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Vikings and Falcons are now our enemies


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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I don't know if there is one specific problem with this team, but it's become clear to me what some of the top candidates are.

Defensively it has become obvious that Kris Richard is just not Dan Quinn. There have been too many collapses this season with the same core group of players. Sure, Cary Williams has not played well but there is more depth on the D-line than there has been for awhile. They should still give Richard a chance to right the ship, but if the defense continues to get torched against any team with a decent QB the front office seriously needs to consider letting him go. The Kam holdout had some sort of effect on this team, I don't fully know how to explain it but it did. If there is any bit of evidence that he is going to be just as difficult next off season he probably needs to go as well. We know Bennett will at least be reasonable if he wants a new contract so maybe he stays on. Irvin....IDK what kind of money he's going to want but my gut tells me it's going to be too much.

Offensively everyone here knows Bevel is stubborn. He committed to how he wants to run this offense the second he got here and he's not going to change it. I have similar feelings about him as I do about Richard. Give him a chance to get things in order. Let him know that they need to change the offense a bit. Quit pretending Graham is a blocker and start lining him up at WR. Quit it with the power run game, it doesn't work with this shit offensive line. As some have mentioned, open up the playbook and let Russell be Russell. They only ever seem to do this when they're down big or in situations where they have to score with very little time left. When this has happened and they have changed things up it's been moderately successful. If Bevel refuses to mix things up a bit, let him go as well.

As far as the draft goes Lynch is going to be done after this season so grab a RB with a upper round pick but focus the rest of the draft on O-line and replacing the people at the positions where you're losing guys on D. Oh, and fire Tom Cable. I'm giving Bevel and Richard a chance to save their jobs but Cable is a joke a needs to go.

Oh and I am aware how many of these games Seattle has been in and I'm aware that they could easily have won 3 or so more games if they had just closed them out. But just from the eye test this team does not look the same as they have the past two years. It's sloppy, uninspired football. I'm also aware that I'm proposing letting a lot of people go here. But we all remember how quickly this front office figured out that Jim Mora Jr. was not a good fit and how quickly they let him go. That whole deal turned out alright in the end.

TL;DR Cave is an armchair GM and needs to STFU.


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I don't know if there is one specific problem with this team, but it's become clear to me what some of the top candidates are.

Defensively it has become obvious that Kris Richard is just not Dan Quinn. There have been too many collapses this season with the same core group of players. Sure, Cary Williams has not played well but there is more depth on the D-line than there has been for awhile. They should still give Richard a chance to right the ship, but if the defense continues to get torched against any team with a decent QB the front office seriously needs to consider letting him go. The Kam holdout had some sort of effect on this team, I don't fully know how to explain it but it did. If there is any bit of evidence that he is going to be just as difficult next off season he probably needs to go as well. We know Bennett will at least be reasonable if he wants a new contract so maybe he stays on. Irvin....IDK what kind of money he's going to want but my gut tells me it's going to be too much.

Offensively everyone here knows Bevel is stubborn. He committed to how he wants to run this offense the second he got here and he's not going to change it. I have similar feelings about him as I do about Richard. Give him a chance to get things in order. Let him know that they need to change the offense a bit. Quit pretending Graham is a blocker and start lining him up at WR. Quit it with the power run game, it doesn't work with this shit offensive line. As some have mentioned, open up the playbook and let Russell be Russell. They only ever seem to do this when they're down big or in situations where they have to score with very little time left. When this has happened and they have changed things up it's been moderately successful. If Bevel refuses to mix things up a bit, let him go as well.

As far as the draft goes Lynch is going to be done after this season so grab a RB with a upper round pick but focus the rest of the draft on O-line and replacing the people at the positions where you're losing guys on D. Oh, and fire Tom Cable. I'm giving Bevel and Richard a chance to save their jobs but Cable is a joke a needs to go.

