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JR Smith suspended 2 games; Olynyk 1; Perkins fined $15k


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Just because they suspended him doesn't mean he was trying to hurt him.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Actually it was only one game not two, and I fully expected him to get a suspension because Love got injured. I'm not upset about it at all. Honestly I think my favorite part of the Lakers season was the Kobe reaction on Jimmy Kimmel to Swaggy P celebration.

Classic and exactly the reaction that celebration deserved.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Olynyk should appeal the suspension and send in a tape showing how many times per game that bigs (including Kevin Love) grab each others hands and arms or get their arms tangled up going after rebounds or loose balls.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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You might want to actually watch a basketball game so you stop embarrassing yourself. Every former player, bigs and guards alike, that I've seen have said it wasn't intentional and that grabbing of arms, pulling on arms, etc. happens all of the time.

Yes, Olynyk intentionally grabbed Love's arm. Every big in the league does that. However, there was no intent to injure. It was a freak accident where they happened to have the right leverage and it dislocated his shoulder.

Despite what TLF seems to think, it's not that difficult to dislocate a shoulder.
It was intentional in my opinion.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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It was intentional in my opinion.

No offense, but I'm gonna value the opinion of guys who have actually played in the NBA over yours.

Obviously, the only person on earth who knows if it was truly intentional or not is Olynyk. However, Olynyk has not shown himself to be that type of player and I have yet to see a former NBA player say that they felt it was intentional. So, while you're entitled to your opinion (and may well be right), the evidence seems to be against you.


Nov 11, 2013
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The play is not as black-and-white as either side is making it out to be.

Intention matters... but so does the outcome of your actions. Olynyk and Smith both caused injuries to a player by going outside of the context of the basketball game. I don't think either intended the outcome, but that doesn't excuse them from it.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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No offense, but I'm gonna value the opinion of guys who have actually played in the NBA over yours.

Obviously, the only person on earth who knows if it was truly intentional or not is Olynyk. However, Olynyk has not shown himself to be that type of player and I have yet to see a former NBA player say that they felt it was intentional. So, while you're entitled to your opinion (and may well be right), the evidence seems to be against you.
Love thought it was intentional.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The play is not as black-and-white as either side is making it out to be.

Intention matters... but so does the outcome of your actions. Olynyk and Smith both caused injuries to a player by going outside of the context of the basketball game. I don't think either intended the outcome, but that doesn't excuse them from it.

I agree to a point. You also have to take the players reputation into account as well. JR is a repeat offender while Olynyk isn't. I think the only reason JR didn't get more games is because it's the playoffs and the league didn't want to risk virtually crippling the Cavs by sitting JR for 5 games on top of them losing Love. I don't intend that as a criticism to the league either. They should take into consideration that it's the playoffs and that the Cavs had already lost Love.

I disagree on the "outside of the context of the basketball game" part with regard to Olynyk though. JR was definitely outside of the context of the game. It simply wasn't a basketball move or play on his part. I don't think he intended to injure Crowder or knock him out, but I think that he definitely wanted to send a message. The Olynyk play happens on virtually every shot when bigs are battling for rebound position or a loose ball. As Kenny Smith said afterwards: "They're bigs, it's what they do."


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Love thought it was intentional.

:lol: So, the guy who got injured and likely going to miss the rest of the playoffs was upset and made a comment that he probably already regrets and you think that means Olynyk did it on purpose.

You should probably just quit while you're behind.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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:lol: So, the guy who got injured and likely going to miss the rest of the playoffs was upset and made a comment that he probably already regrets and you think that means Olynyk did it on purpose.

You should probably just quit while you're behind.
You're the one in denial.


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People are going to think what they are going to think. However if the Celtics were trying to hurt Cavs players after what Perkins and JR Smith did the Celtics would have injured Perkins or more players.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Lebron and Kyrie will have to be vintage LBJ - Wade at their peak to take down the best of the west. Which is dueable considering Kyrie is playing great right now. Others guys will have to step up in the end...Miller and Marion haha


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Jul 17, 2014
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The play is not as black-and-white as either side is making it out to be.

Intention matters... but so does the outcome of your actions. Olynyk and Smith both caused injuries to a player by going outside of the context of the basketball game. I don't think either intended the outcome, but that doesn't excuse them from it.

