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2013 Spring Training Thread

Xx srs bsns xX

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Craig Gentry is quietly having the best ST out of any of the OFers, then Martin

Kitten face is showing some pop!

The battle for CF is a good problem to have. That said, would be nice to slot both of them in the lineup everyday. (Maybe have Martin in LF or RF?)

(RF if Cruz goes down - LF if Murphy cant find his stroke)


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Kitten face is showing some pop!

The battle for CF is a good problem to have. That said, would be nice to slot both of them in the lineup everyday. (Maybe have Martin in LF or RF?)

(RF if Cruz goes down - LF if Murphy cant find his stroke)

Maybe platoon Murphy and Baker ... whoever has the better April gets FT play in May. On Baker's off days in LF could sprout Cruz, Kinsler, Moreland or Beltre. Need to ride Baker's hot bat as deep into the season as it lasts.

Nice to have a Super UIF who really is.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Maybe platoon Murphy and Baker ... whoever has the better April gets FT play in May. On Baker's off days in LF could sprout Cruz, Kinsler, Moreland or Beltre. Need to ride Baker's hot bat as deep into the season as it lasts.

Nice to have a Super UIF who really is.

Hopefully wash doesn't glue him to the end of the bench for 3-4 weeks and then expect him to be a significant contributor in a key moment. If bakers hot play continues he needs to be played consistently to give the regulars plenty of rest.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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Kitten face is showing some pop!

The battle for CF is a good problem to have. That said, would be nice to slot both of them in the lineup everyday. (Maybe have Martin in LF or RF?)

(RF if Cruz goes down - LF if Murphy cant find his stroke)

Murphy is batting .314, not exactly struggling out there, hasn't shown much power, but that will come if continues making contact


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Murphy is batting .314, not exactly struggling out there, hasn't shown much power, but that will come if continues making contact

Past ST stats are difficult to find ... but you are correct ... were it not for focus on the battle for CF and #13 contenders ... Murphy's ST would be attracting some attention ... w/.314BA, 740OPS ... sitting right behind Gentry as of today.

We'll have to see how things transfer into the RS. Murphy's April output in 2011 and 2012 were both a hundred points higher than his preceding two Aprils in 2009 and 2010. Those two seasons branded him as a slow starter but .268/.267BA and 719/757OPS in 2011/2012 show him to be just pretty average for a COF.

I don't think there is much reason to expect Murphy replicating his 2012 3.2WAR and more reason to see him reverting to closer to a 1.8WAR he averaged over the past four seasons. With Murphy's -0.1dWAR as his high point defensively if TEX projects it can get higher or comparable oWAR from every day play by both Gentry and Martin with their decidedly positive dWAR ... it makes a case for moving Murphy and Borbon (perhaps to HOU).

We have seen as good as Murphy can be ... and if he were on somebody else's roster right now TEX would not be looking to make a deal to acquire him ... IMO. I think that means it is time for him to go.

(Course I have said this for the last two seasons)


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Past ST stats are difficult to find ... but you are correct ... were it not for focus on the battle for CF and #13 contenders ... Murphy's ST would be attracting some attention ... w/.314BA, 740OPS ... sitting right behind Gentry as of today.

We'll have to see how things transfer into the RS. Murphy's April output in 2011 and 2012 were both a hundred points higher than his preceding two Aprils in 2009 and 2010. Those two seasons branded him as a slow starter but .268/.267BA and 719/757OPS in 2011/2012 show him to be just pretty average for a COF.

I don't think there is much reason to expect Murphy replicating his 2012 3.2WAR and more reason to see him reverting to closer to a 1.8WAR he averaged over the past four seasons. With Murphy's -0.1dWAR as his high point defensively if TEX projects it can get higher or comparable oWAR from every day play by both Gentry and Martin with their decidedly positive dWAR ... it makes a case for moving Murphy and Borbon (perhaps to HOU).

We have seen as good as Murphy can be ... and if he were on somebody else's roster right now TEX would not be looking to make a deal to acquire him ... IMO. I think that means it is time for him to go.

