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B12 expansion

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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Depends on how bad they want ou. No offense to Texas but the sooners are the biggest fish when the Big 12 implodes. They don't have the population but the brand is much bigger nationally. Plus there isn't nearly the baggage that comes with Texas.

With OKST it's not a given they will both end up together when it goes down but due to state politics both will find a comfortable landing spot. If it looks good for the PAC or ACC for us, I could see ou jumping. If not and they play hardball and say our Cowboy governor says it's both or none, it could happen.

I hate the little brother thing, but in this situation I don't mind.
It's mind numbing how ignorant many of you guys are about conference revenue sources. If you get OU you get the state of Oklahoma and it makes zero economic sense to take two teams from the same state and is actually detrimental to the revenue model.

The SEC will not take both Oklahoma schools and they wouldn't take any more Texas schools, Florida schools, Clemson, GT or Louisville either.

Honestly the only 2 states that make sense for the SEC are Virginia and NC because of population and revenue potential. But they aren't taking 2 teams from those states either.

Put this into perspective: it would make more economic sense for the SEC to take OSU and WV then both Oklahoma schools.
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Jun 27, 2013
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Since the history of the B12, Texas and OU were the only teams from the old Big 8/SWC that benefited. Most of the other teams were like us, had one or two good years. And, honestly, outside of Texas and OU, none of the others receive much interest. Since Nebraska, Colorado, Missou, and A&M left, the B12 is "meh" No one out there to replace them with. TCU and WVU were ok fillers for now but the Big12 is basically Texas and OU and a bunch of weak teams that are dragging them down.

Nothing to do with benefit. Programs have not magically appeared, because of joining a conference. Florida school rose based on an explosion in population and opening up Southern Florida to recruiting. Hard for a school like TCU/Baylor to maintain a level of recruiting to support continual success. They are 3-5th choice generally for instate kids, it will fluctuate over time. KSU is in a small recruiting state, same with OSU. It hard to build a program off of recruiting nationally. It is next to impossible to do it when you lack name recognition. Outside of South Carolina most Universities have not done much by going to a new conference.

Lance Armstrong

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That's completely dependent on the year. Name and atmosphere wise; Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Iowa blow all of those B12 schools away. Talent on the field varies wildly for all of those schools on a year to year basis and I think we all know what's going to happen to K-State, Baylor, and TCU once their current coaches leave.

So from a fan experience, traveling to away games in the mythical new B1G West would be more fun. Talent wise, currently the B12 schedule is more difficult simply because TCU and Baylor are so strong right now.

lol, sorry but traveling to these states doesn't sound appealing. Also, as long as TCU and Baylor keep grabbing Texas talent they should have more top end athletes.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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lol, sorry but traveling to these states doesn't sound appealing. Also, as long as TCU and Baylor keep grabbing Texas talent they should have more top end athletes.

Right, because you're scared of cold weather. :rolleyes2:

You're insane if you think the atmosphere in Ft. Worth or Waco is better than Lincoln or Madison or Iowa City for game day. Its the difference b/t big state school and a small private school. Not even comparable.

Lance Armstrong

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Right, because you're scared of cold weather. :rolleyes2:

You're insane if you think the atmosphere in Ft. Worth or Waco is better than Lincoln or Madison or Iowa City for game day. Its the difference b/t big state school and a small private school. Not even comparable.

Sorry, but imagine trying to recruit Texas kids "hey, wouldn't you love to travel to Iowa and Nebraska?" I'm sure the atmosphere is great, but playing in the Big ten west would be horrible. Plus Fort Worth is a great town.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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Sorry, but imagine trying to recruit Texas kids "hey, wouldn't you love to travel to Iowa and Nebraska?" I'm sure the atmosphere is great, but playing in the Big ten west would be horrible. Plus Fort Worth is a great town.

Fort Worth is a great town, its just not a college town. And I was talking about the fan experience, not recruiting.

For recruiting you'd sell them on playing on the biggest stage on national television every day. Then you'd roll out your list of guys that have played for your school that have gone on to the NFL. Players don't give a damn about travel. They just want to win and be seen.

Lance Armstrong

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Fort Worth is a great town, its just not a college town. And I was talking about the fan experience, not recruiting.

For recruiting you'd sell them on playing on the biggest stage on national television every day. Then you'd roll out your list of guys that have played for your school that have gone on to the NFL. Players don't give a damn about travel. They just want to win and be seen.

They want to be seen by their family, that's what's great about having 4 in state teams. The other things UT and OU can sell them on already, traveling to the big stage of Iowa City might not win them over. Sorry, the Big ten west sounds horrible, and I hope Nebraska blocks us with their tears from ever joining.


