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I don't think any teams are gonna take Bevell

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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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We didn't win the Super-Bowl because of Bevell ... lol .... We won it because of Wilson's leadership and one of the greatest defenses in the history of the game... Bevell just saddled up for the ride!! And I never said he was the worst EVER , I can't back that up, i'm sure there have been some pretty effin bad ones if you look at the history of the NFL... But he will always go down as the guy that made the DUMBEST call in the history of the Super-Bowl... That will always be with him wherever he goes.... I also have to watch this guy call screen pass after fucking screen pass, when it's NOT WORKING!!!!! He runs when we should let Wilson take over, he then uses Wilson when were up 17 with 4 minutes left when we can easily just run the clock out... I watch designed Wilson running play's when the game is OVER risking our leader getting hurt .... #@$^ him ... Also let's not forget when Lynch flipped his azz off when he passed the ball 3 times from the 1 yard line ... That was a telling sign....
So, we didn't win the SB because of Bevell (as if anyone ever said that)
He's one of the worst OC's in the league and yet we did indeed still win the SB with him calling plays and running the offense. This is a FACT.
In your mind Wilson is so good he alone carried the team over those terrible calls and won those games. So it stands to reason you MUST be in favor of just not having an OC. Afterall, Wilson is already able to overcome terrible calling so just letting him do it all would make it easier. You cannot be against that idea and hate Bevell so much. You simply can't.

The knee-jerk reaction to the last play of SB49 blamed the play caller. The analysis afterward is clear that the play wasn't bad, but the execution was. That blown play is more on Wilson than Bevell and Pete has clearly said he signed off on that play. You sound like a total noob spewing that nonsense.

Players flipping off a coach is a sign of what? :noidea: Lynch is his own dude. So there's that, but you've never seen any other RB upset they didn't get the call on key plays? You really must be new to football then because that's super common.

You can't believe Bevell is THIS much of the problem without feeling like Carroll and Schneider should be fired for the total and complete incompetence for allowing such a virus to remain. There is simply no way to separate believing Carroll is overall doing a great job and allowing such bottom scum to remain.

So you would rather fire our whole coaching staff and have Wilson run the offense than maintain the status quo and reach SB's like they have been.

It's insane.

Makes a LOT more sense to address the issues on the O line and push Carroll to allow Wilson/Bevell to open up the passing game more. THAT addresses short comings without fixing things that aren't broken.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Shawn Alexander called out Holmgren when he didn't get the ball. Was that a "telling sign" of what a horrible play caller Holmgren was?


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Who cares if Lynch flipped him off?

You know what happened next? On 3rd and goal from the one he called for a fake to Lynch, then Wilson dropped it over the top to Kellen Davis for a TD. But that gets ignored. Forget that they put the game away with a great call, what's important was that Lynch was frustrated :rolleyes2:.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I get real tired of reading all of the anti Bevell and anti Cable complaints.
I know I don't have to read them and can just avoid the convo.
Pete hires solid coaches. That is why in 5 years Pete has lost 2 DC's and a LB coach to promotions to other teams.
Our results speak louder to me than any fan whining. We have continually put up very good #'s offensively every year that Bevell have been OC. The offense gets about 40% of resources while the D gets substantially more.
Some look at the microcosm of the play by play instead of offensive performance compared to the rest of the league and let that determine their thinking.
These 2 men are handpicked by our HC. I feel he considers himself fortunate to have both Bevell and Cable as coaches on his team.
If this was a business and you had department managers getting top results compared to the competition, only a fool would want to change any of that!

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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I get real tired of reading all of the anti Bevell and anti Cable complaints.
I know I don't have to read them and can just avoid the convo.
Pete hires solid coaches. That is why in 5 years Pete has lost 2 DC's and a LB coach to promotions to other teams.
Our results speak louder to me than any fan whining. We have continually put up very good #'s offensively every year that Bevell have been OC. The offense gets about 40% of resources while the D gets substantially more.
Some look at the microcosm of the play by play instead of offensive performance compared to the rest of the league and let that determine their thinking.
These 2 men are handpicked by our HC. I feel he considers himself fortunate to have both Bevell and Cable as coaches on his team.
If this was a business and you had department managers getting top results compared to the competition, only a fool would want to change any of that!