Windhorst talked with Bill Simmons about it on the BS report on Grantland.- Simmons made the good point that Olynk has never had a history being dirty- Windhorst agreed wtih a lot of people- that it was not a basketball play- and what did it for him is that Olynk was ripping his arm and falling in the OPPOSITE direction of the ball- when you consider that its pretty clear Olynk was frustrated and made a play that was not a basketball play. Was it per se "dirty" - i dunno. theres no way either side can make a definitive argument-there is a difference between a basketall play and a non basketball play- and Olynks actions on that play show it was not a basketball paly.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Everyone on here tries to say it wasn't an intentional move by Olynyk to hurt Love because "players get their arms tangled up all the time". That's the point. This happens ALL THE TIME. When was the last time a player actually had their shoulder separated and the labrum torn away from the bone? It takes an incredible amount of force to do that, which is why then this happens ALL THE TIME, players don't get their shoulders messed up. They aren't intentionally trying to wreck each other, which Olynyk clearly was.

I posted this in another thread. Look at this and try and tell me he isn't intending to hurt Love. It looks like he's trying to pull an MMA move or something. In no way, shape or form was he trying to do something basketball-related. 1 game is a joke; he should've gotten at least 20 along with a huge fine.

holy shit.....I mean (expand to open picture).....it stops being a basketball play when Olynks other hand wraps around loves wrists....I can see an arm getting stuck....even though it makes no sense that Olynk is falling AWAY from where the rebound caroomed- ok- but i mean.....it just boggles my mind that someone can look at this and say it was a basketball play

now- MAYBE there is a difference between a truly dirty play- and a play that is clearly not a play on the basketball- this is CLEARLY not a play on the basketball. Who can really know what happened inside his head- no one knows but him- but if I have to go off of this picture- and the fact that there is no earthly reason for him to be going in that direction- and that it occurred while the Celtics were getting smoked and likely swept....albiet you have to balance it with the fact he does not have a history of this....

I can say DEFINITIVELY- that was not a basketball play. I CANNOT say definitively he purposefully tried to cause catastrophic injury- but its clear this is not a basketball play.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
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holy shit.....I mean (expand to open picture).....it stops being a basketball play when Olynks other hand wraps around loves wrists....I can see an arm getting stuck....even though it makes no sense that Olynk is falling AWAY from where the rebound caroomed- ok- but i mean.....it just boggles my mind that someone can look at this and say it was a basketball play

now- MAYBE there is a difference between a truly dirty play- and a play that is clearly not a play on the basketball- this is CLEARLY not a play on the basketball. Who can really know what happened inside his head- no one knows but him- but if I have to go off of this picture- and the fact that there is no earthly reason for him to be going in that direction- and that it occurred while the Celtics were getting smoked and likely swept....albiet you have to balance it with the fact he does not have a history of this....

I can say DEFINITIVELY- that was not a basketball play. I CANNOT say definitively he purposefully tried to cause catastrophic injury- but its clear this is not a basketball play.

This part is exactly my point. Getting arms tangled up happens, absolutely. He, however, is intentionally trying to twist Love's arm, and as you pointed out he is not even remotely attempting to make a play on the ball. He's trying to do one thing and one thing only - mess up Love's arm.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Lebron and Kyrie will have to be vintage LBJ - Wade at their peak to take down the best of the west. Which is dueable considering Kyrie is playing great right now. Others guys will have to step up in the end...Miller and Marion haha

I know this sounds like folly- but I want Golden State in the Finals now. The Cavs dont need Love to beat them strategically.

Golden State has one player over 6'8" that plays any kind of minutes- Bogut. Let him and Mozgov fight in the post- spread the floor, let Tristan Thompson offensive rebound all over them- and let LeBron be LeBron and hopefully Kyrie irving can give you 75% of what Curry gives them.


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Jul 17, 2014
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The play is not as black-and-white as either side is making it out to be.

Intention matters... but so does the outcome of your actions. Olynyk and Smith both caused injuries to a player by going outside of the context of the basketball game. I don't think either intended the outcome, but that doesn't excuse them from it.

While Olynk has supposedly a clean history- we have also never seen him get his ass thumped in the playoffs and getting dominated on his home floor after constantly having his lunch money stolen on the boards by Thompson and the other Cavs all series.

If I am Olynk and was constantly getting called out by my coach for bitching out and giving up offensive board after offensive board- and was getting my ass kicked on my home court and about to have the broom pulled out- I would probably get frustrated too.


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Windhorst talked with Bill Simmons about it on the BS report on Grantland.- Simmons made the good point that Olynk has never had a history being dirty- Windhorst agreed wtih a lot of people- that it was not a basketball play- and what did it for him is that Olynk was ripping his arm and falling in the OPPOSITE direction of the ball- when you consider that its pretty clear Olynk was frustrated and made a play that was not a basketball play. Was it per se "dirty" - i dunno. theres no way either side can make a definitive argument-there is a difference between a basketall play and a non basketball play- and Olynks actions on that play show it was not a basketball paly.

If you watch the play from the beginning, Love locked arms with him first.
They were both going for a rebound,
Shit happens.