynyk did intentional. Give it up beches. Nobody is buying it. You're not even doing a very good job of convincing yourselves.

I am not trying to make anything.

I just have no possible clue how you can look at that picture and say that Olnyk was making a basketball play. I really have no clue, im at a complete and total loss to explain how anyone WITHOUT BIAS could make that determination. I realize I have bias- but i mean- there is a picture- its all right there for anyone to see. It honestly baffles me.

but- maybe i answered my own question.

haters gonna hate.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Why dont they just suspend Perk for 10 games to cover the JR suspension and more :clap:


well Perkins did do the job he was brought in to do....

and to think- people were talking about JaVale McGee......can someone tell me who JaVale Mcgee is playing for right now?

Oh yah...

no one. Not one playoff team wanted him.

Perkins has been exactly what the Cavs expected- a guy who has championship experience, is 7feet tall, has 6 fouls to give and plays the enforcer role. There is a reason multiple other teams wanted Perkins- and not one team wanted McGee.

On to the next round for the Cavs though. I have to say- after the 4 year playoff drought- to again be at the center of the basketball universe, with the game's best player, a great up and coming super star like Kyrie Irving, and a solid management team in place that has done things that management could never do last time LeBron was here- has been a lot of fun.

Its fun getting prepared- and taking this underdog mentality into the next round and getting to see what LeBron can do, what Kyrie can do, how Blatt adjusts, what the Mozgov/Gasol battle will be like for a long series, if Tristan Thompson can step up and continue to beat teams on the offensive glass, to see what Shumpert can do now that he is given a role that he can excel in isntead of being asked to do way too much like he was on the Knicks, and- I cant wait to see what the veteran quartet can do. Marion, Miller, JJones, Perkins. 4 guys with tons of playoff experience and each has a ring. Can one or more step up?

Ill tell ya- this beats the hell outta praying for the right ping pong balls to come up in the lotto, and hoping my team can do something in the crap-shoot that is free agency.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I am not trying to make anything.

I just have no possible clue how you can look at that picture and say that Olnyk was making a basketball play. I really have no clue, im at a complete and total loss to explain how anyone WITHOUT BIAS could make that determination. I realize I have bias- but i mean- there is a picture- its all right there for anyone to see. It honestly baffles me.

but- maybe i answered my own question.

haters gonna hate.

Give us a list of any and all ex or current NBA players/ analysts that have commented on what happened that said he intentionally tried to injure him.

And you are right on one thing.
You for the most part usually have no clue.


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Apr 17, 2013
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well Perkins did do the job he was brought in to do....

and to think- people were talking about JaVale McGee......can someone tell me who JaVale Mcgee is playing for right now?

Oh yah...

no one. Not one playoff team wanted him.

Perkins has been exactly what the Cavs expected- a guy who has championship experience, is 7feet tall, has 6 fouls to give and plays the enforcer role. There is a reason multiple other teams wanted Perkins- and not one team wanted McGee.

On to the next round for the Cavs though. I have to say- after the 4 year playoff drought- to again be at the center of the basketball universe, with the game's best player, a great up and coming super star like Kyrie Irving, and a solid management team in place that has done things that management could never do last time LeBron was here- has been a lot of fun.

Its fun getting prepared- and taking this underdog mentality into the next round and getting to see what LeBron can do, what Kyrie can do, how Blatt adjusts, what the Mozgov/Gasol battle will be like for a long series, if Tristan Thompson can step up and continue to beat teams on the offensive glass, to see what Shumpert can do now that he is given a role that he can excel in isntead of being asked to do way too much like he was on the Knicks, and- I cant wait to see what the veteran quartet can do. Marion, Miller, JJones, Perkins. 4 guys with tons of playoff experience and each has a ring. Can one or more step up?

Ill tell ya- this beats the hell outta praying for the right ping pong balls to come up in the lotto, and hoping my team can do something in the crap-shoot that is free agency.

If you lose at all, yet alone in round 2, there is no way James didn't make a mistake ( as far as trying to win championships) by leaving here after last season.

And congrats to Wiggins for winning ROY.


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Jul 17, 2014
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If you lose at all, yet alone in round 2, there is no way James didn't make a mistake ( as far as trying to win championships) by leaving here after last season.

And congrats to Wiggins for winning ROY.

wow....what you clearly fail to accept is that Miami is a sinking ship.

Bosh and Wade WERE among the best of the best in the entire game when that team came together. That is no longer the case- and they are only going to continue to decline as time goes on.

I like Dragic- very good player- but hes not CLOSE to Bosh or Wade in their primes- hes arguably not even a top 10 guy at his position.

LeBron's opportunity to play with Kyrie Irving alone - and play with a guy who is an all star- and only getting better- a guy that has not even hit his prime yet- is plenty of reason to leave Miami

There is no guarantee that Miami gets a guy of Bosh or Wade's prime caliber in the next decade.

