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Blueprint to beat the Hawks is out now


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Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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people be quiet about the Hawks offense. Sure they blew it when they had a chance at the end but Dang the defense never gave them a chance. 42 minutes of CLOCK time for the Chargers offense. that leaves 18 minutes just over 1 quarter worth of plays for our offense.

people keep qouting this and saying "i disagree because the offense got the ball late" Do you all Not see the part i bolded and Underlined? wtf lmao.

18 minutes on offense and they produced 288 yards. That means if the Defense gets SD of the field so The Hawks could at least have had 30 minutes of ToP and that would have Equaled 480 yards on offense at that production. that's extremely good.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We just got beat. That's it.

Move on to Denver.


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Apr 23, 2013
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people keep qouting this and saying "i disagree because the offense got the ball late" Do you all Not see the part i bolded and Underlined? wtf lmao.

18 minutes on offense and they produced 288 yards. That means if the Defense gets SD of the field so The Hawks could at least have had 30 minutes of ToP and that would have Equaled 480 yards on offense at that production. that's extremely good.

18 minutes on offense and they produced 288 yards. That means if the Defense gets SD of the field so The Hawks could at least have had 30 minutes of ToP and that would have Equaled 480 yards on offense at that production. that's extremely good.[/QUOTE]

I think everyone is saying the same thing different ways. TOP is a two way street. You are right in that the Defense couldn't get off the field and credit SD with a great game plan as well as excellent execution. That said, if the Hawks Offense could have sustained longer drives, it would have given the defense more time in the shade and by the cooling machines. I think the offense did great, but had hoped we would have run the ball a little more to take the heat and pressure off the defense a bit. Some of the short drives were quick scores which are tough to complain about, but some were strange calls to Lockette and Walters, or the PH fumble which threw the defense back out there after a 5 minute drive for another 3 and half minute drive. And this is just game time minutes. Actual minutes were much longer, including injuries, clock stoppages, etc. Credit to the SD Defense for a great execution as well.

Other than the end of the halves, SD had drives no shorter than 3:30. Their first drive was 8 minutes. The Hawks had their opening drive at 4 min and the rest under 3 with most in the range of 2.

Also credit SD with using their Home field advantage which puts the opponent in dark jerseys and on the hottest side of the field. I don't know what their ATs did differently to prepare them for the heat AND humidity. Either they have a magic no-cramp solution, or the jersey color and side of the field does make a huge difference since I did not see any of their players with cramps. They do not practice in that weather either so that is not a reason. I wonder if we could have gone with Gray unis?

Anyways, I expected a more balanced approach after halftime even though we were down 6, but 8 of 11 plays in the 3rd quarter were passes. Some were to Lynch, and maybe RW took what they gave him, but I had hoped the Defense could rest a bit more in the 3rd while the O had the ball. Instead, SD drive for 3:30, then the O went 3 and out with two long punt coverages in a row followed by a 6:30 minute SD drive with 2 injuries and 2 penalties. The D was toast at that point.

OK, novel over now for me. Moving on to the next game.


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
Central PA
Hoopla Cash
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people keep qouting this and saying "i disagree because the offense got the ball late" Do you all Not see the part i bolded and Underlined? wtf lmao.

18 minutes on offense and they produced 288 yards. That means if the Defense gets SD of the field so The Hawks could at least have had 30 minutes of ToP and that would have Equaled 480 yards on offense at that production. that's extremely good.

Whats with your Avy pimping the cowboys SB victory over the broncos? Randy White dd have a monster game if I recall.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
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Really, kevin?


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Aug 23, 2014
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Plus the visitors there always have the hotter side of the field,,
Plus the Chargers opted to play in their white jersey forcing the Seahawks to wear their dark blue jerseys in that Heat. The Chargers rarely wear white at home


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Just control the clock to the tune of about 42+ minutes and then stop a game winning drive in the 4th.

lol 42 minutes of clock time by SD and the Hawks STILL had a chance to win.

What do y'all think of this article?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What do y'all think of this article?


They missed #5 which is have one of the best TE's of all time bring his A game to put pressure on the middle of the field. Why do people even bother coming up with that crap. That's the blueprint for beating anybody.

#2's a joke, because Seattle's man defense is pretty straight forward. And the Broncos tried #3 and Kam had a field day on those short crossing routes.

Gates is a throwback TE that's actually a legit TE and not some oversized WR, and when he gets it going he's next to impossible to cover. That opens up the underneath crap that the Chargers were killing us with.
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KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
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What do y'all think of this article?


That "blueprint" isn't a secret. Carroll believes turnovers and big plays correlate with victory better than 3rd down %, so his defense focuses on eliminating big plays, then using his players' athleticism to tackle well on the short stuff.

If Seattle out-executes you, or you make a mistake, they can usually snuff out your drive before it gets points (or at least TDs). If the reverse happens, you get points and sustain long drives.

For 2+ years now, Seattle's won those battles much more often than they've lost them. But in this game they were slaughtered in this battle. It reminds me very much of the Detroit game in 2012. Detroit hit a few big plays in that game, but most of their offense was hitting the slot receiver and backs to go down the field little by little. I think their offense's 3rd down conversion rate was crazy high too.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I hate that this kind of thing happens every time a good team gets beat one week. They always say the blue print is out on how to beat them. Last year the Broncos went through this when they lost to Indy and then when they lost to New England. They acted like it was some huge secret that was just discovered on how to beat Peyton Manning. After the Super Bowl again the same thing of Seattle figured it out. All of these teams know what beats each other. The Seahawks really don't do a whole lot of special scheming that nobody has ever done in the history of the game. What they do better than well really any team in the league is they out execute teams. They do not make mistakes very often on either side of the ball. They make you have to play a perfect game to beat them. They bank on a team getting impatient and taking a risk when they shouldn't and then make that team pay for such a decision.

Heck I remember rewatching the Super Bowl (Yes as a Bronco fan that was brutal to do and almost as bad the second time around) and seeing plays that receivers were working into the open spots on the defense. The problem was the Broncos OL could not block worth crap and Seattle knew because the DL was dominating that they could play aggressively up by the LOS. Big plays over the top were actually available if the Broncos could have blocked even competently in that game. Seattle out executed them big time on both sides of the ball and with a great team like Seattle all they need is a team to make a mistake or two and it can quickly turn into a run away victory.


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Dec 7, 2013
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One of the big things I didn't see during this game were our LBs and safetys collapsing on the receiver when after a catch.

We ususally do a great job allowing the short catch, but then limiting the yards after catch. Not this game (although, I don't know the numbers, just what I was thinking while watching the game).


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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One of the big things I didn't see during this game were our LBs and safetys collapsing on the receiver when after a catch.

We ususally do a great job allowing the short catch, but then limiting the yards after catch. Not this game (although, I don't know the numbers, just what I was thinking while watching the game).

Gates was causing all sorts of problems and pulling guys back with him. That's why there were so many YAC on the shallow crossing routes. And guys cramping up didn't help matters either.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Having the "blueprint" doesn't matter as much as having the personnel to take advantage of having the blueprint. Other teams have quarterbacks and tight ends, but other teams don't have Philip Rivers and Antonio Gates playing those positions.