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I don't think any teams are gonna take Bevell

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Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Pete does show loyalty to his coaching staff ... That's his personality ... It wouldn't surprise me if he hires Sark one day..

Wouldn't suprise me either, but only to give him a chance.

Pete is loyal to winning. As Lendale White and Jeremy Bates learned, if you don't buy in and produce early and often, that loyalty goes out the window quickly.


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Pete does show loyalty to his coaching staff ... That's his personality ... It wouldn't surprise me if he hires Sark one day..

It's a lot easier to show loyalty to your coaching staff in the pros when your coaching staff is getting results and helping you win. I've seen a lot of head coaches fire assistant coaches that they consider friends because those assistants weren't getting results and it came down to either the head coach firing the assistant coach or upper management firing the whole coaching staff. If it's a matter of loyalty vs. self-preservation, self-preservation is going to win out most of the time in pro sports. I personally think that Bevell is going to have a job with the Seahawks for as long as Carroll does, but my one caveat to that is if the offense falls off a cliff one year and there are no major injuries to account for why it went off a cliff, the blame is going to fall squarely on Bevell and Pete not see any alternative to looking for a new coordinator in that situation.


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Bevell's an enigma. I think if PC just lets him do his thing then the passing game will be fine. I don't think it's a coincidence that Wilson flourished after Lynch and Graham went down and they had to get away from the ultra-conservative script that everybody's used to seeing. The offense wasn't that sophisticated and Wilson started torching teams. When the defense is stout and you have a freak runner like Lynch then you can win the SB with the play calling they had. When the script falls apart and you have to go more standard you can win a SB with a MVP caliber QB like Wilson. Maybe Luck has more potential but I wouldn't want any other QB running the offense over him.


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When are we gonna get to religion & politics?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Wilson started off 2015 slow. He wasn't in top form early. It's no surprise given how bad his line was. I mean why was Cam so bad in this SB? Because he was running for his life every down. Our shitty O line made every defense we played look like Denver. Was it play calling that cost Carolina the SB? Or lack of physically being able to execute against that defense? So why is it different in Seattle?

This was Marshawn's offense over the last 5 years. It was still his offense after he got hurt and sat out in that they still ran this as a conservative run offense.

That changed after Rawls got hurt.

Wilson went out and set records for that 5 game stretch. He proved that he's the man to carry this team forward. This is no longer a RB's offense. This is Wilson's offense.

Will Carroll allow them to build off that stretch and open up the passing a bit more this year? That's your question. Part of that answer may be how effective the offensive line can be at protecting him next year.

Russell is going into his 5th season and from everything we have seen and heard it looks like they are going to be putting more of the team on his shoulders. You really want to ask that of him under a new OC? :L Nope, I'll pass on that heaping mound of stupidity thank you.

Fix the fucking line and shake carroll into letting russell be russell. The rest will be just fine.


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I'll argue that in the last three years, it's STILL been Russ's offence. Because Lynch was mostly successful running against the fronts designed to limit Wilson.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I'll argue that in the last three years, it's STILL been Russ's offence. Because Lynch was mostly successful running against the fronts designed to limit Wilson.
The scheme has been setup with Lynch in mind. They didn't start thinking Russell first until after Rawls got hurt which was after Lynch and Graham were already gone. They had no choice but to make changes and they worked! Even dink and dunk is better to watch than the same tired run/run/miss a long throw/punt.

But it was clearly Carroll's will the team is following. Let Bevell call a passing game and watch it open up. Like it already did.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I'll argue that in the last three years, it's STILL been Russ's offence. Because Lynch was mostly successful running against the fronts designed to limit Wilson.

You're right. All the stuff they do out of the pistol is customized for Wilson. Hundreds of time over the years Lynch got the ball in the backfield because Wilson made the decision to feed him based on what he saw, as opposed to a designed Lynch run.

Heard a lot of grumbling during the year when Rawls was being used in the ZR plays because he wasn't as good out of it as he was running out of power formations. But they stuck with it, because Wilson does it so well.


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The scheme has been setup with Lynch in mind. They didn't start thinking Russell first until after Rawls got hurt which was after Lynch and Graham were already gone. They had no choice but to make changes and they worked! Even dink and dunk is better to watch than the same tired run/run/miss a long throw/punt.

