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And Sammy Boy wants traded


Mar 10, 2015
North Carolina
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Also, DJax plays a position with no where near the perceived importance as Bradford.

I guess you're trying to inject race into this or something but the two situations couldn't be much more different. Djax is an asshole. Bradford and/or his agent made a terrible decision to try and force a trade after signing a contract. Completely different.

You guys sure take a different approach to how you treat Bradford than how you treated DJax...hmmm...


Better late than never
Mar 2, 2015
Near Harrisburg, PA
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Somehow you three think bradford has a future in philly that he has to worry about.

this is delusional thinking.

Unless nothing changes, he either plays or he sits. He's not going anywhere else.


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Aug 19, 2014
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Most were fine with him staying? This is what i mean by delusional.
Why is that delusional? Because people think he is a good QB? The bottom line is that Bradford was the best QB available to the Eagles during free agency. It does not get any simpler than that I am not saying he was going to be a pro-bowl QB or lead us to the Superbowl. I think it is possible but a lot of variables have to happen for that to happen.

Whether he was offered long term deals in the past or not is irrelevant.
I never said it was irrevelent. Where did I ever say that? I think it is totally relevant. Bradford is crying like a little bitch because the Eagles made to move to draft up to get Wentz. Crying that they were blindsided. What a bunch of bullshit. Bradford was offered multiple long term deals and he decided not to take them. So the Eagles gave him the only contract that he actually take. It blew up in his face because he was probably going to use that for leverage for more money later. Well the Eagles decided not to wait on him. Boo fucking hoo.

The only thing the eagles were waiting for was to determine whether he was worthy of a massive contract.The team made the decision that the upside was greater with wentz. They justifiably went in that direction.
That may or may not be the case but it all falls on Bradford. He was offered a long term contract but he wanted more. So he got the short term deal he wanted but no guarantees.

Everyone and their grandmother, even those with room temperature IQs know there is no competition. If there were a competiton you wouldn't have signed daniels would you.And he'll be gone by the time training camp rolls around. The circus that will ensue is not what a new coach or a new draftee needs.
I agree with you there.


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Aug 31, 2014
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Somehow you three think bradford has a future in philly that he has to worry about.

this is delusional thinking.

Umm no, I think he only stays his 2nd year if he has a great year ... Do I think it's likely? No What he does have to worry about it his future after this year (weather it's here or elswhere) ... meaning that he's pretty much playing for a contract.


QB Factory
Aug 17, 2014
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I really hope they can come together with Denver for a 2nd rounder. Drop the price from 2 2nd round picks to one and get it done. You can't allow this to fester on this team. Howie needs to get his head out of his ass and get this done!


Fly, Eagles Fly
Sep 2, 2014
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It would be hilarious if they traded him to Denver now that they have Paxton Lynch. But I think that deal is just not happening. Elway seems to drive a hard bargain and Howie doesn't seem fit to trade Bradford unless he gets a lot back, which is never going to happen IMO.


QB Factory
Aug 17, 2014
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I think it would make sense Iggloo. I don't see Lynch being ready for a few seasons. They are in position for another SB run. I totally agree the hold up is the cheap offer from Elway. While Howie is holding strong on a over the top return. Hopefully they meet in the middle.


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Aug 19, 2014
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Denver, I doubt it, unless Howie gives him away, which I doubt happens.

The reason Bradford will not be traded is because of his own greed. If he really wants to play where he is "The Guy"| the he can just give back the signing bonus and he can be traded. To expect the Eagles to take an $11 mil cap hit because he wants to be a whiny little bitch is moronic.


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Sep 11, 2014
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Why is that delusional? Because people think he is a good QB? The bottom line is that Bradford was the best QB available to the Eagles during free agency. It does not get any simpler than that I am not saying he was going to be a pro-bowl QB or lead us to the Superbowl. I think it is possible but a lot of variables have to happen for that to happen.
Because people weren't happy that he was resigned. They wanted him gone and now those same people who wanted him gone are insisting he stay.
I never said it was irrevelent. Where did I ever say that?
i didn't say that you did.
I think it is totally relevant.
I disagree.
Bradford is crying like a little bitch because the Eagles made to move to draft up to get Wentz. Crying that they were blindsided. What a bunch of bullshit.
Perhaps you could point to the statements where the eagles told him they were going to try to trade up and draft a franchise qb.
Bradford was offered multiple long term deals and he decided not to take them.
So what
So the Eagles gave him the only contract that he actually take.
He got no long term offers after the season. His play didn't merit a long term contract. Both sides were happy for him to play on a prove it basis. If he played great they could re-negotiate, if he didn't he was gone. It worked for both sides.
It blew up in his face because he was probably going to use that for leverage for more money later. Well the Eagles decided not to wait on him. Boo fucking hoo.
No shit he was going to use it for leverage. Everyone and their grandmother knew that. A big DUH! It wasn't a question of the eagles not waiting for him. By all accounts they fell in love with Went a week or two later after his pro day.
That may or may not be the case but it all falls on Bradford. He was offered a long term contract but he wanted more. So he got the short term deal he wanted but no guarantees.
And now he has no long term opportunity here. Everyone understands that. He wants to go where he has that opportunity. Why waste a year? Would you? Why put up with learning a new offence three years in a row. That doesn't further your career does it.
I agree with you there.
The eagles are hoping to recoup something from their investment. So they'll continue to pretend they really really want him. In the end they'll cut him loose or trade him for nothing. Creating a circus is the worst thing to do. it sets a bad environment. They'll cut him loose or give him away before camp starts.


