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I don't think any teams are gonna take Bevell

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LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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Yeah, let's gripe about Bevell some more. Always productive and enlightening.

Yahh, the past three seasons, we've been in the playoffs including 2 superbowls. Our coaching staff really blows at this offense thing. Let the firings begin......


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Aug 15, 2014
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Guessing doesn't matter though at the 1 yard line if you pound it down there throat... Let um guess... doesn't matter... Trust me Pats fans were happy with the call ....

and again, we hadn't had much luck the season and a half prior to that call pounding it down people's throats in short yardage situations. We failed on all kinds of those plays, and struggled with them this year too.

With the blown timeout calls earlier in the drive, pats fans were going to be happy with someone stuffing Lynch on a run play where the clock kept ticking, and we struggled to get another play in.

AGAIN, if you want to make the argument that calling a different pass or a Russ roullout with the option to throw it away was the right call, then make that argument. In hindsight, the PERFECT call was a Wilson naked bootleg rollout to the right. He CRAWLS into the endzone. Stops on the 1 and smokes a cigarette, and then walks in afterward.

But by no means was handing Lynch the ball in that down and distance, with that much time on the clock a good call. Especially with the jumbo pkg in to sell out to stop the run.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Your still talking ... so your still engaged in the conversation.... WHY ? If you don't like it don't respond bro ... You seem to keep making the choice to engage... to me it's not garbage, to you it is... move along...
Stink up the place and YOU'RE going to take some grief for it. That's how this game works, "bro."


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
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Bevell actually made some good adjustments down the stretch (unless that was Carroll stepping in). That said, I'm tired of Bevell's bend don't break offensive attitude. I would LOVE to see a 40-50 yard bomb if it's there when we're up by 10 in the 4th quarter.

I'm no Bevell fanboy, but the bolded has Carroll written all over it.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Stink up the place and YOU'RE going to take some grief for it. That's how this game works, "bro."

lol, are you really correcting spelling now ?


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and again, we hadn't had much luck the season and a half prior to that call pounding it down people's throats in short yardage situations. We failed on all kinds of those plays, and struggled with them this year too.

With the blown timeout calls earlier in the drive, pats fans were going to be happy with someone stuffing Lynch on a run play where the clock kept ticking, and we struggled to get another play in.

AGAIN, if you want to make the argument that calling a different pass or a Russ roullout with the option to throw it away was the right call, then make that argument. In hindsight, the PERFECT call was a Wilson naked bootleg rollout to the right. He CRAWLS into the endzone. Stops on the 1 and smokes a cigarette, and then walks in afterward.

But by no means was handing Lynch the ball in that down and distance, with that much time on the clock a good call. Especially with the jumbo pkg in to sell out to stop the run.

Were gonna disagree on this one... The right call was giving it to Beast mode... again, it will always be the worst call in Super-Bowl history... But I do agree with you on the bootleg roll out off play-action if you were hell bent on throwing it... At least then it's a safe option and Wilson can run it, throw it, or just throw it away if it's not there... I would felt MUCH better about that even if it didn't work .... So yeah I totally am with you on that...


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
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Throwing the ball on 2nd down was a wise decision. If left the full gamut of run/pass open for 3rd and even 4th down if necessary.

Choosing that play was a complete failure in judgment on the part of the coaching staff.


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We've been over this ground before, and doubtless will again, but you can run the slant 100 times, and get the same result maybe 2 or 3 times (INTC).

Heck even if you give Butler the leeway to guess correctly every time out, he STILL only knocks that ball down most of the time.

Either our QB is what all his critics say he is (horribly over-rated), or entrusting him to throw a slant isn't a 'complete failure.'

Now having said that MK, I give you full marks for at least recognizing that a pass in that situation was the proper thing to do.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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A slant there against that defensive alignment is a high percentage play. Just tip your hat to butler and move on. If Richard Sherman made that play we would go on and on about how it was a ballsy, gritty and smart play.


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Apr 23, 2013
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and again, we hadn't had much luck the season and a half prior to that call pounding it down people's throats in short yardage situations. We failed on all kinds of those plays, and struggled with them this year too.

With the blown timeout calls earlier in the drive, pats fans were going to be happy with someone stuffing Lynch on a run play where the clock kept ticking, and we struggled to get another play in.

AGAIN, if you want to make the argument that calling a different pass or a Russ roullout with the option to throw it away was the right call, then make that argument. In hindsight, the PERFECT call was a Wilson naked bootleg rollout to the right. He CRAWLS into the endzone. Stops on the 1 and smokes a cigarette, and then walks in afterward.

But by no means was handing Lynch the ball in that down and distance, with that much time on the clock a good call. Especially with the jumbo pkg in to sell out to stop the run.

I agree all points show Seattle doesn't do well on short yardage but with the way they moved 70yds in under 40 secs, that defense was gased and I would have given Lynch the shot to score. If stopped, then call the final time out.