Oh and I am aware how many of these games Seattle has been in and I'm aware that they could easily have won 3 or so more games if they had just closed them out. But just from the eye test this team does not look the same as they have the past two years. It's sloppy, uninspired football. I'm also aware that I'm proposing letting a lot of people go here. But we all remember how quickly this front office figured out that Jim Mora Jr. was not a good fit and how quickly they let him go. That whole deal turned out alright in the end.

TL;DR Cave is an armchair GM and needs to STFU.

Nice post Cave. I don't agree with it though. I think the sample size to judge Richard is too small. At the start of the season we saw miscommunication, that was surprising for a veteran team. However when you think about , maybe not so much, Thomas wasn't in camp, Kam held out and Cary Williams was new to the team. Not seeing these lapses in communication now, rather I see players not doing their job. Sherman got challenged for a change and he did a piss poor job in the Card game, piss poor. That is on him, I'm sure he'll fix that.

As for the offense, I'm for throwing more, but no way in hell can you do it with this OL. Need a infusion of talent. Next draft focus on OL, go overboard even. I think the front office felt like they could pull off the same draft magic at OL as they have in other units. By that I mean using low round picks and finding gems, hasn't worked out. There are no gems on the OL. Okung is the lone above average player and he has his flaws also.

Fixing the OL will be fixing both the offense and defense, because a offense that can keep moving the chains helps both.

Just my 2 cents.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Caroll has more influence on that defense than anyone else, including coordinators. That is his baby.


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Caroll has more influence on that defense than anyone else, including coordinators. That is his baby.
True, but I think that the DC has a impact. Certainly felt that Quinn was better then Bradley. Right now Quinn looks better then Richards.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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True, but I think that the DC has a impact. Certainly felt that Quinn was better then Bradley. Right now Quinn looks better then Richards.

Maybe. Or maybe things just lined up differently for Quinn, Bradley and now Richard. Every year is just so different. The constant is Carroll, and his influence on the defense trumps those coordinators. I've watched Carroll build this defense exactly how HE wants it, down the last detail of what he described when he first came here. I'm not saying that the coordinators are irrelevant, but I credit Carroll for a large majority of their success and failures.


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Maybe. Or maybe things just lined up differently for Quinn, Bradley and now Richard. Every year is just so different. The constant is Carroll, and his influence on the defense trumps those coordinators. I've watched Carroll build this defense exactly how HE wants it, down the last detail of what he described when he first came here. I'm not saying that the coordinators are irrelevant, but I credit Carroll for a large majority of their success and failures.

I give Carrol the credit for building a great defense, but the DC is the wild card. How well can they follow his vision? It makes a impact.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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True, but I think that the DC has a impact. Certainly felt that Quinn was better then Bradley. Right now Quinn looks better then Richards.

Maybe they should have went with Norton Jr as the DC.


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Maybe they should have went with Norton Jr as the DC.
You beat me to it. I was about to post the same thing. For one thing I don't think Richards would have been hi jacked from the Seahawks like Norton was. Think Norton would of been the better choice, but I still think Richards will work out just fine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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You beat me to it. I was about to post the same thing. For one thing I don't think Richards would have been hi jacked from the Seahawks like Norton was. Think Norton would of been the better choice, but I still think Richards will work out just fine.

When Quinn left, i was 100% sure Norton Jr was going to be the next DC. I'm willing to give Richards a pass but I need to see massive improvment from him cause he has Quinn's blue prints on how to run a masterful D. Now he needs to get his shit together and get this D back on track. Side note, PC needs to get his shit together too.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Get the impression Carroll is very hands off with the coordinators. Yes he can overrule but that's not his style I feel. That goes all the way to the top. Paul Allen's philosophy if you follow the guy (worked on the MSFT account in a consulting firm that does plenty of business there) is hire the right people, and let them make the decisions. That's why it was a "WOW" moment when Allen stepped in on Kam's situation.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Get the impression Carroll is very hands off with the coordinators. Yes he can overrule but that's not his style I feel. That goes all the way to the top. Paul Allen's philosophy if you follow the guy (worked on the MSFT account in a consulting firm that does plenty of business there) is hire the right people, and let them make the decisions. That's why it was a "WOW" moment when Allen stepped in on Kam's situation.

