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Why the Vikings didn't overpay for Sam Bradford...


#1 Ignored
Apr 16, 2013
Phoenix / Tempe, AZ
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It is relevant when I am saying they overpaid for Bradford. He is doing something rookies could do...but Minny gave up a 1st for him.

How are you not getting this?

Were the Vikings able to draft those rookies AFTER Bridgewater got hurt??


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I am sensitive? I am pretty sure you are the one who just got done crying about me being condescending.

You are a bitch because you were bitching about me being condescending even though you were condescending.

Let me know if you can argue with the big boys cause right now you seem like a whiny little bitch.

LOL...You are funny. I don't recall saying anywhere that it bothered me. I was merely responding to your posted and mentioned that you tend to be condescending to people that do not agree with you. Does not bother me at all. I enjoy posting with people (like you) that get their panties in a wad when people don't agree with them. Watching them implode is funny and quite entertaining.


#1 Ignored
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LOL...You are funny. I don't recall saying anywhere that it bothered me. I was merely responding to your posted and mentioned that you tend to be condescending to people that do not agree with you. Does not bother me at all. I enjoy posting with people (like you) that get their panties in a wad when people don't agree with them. Watching them implode is funny and quite entertaining.

You whined about it. It must have bothered you enough to whine about it. Backtrack all you want. It won't change the fact you bitched and whined about me being condescending. Seems like you can't handle Philly fans.


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You whined about it. It must have bothered you enough to whine about it. Backtrack all you want. It won't change the fact you bitched and whined about me being condescending. Seems like you can't Philly fans.

LOL....that is funny. I am still trying to find out where I bitched and whined. The fact remains that I only mentioned how you were condescending when the post I quoted was along those lines. When you made the comment of "why would I listen to obtuse bullshit" I was merely pointing out your posting style when you have nothing to say. It is a pattern with you. I did not whine about. I did not complain. I did not ask you to stop becuase to be honest I really don't want you to. I find you funny.


#1 Ignored
Apr 16, 2013
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LOL....that is funny. I am still trying to find out where I bitched and whined. The fact remains that I only mentioned how you were condescending when the post I quoted was along those lines. When you made the comment of "why would I listen to obtuse bullshit" I was merely pointing out your posting style when you have nothing to say. It is a pattern with you. I did not whine about. I did not complain. I did not ask you to stop becuase to be honest I really don't want you to. I find you funny.

LOL - ok cool. Slight misunderstanding then. Sometimes I confuse who I am responding to and end up acting like a dick to someone who doesn't necessarily deserve it.

It's all in good fun at the end of the day.


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LOL - ok cool. Slight misunderstanding then. Sometimes I confuse who I am responding to and end up acting like a dick to someone who doesn't necessarily deserve it.

It's all in good fun at the end of the day.

It really is CB and trust me I never take it personal. You were not really out of line but what is the fun in just letting minor insults go.

I still disagree with you about Bradford, the Vikings....and still think you are full of shit. :10:


#1 Ignored
Apr 16, 2013
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It really is CB and trust me I never take it personal. You were not really out of line but what is the fun in just letting minor insults go.

I still disagree with you about Bradford, the Vikings....and still think you are full of shit. :10:

Yeah I have big respect for people who can let the insults go..I don't know anything about you people and the same goes for me so no need to take it personal.

Oh now that is some bullshit!!!!

http:// http://


Robust Member
Aug 30, 2011
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There are some pretty funny post looking back at the first few pages of this thread. :D


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I still see nothing but a game manager in Sam. He's a good QB, but I don't see anything out of him to warrant a 1st and 4th rounders for him. 262 yards and a TD. Good numbers, but not 1st rounder money.
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I still see nothing but a game manager in Sam. He's a good QB, but I don't see anything out of him to warrant a 1st and 4th rounders for him. 262 yards and a TD. Good numbers, but not 1st rounder money.

no huh, sticking with Shaun Hill and no competent backups would've been a better option? ALL first round Picks are guaranteed successful NFL players right? Bridgewater has a serious injury with no guarantee of full recovery. From what I've seen so far Bradford is a very accurate passer who isn't afraid to throw it into tight spots and has not thrown an int in 3 games.


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no huh, sticking with Shaun Hill and no competent backups would've been a better option? ALL first round Picks are guaranteed successful NFL players right? Bridgewater has a serious injury with no guarantee of full recovery. From what I've seen so far Bradford is a very accurate passer who isn't afraid to throw it into tight spots and has not thrown an int in 3 games.