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They want to be seen by their family, that's what's great about having 4 in state teams. The other things UT and OU can sell them on already, traveling to the big stage of Iowa City might not win them over. Sorry, the Big ten west sounds horrible, and I hope Nebraska blocks us with their tears from ever joining.
Don't get your hopes up. Nebraska wouldn't block Texas from joining.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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They want to be seen by their family, that's what's great about having 4 in state teams. The other things UT and OU can sell them on already, traveling to the big stage of Iowa City might not win them over. Sorry, the Big ten west sounds horrible, and I hope Nebraska blocks us with their tears from ever joining.

Ha. Well Ohio State has pulled some pretty decent players out of the state recently and their families haven't had much difficulty making it to the games that I know of. There's always something that can be worked out for families to see the games.

I know you're irrationally anti-B1G for some reason, but it's not like your other options are that much better. If you go to the PAC (lets say with OU just like our B1G scenario), then your division looks like this: OU, UT, AZ, ASU, Colorado, Utah and either USC or UCLA. All the other west coast schools will be in the other division. That's nice and that trip to LA once every 2 years will be pretty sweet but football-wise its kinda meh.

If its SEC, then you'll have a division of UT, OU, Aggy, Ark, Mizz, LSU, Ole Miss, Miss St. Not bad, pretty regional...basically an old B12-SEC W-SWC mashup, but all big state schools and the football scene would be great to travel to.

B1G then you have UT, OU, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisc, Minny, Illinois, NW. The only one of those that isn't a good travel spot is Illinois. All big state schools except NW and at least NW has Chicago to visit.

The SEC pairing would be the most fun sports-wise. PAC the best if you're more concerned about scenery near campus. B1G would probably be the best money-wise or a close 2nd to the SEC. Competitively, all those divisions would be pretty comparable.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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Nothing to do with benefit. Programs have not magically appeared, because of joining a conference. Florida school rose based on an explosion in population and opening up Southern Florida to recruiting. Hard for a school like TCU/Baylor to maintain a level of recruiting to support continual success. They are 3-5th choice generally for instate kids, it will fluctuate over time. KSU is in a small recruiting state, same with OSU. It hard to build a program off of recruiting nationally. It is next to impossible to do it when you lack name recognition. Outside of South Carolina most Universities have not done much by going to a new conference.
Florida and Georgia Universities have exploded due to free state tuition programs. Georgia Southern, Georgia State and all the Florida schools have seen a huge increase in enrollment which equals money, facilities and such.

Central Florida - 60k students
South Florida - 49k students
Georgia State - 33k students
Georgia Southern - 21k students

To put that in perspective Auburn has 27k, Clemson 22k, Oklahoma 31k and Oregon 24k.

The growth rate, alumni base and revenue is eventually going to propel these programs into contenders.

Lance Armstrong

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Ha. Well Ohio State has pulled some pretty decent players out of the state recently and their families haven't had much difficulty making it to the games that I know of. There's always something that can be worked out for families to see the games.

I know you're irrationally anti-B1G for some reason, but it's not like your other options are that much better. If you go to the PAC (lets say with OU just like our B1G scenario), then your division looks like this: OU, UT, AZ, ASU, Colorado, Utah and either USC or UCLA. All the other west coast schools will be in the other division. That's nice and that trip to LA once every 2 years will be pretty sweet but football-wise its kinda meh.

If its SEC, then you'll have a division of UT, OU, Aggy, Ark, Mizz, LSU, Ole Miss, Miss St. Not bad, pretty regional...basically an old B12-SEC W-SWC mashup, but all big state schools and the football scene would be great to travel to.

B1G then you have UT, OU, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisc, Minny, Illinois, NW. The only one of those that isn't a good travel spot is Illinois. All big state schools except NW and at least NW has Chicago to visit.

The SEC pairing would be the most fun sports-wise. PAC the best if you're more concerned about scenery near campus. B1G would probably be the best money-wise or a close 2nd to the SEC. Competitively, all those divisions would be pretty comparable.

I'm not anti BIG, if you honestly don't see why I'd want to travel to Iowa and Nebraska then you're too pro BIG. The PAC division you mentioned seems to fit us more culturally, the SEC would be fun but would never happen. I'm happy in the Big 12, especially now that TCU and Baylor are keeping more kids in state.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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I'm not anti BIG, if you honestly don't see why I'd want to travel to Iowa and Nebraska then you're too pro BIG. The PAC division you mentioned seems to fit us more culturally, the SEC would be fun but would never happen. I'm happy in the Big 12, especially now that TCU and Baylor are keeping more kids in state.

Culturally? Dude, basically every major state university is culturally similar. It's all about drinking and partying.

You are acting like you have to move to the states or something. If you travel there, you head to the bars, you tailgate, and you go to the game. I don't know about you, but if I'm doing that, the best places to go are normally the biggest.

Edit: occasionally, you make it an extended trip and visit a nearby large city.


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Culturally? Dude, basically every major state university is culturally similar. It's all about drinking and partying.

