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Who was the most overrated player in NBA History


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No one broke backboards like Shaq did. He was a beast and you won't see many others in the history of the NBA like him.

Darrell Dawkins was the backboard breaking king.


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Darvin Ham will always be my favorite backboard breaker.

His momma is also my favorite Mayor of Saginaw.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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Ok just to stir some shit and make some heads explode I'm going to throw this out there: Michael Jordan

Not because he wasn't awesome or even the GOAT. But because he has been turned into some kind of God that can't ever be questioned or surpassed, who always succeeded and never failed, who only played titanic opponents and single handedly beat them all.

Doesn't that sound kind of overrated? Let the flame war begin!


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Jul 8, 2013
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I was just thinking the other day about how bad of a GM he was. I was on sportstalk radio the day after that trade laughing at that Wizards as Al Koken, who was the stand in guy, disagreed saying "I'll take Strickland and Richmond all day". I pointed out their age and how it was a bad trade that day and in a few years it would look even worse. When I later heard Wes had only contacted the 2-3 teams that had the cap space to take on Webber's contract I nearly lost it. Another GM said they would have found the space if they knew he was available.

LOL - sounds about right. Abe Pollin's fondness for Unseld really set this team back for a very long time. Grunfeld has made some moves that are nearly as bad but at least they are having some success. Unseld probably would have traded Wall if he were in charge now.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Ok just to stir some shit and make some heads explode I'm going to throw this out there: Michael Jordan

Not because he wasn't awesome or even the GOAT. But because he has been turned into some kind of God that can't ever be questioned or surpassed, who always succeeded and never failed, who only played titanic opponents and single handedly beat them all.

Doesn't that sound kind of overrated? Let the flame war begin!


Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
Sep 2, 2014
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Ok just to stir some shit and make some heads explode I'm going to throw this out there: Michael Jordan

Not because he wasn't awesome or even the GOAT. But because he has been turned into some kind of God that can't ever be questioned or surpassed, who always succeeded and never failed, who only played titanic opponents and single handedly beat them all.

Doesn't that sound kind of overrated? Let the flame war begin!

It would sound like he was overrated. If anyone actually believed what you just said. Did you watch him play? For the record I was no fan, I never rooted for him in any game he played both at Carolina or in Chicago once they got good.

I was always torn between Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain as the GOAT. Then I watched the Bulls play a lethargic 3 quarters against the Bullets. In the fourth Jordan just shrugged his shoulders as if to say "enough of this" and took over the game the Bulls ended up winning easily. He is the one aathlete more than any other, including Tom Brady, who could all by himself determine the outcome of virtually every game he played in. And of course because of that they won everything they could over and over again.

When Jordan played the Bulls won it all almost every year, when he sat out they didn't. Then he comes back and they are champs again. So yeah, he succeeded a whole lot more than just about anyone not named Bill Russell.

Sure he missed a few game winners, but he made a whole lot more of them. And unlike LeBron he was not afraid to take, and make, the big shot in the final seconds.
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Mar 29, 2017
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Ok just to stir some shit and make some heads explode I'm going to throw this out there: Michael Jordan

Not because he wasn't awesome or even the GOAT. But because he has been turned into some kind of God that can't ever be questioned or surpassed, who always succeeded and never failed, who only played titanic opponents and single handedly beat them all.

Doesn't that sound kind of overrated? Let the flame war begin!

The basstud couldn't even start for his HS team for crap's sake.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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Bill Russell is the most over-rated player in the League history.

We are not talking about whether he was great or not...but whether he over-rated.
He is over-rated to the point of absurdity. Sure, he is good. Sure he is great. But he is still over-rated.

There is no fucking way I am taking him over Wilt, Shaq, Kareem, or the Dream as my centerman.
Put those guys with 6 HOFers and the overmatched 1960s tomato can opponents and they go 82-0.

Heck, Ewing, Robinson, Malone would probably win 8-10 titles as well.

Plus Russell is unlikeable as well.
Being a bitter man and a total dick makes it easier to not like him.

This one poster is new to this website.
Russell has been the most hated player on our various sports board comunities for over a decade now.


Jul 14, 2014
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Bill Russell is the most over-rated player in the League history.

We are not talking about whether he was great or not...but whether he over-rated.
He is over-rated to the point of absurdity. Sure, he is good. Sure he is great. But he is still over-rated.

There is no fucking way I am taking him over Wilt, Shaq, Kareem, or the Dream as my centerman.
Put those guys with 6 HOFers and the overmatched 1960s tomato can opponents and they go 82-0.