In Cleveland there is a guy that IS that good- and he just signed a 5 year extension that kicks in next year, and hes only 23 years old.

that ALONE is well worth justifying him jumping ship. If Kevin Love leaves, Mozgov breaks his foot and has 6 foot surgeries and never plays another game, Thompson takes a deal to go elsewhere....

the only thing that Matters is playin with another ELITE player(s)

and Miami does not have one- and there is no guarantee they get one for the next decade.

what evidence do i need other than a picture that shows it? I mean for shits sake....have you guys SEEN that photo? Are we living in Soviet era Russia? LOL...when you look at a picture and someone tells you your not seeing what your seeing? How can you argue with someone when you are holding up 2 fingers and tehy insist you are holding up 3 fingers? it just baffles me


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Jul 17, 2014
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Goran Dragic is going to be 29 in 6 days.

He has played in the playoffs once. He has not made an all star team. He has ONLY STARTED in the NBA for 3 seasons lol.

He is a solid role player. He is not the type of elite talent that you need at the top of your roster to win a title.

Miami does not have that anymore- and the only way they are getting it is they wait and hit it big in free agency- and that is a huge risk.

What type of player would have to come to Miami to be as good as prime Wade or Bosh, or what Kyrie Irving is becoming- 3 all star teams at 23 years old- and already proven to be one of the best offensive players out there and showing steady progress on defense.

Who? How long would LeBron have to wait?

The Lakers have tried to get guys there the last couple offseasons. The Mavericks basically gutted their championship team to take a run at free agency- and WANTEd guys like Deron Williams- which would have turned out to be a disaster. The Knicks ACTUALLY signed high profile stars in free agency or traded for them- and it hasnt gotten them shit but one playoff series win.


Cleveland could. Cleveland actually got 2- which is 2 more than miami has- or is likely to have any time soon.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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This isn't the first time Love has been injured and he did miss an entire season a few years ago, so it's possible that this last injury is just a continuation of him being soft as toilet paper. Hopefully he resigns with Cleveland and the Lakers can get players that have never been injured. I still say dislocating a shoulder is not an easy thing though. The only thing is that no one knows how much stress and strain has already been on that shoulder. It's also possible in my opinion that this was just a matter of time until Love collapsed

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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Goran Dragic is going to be 29 in 6 days.

He has played in the playoffs once. He has not made an all star team. He has ONLY STARTED in the NBA for 3 seasons lol.

He is a solid role player. He is not the type of elite talent that you need at the top of your roster to win a title.

Miami does not have that anymore- and the only way they are getting it is they wait and hit it big in free agency- and that is a huge risk.

What type of player would have to come to Miami to be as good as prime Wade or Bosh, or what Kyrie Irving is becoming- 3 all star teams at 23 years old- and already proven to be one of the best offensive players out there and showing steady progress on defense.

Who? How long would LeBron have to wait?

The Lakers have tried to get guys there the last couple offseasons. The Mavericks basically gutted their championship team to take a run at free agency- and WANTEd guys like Deron Williams- which would have turned out to be a disaster. The Knicks ACTUALLY signed high profile stars in free agency or traded for them- and it hasnt gotten them shit but one playoff series win.


Cleveland could. Cleveland actually got 2- which is 2 more than miami has- or is likely to have any time soon.
Miami is yesterdays news and unless they win - Cavaliers is nobody's news and without Love, they are not getting past the Spurs or the team that is good enough to beat them. I really don't think the Clippers can do that, they are on their last legs now and I don't think the Warriors can beat them either.


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Jul 17, 2014
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LeBron left Miami for the precise reason he went there in the first place. Someone offered him the chance to play with 2 in-their-prime year all stars.
Miami is yesterdays news and unless they win - Cavaliers is nobody's news and without Love, they are not getting past the Spurs or the team that is good enough to beat them. I really don't think the Clippers can do that, they are on their last legs now and I don't think the Warriors can beat them either.

I still think that playing 3 playoff series the year after coming off 2 straight Finals runs may catch up with the Spurs at some point and they run out of gas- I hope so anyway.

The Spurs are the one team that I think the Cavs would have very little hope of beating if they make it to the Finals without Love. - I would rather face Golden State since Golden State really only has 1 good, legit "big". LeBron could outmuscle them if the Cavs just guarded the perimeter well since Golden State does not have a post guy that can burn you big time. I would love it if somehow Memphis got out- or better yet the Clippers- but the clippers arent mentally tough enough to win 3 series in a row even if they do beat the Spurs.

Chicago is gonna be tough though- a it looks like a majority of people out there are picking the Bulls. The Bulls have to be thinking this is their chance- they are healthy- and got a big break with Love going down. If Rose cannot get it done this time when will he ever get it done?---i like how the pressure shifts slightly though because of that- and I truly think that this incident will bring the Cavs closer- and give them an edge.

It should be a great series- and again- this sure as hell beats waiting for the NBA lottery and hoping for the right ping pong balls to come up.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Miami is yesterdays news and unless they win - Cavaliers is nobody's news and without Love, they are not getting past the Spurs or the team that is good enough to beat them. I really don't think the Clippers can do that, they are on their last legs now and I don't think the Warriors can beat them either.

