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GDT - July 1st Free Agency: I'll take Patrick Rissmiller for $4.0m Alex!


Active Member
Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Since the first two days of free agency have pretty much been dead, outside of signing Adam Burish and attaining a Bracken Kearns (every team should have a Bracken Kearns, wtf?) I've got some questions for you guys.

Do you think Douglas Murray will be traded? I hope Murray gets traded for some scoring depth, preferably a 3rd line winger.

Will Patrick Marleau and/or Antti Niemi be traded? I think both of them should go, whether Nash is the return or not. There is nothing that Antti Niemi can do that Thomas Griess can't. I'd also like to see Stalock get a shot to crack the roster, hopefully he isn't too rusty coming off of the leg injury.

As of right now our bottom six forwards are Wingels, Handzus, Sheppard, Galiardi, Desjardins, and Burish. Are you guys comfortable with those 6? I don't know what to expect from Sheppard, Galiardi is a wildcard, Handzus' career looks all but over and Desjardins does some good things but I think he needs to be more physical and more of an agitator. With that said, personally, Burish and Wingels are the only two guys that I'm completely comfortable with right now. With those 6 players how will the lines shape up? Are Tim Kennedy and Brandon Mashinter in the mix? Should/Can Handzus be dealt or is the plan to have him be our 3rd line center?

Is Daniel Winnik gone? I really hope he isn't, I thought I read somewhere that he was asking for 2.5 million. Seeing that Torrey Mitchell just got 2 million for the Wild, 2.5 for Winnik doesn't seem so bad. I would give Winnik 4 years 10 million, I think he is a valuable asset and necessity if we are to make a run at Lord Stanley.

What free agents left do you think we need to and can sign?

To answer your questions in order:
1) murray: Yes, I think he will be dealt. the sharks need help up frat and dougie knows it. Murray is also too slow to play the kind of game the sharks wnna play (more aggressive and pressuring). Murray is better as a positional pylon who hits. Burke in toronto would prefer that. When the deal will happen, that I dunno...

2) patty/nemo: No and no. marleau wont be dealt becasue dougie sucks him off on a regular basis and once he attaches to a dick, he just cant let go... Nemo wont be cuz stalock hasnt shown he is ready and dougie wont trust griess to take the #1 job. nemo will most likely be back unless the return is unreal.

3) bottom 6. No, Im not comfortable with it at all. last year the Pk and bottom 6 were the two major problem areas. the PK requires a new coach and nothing more. The bottom 6 requires at least 1 or two legit 15-20 scorers to anchor the 3rd line. Right now, they have 6 good forwards, and then a whole heaping pile of crap. If the season started today, the sharks would only be a borderline PO team. They will struggle to score being super top heavy again, and teams like STL or PHX with smothering defense will shut down the 3 or 4 scorers the sharks have and they will set a franchise record for shutouts against. However, dougie has space and some tradable assets to get help there.

4) yes winnik is gone. The merc alluded to this. I am fine with that since they already have about four too many 4th liners and they dont need another.

5) good UFA's left include doan, stapleton, Petr Sykora, and maybe sullivan, Wolski or pyatt for the right price. two or three of those guys at 1-2M per (or doan at 5M) would make a big difference IMO. Muellr could be worth a stab too for 1M or so.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
I'm so glad we don't have to play against that ********** Ott anymore.

Id rather Ott than Roy. The worst ott can do is piss you off but he doesnt put up big points and he takes many dump penalties. Roy, on the hand, can light you up and quick. This made dallas possibly easier to play against physically, but much more skilled and harder to deal with. And, amazing, dallas actually dropped 1M in salary in the deal, which is the real miracle.

I agree with whoever posted that something must be wrong with Roy. He's only 29, and he was an 80 pt player, and was basically point per game for several years prior to last year. he's a legit top 6 forward, so a 3rd line agitator and a hugley overpriced AHL Dman seems like a rediculously bad return.


Troll Hunter
Dec 2, 2010
Bay Area
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Ott goons your stars which is a bad problem for a team full of pussies. I'd much rather face guys like Roy.


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Id rather Ott than Roy. The worst ott can do is piss you off but he doesnt put up big points and he takes many dump penalties. Roy, on the hand, can light you up and quick. This made dallas possibly easier to play against physically, but much more skilled and harder to deal with. And, amazing, dallas actually dropped 1M in salary in the deal, which is the real miracle.

I agree with whoever posted that something must be wrong with Roy. He's only 29, and he was an 80 pt player, and was basically point per game for several years prior to last year. he's a legit top 6 forward, so a 3rd line agitator and a hugley overpriced AHL Dman seems like a rediculously bad return.

Roy hasnt been the same since he tore his hamstring and got a sports Hyena, injuries is pretty much is what happened to him


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Since the first two days of free agency have pretty much been dead, outside of signing Adam Burish and attaining a Bracken Kearns (every team should have a Bracken Kearns, wtf?) I've got some questions for you guys.

Do you think Douglas Murray will be traded? I hope Murray gets traded for some scoring depth, preferably a 3rd line winger.

I think one of Murray, Demers, or Braun will be traded for a forward.