Heck, Ewing, Robinson, Malone would probably win 8-10 titles as well.

Plus Russell is unlikeable as well.
Being a bitter man and a total dick makes it easier to not like him.

This one poster is new to this website.
Russell has been the most hated player on our various sports board comunities for over a decade now.

There's not a person in their right mind that would take Russell over Wilt, Shaq, KAJ or the Dream. Russell was great for his era, not today's NBA. And find me another "overrated" NBAer that won 11 rings, 5 League MVP's, 5 rebounding titles & never averaged under 18 rebounds per game.


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Oct 10, 2016
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Rodman was a rebounder and man defender, other than that Russell was superior by far.

Russell averaged 22.5 RPG over his career. At age 35, Celtics played the Lakers in the NBA finals in 7 game series. Russell played 48 minutes in every game.

When Wilt joined the NBA, there were only 4 players taller than 6-8. (including Russell)


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2016
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Bill Russell is the most over-rated player in the League history.
We are not talking about whether he was great or not...but whether he over-rated.
He is over-rated to the point of absurdity. Sure, he is good. Sure he is great. But he is still over-rated.
There is no fucking way I am taking him over Wilt, Shaq, Kareem, or the Dream as my centerman.
Put those guys with 6 HOFers and the overmatched 1960s tomato can opponents and they go 82-0.
Heck, Ewing, Robinson, Malone would probably win 8-10 titles as well.
Plus Russell is unlikeable as well.
Being a bitter man and a total dick makes it easier to not like him.
This one poster is new to this website.
Russell has been the most hated player on our various sports board comunities for over a decade now.

It is hard to judge a person unless you know what they went through and had to deal with. The 1940s/1950s were a much different time for an African-American.


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Oct 10, 2016
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He also faced Wilt 142 times over 13 years, not to mention quite a few true centers. Interior players today might face a great center 3 or 4 times in a season.

Interesting stat I saw at one time (think I have this right) is that Wilt averaged 28.7 ppg and 28.7 rpg in the games vs. Russell.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Ok just to stir some shit and make some heads explode I'm going to throw this out there: Michael Jordan

Not because he wasn't awesome or even the GOAT. But because he has been turned into some kind of God that can't ever be questioned or surpassed, who always succeeded and never failed, who only played titanic opponents and single handedly beat them all.

Doesn't that sound kind of overrated? Let the flame war begin!
The basstud couldn't even start for his HS team for crap's sake.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2014
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Ok just to stir some shit and make some heads explode I'm going to throw this out there: Michael Jordan

Not because he wasn't awesome or even the GOAT. But because he has been turned into some kind of God that can't ever be questioned or surpassed, who always succeeded and never failed, who only played titanic opponents and single handedly beat them all.

Doesn't that sound kind of overrated? Let the flame war begin!

I don't know. You wont ever find someone with the complete mental, physical package, ability of Jordan.

I guess he's a god in that sense. You can find a lot of talented guys. They don't have the mental ability of Jordan. You may be find someone with mental toughness of MJ but without the talent.

Hes the perfect construct of a basketball player. He's hyped like a god because there isn't really anything he COULDN'T do.

- People said he could hit 3's. he went out lights out from 3 in the 1992 Finals
- People said he was questionable on D. He got the DPOY
- People wondered his mental toughness at one time, he became the king of clutch next to Bird.
- He gets the flu and dominates like its nothing
-Never loses a finals.

And he won Multiple titles with HOF BIGs. Which is nuts.

He shoved everyone's words back up their arse. Hes considered god-like because we will never see anyone like him in our lifetimes anyways. Probably numerous lifetimes. Theres been many guys who came along that just lacked something that Jordan had. That x-factor


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Jul 17, 2014
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This Shane guy seems to be the only one who thinks russell is so overrated.

i think he was overated too.

Gobert would turn him inside out.

someone like hakeem? LOL..or Shaq? cmon mehn.

this dude Chester is a 6'6" accountant that plays pickup ball at the local rec....whiter than wonderbread and he would whoop Russells ass



I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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Ok just to stir some shit and make some heads explode I'm going to throw this out there: Michael Jordan

Not because he wasn't awesome or even the GOAT. But because he has been turned into some kind of God that can't ever be questioned or surpassed, who always succeeded and never failed, who only played titanic opponents and single handedly beat them all.

Doesn't that sound kind of overrated? Let the flame war begin!
