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B12 expansion

Texas Jefe

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Jun 29, 2013
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thus, the big conferences are going to be pared down, and re-formed into smaller areas of only the real power teams: those with many fans, big bucks and winning histories.

small stadium schools with only regional followings are going to be left out.

This is what the future holds, I'm afraid. A real power league, where all the money is located and earned. All the others will form what is historically thought of as 'college' sports, with more pure student athletes, smaller crowds and followings, and small time tv.

Thus, your current conference networks will be a thing of the past, and will be replaced by something all together different, more like the NFL Network.

Deep Creek

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If I'm the "other eight" in the Big 12, I'm giving up whatever I have to in order to keep Texas and OU happy. 10% of something is better than 100% or nothing. Without Texas and OU, the rest are nothing...including Kansas. Basketball can't carry the entire allure.

Deep Creek

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thus, the big conferences are going to be pared down, and re-formed into smaller areas of only the real power teams: those with many fans, big bucks and winning histories.

small stadium schools with only regional followings are going to be left out.

This is what the future holds, I'm afraid. A real power league, where all the money is located and earned. All the others will form what is historically thought of as 'college' sports, with more pure student athletes, smaller crowds and followings, and small time tv.

Thus, your current conference networks will be a thing of the past, and will be replaced by something all together different, more like the NFL Network.
Yep. Eventually, even the biggies will get tired of sharing revenue with Wake Forest, Iowa State, Washington State, Purdue, Vandy, etal. The only thing that would keep them in the conferences is that some think they are needed for cannon fodder. But, at what price?


Doh! mer
Aug 20, 2014
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Eventually, even the biggies will get tired of sharing revenue with Wake Forest, Iowa State, Washington State, Purdue, Vandy, etal.
I expect the rumblings will be over the johnny come latelys, such as Rutgers, Maryland, Missouri, and aTm. Oh - and Nebraska. They'll whine and about not getting their way, and Ohio State will be all



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Jan 10, 2010
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well, depends on your point of view.

Texas, it was/is known, can go just about anywhere (for whatever reasons) and it was appearing that they just might do so...in that case, some teams decided it was better to go ahead and leave first.

It all depends on how you look at it, and the reality is that both sides are right in ways. Nebraska didn't like being in a conference with Texas, and they also did not want to be left in one if Texas jumped ship.

My point of view is similar to Cowboyinexile.

"No offense to Texas but the sooners are the biggest fish when the Big 12 implodes. They don't have the population but the brand is much bigger nationally. Plus there isn't nearly the baggage that comes with Texas."

Nebraska didn't like tejas' 'Divide and Conquer' methodology when it comes to running a conference. A level playing field partnership is never a tejas' viewpoint. tejas' objective is to limit it's fellow members because tejas simply underachieves with all it's built in advantages.

Nebraska didn't like tejas 'empty threats' as means of getting others to capitulate to them. Nebraska saw decades of future security in the Big 10, saw more money in the Big 10, and more prestige in the Big 10.



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You want Iowa State too?

Not particularly, no.

Just pointing out which two Big 12 teams are associated with FSM.

When I say Kansas minimum, I mean Oklahoma as the other.

The Big 10 already has Iowa. No need to grab Iowa St.


Deep Creek

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Not particularly, no.

Just pointing out which two Big 12 teams are associated with FSM.

When I say Kansas minimum, I mean Oklahoma as the other.

The Big 10 already has Iowa. No need to grab Iowa St.

Kansas will really help elevate the B1G west football quality. I know, I know, they are only wanted for basketball...which is a hell of a lot better than Rutgers.


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Kansas will really help elevate the B1G west football quality. I know, I know, they are only wanted for basketball...which is a hell of a lot better than Rutgers.

People seem to forget the revenue created by college basketball between the 5 months of November thru March.

Basketball may not seat 80,000, but they play considerably more games and therefore generate decent revenue. Kansas basketball would benefit the Big 10 conference and BTN.

It's typical of tejas to not see value in anything/anyone but themselves. Hence the disaster with everything they've ever been associated with.


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Aug 7, 2013
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Nope Mizzu is in Missouri and Kansas is in the state of Kansas so two different markets. It's not the eyeballs on the screen it's what you can charge for the network and that is usually 1.50 to 2 dollars per set in the states where you have teams.

