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B12 expansion


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Yup, Kansas and Mizzou took advantage of being in a Texas conference, while Nebraska tried to find life after partial qualifiers.

Nice cherry picking.

Kansas had ONE good year 2007. They did not play tejas or Oklahoma.
Missouri took advantage of Nebraska, Colorado, and K State being on their asses. Even then they only had 4 decent seasons.

The rule accomplished exactly what it was meant to accomplish. Give recruiting advantages to South teams. Particularly tejas, who as I pointed out managed to underachieve in the overall picture.


Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nice cherry picking.

Kansas had ONE good year 2007. They did not play tejas or Oklahoma.
Missouri took advantage of Nebraska, Colorado, and K State being on their asses. Even then they only had 4 decent seasons.

The rule accomplished exactly what it was meant to accomplish. Give recruiting advantages to South teams. Particularly tejas, who as I pointed out managed to underachieve in the overall picture.

I've got a feeling Kansas is going to make a splash this year and win a game.

Lance Armstrong

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Aug 8, 2011
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Nice cherry picking.

Kansas had ONE good year 2007. They did not play tejas or Oklahoma.
Missouri took advantage of Nebraska, Colorado, and K State being on their asses. Even then they only had 4 decent seasons.

The rule accomplished exactly what it was meant to accomplish. Give recruiting advantages to South teams. Particularly tejas, who as I pointed out managed to underachieve in the overall picture.


Well, now that the Big ten put you in the JV division you can use this excuse as to why you suck there also. "We don't have enough games in Ohio and Pennsylvania, this isn't fair"


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
Jul 2, 2013
western side of the B1G
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Yup, Kansas and Mizzou took advantage of being in a Texas conference, while Nebraska tried to find life after partial qualifiers.

Missouri loved it so much, Missouri left.

Rumor Kansas is looking for a window of opportunity.

Who will Texas bring in?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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Nice cherry picking.

Kansas had ONE good year 2007. They did not play tejas or Oklahoma.
Missouri took advantage of Nebraska, Colorado, and K State being on their asses. Even then they only had 4 decent seasons.

The rule accomplished exactly what it was meant to accomplish. Give recruiting advantages to South teams. Particularly tejas, who as I pointed out managed to underachieve in the overall picture.


Except Mangino was the first Kansas coach to have a winning record in decades, so hardly cherry picking. It seems someone is building straw man. Here are some ACTUAL facts

Kansas 1st 15 years in Big 12.. 75-90 45.5%, 15 years prior 72-93 43.63%... Nothing here
KSU: 113 -61 64.9% vs 63-102 38.2%..... Seems they did a tad bit better
Mizzu: 94-76 55.3% vs 55-105 34.7%.. better again
ISU: 65-102 38.8 vs 57-101 36.1%

So those 4 teams all won at a higher rate in their 1st 15 years in the Big 12 compared to the 15 prior. You sure you want to continue this argument?


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Except Mangino was the first Kansas coach to have a winning record in decades, so hardly cherry picking. It seems someone is building straw man. Here are some ACTUAL facts

Kansas 1st 15 years in Big 12.. 75-90 45.5%, 15 years prior 72-93 43.63%... Nothing here
KSU: 113 -61 64.9% vs 63-102 38.2%..... Seems they did a tad bit better
Mizzu: 94-76 55.3% vs 55-105 34.7%.. better again
ISU: 65-102 38.8 vs 57-101 36.1%

So those 4 teams all won at a higher rate in their 1st 15 years in the Big 12 compared to the 15 prior. You sure you want to continue this argument?

All of those stellar Mangino years could only muster Kansas a 1.87% increase in winning percentage rate.
Iowa St managed a 2.7% increase in winning percentage rate.
Why even put them on the list?

On Kansas St did you factor in the 7 pre-Snyder years that are part of your 15 year guidline?

K. St. beginning in 1982 (6-5), (3-8), (3-7), (1-10), (2-9), (0-10), (0-11) < (1988)
1st year of Snyder 1989 - (1-10)
2nd season (1990) forward. (5-6), (7-4), (5-6), (9-2-1), (9-3), (10-2), (9-3) < (1996)

First five years of Big 12 (pre big 12 recruiting) starting 1997 (11-1), (11-2), (11-1), (11-3), (6-6) <(2001)

Second five years of Big 12 (post big 12 recruiting) starting 2002 (11-2), (11-4), (4-7), (5-6), (7-6) <(2007)

2008 forward - (5-7), (6-6), (7-6)

K.State was on the rise prior to the Big 12, peaked with players recruited prior to Big 12 then tailed off with full Big 12 recruiting classes.

Missouri's wins increased because Kansas and Iowa St still sucked, and came at the expense of Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas St sucking ass.

Missouri never won a fucking thing in the Big 12 other than a crippled division.

I stated that limiting the amount of time coaches good be out of the office recruiting benefited the South and hurt the North.

WTF is your point again?



Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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All of those stellar Mangino years could only muster Kansas a 1.87% increase in winning percentage rate.
Iowa St managed a 2.7% increase in winning percentage rate.
Why even put them on the list?

On Kansas St did you factor in the 7 pre-Snyder years that are part of your 15 year guidline?

K. St. beginning in 1982 (6-5), (3-8), (3-7), (1-10), (2-9), (0-10), (0-11) < (1988)
1st year of Snyder 1989 - (1-10)
2nd season (1990) forward. (5-6), (7-4), (5-6), (9-2-1), (9-3), (10-2), (9-3) < (1996)

First five years of Big 12 (pre big 12 recruiting) starting 1997 (11-1), (11-2), (11-1), (11-3), (6-6) <(2001)

Second five years of Big 12 (post big 12 recruiting) starting 2002 (11-2), (11-4), (4-7), (5-6), (7-6) <(2007)

2008 forward - (5-7), (6-6), (7-6)

K.State was on the rise prior to the Big 12, peaked with players recruited prior to Big 12 then tailed off with full Big 12 recruiting classes.

