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Enjoying your championship?


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Hope you are, seriously the NFL should stand for "Not for Long", with the draft and salary cap, it's all geared towards parity. Seriously enjoy it while it lasts and you have it always to look back on, it will be interesting to see how SF and Seattle adapt to the reality of having to pay their qbs and drafting at the bottom for years.

Cheers guys.


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Luckily for us, we remain pretty much intact from our run last year. Excellent chance to repeat


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Hope you are, seriously the NFL should stand for "Not for Long", with the draft and salary cap, it's all geared towards parity. Seriously enjoy it while it lasts and you have it always to look back on, it will be interesting to see how SF and Seattle adapt to the reality of having to pay their qbs and drafting at the bottom for years.

Cheers guys.

Thanks for dropping by, should be an interesting up coming season. Happy

The Seahawks beat their evil twin and went on to win their first SB. Hoping to see the sequel.


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Next season, I think our chances of repeating are great. The season after, it will be difficult. So, yes, I am enjoying this off season with my team being the champs. I've waited a long time for this moment.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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Still enjoying it. Just feels like a huge monkey has been lifted off of the Seahawks, the fanbase, and the city of Seattle's backs. Many football fans, outside the Seahawk and top NFC teams fanbases who knew what were capable of, were so shocked by what occurred, they still don't know how to come to grips with it. But considering all the moves by teams like Broncos and Pats to boost their Ds this off season, many got the message. Offenses like the Pats and Broncos can be contained and even shutdown with the right defense out there.

I guess the sweetest thing I take from this is the vindication of Pete Carroll as a NFL coach and how a team built like ours can win championships. 2 years ago there was an army of dummies claiming PC would never win more than 7 games per season as a NFL coach. Very sweet to see us prove them all wrong.


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Still enjoying it. Just feels like a huge monkey has been lifted off of the Seahawks, the fanbase, and the city of Seattle's backs. Many football fans, outside the Seahawk and top NFC teams fanbases who knew what were capable of, were so shocked by what occurred, they still don't know how to come to grips with it. But considering all the moves by teams like Broncos and Pats to boost their Ds this off season, many got the message. Offenses like the Pats and Broncos can be contained and even shutdown with the right defense out there.

I guess the sweetest thing I take from this is the vindication of Pete Carroll as a NFL coach and how a team built like ours can win championships. 2 years ago there was an army of dummies claiming PC would never win more than 7 games per season as a NFL coach. Very sweet to see us prove them all wrong.

Great post RegentDenali and I concur.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
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Still enjoying it. Just feels like a huge monkey has been lifted off of the Seahawks, the fanbase, and the city of Seattle's backs. Many football fans, outside the Seahawk and top NFC teams fanbases who knew what were capable of, were so shocked by what occurred, they still don't know how to come to grips with it. But considering all the moves by teams like Broncos and Pats to boost their Ds this off season, many got the message. Offenses like the Pats and Broncos can be contained and even shutdown with the right defense out there.

I guess the sweetest thing I take from this is the vindication of Pete Carroll as a NFL coach and how a team built like ours can win championships. 2 years ago there was an army of dummies claiming PC would never win more than 7 games per season as a NFL coach. Very sweet to see us prove them all wrong.

This. I still remember at the beginning of the 2012 season before things started heating up there were even some threads on the CBS Seahawks boards advocating the replacement of Pete Carroll. He is not the best clock manager, but he put together a hell of a roster and gets the best out of his players.


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Apr 20, 2013
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I guess the sweetest thing I take from this is the vindication of Pete Carroll as a NFL coach
With the way him and Schneider built this team they were either going to be considered geniuses or morons. There would be no middle ground with their out of the box way of thinking. I'm glad he was able to succeed his 2nd time around. Im happy to admit I was 100% wrong about him from what I thought 4 years ago.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Hope you are, seriously the NFL should stand for "Not for Long", with the draft and salary cap, it's all geared towards parity. Seriously enjoy it while it lasts and you have it always to look back on, it will be interesting to see how SF and Seattle adapt to the reality of having to pay their qbs and drafting at the bottom for years.

Cheers guys.

Not so fast… We still have a draft to complete.. Gems are found in the later rounds… Sherman .. Wilson.. perfect examples of that… Plus it's not until next year we pay the young guys… Hit on the draft and don't pay the older Vets allot and you can stay competitive …


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Apr 23, 2013
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What I value the most so far is NFL fans for the most part state that we are the champs and that's the way it is until we get knocked off our perch.
Also, vindication for Pete, his followers, and our fan base. Many of us have been loyal die hards for decades and we finally got our due.
Now yoss, don't try to come off as the good hearted fan of the 9ers. You have orated your contempt of us Hawk fans and how disgusting it is to live in the same city as Seahawk fans that are gushing about their team.
Other than that, you are a cool cat.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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But all the realistic football fans know each off season is an eternity when dealing with the NFL. So much can change with your roster and the competition you'll be facing each fall.

We still got plenty of work to do to win another SB. Especially in the league with a hard salary cap and all the parity built into it. Even more so for the meat grinder that is the NFC West. This division is going to be absolutely nuts this fall.