Great post and a very nice call-out on the bolded part... It's amazing how the offense has been as productive as it has with, like you said, most of the resources going to the defensive side of the ball...

We wouldn't even have Russell Wilson here if it wasn't for Bevell... Bevell isn't the one who wanted Flynn, it was Schneider... Bevell is the reason we drafted RW... Pete Carroll said that Bevell was out scouting RW and was a very good salesman in terms of convincing the FO office into drafting him... Once drafted, thoughts on selecting Wilson, Pete Carroll stated, "It was Bevell's project".

I'd say Bevell has done one helk of a job w/ RW... It's astounding to hear fans continue to rip Bevell when RW is on record as stating that he wouldn't be who he is today if it wasn't for Bevell...

The nay-sayers are beginning to fall on deaf ears...


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Apr 21, 2013
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This discussion has gotten repetitive, so I might as well go back to a point made earlier in this thread... Bevell isn't going anywhere as long as Carroll is still here unless the offense takes a nosedive that can't be attributed to a major injury of an important player (namely Wilson) or players. The offense under Bevell has been, at times, frustrating, but it has also been statistically above average to very good in every season except his first with the team. It's been that way despite the annual trainwreck that is the offensive line, despite Cable's insistence on drafting defensive linemen and then converting them into offensive linemen on the fly to try to solidify that offensive line (we all know he's the one that makes those recommendations to Schneider), despite having had no receivers that any league analyst would call "elite", despite having dealt with the injuries to both Lynch and Rawls this past season and despite having to try to fit Jimmy Graham into an offensive system that he's not used to.

Say what you will about "the call" last year, but you have to be a pretty good coordinator to be able to deal with all of that stuff and still manage to get the kind of production out of your players that Bevell has gotten out of his players year after year. This is coming from a guy who was perfectly okay with the idea of moving on from Bevell immediately after "the call". I wasn't necessarily pushing for it, but I allowed the frustration from that call and the frustration from the slow starts to games and even seasons on offense to rule when it came to talking about whether Bevell should be fired after that game or not. Look... we're eventually going to have an offensive coordinator for Wilson and co. who isn't Bevell, but as long as the offense continues to produce as it has the past four years regardless of the distractions and setbacks it comes up against, I just can't make a decent argument to get rid of him or even to say that he's a bad coordinator at this point and I see no point in continuing to hold a grudge against him.


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Jul 3, 2013
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How do we know Russell is ready to do that? It took years and years for guys like Manning and Brady to do that.

And how exactly does his game calling make you scratch your head? Is it that he's too conservative? Because that's a philosophy issue, not play calling.

I think Russ can handle it... Pete actually said he's gonna let him take over more next season ... And Bevell makes me scratch my head because he always tries to fool a defense even when it's not necessary .... We can be up 17 with 4 minutes left and he won't run the fucking ball, he'll pass over and over... Then he'll run a receiver screen 10 times in a game when it NEVER works ... It can be 2nd and 17 and he runs the ball setting up 3rd and 15 ... Brotha, Bevell is average at best, Seahawks could replace him and we'd probably improve... I feel that way in a BIG way ...


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Jul 3, 2013
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This discussion has gotten repetitive, so I might as well go back to a point made earlier in this thread... Bevell isn't going anywhere as long as Carroll is still here unless the offense takes a nosedive that can't be attributed to a major injury of an important player (namely Wilson) or players. The offense under Bevell has been, at times, frustrating, but it has also been statistically above average to very good in every season except his first with the team. It's been that way despite the annual trainwreck that is the offensive line, despite Cable's insistence on drafting defensive linemen and then converting them into offensive linemen on the fly to try to solidify that offensive line (we all know he's the one that makes those recommendations to Schneider), despite having had no receivers that any league analyst would call "elite", despite having dealt with the injuries to both Lynch and Rawls this past season and despite having to try to fit Jimmy Graham into an offensive system that he's not used to.

