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Top 10 QBs at this point


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More of a lack of viable alternatives. I feel pretty good with the top 7. After that there are a bunch of guys grouped together.
I would put Cousins, Bradford or Rothlisberger in there before Luck IMO

Shoot, maybe even Hoyer...


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I get your point. It's reasonable. I'm not fan of Brady. But he has been exceptional so far this year.

Dirt,Hammer,Cowboyb are Brady haters. If the kicker makes the FG, AZ wins the first game and they haven't been stellar. They almost had the game tied up by Miami but he hangs his hat on the 3-1 record. Buffalo shut out the Pats hat home, first time in like 40 years, a division they dominate at home. And I think it was wizardhawk that posted that the Pats were like 102-1 at home when Leading in the 4th Q until Seattle gave then the second loss, last year he saw his Giants lose like 6 games when leading late. He threw the most td's last year and I believe least amount of int. The 12 td/o int was great till he ran into a buzzsaw but saw that Blount was running the rock good and kept feeding him. Still over 300 yards and first int. And BB is .500 as NE HC w/o Brady at helm and never made the playoffs, but 10 AFCG with Brady and 6 SB's


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Dirt,Hammer,Cowboyb are Brady haters. If the kicker makes the FG, AZ wins the first game and they haven't been stellar. They almost had the game tied up by Miami but he hangs his hat on the 3-1 record. Buffalo shut out the Pats hat home, first time in like 40 years, a division they dominate at home. And I think it was wizardhawk that posted that the Pats were like 102-1 at home when Leading in the 4th Q until Seattle gave then the second loss, last year he saw his Giants lose like 6 games when leading late. He threw the most td's last year and I believe least amount of int. The 12 td/o int was great till he ran into a buzzsaw but saw that Blount was running the rock good and kept feeding him. Still over 300 yards and first int. And BB is .500 as NE HC w/o Brady at helm and never made the playoffs, but 10 AFCG with Brady and 6 SB's

Discussing this season alone, which I thought was the purpose of the thread, Tom Brady torching the Browns, Bengals, Steelers and Bills, doesn't top what Derek Carr has been able to do this season, doesn't top what Matt Ryan or Dak Prescott have been able to do this season

You can call me a hater if it makes you feel better, but Im backing up everything I state with pretty glaring points.......You can make a solid argument that Tom Brady is less important to the Pats than most of the Top QB's in the league are to their team....Think the Raiders are 7-2 without Carr? Think the Cowboys are 8-1 without Dak? Think the Falcons are in a postseason race without Matt Ryan?

Think the Patriots are at least 7-2, if not better, if Jimmy Garrapolo was their QB?.......(I say better because he wasn't losing to Buffalo at home).....The answer to that question, is most likely yes


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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1. Rodgers
2. Brady
3. Brees
4. Wilson
5. Luck
6. Big Ben
7. Cam Newton
8. Rivers
9. Matt Ryan
10. Matt Stafford

And before anyone asks, I left off Carr on purpose, didn't forget.
? HotTub Time Machine? You do know this is 2016 not 2012 right. No way is Rodgers #1 at this point.


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Discussing this season alone, which I thought was the purpose of the thread, Tom Brady torching the Browns, Bengals, Steelers and Bills, doesn't top what Derek Carr has been able to do this season, doesn't top what Matt Ryan or Dak Prescott have been able to do this season

You can call me a hater if it makes you feel better, but Im backing up everything I state with pretty glaring points.......You can make a solid argument that Tom Brady is less important to the Pats than most of the Top QB's in the league are to their team....Think the Raiders are 7-2 without Carr? Think the Cowboys are 8-1 without Dak? Think the Falcons are in a postseason race without Matt Ryan?

Think the Patriots are at least 7-2, if not better, if Jimmy Garrapolo was their QB?.......(I say better because he wasn't losing to Buffalo at home).....The answer to that question, is most likely yes

My bad thought Buffalo and Cinci had decent D's. Buffalo shuts out NE at home which they never lose to an AFC team but shellack them in Buffalo with Brady. Belichick is 3-2 vs Buffalo w/o Brady and 26-3 with him. Guess you don't see the difference. They say that the AFCN is the toughest AFC diviosn yet he is 24-5 vs them. Denver is his only Kryptonite and Giants in the SB.

No I dont thhink the Pats are 7-2 with Garropolo needed a gift missed FG against a struggling AZ team. First 4 games QB's threw 4 tds for NE, not going to win a lot of games


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My bad thought Buffalo and Cinci had decent D's. Buffalo shuts out NE at home which they never lose to an AFC team but shellack them in Buffalo with Brady. Belichick is 3-2 vs Buffalo w/o Brady and 26-3 with him. Guess you don't see the difference. They say that the AFCN is the toughest AFC diviosn yet he is 24-5 vs them. Denver is his only Kryptonite and Giants in the SB.