Probably won't have that many more watching the games but will reap millions in additional revenue.
Mizzu brought the tv markets that the SEC needed for the network, that's what that move was all about KU brings those same markets and eyeballs. WVU gets them into Pittsburgh and DC. WVU and Mizzu were the finalists for the SEC last round of expansion and WVU is a much better fit geographically. I think the PAC is a logical spot for KU should things break down but the SEC? I doubt it.


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
Jul 2, 2013
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Kansas is the second most valuable basketball team. Athletic side.

Kansas R&D has grown every year for the past ten years. Not many schools can claim that. Academic side.

Even as bad as the Kansas football team has been, they still buy tickets. Kansas basketball is a sellout. Fan side.

The only thing hurting them is it is a small state, but a passionate fanbase can make up for that.

Kansas will be a school that any conference will want.

If Oklahoma truly is in play, the PAC 12 has to be making overtures to them. The PAC 12 really has no other choice but to try and poach from the Big 12 and the PAC 12 would be doing something huge with an addition of Oklahoma and if the PAC 12 could talk Texas(but I don't think Texas will go PAC 12) into it. But will the PAC 12 want to make special deals with Texas? Washington State might, but I have a feeling those California schools will block any special deals for Texas.

The Big 12 really needs to expand to protect itself. But can the Big 12 poach anyone from a big conference? Why would a team from the SEC or B1G want to go to the Big 12? They make more money in those conferences and will make even more in the next five years.

That leaves the PAC 12 and the ACC and the rest. The rest of the schools don't seem to move the needle(maybe UCONN and BYU), so that leaves poaching from PAC 12 and ACC. I think the PAC 12 is fairly safe, doesn't seem to be any rumblings other than their Conference Network sucks.

That leaves the Big 12 to poach from the ACC for the impact teams. Wake Forest is NOT an impact team. NC State is NOT an impact team. I think you can cross of the NE teams, BC and Syracuse. The rest of the ACC is an impact team for the Big 12.

The Big 12 needs to expand, but I don't think any teams will join, except for those in the G5.

Lance Armstrong

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IMHO, that doesn't look any better than what they play right now. TCU, Baylor, Okie Lite, Tech and K-State are better games than most of those you listed. Again, JMO.

I agree, and man I really don't want to go to the BIG now that I've seen what it would look like.


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Kansas is the second most valuable basketball team. Athletic side.

Kansas R&D has grown every year for the past ten years. Not many schools can claim that. Academic side.

Even as bad as the Kansas football team has been, they still buy tickets. Kansas basketball is a sellout. Fan side.

The only thing hurting them is it is a small state, but a passionate fanbase can make up for that.

Kansas will be a school that any conference will want.

If Oklahoma truly is in play, the PAC 12 has to be making overtures to them. The PAC 12 really has no other choice but to try and poach from the Big 12 and the PAC 12 would be doing something huge with an addition of Oklahoma and if the PAC 12 could talk Texas(but I don't think Texas will go PAC 12) into it. But will the PAC 12 want to make special deals with Texas? Washington State might, but I have a feeling those California schools will block any special deals for Texas.

The Big 12 really needs to expand to protect itself. But can the Big 12 poach anyone from a big conference? Why would a team from the SEC or B1G want to go to the Big 12? They make more money in those conferences and will make even more in the next five years.

That leaves the PAC 12 and the ACC and the rest. The rest of the schools don't seem to move the needle(maybe UCONN and BYU), so that leaves poaching from PAC 12 and ACC. I think the PAC 12 is fairly safe, doesn't seem to be any rumblings other than their Conference Network sucks.

That leaves the Big 12 to poach from the ACC for the impact teams. Wake Forest is NOT an impact team. NC State is NOT an impact team. I think you can cross of the NE teams, BC and Syracuse. The rest of the ACC is an impact team for the Big 12.

The Big 12 needs to expand, but I don't think any teams will join, except for those in the G5.

FSU was rumored to want in a few years ago. It's no secret the football schools in the ACC have not been happy with how the basketball schools run the conference.

Whether you choose to admit it or not, the ACC can be poached by any conference willing to take the football teams. It comes down to anyone actually trying to do it.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Thought this was appropriate here. I too see contraction more than expansion. At some point the big boys are going to get tired of subsidizing the little boys. JMO.

Here's what college football will look like in 2026

This^ I'm supporting the movement of the 4 super conferences but this is more of a NFL model. Looking at all the teams on that list, I can't think of many games that would suck and that format wouldn't allow for cuppy cakes either.

This is how big CFB has gotten since BCS and where we are headed IMO


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Jun 27, 2013
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IMHO, that doesn't look any better than what they play right now. TCU, Baylor, Okie Lite, Tech and K-State are better games than most of those you listed. Again, JMO.

here is the rub. Right now TCU and Baylor are operating at or near their ceilings. Both have hall of fame caliber coaches. KSU has Snyder, maybe the best coach in the country. What happens to these schools when the current coaches leave? 2 are private schools and one was considered the worst program in FBS until Snyder came. Also consider what OK State under Gundy. None of the programs are flagship Universities. KSU and OSU are forced to recruit out of state. While the football in the Big 12 is actually reasonable currently, I am not sure how sustainable that is in the long term. I think people get too caught up in recent history of programs. Outside of Texas and OU, there are not many teams in the Big 12 where you would bet on them being long term successful football programs.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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Mizzu brought the tv markets that the SEC needed for the network, that's what that move was all about KU brings those same markets and eyeballs. WVU gets them into Pittsburgh and DC. WVU and Mizzu were the finalists for the SEC last round of expansion and WVU is a much better fit geographically. I think the PAC is a logical spot for KU should things break down but the SEC? I doubt it.
1. I didn't say the SEC would target Kansas only that they made more sense than WV.
2. Again eyeballs don't matter only revenue and Kansas brings a whole new market for premium pricing of the SEC Network. That is all that matters right now.

As for WV it does not get you premium pricing for the networks in DC or Pittsburgh and I think you are over selling the eyeballs. As for WV being a finalist to join the SEC is extremely debatable and honestly the only sources that claim that are/were employees of the WV athletic department and even then it was pretty speculative.


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Apr 16, 2013
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here is the rub. Right now TCU and Baylor are operating at or near their ceilings. Both have hall of fame caliber coaches. KSU has Snyder, maybe the best coach in the country. What happens to these schools when the current coaches leave? 2 are private schools and one was considered the worst program in FBS until Snyder came. Also consider what OK State under Gundy. None of the programs are flagship Universities. KSU and OSU are forced to recruit out of state. While the football in the Big 12 is actually reasonable currently, I am not sure how sustainable that is in the long term. I think people get too caught up in recent history of programs. Outside of Texas and OU, there are not many teams in the Big 12 where you would bet on them being long term successful football programs.

Since the history of the B12, Texas and OU were the only teams from the old Big 8/SWC that benefited. Most of the other teams were like us, had one or two good years. And, honestly, outside of Texas and OU, none of the others receive much interest. Since Nebraska, Colorado, Missou, and A&M left, the B12 is "meh" No one out there to replace them with. TCU and WVU were ok fillers for now but the Big12 is basically Texas and OU and a bunch of weak teams that are dragging them down.

Lance Armstrong

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here is the rub. Right now TCU and Baylor are operating at or near their ceilings. Both have hall of fame caliber coaches. KSU has Snyder, maybe the best coach in the country. What happens to these schools when the current coaches leave? 2 are private schools and one was considered the worst program in FBS until Snyder came. Also consider what OK State under Gundy. None of the programs are flagship Universities. KSU and OSU are forced to recruit out of state. While the football in the Big 12 is actually reasonable currently, I am not sure how sustainable that is in the long term. I think people get too caught up in recent history of programs. Outside of Texas and OU, there are not many teams in the Big 12 where you would bet on them being long term successful football programs.

As long as TCU and Baylor don't leave the state of Texas, and hire decently they'll be ok. KSU is done once Snyder dies, but Kansas has all the resources in the world to be a good football program. They just need the right coach. Okie light with Pickens backing them are also fine. Every conference in America has flagship schools, and then a bunch of schools that require a good coach to be relevant.


Crusader for Truthiness
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IMHO, that doesn't look any better than what they play right now. TCU, Baylor, Okie Lite, Tech and K-State are better games than most of those you listed. Again, JMO.

That's completely dependent on the year. Name and atmosphere wise; Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Iowa blow all of those B12 schools away. Talent on the field varies wildly for all of those schools on a year to year basis and I think we all know what's going to happen to K-State, Baylor, and TCU once their current coaches leave.

So from a fan experience, traveling to away games in the mythical new B1G West would be more fun. Talent wise, currently the B12 schedule is more difficult simply because TCU and Baylor are so strong right now.


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I didn't include Baylor in the above. I never will consider them a good program. However, what's scary right now is that there are kids (potential recruits) in high school right now that have no memory of Texas being a powerhouse. Meanwhile Baylor has been pulling 9+ win seasons since they were little kids...