But it was clearly Carroll's will the team is following. Let Bevell call a passing game and watch it open up. Like it already did.

Talking about just the running game. Not even factoring in the focus on passing after Rawl's injury. It's kind of a chicken/egg argument of course, but imo, people tend to forget about the other half - Russ' ability to run made Lynch better and more effective too.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I was never discounting what Wilson has done and it strikes me as odd that conversations up here typically go that route.

Every pundit you spoke to called this Lynch's team. It was obvious the team was built around the running game, and his style in particular. They tried to feature him and build a formula around feeding him the rock a lot. The passing wasn't missing by any means, but yes they did pass to setup the run at times. Coaches said this was Lynch's offense.

That didn't change when Lynch went down. Rawls picked it up and carried the ball in his absence. Even after Graham went down as well. But after Rawls went down something different happened. Sure, it was forced on the team out of necessity, but the team and fans got a taste of what a more pass friendly offense would look like with Wilson at the helm and we liked it.

I'm worried they won't have learned anything from the scoring they had over that span since they sort of went back to the run happy conservative defense in the post season, but Wilson proved he can be the difference maker in more than just his ability to keep broken plays alive or try to spread the defense with the odd deep ball.

They do have to put a line around him that is at least somewhat competent at pass blocking and I'm not sure I trust that much either, but that's the way this team needs to go. Let your 5th year starter blossom into the QB he is destined to be and ride that shit to the SB.


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With Lynch no longer in the picture and with the team looking for Wilson to stay in the pocket more often and for longer periods going forward, I think the Hawks will have to change what they look for in offensive linemen, including actually looking for established offensive linemen.

When the offense was predicated on Lynch running the ball and Wilson's ability to throw accurately outside the pocket, Cable looked for guys with a certain attitude and physicality and it just so happened that he found those things in defensive linemen that he then converted into offensive linemen. It was a good approach for a smashmouth offense with a mobile quarterback, but it's an approach that sacrificed pass protection and took Wilson's mobility for granted. It's also an approach that too often put the offense in a hole because of penalties. It says something when you have a run-first, smashmouth offense with a mobile quarterback and that quarterback is still getting sacked/hit a ton every year.

Now they actually looked pretty good in the second half of the season when Wilson was asked to stay in the pocket more often and trust his line to protect him, but even so, I still think we might see Schneider and Cable go after offensive linemen who are actual offensive linemen and who are more balanced in terms of run blocking and pass protecting. I hope so anyway.


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I was never discounting what Wilson has done and it strikes me as odd that conversations up here typically go that route.

Every pundit you spoke to called this Lynch's team. It was obvious the team was built around the running game, and his style in particular. They tried to feature him and build a formula around feeding him the rock a lot. The passing wasn't missing by any means, but yes they did pass to setup the run at times. Coaches said this was Lynch's offense.

That didn't change when Lynch went down. Rawls picked it up and carried the ball in his absence. Even after Graham went down as well. But after Rawls went down something different happened. Sure, it was forced on the team out of necessity, but the team and fans got a taste of what a more pass friendly offense would look like with Wilson at the helm and we liked it.

I'm worried they won't have learned anything from the scoring they had over that span since they sort of went back to the run happy conservative defense in the post season, but Wilson proved he can be the difference maker in more than just his ability to keep broken plays alive or try to spread the defense with the odd deep ball.

They do have to put a line around him that is at least somewhat competent at pass blocking and I'm not sure I trust that much either, but that's the way this team needs to go. Let your 5th year starter blossom into the QB he is destined to be and ride that shit to the SB.

There's always been that undercurrent (Wilson not black enough, Lynch's mom, Pete called the pass on the 1 because he wanted Russ to be MVP,etc etc) that there was some division on the team about who was 'the man.' Kinda' funny because if there was a side of the ball that should have been wearing the pants, it was the D.

How much of that was narrative from outside or the media, I have absolutely no idea. Probably some smoke/fire angle to it.

But at any rate, not much doubt who is the alpha dog on O now.