(Course I have said this for the last two seasons)

I'd say move Cruz before Murphy, too many empty ABs with Cruz

Also you have to keep in mind, Murphy's numbers are always dragged down by his actually having to earn playing time or someone getting hurt before he gets regular ABs, last year was the first time that happened for pretty well a whole season


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I'd say move Cruz before Murphy, too many empty ABs with Cruz

Also you have to keep in mind, Murphy's numbers are always dragged down by his actually having to earn playing time or someone getting hurt before he gets regular ABs, last year was the first time that happened for pretty well a whole season

They will both be gone a year from now.

2012 was a career year for Murphy putting up a 3.2WAR in 457ABs (or 143ABs/WAR) . Yet in only 240ABs Gentry had a 2.8WAR (or only 86AB/WAR).

Clearly Martin has potential for much higher top-end than Murphy ... and a Gentry+Martin duo will produce a higher WAR than either a Gentry+Murphy or Martin+Murphy duo.

I agree Cruz has many empty ABs but has superior SLG potential than Murphy. If you keep Murphy and move Cruz then that forces Martin to play RF and his defensive liability in RF at RBIA will get exposed. Murphy is a LF only position player now and he's marginal there.

I would move Murphy early in 2013 and let Cruz become a FA in November.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
Hoopla Cash
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They will both be gone a year from now.

2012 was a career year for Murphy putting up a 3.2WAR in 457ABs (or 143ABs/WAR) . Yet in only 240ABs Gentry had a 2.8WAR (or only 86AB/WAR).

Clearly Martin has potential for much higher top-end than Murphy ... and a Gentry+Martin duo will produce a higher WAR than either a Gentry+Murphy or Martin+Murphy duo.

I agree Cruz has many empty ABs but has superior SLG potential than Murphy. If you keep Murphy and move Cruz then that forces Martin to play RF and his defensive liability in RF at RBIA will get exposed. Murphy is a LF only position player now and he's marginal there.

I would move Murphy early in 2013 and let Cruz become a FA in November.

What basis do you have to say Martin is a liability in RF? As far as Cruz goes, I think he's a pretty useless player at this point, and if he can play RF, Martin can

A lot of Gentry's WAR comes from his defense, so the comparison you make is pretty empty

I'm not advocating re-signing Murphy or anything as I agree he's a limited player, but I don't do anything until Martin proves something in the regular season

I certainly don't give Baker AB's at the expense of Murphy or any player really, other than for resting them, he's had a nice spring but the only thing that shows is that he didn't have a bad spring, means nothing come March 31st


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Sherwood AR and Hickory Creek TX
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What basis do you have to say Martin is a liability in RF? As far as Cruz goes, I think he's a pretty useless player at this point, and if he can play RF, Martin can

A lot of Gentry's WAR comes from his defense, so the comparison you make is pretty empty

I'm not advocating re-signing Murphy or anything as I agree he's a limited player, but I don't do anything until Martin proves something in the regular season

I certainly don't give Baker AB's at the expense of Murphy or any player really, other than for resting them, he's had a nice spring but the only thing that shows is that he didn't have a bad spring, means nothing come March 31st

1. My belief is that Martin is better suited for the less challenging RBIA LF spot until he gets more PT. Should have presented it that way. Cruz is a defensive liability in RF but he's going to be there through 2013 and Martin is more of an unknown defensively at this point. I'll back off on Martin being a liability in RF at RBIA ... but if TEX keeps either Cruz or Murphy I"d prefer them to keep Cruz for now.

2. WAR is total WAR. I contend that total LF+CF WAR if Martin and Gentry are in LF and CF respectively is a higher total WAR then if Murphy is in LF and one or the other Gentry or Martin are in CF. Ergo -- Martin replaces Murphy in LF since Gentry is far and away the better CF.

In this scenario Murphy is moved although I see your point that there is a conservative case for not moving Murphy before Martin produces. I just don't see the advantage of holding onto a marginal replacement value LF-only guy to protect TEX in case Martin is only replacement value.

Part of my perspective on this is my opinion that TEX midseason troubles last year began when Wash elected to sit a very hot Gentry in favor of playing Murphy in LF (moving Hamilton to CF) just so MY could play 1b or DH every day. Gentry was the big loser in that scenario yet still put up a 2.8WAR. Murphy had a career year because of it getting to play in 147 games ... but he didn't earn it up front. His career numbers don't show that he can be counted on to replicate it yet Martin's projections are that he will.