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Sep 11, 2014
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The reason Bradford will not be traded is because of his own greed. If he really wants to play where he is "The Guy"| the he can just give back the signing bonus and he can be traded. To expect the Eagles to take an $11 mil cap hit because he wants to be a whiny little bitch is moronic.

That's not how the world works.

By keeping him they take an $11mm cap hit anyway. he's dead wood at this point. Cut ties and move on.


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Sep 11, 2014
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Umm no, I think he only stays his 2nd year if he has a great year ... Do I think it's likely? No What he does have to worry about it his future after this year (weather it's here or elswhere) ... meaning that he's pretty much playing for a contract.

The notion you and the others were proposing was that the fans would be on him. That he needed to think about that before demanding a trade.
The fans have no say in this.
Bradford couldn't care less what the philly fans think about him wanting to be traded.


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Sep 2, 2014
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That's not how the world works.

By keeping him they take an $11mm cap hit anyway. he's dead wood at this point. Cut ties and move on.

I'd hold him until TC starts then release him if no one offers anything for him. If he follows through with skipping all voluntary practices before the season what else can you do with him? You going to put him in the lineup and call him your starter if he doesn't want to play? What a locker room that would be. You have to take the best offer and send him out the door.


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Aug 19, 2014
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That's not how the world works.

By keeping him they take an $11mm cap hit anyway. he's dead wood at this point. Cut ties and move on.

You missed the point completely.

Bradford does not want to be an Eagle from what I understand. If we trade him the team that gets him is on the hook for his salary only. We would still take the $11 mil hit on the cap. My suggestion is that if he wants to leave so bad agree to give back the signing bonus. This way we will not have to take that cap hit. If he does not want to do that then he needs to shut he hell up and play football.


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
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I'd hold him until TC starts then release him if no one offers anything for him. If he follows through with skipping all voluntary practices before the season what else can you do with him? You going to put him in the lineup and call him your starter if he doesn't want to play? What a locker room that would be. You have to take the best offer and send him out the door.

We have 11 million that we had to pay him. I wouldn't even put him on the bench. I would keep him signed and tell him to stay home this year. He could be positive and audition this year for other team or he can rot at home with no current tape got other teams to see.

Screamin Eagle

Stand for the Flag, Kneel for the Cross
Aug 17, 2014
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Bradford painted himself into a corner with the help of his short sighted agent. Bradford cannot win. No teams want him, he is damaged goods. He turned down a long term deal then took a short term deal with a bucket of up front cash and now wants to scoot. Fuck him. I don't wish harm to people in general but if he blows out a knee.....oh freakin well.
I really despise blood suckers like him and Condom (yes Condom).


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Sep 11, 2014
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You missed the point completely.

Bradford does not want to be an Eagle from what I understand. If we trade him the team that gets him is on the hook for his salary only. We would still take the $11 mil hit on the cap. My suggestion is that if he wants to leave so bad agree to give back the signing bonus. This way we will not have to take that cap hit. If he does not want to do that then he needs to shut he hell up and play football.

Here's a clue. The cheque was written, tax was paid. The money cannot be returned. The cap hit has been registerd. None of this can be reversed.

If the guy wants to go why do you care? It's like you just scored the prettiest girl at the dance and your annoyed that the girl you came with won't do you one more time for old time's sake. WTF???


Formerly FWFW
Aug 21, 2014
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Here's a clue. The cheque was written, tax was paid. The money cannot be returned. The cap hit has been registerd. None of this can be reversed.

If the guy wants to go why do you care? It's like you just scored the prettiest girl at the dance and your annoyed that the girl you came with won't do you one more time for old time's sake. WTF???
I care because he's dumb and fucking up our plan.