While I don't think Pete ever morphs into Mike Martz, I doubt there's any chance he doesn't allow Wilson to keep developing.

Heh, a few fans chewed Pete a new one when he went public with Russ studying O from the D's perspective, so the guy really can't win.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Bringing it back to the thread at hand, Wilson has only known one OC in his pro career and he's been developing nicely under him. If anyone knows what Wilson can and cannot do and knows where he needs to keep working its Bevell.

Those convinced he is nothing but toxic to the team really believe Carroll is a complete and utter idiot. There is no way to think Bevell is that bad without believing Carroll is entirely derelict in his duty as HC. Same for RS. If those two are doing their jobs there is no way they leave a massive liability in their coaching staff. Period. You simply cannot think that ill of DB and not entirely and completely blame PC and RS for allowing him to remain at his post.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Bringing it back to the thread at hand, Wilson has only known one OC in his pro career and he's been developing nicely under him. If anyone knows what Wilson can and cannot do and knows where he needs to keep working its Bevell.

Those convinced he is nothing but toxic to the team really believe Carroll is a complete and utter idiot. There is no way to think Bevell is that bad without believing Carroll is entirely derelict in his duty as HC. Same for RS. If those two are doing their jobs there is no way they leave a massive liability in their coaching staff. Period. You simply cannot think that ill of DB and not entirely and completely blame PC and RS for allowing him to remain at his post.
You are trying to say us fans don't know more about this game than the HC?


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Jul 3, 2013
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Bringing it back to the thread at hand, Wilson has only known one OC in his pro career and he's been developing nicely under him. If anyone knows what Wilson can and cannot do and knows where he needs to keep working its Bevell.

Those convinced he is nothing but toxic to the team really believe Carroll is a complete and utter idiot. There is no way to think Bevell is that bad without believing Carroll is entirely derelict in his duty as HC. Same for RS. If those two are doing their jobs there is no way they leave a massive liability in their coaching staff. Period. You simply cannot think that ill of DB and not entirely and completely blame PC and RS for allowing him to remain at his post.

Russell Wilson is good because he's good, it's not because of Bevell .... Wilson learned Wisconsin's playbook in a flash when he transferred there and didn't miss a beat.... I think Bevell needs Wilson more than Wilson needs Bevell....


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Russell Wilson is good because he's good, it's not because of Bevell .... Wilson learned Wisconsin's playbook in a flash when he transferred there and didn't miss a beat.... I think Bevell needs Wilson more than Wilson needs Bevell....
New OC's bring in different terminology, different ways to practice, etc. Whether you like it or not the entire camp and preseason would be spent mostly getting to know each other and you still have your same shitty line.

Again, to believe things your way it to also say Carroll and RS are incompetent boobs when it comes to the offense. For Bevell to be anywhere near as bad as some of you believe you cannot give those two a free pass for their complete dereliction of duty in not doing something about it. There is no way to accuse Bevell of being that bad without also asking for Carroll to be fired for keeping him this long.

I swear, is there another fan base of a team that has been in the playoffs for 4 straight years including a SB win and another SB appearance over that span so entirely lost over some notion that their coaches suck? It really is hard to understand that point of view.

You have the worst line maybe in the league and yet it's entirely play calling that is the woe of your offense? It's just insane.

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Russell Wilson is good because he's good, it's not because of Bevell .... I think Bevell needs Wilson more than Wilson needs Bevell....

Sounds about right... Since we have Russell Wilson, we should fire the entire coaching staff and have Marshawn Lynch coach... We'd still have the same productivity since RW is our QB...


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Sounds about right... Since we have Russell Wilson, we should fire the entire coaching staff and have Marshawn Lynch coach... We'd still have the same productivity since RW is our QB...

But then who would we blame when the offense fails to execute?


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Its very simple.

Positives are attributed to the players.

Negatives are attributed to the coordinators.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I admit that Bevell frustrates the hell out of me with the play calling and the lack of being able to get his offense to generate points in the first half, but at the same time I will give credit where credit is due. Bevell has helped shape RW into the gamer that he is, he did give us a SB victory and the offense in the second half of the season was red hot. I think this up coming season we're going to see a wide open offense.
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