Miami is yesterdays news because bosh and Wade are not what they were when they originally put that team together.

When that team was put together LeBron was (and still is) generally regarded as the best inthe league- Wade was regarded as a top 5 player,and Bosh was regarded as at least a top 15 player.

Now- its not even close. Those guys could still make an all star team- but they are not the elite level guys anymore- and its probably better for them both to get rest during the all star break anyway at this time in their careers.

Kyrie IS THAT guy though. He is the up and coming big time talent- a guy that has not even hit his prime yet- and probably wont even max out his talents for another 2-3 more years. Not only that- but he just signed a 5 year extension taht does not even kick in till next year.

The Cavs have 23 year old Kyrie Irving signed for 5 more years at about 15-16 million a year. That is beyond huge. that is PRECISELY the reason why LeBron jumped ship.

Who wants to keep sporting their 2008 Cadillac when they can upgrade to a 2015 Benz?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I am not trying to make anything.

I just have no possible clue how you can look at that picture and say that Olnyk was making a basketball play. I really have no clue, im at a complete and total loss to explain how anyone WITHOUT BIAS could make that determination. I realize I have bias- but i mean- there is a picture- its all right there for anyone to see. It honestly baffles me.

but- maybe i answered my own question.

haters gonna hate.

You're right, you have no clue, everything baffles you and you are at a complete and total loss. No one on this board is going to disagree with you on that.

It's been explained multiple times. Every former NBA player that has commented disagrees with you.

What you have goes far beyond bias. It's more of a personality disorder.


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Jul 17, 2014
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You're right, you have no clue, everything baffles you and you are at a complete and total loss. No one on this board is going to disagree with you on that.

It's been explained multiple times. Every former NBA player that has commented disagrees with you.

What you have goes far beyond bias. It's more of a personality disorder.

As they say-

A picture is worth a thousand words. :nono:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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As they say-

A picture is worth a thousand words. :nono:

Happens all of the time with bigs. Like I said, no one is buying your bullshit. Guys who actually played in the NBA disagree with you........all of them. So drop it and move on. Or continue to make a fool of yourself and everyone else will continue to laugh at you. Your choice. Although I think we all know that you'll choose the latter.


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Jul 17, 2014
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You're right, you have no clue, everything baffles you and you are at a complete and total loss. No one on this board is going to disagree with you on that.

It's been explained multiple times. Every former NBA player that has commented disagrees with you.

What you have goes far beyond bias. It's more of a personality disorder.

ever hear of the Daily News?
NBA divided on Love-Olynyk incident, J.R. Smith suspended - NY Daily News

To Nets forward Earl Clark, there was no question about Kelly Olynyk’s intentions when he locked arms with Kevin Love.

“You pull down you’re obviously trying to hurt somebody. I’m just being honest. That’s what I saw,” Clark told the Daily News just minutes after Love was officially ruled out for entire Eastern Conference semis because of adislocated shoulder. “I’ve gotten cheap shots before, elbows, that’s fine. But trying to pull somebody’s arm of the socket? C’mon, he knew what he was doing.”

Ya know who else agrees that the play was not a basketball play! THE LEAGUE OFFICE- they suspended a guy who has no prior history of this a game.

Do you think they suspended him a game because it was a totally clean play? LOL

unreal....you are perfecting the ostrich with the head in the sand routine.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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:lol: Earl Clark?!? That's who you have? Earl Clark? :pound:

Obviously, you have chosen to continue making a fool of yourself. I'll see your Earl Clark and raise you Charles Barkley, Shaq, Kenny Smith, Chris Webber and Reggie Miller.

And of course he got suspended dumbass, Love was injured. He was suspended for the result, not the intent. Every one of the guys I mentioned said he'd be suspended a game because of that. They said he shouldn't be, but he would be.

You really should quit while you're behind. But you won't, you're not smart enough.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Happens all of the time with bigs. Like I said, no one is buying your bullshit. Guys who actually played in the NBA disagree with you........all of them. So drop it and move on. Or continue to make a fool of yourself and everyone else will continue to laugh at you. Your choice. Although I think we all know that you'll choose the latter.

happens all the time right?

Then why did he get suspended by the league office?

I mean- I guess the league office could be in the business of suspending people for a play that happens all the time- especially a guy that has not been suspended before. I mean- Jr Smith got a 2 game suspension despite being a MULTI time offender and clearly not making a basketball play.

I suppose the league office thought- ya know what? IT was a totally clean play- lets suspend the guy,



R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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happens all the time right?

Then why did he get suspended by the league office?

I mean- I guess the league office could be in the business of suspending people for a play that happens all the time- especially a guy that has not been suspended before. I mean- Jr Smith got a 2 game suspension despite being a MULTI time offender and clearly not making a basketball play.

I suppose the league office thought- ya know what? IT was a totally clean play- lets suspend the guy,


It's already been explained why. You're just to stupid to grasp it. But keep embarrassing yourself.