Will Patrick Marleau and/or Antti Niemi be traded? I think both of them should go, whether Nash is the return or not. There is nothing that Antti Niemi can do that Thomas Griess can't. I'd also like to see Stalock get a shot to crack the roster, hopefully he isn't too rusty coming off of the leg injury.

Neither Marleau or Niemi will be moved. Stalock may get a shot at the back up spot but it will probably come as the season progresses not right out of camp.

As of right now our bottom six forwards are Wingels, Handzus, Sheppard, Galiardi, Desjardins, and Burish. Are you guys comfortable with those 6? I don't know what to expect from Sheppard, Galiardi is a wildcard, Handzus' career looks all but over and Desjardins does some good things but I think he needs to be more physical and more of an agitator. With that said, personally, Burish and Wingels are the only two guys that I'm completely comfortable with right now. With those 6 players how will the lines shape up? Are Tim Kennedy and Brandon Mashinter in the mix? Should/Can Handzus be dealt or is the plan to have him be our 3rd line center?

It depends on how the bottom six is set up

Wingels - Pavelski - ??????
Desjardins - Handzus - Burish

Depending on what the ?????? is that has potential to be an acceptable, even productive, bottom six. If Pavelski is kept in the top six and the open spots are filled by guys currently in the system then they are no better off than before

Is Daniel Winnik gone? I really hope he isn't, I thought I read somewhere that he was asking for 2.5 million. Seeing that Torrey Mitchell just got 2 million for the Wild, 2.5 for Winnik doesn't seem so bad. I would give Winnik 4 years 10 million, I think he is a valuable asset and necessity if we are to make a run at Lord Stanley.

I don't know if it's still up but reciently Winnik posted a twitter status that said, "Considering coming back to the Sharks." IMO the Burish signing as well as the reports from Pollak are an indication Doug has moved on.

What free agents left do you think we need to and can sign?

If Doan becomes available he's a must IMO. Last offseason and over the course of last year there were reports Doug was chasing Alex Semin and that may be the case again this offseason though I doubt anything happens on that front until Parise signs.


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
If Doan becomes available he's a must IMO. Last offseason and over the course of last year there were reports Doug was chasing Alex Semin and that may be the case again this offseason though I doubt anything happens on that front until Parise signs.

I dont see where Semin fits unless its with Havlat, Doan would be great especially paired with Couture and Clowe. No one would fuck with Logan again


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I dont see where Semin fits unless its with Havlat, Doan would be great especially paired with Couture and Clowe. No one would fuck with Logan again

ok watching NHL2Night and Craig Button and Mike Johnson are smoking Semins pole something fierce


Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
If they don't add another quality forward, which would really suck, they're probably gonna have to spread out the top 6 guys over 3 lines. Something like:


You can max and match them, but I can't see them going with 2 really good lines and 2 shitty lines again.


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I dont see where Semin fits unless its with Havlat, Doan would be great especially paired with Couture and Clowe. No one would fuck with Logan again

I could see him doing well on Thornton's right wing. A set up like:

Couture - Thornton - Semin
?????? - Marleau - Havlat
Wingels - Pavelski - Clowe
Desjardins - Handzus - Burish

I'd love for Doan to fill the empty spot but that would probably mean dropping Clowe for a Cheeper lesser player as well as moving Murray for picks/prospects.


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Jokinen to the Peg. 2 years $4.5 per.

Sharks added another player to Woosta's roster in Jon Matsumoto.


Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
I could see him doing well on Thornton's right wing. A set up like:

Couture - Thornton - Semin
?????? - Marleau - Havlat
Wingels - Pavelski - Clowe
Desjardins - Handzus - Burish

I'd love for Doan to fill the empty spot but that would probably mean dropping Clowe for a Cheeper lesser player as well as moving Murray for picks/prospects.

Semin would probably score 30+ goals playing with Joe.


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Jokinen to the Peg. 2 years $4.5 per.

Sharks added another player to Woosta's roster in Jon Matsumoto.

Matsumoto? Ahhh shit another Japanese guy!!! hopefully he is better the Fukufuji lol And wow JokeAgain money grab


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I could see him doing well on Thornton's right wing. A set up like:

Couture - Thornton - Semin
?????? - Marleau - Havlat
Wingels - Pavelski - Clowe
Desjardins - Handzus - Burish

I'd love for Doan to fill the empty spot but that would probably mean dropping Clowe for a Cheeper lesser player as well as moving Murray for picks/prospects.

I dunno dont you think Havlats style of play is better suited for Semin?


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I dunno dont you think Havlats style of play is better suited for Semin?

I'll preface this with, the motivated Semin that showed up for Dale Hunter has the adaptibity to play with any combo in the top six. Then there is the lazy unmotivated Semin that won't work with anyone so he's certainly a high risk option.

Marleau - Thornton - Doan
Havlat - Couture - Semin

That set up works as well.


Dec 4, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I dunno dont you think Havlats style of play is better suited for Semin?

Maybe his play but also the mentality, Havlat is a hard worker and if you are going to bring in a player like Semin he cannot play on one of our lazy lines. Make him work his ass off. They should spend their summer wrestling bears and crocs, that'll get their shit together.