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How Soon Does Lebron Regret His Decision?


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Tracy Mcgrady hahahaha. Where you at wiggy Russ??:pound:

Bron, go get Rondo out of Boston!

— Tracy McGrady (@Real_T_Mac) November 6, 2014


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I can't imagine any scenario in which LeBron regrets going to Cleveland this year... short of missing the playoffs in the East... which is NOT happening.

Failing to win a title in year 1 would be disappointing sure, but no way will he regret anything. Maybe by the end of year 3 if the team hasn't reached the point of playing like a true contender.

He joins a pretty much hand picked roster when the East is pretty awful, and you're giving him a 3 year window??

Lucky he didn't go to the West, you'd be giving him until he's 37.

It's every year or bust for him. Fair or not, he brings it upon himself.


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But LeBron is LeBron. He could be on a team with Kwame Brown and Adam Morrison in the starting lineup and make it to the finals.

disagree. if LeBron was this unstoppable force he wouldn't have needed to team up with 2 all stars twice in his career. imagine the state of the cavs right now if there was no kevin love. just him and irving..maybe they are sitting winless like the lakers.


I am the Lizard King
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Hes a quitter. He defers in pressure situations. He disappears when he should be taking over games. Hes Kobes bitch. He GM's everything and still jumps ship. He has his teammates take huge paycuts and leaves anyway. He goes into a city he shit on and immediately takes the reigns of a team who was embraced now all but forgotten in the frenzy. He puts the blame on his teammates in the third game of the season in Cleveland. He comes up with ridiculous "Air conditioning bruh" excuses. Hes also the most gifted athlete ever to play the game of basketball but has no fucking heart. What else is there?

Well said. :10:

True Lakers Fan

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He joins a pretty much hand picked roster when the East is pretty awful, and you're giving him a 3 year window??

Lucky he didn't go to the West, you'd be giving him until he's 37.

It's every year or bust for him. Fair or not, he brings it upon himself.

Quite honestly I think the best chances of Lebron winning more championships was in Miami and I doubt he wins more than one more in the next three years which means that with 3 championships or 4 when he retires is going to shoot down his legacy of passing Michael Jordan.


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LeBron losing more Finals than he's won is already shooting down his legacy.


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maybe kevin love regrets more than LeBron. until I see him re-sign in Cleveland im going to consider he bails in offseason anything short of finals. this verbal he gave the cavs wont mean anything when his agent starts getting calls. also LeBron can opt out. maybe they are both on new teams.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
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I'll challenge you to the same thing I challenge every other Kobe Nuthugger who tries to compare Old Snake to The King...let's go line for line, you post Kobe's best/clutch playoff performances as the best player on the team, and I'll post James. My list will be twice as long as yours.

Lebron took a huge paycut in Miami as well. As far as throwing a team and organization under the bus, no one tops this:

Kobe Bryant Says He'd Like to be Traded - TrueHoop Blog - ESPN

When has Lebron James ever said this about a team he played for:

"I'm still frustrated," Bryant said at the time. "I'm waiting for them to make some changes."

No loyalty? Hell...here Kobe is revealing things said in confidence to him by Dr. Buss WHILE demanding a trade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li52iOIFA6M

Not to mention the time he threw Shaq under the bus in the worse way possible.

Or how about that time he publicly wanted to ship out one of the seven footers he rode to back to back titles after Shaq?

As far as playoff performances go...remember that time he decided to just stop shooting in a Game 7? Either he choked, or he sabotaged his team...which is worse?

It's also kinda hard to say Lebron is Kobe's bitch when he's won almost 2 out of 3 times they've played each other and Bron has better stats in the matchup.

One more thing...MJ is still the GOAT right now, but I do know one thing he's done that Lebron has managed not to do yet...lose in the first round.

Yeah, Kobe will have enough of a resume to be considered the #2 two guard of all time when it's all said and done, but let's not start comparing him to James when James has obviously been better throughout his career.

I'll challenge you

Lol okay

I challenge every other Kobe Nuthugger who tries to compare Old Snake to The King

I would have gone with "Mr. Mamba Magoo" personally. Calling me a Nuthugger and coming in guns a blazing. Oh, you are a "NBA" fan. I guess you get to say that your "objective"and you can exclude yourself from any and all "Nutthugging" accusations. As far as debating anything goes, i would come in puffy chest too. Though in my mind, to defend lebron as such, that shit goes both ways.

My list will be twice as long as yours.

Sure, i think its funny you think that. It wont come anywhere near twice as long. But i think i will throw some logic out there and state that its really subjective what constitutes a great performance. If we are talking just stats (which many narrow minded people do), lines could look oh so great. But Lebrons lines have lead him to 2-3 in the finals (5 finals appearences, 3 loses vs better competition (oh god and oh so close to 4), and getting his ass handed to him by the only real powerhouses he ever faced in the east, take a guess). In fact one of my major criticisms of him being such a great stat guy, but being such a no heart guy. Boy does he love his stats though. I :clap: for him. And so many times he fills up the sheet in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd only to disappear in the waning stages of a game where his immense talent could really shine. I could argue all day that the teams Kobe faced in the playoffs completely and utterly shit on the competition that Lebron has faced in his playoff career. But i digress, Lebron loves to pass though, i give him that. But hey lets be real, hes a PG right? Supposed to pass. Anyway Kobe is a SG. I would argue that Kobe could average just as many if not more assists throughout his career then Lebron. People have no idea how good of a passer Kobe is. Kobe regularly puts up flashy highlight reel passes many of which get little to no fanfare because of the dreadful teams he has played on for stretches as , at times, PG. You know i wish someone would do a study on how many missed shots Kobe passed too, especially in the lean years, in fact only in the lean years. Would be nice, cause my god i lost hairs watching those teams miss shot after shot. Yet, Kobes job from the get go was to put up points and in his prime especially, you would be hard pressed to find anyone better then him. And that certainty is not Lebron James. Lebron averages a whole 2 assists per game more then Kobe in career stats according to some stat page i found. :clap: . Rebounding not sure, i give Lebron that, i dunno, just cause. Defense. I dunno how many all defensive NBA teams? Dunno really. Or do i? But really, when we talk about these two players its a Maba vs where'd he go?