Say what you will about "the call" last year, but you have to be a pretty good coordinator to be able to deal with all of that stuff and still manage to get the kind of production out of your players that Bevell has gotten out of his players year after year. This is coming from a guy who was perfectly okay with the idea of moving on from Bevell immediately after "the call". I wasn't necessarily pushing for it, but I allowed the frustration from that call and the frustration from the slow starts to games and even seasons on offense to rule when it came to talking about whether Bevell should be fired after that game or not. Look... we're eventually going to have an offensive coordinator for Wilson and co. who isn't Bevell, but as long as the offense continues to produce as it has the past four years regardless of the distractions and setbacks it comes up against, I just can't make a decent argument to get rid of him or even to say that he's a bad coordinator at this point and I see no point in continuing to hold a grudge against him.

Wilson makes a bad O-line look better... He also makes Bevell look better ... His improve skills bail us out of a lot of bad situation offensively....


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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So, we didn't win the SB because of Bevell (as if anyone ever said that)
He's one of the worst OC's in the league and yet we did indeed still win the SB with him calling plays and running the offense. This is a FACT.
In your mind Wilson is so good he alone carried the team over those terrible calls and won those games. So it stands to reason you MUST be in favor of just not having an OC. Afterall, Wilson is already able to overcome terrible calling so just letting him do it all would make it easier. You cannot be against that idea and hate Bevell so much. You simply can't.

The knee-jerk reaction to the last play of SB49 blamed the play caller. The analysis afterward is clear that the play wasn't bad, but the execution was. That blown play is more on Wilson than Bevell and Pete has clearly said he signed off on that play. You sound like a total noob spewing that nonsense.

Players flipping off a coach is a sign of what? :noidea: Lynch is his own dude. So there's that, but you've never seen any other RB upset they didn't get the call on key plays? You really must be new to football then because that's super common.

You can't believe Bevell is THIS much of the problem without feeling like Carroll and Schneider should be fired for the total and complete incompetence for allowing such a virus to remain. There is simply no way to separate believing Carroll is overall doing a great job and allowing such bottom scum to remain.

So you would rather fire our whole coaching staff and have Wilson run the offense than maintain the status quo and reach SB's like they have been.

It's insane.

Makes a LOT more sense to address the issues on the O line and push Carroll to allow Wilson/Bevell to open up the passing game more. THAT addresses short comings without fixing things that aren't broken.

It was a horrible play-call ... worst EVER in Super-Bowl history.... Execution wasn't that bad actually, the throw was catchable, but the defender jumped the route and knocked the receiver on his ass ... It was a better defensive play than it was bad execution .... I for the life of me cannot understand why you people think that was a good play call.... It's a broken record now, I didn't like Bevell before that play, I still don't like Bevell now... I was hoping like heck we would move forward and replace him... This is not a knee jerk reaction.... I haven't liked him for a long time....


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Hasn't this topic been beaten to death? How many times do we have to have the same debate! I swear there's like 30 threads and portions of every game thread devoted to this exact topic. How much bitching and moaning can be done about a situation that EVERYONE already knows the outcome of?

boogie will see what boogie wants to see. We know. Russell Wilson is a god, and Bevell is a spiteful Devil taking the glory away from the almighty Russ. If we just had someone who understood how to use Russell, we'd have that top 10 offense we've had the last 4 years, and we'd have 4 rings to go with it!!!!

None of that is to say that there isn't enough others who see only the positive - but they aren't starting threads celebrating Bevell staying here either.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It was a horrible play-call ... worst EVER in Super-Bowl history.... Execution wasn't that bad actually, the throw was catchable, but the defender jumped the route and knocked the receiver on his ass ... It was a better defensive play than it was bad execution .... I for the life of me cannot understand why you people think that was a good play call.... It's a broken record now, I didn't like Bevell before that play, I still don't like Bevell now... I was hoping like heck we would move forward and replace him... This is not a knee jerk reaction.... I haven't liked him for a long time....
Never said it was a GOOD play, I said it wasn't a BAD play call. There are a lot of options in between.
"You people" Thankfully are the majority and includes damned near every major pundit that actually follows the sport. The people in YOUR group are the typical folks looking for blame that simply don't get it.

The Execution wasn't that bad? :L Are you freaking high? They entirely missed the 'pick' on the corner. And Wilson entirely missed the location of the man that ends up winning the game for them. And he threw the ball to the right instead of to the inside where it wouldn't have been possible for it to be intercepted.

