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And Sammy Boy wants traded


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Sep 16, 2014
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Lying? Haha. Well at least I know now that you don't even believe your own shit you write. Makes me feel better about some of the stuff you post.

Cheers to Wentz buddy. Follow Sam to his new team :suds:


Fly, Eagles Fly
Sep 2, 2014
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If Ike Reese and Seth Joyner are any indication Bradford already lacks respect among guys who suited up. They think he is a whiner and soft.


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If Ike Reese and Seth Joyner are any indication Bradford already lacks respect among guys who suited up. They think he is a whiner and soft.

Reese and Joyner are not in the locker room. The guys in the locker room have already come out and said how much they respect Bradford as a leader. There's no need for speculation about that.


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They've said it publicly. That doesn't mean that there isn't some tension behind the veil.


The Real Batman
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Reese and Joyner are not in the locker room. The guys in the locker room have already come out and said how much they respect Bradford as a leader. There's no need for speculation about that.
Didn't they say this at the end of the season? A lot has happened since then.


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Not a big fan of Stephen A. Smith but he put on a good show talking about Bradford today.



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ESPN's Adam Schefter reported Thursday that free agent Ryan Fitzpatrick has told people he would "rather not play football" than play for the Jets at their latest contract offer.

It's believed Gang Green offered Fitzpatrick a deal worth $7-8 million annually, while FitzMagic has demanded a contract worth upwards of $16 million per year. Fitzpatrick feels low balled and disrespected by the Jets, who want to retain him but are restricted by the salary cap. They could lessen their cap restrictions by trading franchise-tagged Muhammad Wilkerson this weekend.

Maybe this may increase Jets interest in possibly looking into Sam Bradford a bit more. Not likely, but you never know.


Formerly FWFW
Aug 21, 2014
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Its going to be a three way game of cat and mouse, the Eagles hold the cards. They dont need to get rid of Bradford, and it would behoove them to hold on to him and make him play out the year. Denver needs at least an average QB to get into the playoffs so the only one really available is Bradford, so if they want him they will need to find some middle ground on the trade or move on. If Bradford does hold on to his delusion that holding out wouldn't be career suicide the Eagles will fine him and re-coop a lot of the money back -- and Bradford will have effectively ended his career not playing for the remaining two years.
Bradfords used to sitting out full seasons...


Formerly FWFW
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Kurt Warner Weighs in:

"They're paying me $18 million to be here. When I signed that contract, I believed it was to be the starting quarterback, but now, I'm going to have to earn the right to be the starting quarterback," Warner said, when asked how he would react in Sam Bradford's situation.

"When I signed on the dotted line, the contract that I signed, it never said to be a good teammate (only) if I'm the starting quarterback.

"I signed on to be a member of that organization, and I had to play my role, and I had to do it the best I possibly could, because that's what I signed on to do. So, if I was in Sam Bradford's situation - this is not criticizing Sam, because everybody is different, and every situation is different, and I understand where Sam's coming from - but for me, it was simply: I don't know what my role is, when I sign on the dotted line. My role is to be the best teammate and best member of this organization that I can be, and that's what I tried to do, in every situation I was in.

"I hoped, in every situation, that I would get a fair opportunity to compete to start. And if I got a fair opportunity to compete to start, I felt like I could win it every time. But if I lost that fair competition, I would tip my hat to the other guy and be the best teammate I could be, because I lost fair and square, and the other guy deserved it."

NFL Network stars take dim view of Sam Bradford's trade demand


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Bradford should have fired Condon and acted like Warner. He could have shown his abilities and kept the job or really cashed again next year. Even if he gets traded he won't make as much as if he played well for a year and then got traded.


Formerly FWFW
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Now you're talking some sense


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Bradford should have fired Condon and acted like Warner. He could have shown his abilities and kept the job or really cashed again next year. Even if he gets traded he won't make as much as if he played well for a year and then got traded.

Anyone thinking that this is an actual competition is delusional.
Half the city wanted him gone and now that same half is demanding he stay and man up. How did he suddenly become a must have guy? it doesn't get any crazier does it.


