Resident Fake Asian!
Hate to brag but maybe he read my bashing of him and the Yankster and decided to change his mind!

Hate to brag but maybe he read my bashing of him and the Yankster and decided to change his mind!
His dad was quoted yesterday saying that it was very hard for the young man to even make the jump to another schoolHappy to hear this. Perhaps he didn't know Yankoff was also entering the portal.
I was more surprised about him entering the portal than Yankoff. His dad is a prof at UW and he grew up in the PNW.
I was somewhat pessimistic about either of them withdrawing their names from the portal, but I'm happy I was wrong.
He looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome.'Mr. Hometown Hero' lulz
His dad was quoted yesterday saying that it was very hard for the young man to even make the jump to another school
'Mr. Hometown Hero' lulz
He looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome.
Looks like he has a chew in on both sides of his mouth.He looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome.