Well-Known Member
I think you're missing one of the major factors of driving drunk, or attempting to drive drunk. The fact that they are drunk. Almost everyone knows that poor judgment comes with being drunk. Common knowledge that people do some really stupid shit when they've kicked back a few beers. I don't know where you live but I know that San Diego for instance sets up DUI checkpoints most Friday nights and they set up twice as many on Holiday Weekends like this one. Society cares, but the only way to eliminate drunk drivers is to eliminate alcohol... which didn't work out too well the last time they tried.
True. Decisions while drunk are impaired to everybody so there's no judgment how one drunk guy acts versus another drunk guy. However, some people argue that one does not drive to a bar sober not knowing that they are going to consume alcohol and then have to get home. Further, that they should know whether they tend to drink enough to get drunk, etc. (Doesn't apply to Brooks' situation.)
I don't preach like some do about drunk driving, but there doesn't seem to be many situations where you can voluntarily get into a state of mind (drunk) and then be excused from your actions because anyone in that state of mind could do the same. Some people like to leave it at, what you do, you're responsible and have no excuse. No one blames you for being cold when you have no coat on in winter, but maybe, bring a coat?
Not saying anyone excuses drunk driving or says no one is responsible, just that the idea that, "what did you expect him to do? He's drunk and not at home and has a car. A lot of people would drive in that situation" seems to be missing something. What is said is true, but he got himself into that situation when he was presumably sober. What to do when someone gets drunk at home and then drives? Hmm...
Having said that, I don't think this applies to this situation because the practice squad guy was the designated driver, did drive to his home, and was at the home when the incident occurred. It sounds like they had a responsible system set up and they followed that. Just the drunk guy used a bottle as a weapon, then his fist, and threatened to use more.
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