While I don't think first round picks are guaranteed to be sucessful they are still the highest commodity in the NFL when it comes to the draft. I think Bradford is a good QB but think the price of a first round pick was too high. However when you look at the whole picture I can see how it can be stated it was not overpayment. It all depends on where the Vikings end up at the end of the season.

If the Vikings end up in the middle of the pack and the pick falls into the top 15 then IMO it is a clear overpayment. I don't see that happening though. The Vikings have a superb defense....one of the best in the NFL. They are a top 10 defense ranking in the top 10 in both rush and pass defense. They are also very stingy when it comes to points giving up only 12 points a game. Second only to the Eagles.

Offensively the Vikings have issues. They are not impressive at all. They currently have one of the worst offenses in the NFL ranked 24th in the pass and last in rushing. That can really hurt them against the top defenses in the NFL. They scored only one offensive TD against the Panthers. They did well against the Packers but they have one of the worst pass defenses in the NFL. Bradford is a game manager but has no weapons in the backfield. Losing AP is crippling them.

If the Vikings go deep in the playoffs that second pick changes. If they make it to the NFC Championship game and I can now see that happening because of their defense that pick becomes a 3rd rounder. Overall they are ranked next to last in the NFL. If they win the Superbowl that pick becomes a second rounder. I just can't see them winning the SB. I have them picked to lose in the divisional round and I will stand by my early prediction but will not be suprised if they go further. The defense is that good IMO.

So in a nutshell. It is possible the completed trade would be a first and and third round pick for Bradford. That is a pretty steep price to pay if you ask me especially since their offense is pretty bad.


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While I don't think first round picks are guaranteed to be sucessful they are still the highest commodity in the NFL when it comes to the draft. I think Bradford is a good QB but think the price of a first round pick was too high. However when you look at the whole picture I can see how it can be stated it was not overpayment. It all depends on where the Vikings end up at the end of the season.

If the Vikings end up in the middle of the pack and the pick falls into the top 15 then IMO it is a clear overpayment. I don't see that happening though. The Vikings have a superb defense....one of the best in the NFL. They are a top 10 defense ranking in the top 10 in both rush and pass defense. They are also very stingy when it comes to points giving up only 12 points a game. Second only to the Eagles.

Offensively the Vikings have issues. They are not impressive at all. They currently have one of the worst offenses in the NFL ranked 24th in the pass and last in rushing. That can really hurt them against the top defenses in the NFL. They scored only one offensive TD against the Panthers. They did well against the Packers but they have one of the worst pass defenses in the NFL. Bradford is a game manager but has no weapons in the backfield. Losing AP is crippling them.

If the Vikings go deep in the playoffs that second pick changes. If they make it to the NFC Championship game and I can now see that happening because of their defense that pick becomes a 3rd rounder. Overall they are ranked next to last in the NFL. If they win the Superbowl that pick becomes a second rounder. I just can't see them winning the SB. I have them picked to lose in the divisional round and I will stand by my early prediction but will not be suprised if they go further. The defense is that good IMO.

So in a nutshell. It is possible the completed trade would be a first and and third round pick for Bradford. That is a pretty steep price to pay if you ask me especially since their offense is pretty bad.

well you're getting picks so you should be happy. I'm concerned about my teams success this season, not next year. Bradford gives us the best chance to win..period


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Jul 17, 2013
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At this point it is looking like it will be a late 1st round pick. Still valuable but usually after the top-10 picks they say the next 30-40 or so picks are pretty interchangeable. So becomes an even bigger crap shoot at that point. And they most likely were not going to find a day 1 starter at the QB position where they would have ended up in the draft so while Bradford is nothing special they could definitely be in a lot worse shape at the position. Have to remember this guy has been with the Vikings for what 6 weeks now. He is still learning the offense and while he is doing that they are still winning. So he should improve as the season progresses.

Personally I would not have wanted my team to make the trade but the Vikings knew/know they have a special defense this year and a team that can compete every week. So can't blame them for doing everything possible to take advantage of the talent they have and try to win. We see lots of organizations who go ahead and give up before the season even begins so at least for me I would want my organization to fall into that category of doing what it takes to win a Super Bowl.