It was entirely blown.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Hindsight. It's a wonderful thing!

Good info on drafting Wilson AO, I had not heard that.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Wilson makes a bad O-line look better... He also makes Bevell look better ... His improve skills bail us out of a lot of bad situation offensively....

Then why was he sacked 37 times the first half of the season?...


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Jul 3, 2013
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Never said it was a GOOD play, I said it wasn't a BAD play call. There are a lot of options in between.
"You people" Thankfully are the majority and includes damned near every major pundit that actually follows the sport. The people in YOUR group are the typical folks looking for blame that simply don't get it.

The Execution wasn't that bad? :L Are you freaking high? They entirely missed the 'pick' on the corner. And Wilson entirely missed the location of the man that ends up winning the game for them. And he threw the ball to the right instead of to the inside where it wouldn't have been possible for it to be intercepted.

It was entirely blown.

Actually no i'm not high... The throw was catchable was it not ? Last time I watched the replay it looked like a dam fine defensive play more than bad execution.... The pick wasn't the biggest issue, Lockett sold the slant with his plant foot and the DB knew it was coming.... Butler talked about it in an interview... He knew exactly where to go because of Lockett.... The only thing I will agree with you is that Wilson could a put it down more and to the right like you pointed out... BUT STILL... Lockett could a had that ball... He got shamboozled ... But no chance in hell we should a ran that slant... use Wilson on a play action, roll him out and hit someone in the back of the endzone 1 on 1 ... OR just let Russ run it in .... We coulda played it MUCH safer ...


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Jul 3, 2013
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Then why was he sacked 37 times the first half of the season?...

And a non mobile QB would a been sacked 67 times in the first half... Wilson was running for his life the 1st half of the season... The only time anything worked is when Wilson made it work..

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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And a non mobile QB would a been sacked 67 times in the first half... Wilson was running for his life the 1st half of the season... The only time anything worked is when Wilson made it work..

Then why did he only get sacked 9 times the 2nd half of the season?

Nevermind, I think I know your answer... I'll paraphrase, "Not RW's fault for the 37 in the first half but he's the reason for only getting sacked 9x's in the 2nd half"... Got it... LOL...

Had nothing to do w/ the coaching staff making adjustments, personnel changes, different game plans, etc... It was ALL RW...


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Then why did he only get sacked 9 times the 2nd half of the season?

Nevermind, I think I know your answer... I'll paraphrase, "Not RW's fault for the 37 in the first half but he's the reason for only getting sacked 9x's in the 2nd half"... Got it... LOL...

Had nothing to do w/ the coaching staff making adjustments, personnel changes, different game plans, etc... It was ALL RW...

You are not allowed to criticize RW.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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You are not allowed to criticize RW.

Ironically, RW has admitted to a lot of those 37 sacks in the first half being on him for holding onto the ball too long but the "RW is GOD" crowd will never take that into consideration... Realist saw RW, coaching staff, players make adjustments in the 2nd half, which led to fewer sacks... RW was getting rid of the ball much quicker, etc...


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Jul 3, 2013
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Then why did he only get sacked 9 times the 2nd half of the season?

Nevermind, I think I know your answer... I'll paraphrase, "Not RW's fault for the 37 in the first half but he's the reason for only getting sacked 9x's in the 2nd half"... Got it... LOL... Had nothing to do w/ the coaching staff making adjustments, personnel changes, different game plans, etc... It was ALL RW...

Maybe the line improved perhaps ? As I've pointed out about 1,000 times in other posts about our O-line... They improved as the season rolled on.... Not sure what point your trying to make.... OH WAIT... It was Bevell's great coaching !!! It was his amazing play calling skills!!!


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ironically, RW has admitted to a lot of those 37 sacks in the first half being on him for holding onto the ball too long but the "RW is GOD" crowd will never take that into consideration... Realist saw RW, coaching staff, players make adjustments in the 2nd half, which led to fewer sacks... RW was getting rid of the ball much quicker, etc...

I know. It has just amazed me that there are people who seem to think Russell's career QB Rating is 158.3.
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