But until the season starts, loving the SB win and all it brings to the franchise and city. Go Hawks!!!


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Jul 2, 2013
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I've enjoyed every bit of it

I can't even recollect how much I have spent on championship related stuff in the past month. The week that followed the Superbowl (including the night of the Superbowl) I probably got like 8-10 hours of sleep total. It was just nonstop celebrations. Got to meet Earl, Kam, Tate, Breno, Thurmond, Bennett, Irvin and Mrob during the weeks preceding and the weeks after the Superbowl.

I have probably watched the Superbowl in its entirety at least four times. I watch the NFL films presents version of Superbowl 48 sometimes while I'm on break at work or while I'm doing some prep work at home. With recommendation from some of you guys here I picked up the Seahawks Superbowl DVD that recaps their entire year. I will probably get some friends together this weekend after the Sounders game to watch it. I suspect I will probably have watched that DVD at least 2-3 times before the start of the new year.

On the road I love driving by cars with their 12th man flags. Parked my car once and some guy looked out of his window and yelled go hawks. Went to the municipal court to pay my ticket a week before the Superbowl and there were even 12th man flags, banners and workers in Seahawks jersey in there.

Like others have mentioned, this first Superbowl has been like a huge monkey has been lifted for every fan in Seattle. Honestly, it has made me feel more at ease about the Mariner's upcoming season, less stressed about the Sounders season, helped me shrug off UW Basketball's disappointing year and for some reason more hopeful about the NBA returning (and maybe adding NHL) to Seattle.


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Apr 21, 2013
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This. I still remember at the beginning of the 2012 season before things started heating up there were even some threads on the CBS Seahawks boards advocating the replacement of Pete Carroll. He is not the best clock manager, but he put together a hell of a roster and gets the best out of his players.

The CBS board wasn't the only place where that was happening. The ESPN board had its share of threads dedicated to the idea that Carroll would never win in the NFL and that he should be replaced if the Seahawks were to have any chance to get it done. Russell Wilson being named the starting QB (and the "stuck in mud" offense we spent half the season running out there in 2012) did little to stop the calls for Carroll's job. In fact, in a few cases it provided more "evidence" that he had no idea what he was doing.

Oh well. Those people have since either disappeared or changed their tune.


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May 25, 2013
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I guess the sweetest thing I take from this is the vindication of Pete Carroll as a NFL coach and how a team built like ours can win championships. 2 years ago there was an army of dummies claiming PC would never win more than 7 games per season as a NFL coach. Very sweet to see us prove them all wrong.

I remember how everyone was joking about the 7-9 season winning the division and than repeating it. Even ESPN wrote an article talking about PC and they throw in those kind of jokes. (I thought it was real unprofessional that's why its stuck in my mind). I also remember the NFL channel airing the TOP 10 Coaches who should have stayed in college and PC was number 8 or how people said his raw raw approach wouldn't work in the NFL.( Sapp, clearly seen in Rain Redemption video ) or how people said we shouldn't talk about our team maybe winning the Superbowl until we had. (like that somehow made their opinion better, never understood it)

So short answer, I'm enjoying and I'm going to keep enjoying for the rest of my life because I will always remember the back-story of how a 4-12 under Jim More Jr looked like it quite with 5 weeks to go and believing it was going to be 3-4 years of losing before they fired him, to everyone laughing at us for winning the division, than creating the same record without noticing the huge improvement, to finally being able to say I told you the Seahawks where coming. Not so quick but screw it, GO HAWKS!


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Apr 23, 2013
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All well said.

I think the main thing for us. Is we knew how special this team was after the ATL game. And the huge feeling of "what should have been" was strong.

so the fact they came out handled bidness and got that ring is huge. Because us as a fanbase haven't had that success, we've had great teams 01 mariners, 05 hawks, GP lead sonics, but we never won the whole damn thing.

So the fact that the nfl is a not for long league is fine. This team has great leadership, and even if we fall back we will always have this past season, we'll always have that ring.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I have enjoyed every bit of it and will always remember this. For years I would congratulate fans of teams for winning the SB and telling them job well done and hopefully the seahawks will get there one day. Now, it's such an amazing feeling of fans from other teams telling me congrats on the Hawks SB win and what a all around solid team we have. Massive kudos to Paul Allen for allowing JS/PC to run with a vision and bring a title to this franchise.


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yes we have our cap problems as do the 49ers kap is asking for a very huge deal which seems to make the 49ers hesitant to add big time free agents. Our year is next year when our players become free agents russell will command a 20mil a year contract, sherman will get paid top CB money, and thomas will get a huge contract too

Mr. Tacoma

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I've been loving our championship! I've watched the game about 800 times now (at least up to Baldwin's TD, I usually turn it off after that) and I've got the commemorative DVD on the way.

As much as I wished I was back home for the championship celebrations, it's been fun here in Russell Wilson's hometown. People here are pretty pumped up that a hometown guy won the Big One. I actually get compliments on my Seahawks hat now and there's a local car dealer that claims to be related to RW who says "Go Hawks!" on his commercials! Lovin' it!