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Anyone thinking that this is an actual competition is delusional.
Half the city wanted him gone and now that same half is demanding he stay and man up. How did he suddenly become a must have guy? it doesn't get any crazier does it.

Most were fine with him staying. I personally felt that and still feel that he is a good QB but I am an Eagles fan first and Bradford does not provide security at the position. He is really so full of shit it is not even funny. He was offered long term deals on more than one occasion and he turned them all down. He wanted more than what he was worth and there is nothing wrong with that. He has ever right to try to get what he feels he is worth. However he should not have expected for the Eagles to wait while he figures out what he wants. He should have seen this coming.

Iron Eagle

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Most were fine with him staying. I personally felt that and still feel that he is a good QB but I am an Eagles fan first and Bradford does not provide security at the position. He is really so full of shit it is not even funny. He was offered long term deals on more than one occasion and he turned them all down. He wanted more than what he was worth and there is nothing wrong with that. He has ever right to try to get what he feels he is worth. However he should not have expected for the Eagles to wait while he figures out what he wants. He should have seen this coming.



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Gotta love Warner
He is the epitome of character

As far as Bradford and before the Eagles traded up to 2 I was fine with the Eagles staying at 8 and at the time I was leaning towards them taking Elliot - first of all I think he is going to be a beast to deal with for other teams and second I'm worried about the RBs currently on roster

I had delusions that Bradford was going to take the Eagles anywhere - I don't know if anyone thinks that
I thought though if Eagles to improve their defense and the improve the O line they could get by with Bradford at QB and with a good running game

Now, after the trade up to 2 and looking at how the top of the draft transpired - I'm assuming that all picks stay the same just swap the Eagles out of 2 and put them at 8 - I'm all in with the trade up and taking Wentz.
I loved the article posted on here earlier. Wentz sounds tailor-made for Philly

And looking at picks 1-7 (again I'm going by the idea that none of those picks would change - just taking the Eagles out of 2 and putting them back at 8) I'm not seeing any players there that I would have been real excited to pick at 8. Dallas picked Elliot.

Seems like the obvious pick would have been Tunsil. Hargreaves was still there but not sure he was an 8

Point being at least for me after the way the draft played out tonight I love the trade up to 2 and getting Wentz

So the next question is...

What is Wentz's nickname going to be?

Sir Wentzelot leading the Eagles to Camelot?
Good King Wentzeslas reigning over the NFL like its his kingdom?

I know....corny but I'm excited to see this kid play


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Most were fine with him staying. I personally felt that and still feel that he is a good QB but I am an Eagles fan first and Bradford does not provide security at the position. He is really so full of shit it is not even funny. He was offered long term deals on more than one occasion and he turned them all down. He wanted more than what he was worth and there is nothing wrong with that. He has ever right to try to get what he feels he is worth. However he should not have expected for the Eagles to wait while he figures out what he wants. He should have seen this coming.

Most were fine with him staying? This is what i mean by delusional.
Whether he was offered long term deals in the past or not is irrelevant. The only thing the eagles were waiting for was to determine whether he was worthy of a massive contract. The team made the decision that the upside was greater with wentz. They justifiably went in that direction. Everyone and their grandmother, even those with room temperature IQs know there is no competition. If there were a competiton you wouldn't have signed daniels would you.
And he'll be gone by the time training camp rolls around. The circus that will ensue is not what a new coach or a new draftee needs.


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There's no competition but you won't see Wentz until week 6 at the earliest. Sam could still go if someone tears up a knee in camp but then Daniel is starting. Bradford's play will determine how many games he plays if he stays.


Fly, Eagles Fly
Sep 2, 2014
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I don't think we see Wentz this year. But man is Bradford going to get booed if he takes the field for us.


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Mar 2, 2015
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I don't think we see Wentz this year. But man is Bradford going to get booed if he takes the field for us.

If he's so thin skinned that he can't be asked to compete for the starting job, imagine how he'll fold when the fan base starts on him. His only hope is to do some serious damage control at this point. But it may already be too late for that.