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no huh, sticking with Shaun Hill and no competent backups would've been a better option? ALL first round Picks are guaranteed successful NFL players right? Bridgewater has a serious injury with no guarantee of full recovery. From what I've seen so far Bradford is a very accurate passer who isn't afraid to throw it into tight spots and has not thrown an int in 3 games.

Hill could be managing this defense to the same record.

As for throwing into tight spots, I saw just what I saw last year with the Eagles...he tends to bounce tight passes to the WR. He's a good QB and Minny benefits from having him, but one year of Sam isn't worth a 1st and a 4th.


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Well if the title of the thread were "does Sam give Minny the best chance to win" then my argument would be different. Yes he does.

But is he worth a 1st rounder for about a year of service? Hell no. No one that isn't a die hard homer thinks Minny didn't overpay.


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Well if the title of the thread were "does Sam give Minny the best chance to win" then my argument would be different. Yes he does.

But is he worth a 1st rounder for about a year of service? Hell no. No one that isn't a die hard homer thinks Minny didn't overpay.

This I agree with. There is a difference between him being their best option and whether they overpaid. Plenty of players make a team better but are they actually worth the contract or if they are traded for the trade value? At this point while the team is 4-0 I wouldn't say Bradford has been the main reason by a long shot. Now if they win the Super Bowl then that might change my opinion a bit as there is no cost out there that isn't worth it to have won the Super Bowl. Even if he isn't the biggest reason why they win it. Long season left to see how this all plays out and how much Bradford can improve.


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This I agree with. There is a difference between him being their best option and whether they overpaid. Plenty of players make a team better but are they actually worth the contract or if they are traded for the trade value? At this point while the team is 4-0 I wouldn't say Bradford has been the main reason by a long shot. Now if they win the Super Bowl then that might change my opinion a bit as there is no cost out there that isn't worth it to have won the Super Bowl. Even if he isn't the biggest reason why they win it. Long season left to see how this all plays out and how much Bradford can improve.

Yes, I would trade a 1st rounder any day of the week for a SB win. However, I think with that defense they could have gone a few different directions at QB and been right where they currently are.


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Yes, I would trade a 1st rounder any day of the week for a SB win. However, I think with that defense they could have gone a few different directions at QB and been right where they currently are.

True I will agree with that. Like I said we need to see how they finish and how much Bradford improves as the season progresses. He has only had 6 weeks in this offense. So my guess is as the season goes on he will actually improve and maybe make the offense an actual reason they maybe win a game or two. And if he helps them win a Super Bowl then all those other options somewhat go out the window as we don't know if they could have won the Super Bowl with those other options but we would know they won it with Bradford. So this deal is still somewhat up in the air. Right now I would say the Eagles can count this as a win. They get a 1st round pick back and possibly a 2nd round pick depending what happens and have a chance to really see what they have in Wentz for now and the future. For the Vikings though honestly I would say anything short of a Super Bowl appearance I would count this deal as a loss for them.


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Well if the title of the thread were "does Sam give Minny the best chance to win" then my argument would be different. Yes he does.

But is he worth a 1st rounder for about a year of service? Hell no. No one that isn't a die hard homer thinks Minny didn't overpay.

we agree to disagree, clearly you think a first rounder is some guaranteed quality NFL player, I beg to differ and my chance to win this year means more to me than next year. also where was it stated that Bridgewater will be fully recovered by next season?
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we agree to disagree, clearly you think a first rounder is some guaranteed quality NFL player, I beg to differ and my chance to win this year means more to me than next year.

I think it goes beyond whether that player becomes a quality starter or not. They are a cost controlled player so even if they are not a quality starter at least they won't cost the team much. So even as a rotational player they are getting paid as such anyway. At this point Bradford I would say has been a functional QB this season. Nothing spectacular but a guy that plays to the strength of the team with the defense in not turning the ball over and putting them in a bad situation. There are a decent number of QB's that can operate under that type of offensive mentality. I think he will get better as the season progresses and become a bigger part of the team's success.

Something else to think about though is let's say the team does come up short after this season and maybe next season. Depending on the recovery of Bridgewater the Vikings might be right back in the QB market and will have been without maybe a couple of big time draft picks in helping to solve that issue. Again I am one that thinks the Vikings at least showed they are going all in on trying to win the Super Bowl. I would much rather have my team doing that than what we see from some of these other franchises that have already decided they are just going for a top-10 pick. Just a possibly costly gamble.