Neither Cruz nor Murphy will be back next year by TEX choice ... IMO ... and since neither will be likely to put up 3+ WAR seasons ... one or the other (perhaps both at some point in 2013) are expendable.

On Baker platooning with Murphy alongside a Gentry/Martin platoon ... why not? IMO a Baker/Murphy platoon has a better potential total WAR than Murphy all by himself. Again ... it's not like Murphy will be here in 2014 nor Baker either ... so it is about 2013 and a better 2013 is to use the entire 13 man position player contingent instead of sitting guys at the end of the bench for weeks on end.

I understand your points ... and certainly there is a conservative point that you are right. But as you know I tend to propose more risky changes and put more trust in new guys producing when they are given the PT.

Bottom line ... hanging onto a LF-only marginal replacement guy on a 1 year $5.7mil deal is not aggressive enough for me. Murphy was resigned to make sure Martin was able to perform. I think he's shown that ... and its time for Murphy to go so Martin can play every day.

Comes down to this ... does TEX want Martin to play every day or for Murphy to play every day? Simple as that. I think the answer is pretty easy.
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Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
Hoopla Cash
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1. My belief is that Martin is better suited for the less challenging RBIA LF spot until he gets more PT. Should have presented it that way. Cruz is a defensive liability in RF but he's going to be there through 2013 and Martin is more of an unknown defensively at this point. I'll back off on Martin being a liability in RF at RBIA ... but if TEX keeps either Cruz or Murphy I"d prefer them to keep Cruz for now.

2. WAR is total WAR. I contend that total LF+CF WAR if Martin and Gentry are in LF and CF respectively is a higher total WAR then if Murphy is in LF and one or the other Gentry or Martin are in CF. Ergo -- Martin replaces Murphy in LF since Gentry is far and away the better CF.

In this scenario Murphy is moved although I see your point that there is a conservative case for not moving Murphy before Martin produces. I just don't see the advantage of holding onto a marginal replacement value LF-only guy to protect TEX in case Martin is only replacement value.

Part of my perspective on this is my opinion that TEX midseason troubles last year began when Wash elected to sit a very hot Gentry in favor of playing Murphy in LF (moving Hamilton to CF) just so MY could play 1b or DH every day. Gentry was the big loser in that scenario yet still put up a 2.8WAR. Murphy had a career year because of it getting to play in 147 games ... but he didn't earn it up front. His career numbers don't show that he can be counted on to replicate it yet Martin's projections are that he will.

Neither Cruz nor Murphy will be back next year by TEX choice ... IMO ... and since neither will be likely to put up 3+ WAR seasons ... one or the other (perhaps both at some point in 2013) are expendable.

On Baker platooning with Murphy alongside a Gentry/Martin platoon ... why not? IMO a Baker/Murphy platoon has a better potential total WAR than Murphy all by himself. Again ... it's not like Murphy will be here in 2014 nor Baker either ... so it is about 2013 and a better 2013 is to use the entire 13 man position player contingent instead of sitting guys at the end of the bench for weeks on end.

I understand your points ... and certainly there is a conservative point that you are right. But as you know I tend to propose more risky changes and put more trust in new guys producing when they are given the PT.

Bottom line ... hanging onto a LF-only marginal replacement guy on a 1 year $5.7mil deal is not aggressive enough for me. Murphy was resigned to make sure Martin was able to perform. I think he's shown that ... and its time for Murphy to go so Martin can play every day.

Comes down to this ... does TEX want Martin to play every day or for Murphy to play every day? Simple as that. I think the answer is pretty easy.

So platoon Murphy and his career high 3.2 with a guy who has a career WAR of 0 in 1400+ plate appearances?

hot ST or not, I think we have as good of an idea as to who Baker is just as much as we do Murphy

I'm all for Murphy Gentry and Martin OF, and I thought Gentry was one of the biggest losers in the Berkman signing, due to not being able to DH Cruz

I don't think my points are conservative as much as it is the right thing to do, I'm all about thinking outside the box as long as it makes some sort of sense, Baker is great as a 4 corners UTIL guy, but thats about it

I also don't think there's a guarantee Murphy isn't back next year on a short term contract, as there are very few OF prospects coming anytime soon for the Rangers, and he's a perfectly fine stop gap and serviceable player


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Aug 11, 2011
Sherwood AR and Hickory Creek TX
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So platoon Murphy and his career high 3.2 with a guy who has a career WAR of 0 in 1400+ plate appearances?

hot ST or not, I think we have as good of an idea as to who Baker is just as much as we do Murphy

I'm all for Murphy Gentry and Martin OF, and I thought Gentry was one of the biggest losers in the Berkman signing, due to not being able to DH Cruz

I don't think my points are conservative as much as it is the right thing to do, I'm all about thinking outside the box as long as it makes some sort of sense, Baker is great as a 4 corners UTIL guy, but thats about it

I also don't think there's a guarantee Murphy isn't back next year on a short term contract, as there are very few OF prospects coming anytime soon for the Rangers, and he's a perfectly fine stop gap and serviceable player

Good points ... but if in your words Murphy is "a perfectly fine stop gap and serviceable player" ... then sounds like you don't think he will have a repeat 3.2WAR year either.

If Murphy has back to back 3.2WAR years I'll eat my hat. I do think the best chance for TEX LF WAR of 3.2 or better would be with a Baker/Murphy platoon or better maybe Martin every day.

In all honestly if Cruz has to sit out 50 games ... would be great for Martin and Gentry both. Additional advantage is Cruz would not likely pull a hamstring for 1/3 of the season. If he isn't made to sit ... Cruz might get some DH time but I think Martin is the one who will benefit versus Gentry.

As for Baker ... true it is ST. But Baker is not hitting over 500 because he went 3 for 5 in a back lot B game. I think you ride that horse as long as you can until he proves in every day play that he isn't the better guy.

You may be right and that your suggested moves are right rather than conservative. We'll see ... but I sense some major breakouts by Moreland, Martin and Gentry ... and the combination of Berkman and AJ bring far more than did Hamilton, MY and YT did in 2012. Should be exciting ... I just want to get this thing started.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Somewhere I read Gentry is the OFer discussed, i forgot where though

Yeah, Gentry is what I heard too. I'd rather have Gentry. If it is for Borbon, then I'd do it.


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Yeah, Gentry is what I heard too. I'd rather have Gentry. If it is for Borbon, then I'd do it.

Agree w/SRS will take Borbon+ ... but I would not do it if it was for Gentry.

NYY has Brett Gardner who only plays in LF because they have Granderson. Gentry is basically the same guy. NYY needs corner IF help even more than a fill in for Granderson ... what about Borbon plus Snyder or Allen.


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... first off what's the deal on how he wears his hat.

And furthermore other than Borbon and perhaps another minor league piece why would TEX want a guy who is susceptible to injury and logged all of 48IP in the last two years to fill out the RHP side of the BP ... when Soria may be activated by mid-May (and Feliz by the deadline?)

Wonder if it is more about NYY interested in Borbon than the other way around. NYY is probably looking to move him before he becomes an FA in November just to get something for him since he doesn't figure much into their plans for 2013 either.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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Agree w/SRS will take Borbon+ ... but I would not do it if it was for Gentry.

NYY has Brett Gardner who only plays in LF because they have Granderson. Gentry is basically the same guy. NYY needs corner IF help even more than a fill in for Granderson ... what about Borbon plus Snyder or Allen.

Gardner was moving to CF with Granderson moving over to LF, b/c it makes sense as Gardner is a superior defensive player to Granderson, who was only allowed to stay in CF to stroke his ego

That was until Granderson got hurt, but still its easier to find LFs than CFs anyway


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
Hoopla Cash
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... first off what's the deal on how he wears his hat.

And furthermore other than Borbon and perhaps another minor league piece why would TEX want a guy who is susceptible to injury and logged all of 48IP in the last two years to fill out the RHP side of the BP ... when Soria may be activated by mid-May (and Feliz by the deadline?)

Wonder if it is more about NYY interested in Borbon than the other way around. NYY is probably looking to move him before he becomes an FA in November just to get something for him since he doesn't figure much into their plans for 2013 either.

I'm ok with sending off Borbon for a bullpen piece, as long as they are ML quality now or in the near future