I never bought that sorry for a second. Way too out of character and philosophy


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Jul 2, 2013
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Updated Wild Card standings

1. Minnesota Vikings (7-3) Loss today
- @ Atlanta, vs Seattle, @ Arizona (Next 3)

2. Atlanta Falcons (6-4) Loss today
- vs Minny, @ Tampa, @ Carolina (Next 3)

3. Seattle Seahawks (5-5) Won today
- vs Pittsburgh, @ Minnesota, @ Baltimore (Flacco out for the year)

Next week Atlanta faces Minnesota. So we are guaranteed a 6-5 Falcons or a 7-4 Vikings unless there is a stupid tie.

If we take care of business against probably the toughest challenge left on our schedule outside of Arizona then we will be 6-5 and either tied with Atlanta for the last wild card spot or 1 game behind both Minnesota and Atlanta with a week 13 match up against the Vikings looming


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Updated Wild Card Standings

1. Green Bay Packers (7-4) Loss this week
- @ Detroit, vs Dallas, @ Oakland

2. Seattle Seahawks (6-5) Won today
- @ Minnesota, @ Baltimore, vs Cleveland

3. Atlanta Falcons (6-5) Loss again
- @ Tampa, @ Carolina, @ Jacksonville

Huge match up against the Vikings next week for a couple reasons. 1) Every game is huge from this point. We need every W we can get and 2) Beating Minny would secure a tie breaker against them in case we end up tied with them

Also the game against Baltimore has been phased out of the prime time slot. We are now going to play them at 10:00 am on the road. Irks me a little bit but that's no excuse at all to lose to a Ravens team without Flacco and Forsett.


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Jul 15, 2013
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It would be good to at least get into the #1 Wild Card spot (the #5 playoff spot overall) so we have the first game against whatever crappy team the NFC East division throws out there as their "champion".


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Jul 2, 2013
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It would be good to at least get into the #1 Wild Card spot (the #5 playoff spot overall) so we have the first game against whatever crappy team the NFC East division throws out there as their "champion".

Oh you're right I forgot how pivotal getting the 5th seed was this year.

Seahawks vs Redskins would be much better than Seahawks vs Packers or Vikings.


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Apr 21, 2013
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As frustrating as this season has been so far, I don't think a major overhaul is necessarily in order. Having said that, it's difficult not to look at the significant drop off on defense and wonder whether Richard is the right guy to be leading it. I'm not saying outright that he should be fired, but his position as the DC should definitely at least be re-evaluated. Roethlisberger is very good, but there is no way in hell he should have been able to torch this pass defense that badly if something wasn't fundamentally wrong with it.

They've been out-of-sync all year and Cary Williams turned out to be a really bad fit, forcing them to move Sherman around more than usual and putting him in position to be exposed more than both he and we are used to. My hope is that having Lane back and playing a significant number of snaps going forward will ease the pressure on both Shead and Sherman. Hell, even Earl Thomas hasn't been himself this year. He's been out of position multiple times and on the wrong end of big plays because of it. That stuff is made all the more perplexing seeing as Richard was the defensive backs coach before becoming Defensive Coordinator and Carroll is a defensive backs guy himself. This shouldn't be happening to this group of guys, but for some reason it is. That "reason" tends to be the coaching when there's that much going wrong.

All of that being said... We've got five weeks left and I'm not ready to call it a season yet. I think when you're used to having everything go right, it's easy to overreact when things start going wrong. There's a reason why only two teams in 49 years have ever made more than two consecutive Super Bowl appearances. It's really freaking hard to do and we're seeing why this year. It's not over yet and they can take a big step in the right direction by beating Minnesota next week.