Missouri's wins increased because Kansas and Iowa St still sucked, and came at the expense of Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas St sucking ass.

Missouri never won a fucking thing in the Big 12 other than a crippled division.

I stated that limiting the amount of time coaches good be out of the office recruiting benefited the South and hurt the North.

WTF is your point again?


They are they because you said it had an effect on the North and they were in the north. The point is you are claiming the ruling destroyed the competitive nature of the North and there is 0 proof of it. All you are doing is trying to construct little straw man arguments to refute records.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I didn't include Baylor in the above. I never will consider them a good program. However, what's scary right now is that there are kids (potential recruits) in high school right now that have no memory of Texas being a powerhouse. Meanwhile Baylor has been pulling 9+ win seasons since they were little kids...

yes, but that's going to start changing this year. The tide has already started to change, only most people cant see it.

Even Baylor is on the way out, just a matter of a little time. There are many more hidden incidents about to explode on the public scene, and they are going down.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's mind numbing how ignorant many of you guys are about conference revenue sources. If you get OU you get the state of Oklahoma and it makes zero economic sense to take two teams from the same state and is actually detrimental to the revenue model.

The SEC will not take both Oklahoma schools and they wouldn't take any more Texas schools, Florida schools, Clemson, GT or Louisville either.

Honestly the only 2 states that make sense for the SEC are Virginia and NC because of population and revenue potential. But they aren't taking 2 teams from those states either.

Put this into perspective: it would make more economic sense for the SEC to take OSU and WV then both Oklahoma schools.

if you believe the latter, then they certainly could and would take another Texas school, if it was you know who.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Minnesota is probably the best from an entertainment standpoint aside from Chicago. I love the Twin Cities.

yes, it's a nice area. Spent a whole lot of time up there for work, in fact have to go the first week of June.

But it is culturally like being in another country for many people from the SW. Not bad, but different.

They do have a nice new stadium, and the fans seem to support them pretty well. I wouldnt be opposed to an occasional game trip up there.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,600.00
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"Sherrington: There's nothing that Texas can do. They have to have the Big 12 -- that's clear. No one else is going to let them have their own network, first of all, and secondly, at one time I thought it was possible that Texas would want to go independent. I think they checked everything out and decided, we're in no position to do that at this time and so that's when they cobbled the Big 12 back together again and tried to make amends with everybody."

Typical tejas. Make a bunch of empty threats to their fellow members, then put band-aids on the wounds. Each and every time the Big 12 takes a bigger hit.

What tejas 'has to have' is a conglomeration similar to the old SWC coupled with what's left of the Big 8 bottom feeder remnants.
That would be tejas utopia.


your obsessed. Tell me, if your boys had won the games against Texas, would you still be so?

I still just cannot believe why you guys continue to act like Texas is the big bad boogeyman. YOUR TEAM WAS THE BIG BAD GUYS, NOT US. You ruled CFB! Not Texas. You were the 500 pound gorilla, not Texas.

Yet you lose a few games, and out comes all this crap. I just still cant believe it.


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,956.00
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LOL @ tejas jefe throwing rainbow ratings around like fairy dust.

"The tide is a changing in Austin"

2010 - (5-7)
2011 - (8-5)
2012 - (9-4)

wait for it...

2013 - (8-5)
2014 - (6-7)
2015 - (5-7) and too fucking stupid to qualify for a bowl.


Oklahoma Sooners
Jul 2, 2013
Oklahoma City
Hoopla Cash
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Sorry we took your partial qualifier's away, everybody knows that's how you guys built teams. Too bad the big ten won't let you have them either, now you're stuck as Iowa 2.0

I'm sorry, but this cracks me up every time I read it.


Apr 17, 2013
Detroit area
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yes, it's a nice area. Spent a whole lot of time up there for work, in fact have to go the first week of June.

But it is culturally like being in another country for many people from the SW. Not bad, but different.

They do have a nice new stadium, and the fans seem to support them pretty well. I wouldnt be opposed to an occasional game trip up there.

The University of Minnesota made out like bandits by hosting the Minnesota Vikings for the 2014 & 2015 NFL seasons while the new Vikings NFL stadium was being built. Despite being completed in 2009, the University of Minnesota's TCF Bank Stadium underwent almost $7 million in upgrades paid by the Vikings... the primary part of the upgrade was for the under-the-turf heating system, plus new turf.
TCF Bank Stadium getting $6.6M upgrade to prepare for Vikings

Plus, the Vikings paid the University of Minnesota $3 million per year for the use of TCF Bank Stadium in 2014 & 2015. Not a bad deal for the Golden Gophers.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 14,000.00
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if you believe the latter, then they certainly could and would take another Texas school, if it was you know who.
Ok tell me why they would and that is going to increase revenue for the conference. The reasons it wouldn't happen:

1. aTm, Georgia, KY, Florida and South Carolina all block it.
2. Even if they got an imitation Texas wouldn't take it for multiple reasons.
3. It doesn't increase revenue since the entire state of Texas is already covered at premium pricing for the entire state.

It simply doesn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ok tell me why they would and that is going to increase revenue for the conference. The reasons it wouldn't happen:

1. aTm, Georgia, KY, Florida and South Carolina all block it.
2. Even if they got an imitation Texas wouldn't take it for multiple reasons.
3. It doesn't increase revenue since the entire state of Texas is already covered at premium pricing for the entire state.

It simply doesn't happen.

Not sure why people say this. This akin to saying Purdue covers Indiana, so no need for Notre Dame.