You are acting like you have to move to the states or something. If you travel there, you head to the bars, you tailgate, and you go to the game. I don't know about you, but if I'm doing that, the best places to go are normally the biggest.

Edit: occasionally, you make it an extended trip and visit a nearby large city.

While in general I'd agree with you, I'd rather travel west than north as well.

If you've EVER been to an ASU game you'd know why. Good LORDT the chicks out there......and pretty much any trip to Cali is worth it for me. I used to live in Cleveland.....yeah I got NO INTEREST in going back to Ohio for ANYTHING whatsoever. Or Illinois. Or Indiana. Or Nebraska. Or Iowa. Or Michigan.

Y'all can keep ALL that loveliness for yourselves.


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Jun 27, 2013
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Florida and Georgia Universities have exploded due to free state tuition programs. Georgia Southern, Georgia State and all the Florida schools have seen a huge increase in enrollment which equals money, facilities and such.

Central Florida - 60k students
South Florida - 49k students
Georgia State - 33k students
Georgia Southern - 21k students

To put that in perspective Auburn has 27k, Clemson 22k, Oklahoma 31k and Oregon 24k.

The growth rate, alumni base and revenue is eventually going to propel these programs into contenders.

No. You can have 100K kids there, but the top 247 recruits arent looking at Georgia State. Too much competition there anyway. To slip under the radar it has be growth in a state that isnt not heavily recruited. There are exceptions like Oregon and Nike working together, but it is rare.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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While in general I'd agree with you, I'd rather travel west than north as well.

If you've EVER been to an ASU game you'd know why. Good LORDT the chicks out there......and pretty much any trip to Cali is worth it for me. I used to live in Cleveland.....yeah I got NO INTEREST in going back to Ohio for ANYTHING whatsoever. Or Illinois. Or Indiana. Or Nebraska. Or Iowa. Or Michigan.

Y'all can keep ALL that loveliness for yourselves.

For weather and scenery, sure. You've got the mountains, the beach, the desert. It's very scenic out west and that's before you even get into the female crop. I'm not talking about going on vacation, I'm talking about going to watch a football game.

If someone offered me tickets to a Colorado Buffs home game or an OU home game I would probably go see the Sooners play....unless my motive for travel wasn't to watch football, it was to vacation around the town.

Lance Armstrong

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For weather and scenery, sure. You've got the mountains, the beach, the desert. It's very scenic out west and that's before you even get into the female crop. I'm not talking about going on vacation, I'm talking about going to watch a football game.

If someone offered me tickets to a Colorado Buffs home game or an OU home game I would probably go see the Sooners play....unless my motive for travel wasn't to watch football, it was to vacation around the town.

Problem is the Big west doesn't have any OU's besides NU. Its a bunch of Colorado's without the nice stuff to do.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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Problem is the Big west doesn't have any OU's besides NU. Its a bunch of Colorado's without the nice stuff to do.

Lol. Illinois is about on par with Colorado. Every other team is far better than the Buffs and has been for a long time.

Wisconsin and Iowa are tough places to play and fun places to visit.

If you're more worried about what to do and visit outside of going to the game, then sure I get why you are so enamored about the PAC.

Lance Armstrong

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Lol. Illinois is about on par with Colorado. Every other team is far better than the Buffs and has been for a long time.

Wisconsin and Iowa are tough places to play and fun places to visit.

If you're more worried about what to do and visit outside of going to the game, then sure I get why you are so enamored about the PAC.

I'm not even enamored with the PAC, again I prefer the Big 12 stay in tact. And sorry, besides maybe 1 home and home with Wisconsin I have no desire to play Illinois, Iowa, or whoever else is in the west.


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For weather and scenery, sure. You've got the mountains, the beach, the desert. It's very scenic out west and that's before you even get into the female crop. I'm not talking about going on vacation, I'm talking about going to watch a football game.

If someone offered me tickets to a Colorado Buffs home game or an OU home game I would probably go see the Sooners play....unless my motive for travel wasn't to watch football, it was to vacation around the town.

Trust me you do NOT want to go see Colorado play. They easily have the WORST fan base in all of college football. You will be pelted with urine filled balloons, batteries, and if they find where you're parked you may find your car covered in feces. They are monumental assholes......and they will do this to small children as well.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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I'm not even enamored with the PAC, again I prefer the Big 12 stay in tact. And sorry, besides maybe 1 home and home with Wisconsin I have no desire to play Illinois, Iowa, or whoever else is in the west.

Illinois I wouldn't. I hear Iowa is fun tho. Minny might be ok...I don't know much about the twin cities for entertainment. Wisconsin and Nebraska are a blast to visit. Northwestern has Chicago to visit and I'd assume you'd do your normal Dallas site for the OU game. It wouldn't be all that bad.

I think most people within the B12 share your sentiment that they want the B12 to work out tho. It's whats best for most of those schools.