Lebron took a huge paycut in Miami as well.

Cool, cept he didnt take a pay cut, he made more money then he ever has winning with those guys. You really think he went to the Heat thinking he would lose money? Seriously ? I dont have to look it up, im sure he made more money while with the heat year by year. And, going back to Cleveland, if nothing else, is a brilliant marketing stunt...lol.

As far as throwing a team and organization under the bus, no one tops this:

It was great fodder for Kobes critics to site this situation. As time has moved on, the truth has come out. Fact is Kobe has been a Laker for 19 years, through the good and the bad. Something, well you know. Also, I suggest you read something a little more recent on the lead up to those situations. The great Dr. Buss is a good start.

Either he choked, or he sabotaged his team...which is worse?

Its funny you site this particular game. I mean, choked? I think thats a tag LBJ owns. Yeah i will give you that one game, what the hell. Sabotage sure, pick your choice.

Or how about that time he publicly wanted to ship out one of the seven footers he rode to back to back titles after Shaq?

Rode Shaq? Ask Shaq Himself if he would have won those titles without Kobe. People who dont follow the Lakers really are funny. So many games that the Lakers never win without Kobe. Laughable, in fact, i just spilled latte.

It's also kinda hard to say Lebron is Kobe's bitch when he's won almost 2 out of 3 times they've played each other and Bron has better stats in the matchup.
I would have agreed with you until i saw the all-star game last year. Albiet the All star game, Even i cringed as a "old snake" publicly challenged "the king" in front of the world and the games best players. Getting blocked and all, bricking and all, same old bullshit. Yeah , Kobes bitch, and quiet hilarious though i might add. And also, though not a strong point, anytime those two played together in the olympics or basketball whatever its call Kobe always outshined him.

One more thing...MJ is still the GOAT right now


but I do know one thing he's done that Lebron has managed not to do yet...lose in the first round.

Ouch lol. Rather lose in the first round then rack up a losing finals record when your supposed to be the self proclaimed "chosen one" or the "king" lol. But hey since You brought up Jordan, did he ever lose in the first round? Lets use that as a control if thats okay with you. Since we can debate on your terms. Whatever i dont care really. Or hey, anyone who follow Jordan tell us. I dunno really.

Yeah, Kobe will have enough of a resume to be considered the #2 two guard of all time when it's all said and done, but let's not start comparing him to James when James has obviously been better throughout his career.

Can someone explain this sentence to me cause i dont even know what it means. :clap::lol:

And finally. Lebron aint even the best triple double guy. He aint the best Scorer. He aint the best passer. In fact guys on this board (myself included) dont even think he was better then Bird, and he never will be. He will never beat any of those records mentioned. He will go down as the most talented player to never reach his potential, and Lamar Odom will be right behind him. (still love lamar though lol)

Thanks Leroy, been a while.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
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Quite honestly I think the best chances of Lebron winning more championships was in Miami and I doubt he wins more than one more in the next three years which means that with 3 championships or 4 when he retires is going to shoot down his legacy of passing Michael Jordan.

I really think winning just 1 in Cleveland gives him a great legacy, unfortunately, i mean, its Cleveland.


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I'll challenge you to the same thing I challenge every other Kobe Nuthugger who tries to compare Old Snake to The King.

Call Kobe fans nuthuggers then refer to LeBron as your king, had to stop reading after that. :doh:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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I really think winning just 1 in Cleveland gives him a great legacy, unfortunately, i mean, its Cleveland.

It's not the legacy that Lebron an his nut-huggers in here are wanting though :lol:, They want him to pass Michael and that is never going to happen:pound:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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Good Lord you Laker fans sure are obsessed over Lebron. Y'all need to worry about how shitty your own team is.

We already know what our team is, nothing left to do, but make fun of the self proclaimed king that you nuthuggers love to slurp on:lol:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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2. He finds out 1st hand that Love doesn't perform well in pressure situations and continues to notice how much of a better, more versatile player Bosh is. Anyone who questions how much Bosh sacrificed in order for James to thrive just isn't paying attention.

Lets not make Bosh into a saint. Just saw a good tv report on how he played Riley against Houston to get the max and an extra year. Houston/McHale look the fools now. Nice play by Bosh.

That's called business my friend. In economics 101 they call it supply vs demand

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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We can answer this pretty easily.

First, check the weather in Cleveland.

Then, check the weather in South Beach.

:pound::pound:And in the mean time when he is having to pay someone $25 to put chains on his car, so he can go to practices, They will be running around on the beach in shorts and bikinis:lol: