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Arians is over-confident


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He's saying they can win the Super-Bowl with Stanton.... Why is he talking Super Bowl right now ?... Lot's of football left... He's got a little Rex Ryan in him....

What head coach isn't going to say they have a chance? That's what they are supposed to always say. I mean I bet 15 other HC's would answer that way right now. That's not being over confident, that's supporting your team and showing them you have faith in both your systems and their execution.


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Apr 22, 2013
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If the Hawks lost Wilson and were 8-1, i would hope PC would say the same damn thing. This thread is a little goofy.


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If the Hawks lost Wilson and were 8-1, i would hope PC would say the same damn thing. This thread is a little goofy.

HELL NO! If we lost Wilson Pete would be looking at the next game in front of us... Pete's not gonna start talking Super Bowl.... LOL common man...


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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HELL NO! If we lost Wilson Pete would be looking at the next game in front of us... Pete's not gonna start talking Super Bowl.... LOL common man...

Arians was asked about it, he didn't march in to the press conference and say, "Stanton is a SB QB!!!". If the Hawks were 8-1, and Wilson went out for the year, I would expect him to show confidence in TJ when a reporter asked about the goal of a SB.


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HELL NO! If we lost Wilson Pete would be looking at the next game in front of us... Pete's not gonna start talking Super Bowl.... LOL common man...

Just admit it Boogie, you know that if a Reporter asked Pete "Do you think you can win a SB with Jackson" that you know damn well he would say yes. You expected a coach to say "No, we have to start planing for next season" wtf lmao.


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Just admit it Boogie, you know that if a Reporter asked Pete "Do you think you can win a SB with Jackson" that you know damn well he would say yes. You expected a coach to say "No, we have to start planing for next season" wtf lmao.

Admit what ? Of course Pete wouldn't say that... He'd look at the reporter and say slow down... Let's talk about next week... Pete would never call it out like that not and effin chance...


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Arians was asked about it, he didn't march in to the press conference and say, "Stanton is a SB QB!!!". If the Hawks were 8-1, and Wilson went out for the year, I would expect him to show confidence in TJ when a reporter asked about the goal of a SB.

So that's how it works when someone brags about something they gotta RUN in and just yell it out there ... Of course he was asked questions and he came across as over confident... Rex Ryan ish .... That's my take on it and I stand by it...


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"We can win the Super Bowl with Drew Stanton," Arians told theMMQB.com's Peter King after the Cardinals dispatched the Rams on Sunday. "There is no doubt in my mind."

Did the Cards win the NFC title game last week ? Cart before the Horse... How about we can beat Detroit with Drew Stanton...... LOL


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Apr 21, 2013
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He only said that they "can" win the Super Bowl with Stanton at QB, which is technically true. If he had said that they "will" win the Super Bowl with Stanton, that would have been over-confident. There's a big difference between "can" and "will". It's Stanton's team now and it's Arians' job to show confidence in him. Now, if the question hadn't been asked of him, I don't think that it's a statement that he would have offered up voluntarily, but he couldn't very well avoid the question or appear to have anything other than the utmost confidence in Stanton's ability to get the job done once it was asked.


Aug 23, 2013
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Pete's approach is different ... Arians has more of the Rex Ryan approach ... He's got a bigger ego ...

You're reaching by a country mile on this............just say what you mean boogie, you don't like the fact the Cardinals are in first place and leading the division. He is nothing like Rex Ryan, he's 10x the coach Rex Ryan will ever be. Yes he's confident in his ability as a coach and I'm glad he is.

I doubt we end the season with more than 3 or 4 wins at most now, but that's life in the NFL. Just like I know there aren't any Seahawk fans shedding any tears for Palmer or the Cardinals with all the Pro Bowlers we've lost this season. We move on and play the game.


Aug 23, 2013
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He only said that they "can" win the Super Bowl with Stanton at QB, which is technically true. If he had said that they "will" win the Super Bowl with Stanton, that would have been over-confident. There's a big difference between "can" and "will". It's Stanton's team now and it's Arians' job to show confidence in him. Now, if the question hadn't been asked of him, I don't think that it's a statement that he would have offered up voluntarily, but he couldn't very well avoid the question or appear to have anything other than the utmost confidence in Stanton's ability to get the job done once it was asked.

Thank you!:clap:


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Clearly not full of himself.


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You're reaching by a country mile on this............just say what you mean boogie, you don't like the fact the Cardinals are in first place and leading the division. He is nothing like Rex Ryan, he's 10x the coach Rex Ryan will ever be. Yes he's confident in his ability as a coach and I'm glad he is.

I doubt we end the season with more than 3 or 4 wins at most now, but that's life in the NFL. Just like I know there aren't any Seahawk fans shedding any tears for Palmer or the Cardinals with all the Pro Bowlers we've lost this season. We move on and play the game.

Didn't Ryan lead the Jets to the AFC Championship game two years in a row with Mark Sanchez at quarterback? He gets a lot of crap for his personality, and rightfully so, but he's actually a good coach.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Didn't Ryan lead the Jets to the AFC Championship game two years in a row with Mark Sanchez at quarterback? He gets a lot of crap for his personality, and rightfully so, but he's actually a good coach.

I actually agree that Rex Ryan can be a good coach. I think the comparison of Arians to that of Ryan personality wise though is way off. Rex Ryan would guarantee a Super Bowl victory. Arians here is saying they "can" win a Super Bowl with Stanton starting. I guess I am not seeing the big deal with Arians saying this at all. I would hope my coach would speak of my team in this way. I guess I just don't know what else you expect him to say. He was asked about Stanton now being the starter and how the team could do with him. I mean I guess he can say "well we will just take it one week at a time and see what happens" but honestly if I was a player that would leave me wondering whether my head coach believes we can win now. His statement to me shows the confidence he and the team have in the players they have in that locker room. Plus to me this gives Stanton a boost in confidence. Not easy being a back up quarterback asked to come in this late into the season. Need all the confidence you can get.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Some coaches shy away from championship talk, some dont. I dont think that there is any right way to do it. If you are all talk about championships and dont focus week to week, it will show up in your record, Arians wins too many games to accuse him of that. But just expressing championship confidence in your players when they're a really good team? I dont know what else to expect of him.

I fully believe that Carroll would say the same thing. It depends on the situation that you're in regarding record, but if the Hawks were leading the conference after the midway point I wouldnt expect him to shy away from saying, "yeah, we have confidence that we can win a championship with what we got."


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Jul 3, 2013
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Some coaches shy away from championship talk, some dont. I dont think that there is any right way to do it. If you are all talk about championships and dont focus week to week, it will show up in your record, Arians wins too many games to accuse him of that. But just expressing championship confidence in your players when they're a really good team? I dont know what else to expect of him.

I fully believe that Carroll would say the same thing. It depends on the situation that you're in regarding record, but if the Hawks were leading the conference after the midway point I wouldnt expect him to shy away from saying, "yeah, we have confidence that we can win a championship with what we got."

No way... Carroll wouldn't have said that... I stand by that... Carroll has a different style and approach ... Carroll would a said next week is a championship opportunity... He would never call out a Super Bowl... You just can't do that in week 9... I don't care what your record is...


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Jul 3, 2013
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I actually agree that Rex Ryan can be a good coach. I think the comparison of Arians to that of Ryan personality wise though is way off. Rex Ryan would guarantee a Super Bowl victory. Arians here is saying they "can" win a Super Bowl with Stanton starting. I guess I am not seeing the big deal with Arians saying this at all. I would hope my coach would speak of my team in this way. I guess I just don't know what else you expect him to say. He was asked about Stanton now being the starter and how the team could do with him. I mean I guess he can say "well we will just take it one week at a time and see what happens" but honestly if I was a player that would leave me wondering whether my head coach believes we can win now. His statement to me shows the confidence he and the team have in the players they have in that locker room. Plus to me this gives Stanton a boost in confidence. Not easy being a back up quarterback asked to come in this late into the season. Need all the confidence you can get.

Disagree with Rex.... Jets have been miserable with him at the helm for a while.. Yeah they had a decent run a couple years back but it's been disastrous since then.... The guy's ego get's in the way... Talks to much shiznit before games and motivates the opposition....


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Apr 21, 2013
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I still think the difference between confidence and overconfidence is the difference between "can" and "will". Cards fans can speak to this better than I can, but I get the impression based on his numbers that Palmer was not asked to go out and try to win games by himself too often and if that's the case, Stanton won't be asked to win games by himself too often either. With a good running game and a decent defense that forces a lot of turnovers, they shouldn't need Stanton to do much except avoid turning the ball over himself to continue winning.