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Apr 21, 2013
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I agree all points show Seattle doesn't do well on short yardage but with the way they moved 70yds in under 40 secs, that defense was gased and I would have given Lynch the shot to score. If stopped, then call the final time out.

They would have limited their options and made themselves more predictable if they'd done that and he didn't get in. If they run the ball there and don't get in and then take their final timeout to stop the clock there, they were pretty much stuck passing the ball on 3rd and 4th down. If they did what they did on 2nd down and the ball had fallen incomplete instead of gotten intercepted, the clock would have stopped and they would have had the option to either pass it or run it on 3rd down with that last timeout still in their pocket to use in case they needed it for a 4th down play. Clearly they went with the wrong pass play on 2nd down, but a pass was the right call there because of how many options it gave the Seahawks on a potential 3rd and 4th down play.


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Apr 23, 2013
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They would have limited their options and made themselves more predictable if they'd done that and he didn't get in. If they run the ball there and don't get in and then take their final timeout to stop the clock there, they were pretty much stuck passing the ball on 3rd and 4th down. If they did what they did on 2nd down and the ball had fallen incomplete instead of gotten intercepted, the clock would have stopped and they would have had the option to either pass it or run it on 3rd down with that last timeout still in their pocket to use in case they needed it for a 4th down play. Clearly they went with the wrong pass play on 2nd down, but a pass was the right call there because of how many options it gave the Seahawks on a potential 3rd and 4th down play.

Good points indeed. As noted in other posts, play action RW roll out would have been the correct pass play call.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Good points indeed. As noted in other posts, play action RW roll out would have been the correct pass play call.

I'm just restating things that have already been said. I was initially one of those people who wondered why we didn't just run the ball there and it made me mad that we didn't, but after I cooled off and had time to think about it, this argument made the most sense to me. Passing on 2nd down was the right move, it just should have been a different pass play that was called. When you're that close to the end zone, there are just too many bodies close and in the middle of the field for a slant not to be a risky call. A fade would have been preferable, or a rollout where Wilson either throws the ball where only our guys could get it, he throws it out of bounds if nobody's open or, if he's got nobody in front of him, he takes off and runs it in himself. They went with the riskier pass play and New England executed their defense of it perfectly.


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May 5, 2013
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I am curious how this offense will perform without marshawn lynch because it is clear that him and bevell hate each other. It is kinda hard to develop a great offense when the key player hates you. I really liked what I saw from Thomas Rawls before he went down. There is no need to fire him that offense was rolling the second half of the season


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Aug 15, 2014
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I'm just restating things that have already been said. I was initially one of those people who wondered why we didn't just run the ball there and it made me mad that we didn't, but after I cooled off and had time to think about it, this argument made the most sense to me. Passing on 2nd down was the right move, it just should have been a different pass play that was called. When you're that close to the end zone, there are just too many bodies close and in the middle of the field for a slant not to be a risky call. A fade would have been preferable, or a rollout where Wilson either throws the ball where only our guys could get it, he throws it out of bounds if nobody's open or, if he's got nobody in front of him, he takes off and runs it in himself. They went with the riskier pass play and New England executed their defense of it perfectly.

But there weren't a whole lot of bodies, there were four. The two receivers and the two DB's. Everybody else was stacked over to stop Lynch running left.

Again, broken record here, but if a slant pass was beyond the pale, then our QB is indeed what every critic of his says he is, horribly over-rated.


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And to repeat again, New England didn't execute their D of the pass play perfectly. They sold out to stop the run. One guy executed his play perfectly(after guessing correctly), with a helluva assist from Browner.


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Jul 3, 2013
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A slant there against that defensive alignment is a high percentage play. Just tip your hat to butler and move on. If Richard Sherman made that play we would go on and on about how it was a ballsy, gritty and smart play.

I would a scratch my head in celebration .. If the opposition had Beast mode on the 1 yard line with 3 play's to pound it in with the title on the line, I would a sent a thank you letter to the opposing coach for giving Sherman that opportunity....


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I would a scratch my head in celebration .. If the opposition had Beast mode on the 1 yard line with 3 play's to pound it in with the title on the line, I would a sent a thank you letter to the opposing coach for giving Sherman that opportunity....

You're right. Throwing it at Sherman is much different than throwing it at a guy that nobody knew existed before that moment.

Point stands though. Pass, run, whatever... a great play is a great play. Butler made a great play.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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There has been a lot of criticism that I don't think is anywhere close to being deserved or founded," Belichick said Tuesday during his weekly appearance on sports radio WEEI in Boston. "That football team is very good, very well-coached, and Pete does a great job.

"Malcolm and Brandon [Browner], on that particular play, just made a great play. I think the criticism they've gotten for the game is totally out of line and by a lot of people who I don't think are anywhere near even qualified to be commenting on it."
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