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Why does Luck have a higher ceiling that Wilson Poll

Why does Luck have a higher ceiling than Wilson?

  • Arm Strength

    Votes: 12 23.5%
  • Decision making

    Votes: 5 9.8%
  • Pocket presence

    Votes: 13 25.5%
  • Leadership

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Draft Position

    Votes: 6 11.8%
  • Height

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • Neck beard

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 27.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Oh jeez this again? I swear to God everyone does the Luck > Wilson thing because the first guy was #1 overall and the other guy was drafted some 80 odd picks later.

"Wilson has Lynch and a D.." and Luck has actual NFL caliber wide receivers and the biggest cupcake division of all time. Seriously... HOUSTON, JAX, and f'ing TENNESSEE?!?! Are you kidding me!? Has there ever been a division with zero talent at QB for this long? And then the f'ing Titans draft Marcus "Wait, there's more than 5 plays!?" Mariota... oh whatever.

Well a Seahawk fan started this conversation so might want to talk to them about stopping this stupid topic.

As for the conversation about the teams he plays. Yes his division is easy but he still plays a 1st place schedule pretty much every year and if I remember right he beat the Seahawks in pretty dramatic fashion during the regular season a couple of years back so not like his team is just winning all the easy games. This last year alone they won 4 games against teams in the playoffs. The year before that was 5 games.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Well a Seahawk fan started this conversation so might want to talk to them about stopping this stupid topic.

As for the conversation about the teams he plays. Yes his division is easy but he still plays a 1st place schedule pretty much every year and if I remember right he beat the Seahawks in pretty dramatic fashion during the regular season a couple of years back so not like his team is just winning all the easy games. This last year alone they won 4 games against teams in the playoffs. The year before that was 5 games.



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To me at this point I don't think the Colts or Seahawks should be disappointed in what they have gotten from their QB's and because of these two guys will be competitive almost every single season so at this point I don't know why we have to keep trying to prove one is better than the other. They both have their arguments of why they should be considered better but in the end both will continue to be top level QB's in this league.


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Aug 19, 2013
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I didn't see "Because he is better" so I couldn't vote...


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When Luck retires, he and Peyton Manning will own every QB record in NFL history except INTs which will remain between Favre and Brees.

If he can last 20 years like Peyton. Luck runs and lowers the shoulder and takes some serious shots. Peyton is smart and falls into a fetal position before the defender gets to him

Used 2 B Hu

Apr 19, 2013
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DUH! Cause he's taller! If he didn't have a higher ceiling, he'd bump his head more often.

The Derski

No Fat Chicks
Jul 11, 2013
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When Luck retires, he and Peyton Manning will own every QB record in NFL history except INTs which will remain between Favre and Brees.
Rodgers is statistically on pace to be the most accurate passer and overall best QB of all time and it's not close.


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Rodgers is statistically on pace to be the most accurate passer and overall best QB of all time and it's not close.

Mainly because he'd rather take a sack than throw an incomplete pass. I've seen that so many times it's ridiculous.


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People using the team success argument need to remember that Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Jim McMahon, and Mark Rypien all won Superbowl Titles while Dan Marino, Fran Tarkenton, and Jim Kelly did not. Which QB from the first group would you want over Andrew Luck if in their prime? After all, they all won Superbowl titles too.

On the other side of this argument ...Bills have a nice Defense and now they got Shady, you think they are SB contenders? QB matters and matter a lot, despite the odd ball team that wins one without a good one.


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People using the team success argument need to remember that Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Jim McMahon, and Mark Rypien all won Superbowl Titles while Dan Marino, Fran Tarkenton, and Jim Kelly did not. Which QB from the first group would you want over Andrew Luck if in their prime? After all, they all won Superbowl titles too.

NO doubt it's a team game.... Qb can't throw it and catch it... Also when the D is out their all a QB can do is hope they get stop's sitting on the bench .... When you have a great defense and good running game it's massively big for any QB ... But one thing about Wilson, out of all those title winners none of them stayed on-top for long... those guy's are all one hitter quitters..... Russ got back with our D not nearly as good as 2013, our D was depleted down the stretch ... Our receiving corp was also depleted ... No Tate, No Percy, No Miller, We also lost Sydney Rice who Wilson loved... So Wilson did it with a lesser team in 2014 ... So he showed some stuff...


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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Hmm, the Seahawks would trade Russell Wilson for Luck in a heartbeat so I'd say all of the above as to why Luck. Put Luck on the Seahawks and they would be the three time defending Super Bowl champion.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Hmm, the Seahawks would trade Russell Wilson for Luck in a heartbeat so I'd say all of the above as to why Luck. Put Luck on the Seahawks and they would be the three time defending Super Bowl champion.

OMG no way.... I seriously just enjoy watching Wilson play, I would NEVER want that trade... And that doesn't mean I don't like Luck, I just like Wilson more...


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Apr 23, 2013
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Hmm, the Seahawks would trade Russell Wilson for Luck in a heartbeat so I'd say all of the above as to why Luck. Put Luck on the Seahawks and they would be the three time defending Super Bowl champion.
Wouldn't a lot depend on what type of offense the HC wanted to run?
If the HC prefers an offense that keeps the D on it's heels he would kill to have an effective read option package installed . Luck can't run that package as he is no threat on the ground.
The choice of trading Russell is not as easy as it sounds.


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Wouldn't a lot depend on what type of offense the HC wanted to run?
If the HC prefers an offense that keeps the D on it's heels he would kill to have an effective read option package installed . Luck can't run that package as he is no threat on the ground.
The choice of trading Russell is not as easy as it sounds.

Not in this case. Ignoring salaries there isn't one player in the NFL that any team would even flinch about giving up for Luck. you take a player of Luck's caliber and you build an Offense around him if need be.


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Wouldn't a lot depend on what type of offense the HC wanted to run?
If the HC prefers an offense that keeps the D on it's heels he would kill to have an effective read option package installed . Luck can't run that package as he is no threat on the ground.
The choice of trading Russell is not as easy as it sounds.
Agreed it should be based on the OC/HC scheme. However, I disagree that Luck at QB wouldn't keep the D on their heels. Especially with the current Hawks running game. Also Luck can run. He's not a Brady or Peyton. Not a Wilson run option either. But he can get after it when he does tuck it and go. He just prefers to stay in the pocket as his first option, scramble, then take off when everyone is covered.
Personally give me Luck. I like a pocket passer. But you can't go wrong with RW in their current scheme. I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do if Lynch calls it quits after this year and he's not replaced with a similiar runner.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Luck has the higher ceiling.

  1. Height still matters at the QB position...big credit to Wilson for being able to produce as he has under 6'...as an OC I think you have to be more creative...some straight drops, some roll outs just to create throwing lanes.
  2. Athletic...he might not be as fast or as agile as Wilson, but he can move as well as Rodgers who is considered one of the best.
I think it's easy to say Luck carries the Colts, but imo that in itself doesn't mean his ceiling is higher...the Colt OFC is set up for him to carry the team...essentially he's doing his job. The rubber hits the road in the playoffs...as the Colts continue to rebuild the roster from the Manning days, we'll get a better sense of what Luck is all about but thus far in the playoffs, he's been pretty good imo.