No I dont thhink the Pats are 7-2 with Garropolo needed a gift missed FG against a struggling AZ team. First 4 games QB's threw 4 tds for NE, not going to win a lot of games

Cmon Sonny, Jacoby Briskett has as much right playing QB in the NFL as you and I do...The way Jimmy was rolling, he would have run through Buffalo........So yeah, when the dropoff is Brady to a kid that has no right owning a uniform, you win that argument........And winning in Arizona on opening night was as impressive as it gets......That team had SB aspirations heading into that game, now they are a hot mess


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Discussing this season alone, which I thought was the purpose of the thread, Tom Brady torching the Browns, Bengals, Steelers and Bills, doesn't top what Derek Carr has been able to do this season, doesn't top what Matt Ryan or Dak Prescott have been able to do this season

You can call me a hater if it makes you feel better, but Im backing up everything I state with pretty glaring points.......You can make a solid argument that Tom Brady is less important to the Pats than most of the Top QB's in the league are to their team....Think the Raiders are 7-2 without Carr? Think the Cowboys are 8-1 without Dak? Think the Falcons are in a postseason race without Matt Ryan?

Think the Patriots are at least 7-2, if not better, if Jimmy Garrapolo was their QB?.......(I say better because he wasn't losing to Buffalo at home).....The answer to that question, is most likely yes

And your 6-3 Giants team scored late to win by 1 and NE with that bustout QB beat them by 18


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Cmon Sonny, Jacoby Briskett has as much right playing QB in the NFL as you and I do...The way Jimmy was rolling, he would have run through Buffalo........So yeah, when the dropoff is Brady to a kid that has no right owning a uniform, you win that argument........And winning in Arizona on opening night was as impressive as it gets......That team had SB aspirations heading into that game, now they are a hot mess

Have you watched Jimmy, he was pretty good but that was it?. Played some teams that were struggling. Brayd had led the NFL in Td's many years, over 4800 yards 3 times, 2nd best td/int ratio in history to Rodgers, and he played half his career, before the 5 yard no contact rule. Say what you want but he helps the Pats win and Belichick has a job because of him. Guy was 5-13 with his franchise QB, think Kraft would have kept him with another 5-11 season?

Funny thing is everyone here has Brady in top 2-3 and you don't. Every poll has Brady or Montana as GOAT and either one is a good answer. You had LT, probably the greatest D ever and Brady is the only Pat I can hang my hat on. Gronk might be there one that, but that is it


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Apr 17, 2013
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Have you watched Jimmy, he was pretty good but that was it?. Played some teams that were struggling. Brayd had led the NFL in Td's many years, over 4800 yards 3 times, 2nd best td/int ratio in history to Rodgers, and he played half his career, before the 5 yard no contact rule. Say what you want but he helps the Pats win and Belichick has a job because of him. Guy was 5-13 with his franchise QB, think Kraft would have kept him with another 5-11 season?

Funny thing is everyone here has Brady in top 2-3 and you don't. Every poll has Brady or Montana as GOAT and either one is a good answer. You had LT, probably the greatest D ever and Brady is the only Pat I can hang my hat on. Gronk might be there one that, but that is it

I tried not to get brainwashed by the masses and the media, look what it almost did to your boy Donald.......We will always agree to dis-agree on this, I think Belichick is the most important piece

My Brady problem will always be that he is Teflon when it comes to criticism......if people would balance out the worship with the negative, and there is plenty....Than I wouldn't have a problem


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I tried not to get brainwashed by the masses and the media, look what it almost did to your boy Donald.......We will always agree to dis-agree on this, I think Belichick is the most important piece

My Brady problem will always be that he is Teflon when it comes to criticism......if people would balance out the worship with the negative, and there is plenty....Than I wouldn't have a problem

I have been a Pats fan since 70, saw BB when he was an assistant, got to meet Carroll when he was HC and have watched Belichick just crack .500 with the 3-1 start this year and 0 playoff appearances with other QB's. Sure we can disagree but I know the Pats as you know your Giants. Belichick cost NE HFA last year with his boneheaded decisions last 6 games
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I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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I think we attribute the lack of production to different causations.
I can agree, but a lot of Rodgers mistakes this yearcare solely his own. Do I think he sucks or is done, No, I wont be shocked if he turns it around this week and reminds us of what he can do, but he hasn't played like the QB we know he is capable of being.
Note* I hope he plays great thos week and racks up 400+ yards with 4 or 5 TD'S.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Well, l I think a lot of guys could average 8ypa throwing the ball to AJ Green......he's a straight beast.

Didn't you get after somebody else for pointing towards Carr being downgraded a bit because of the players he has around him?


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Didn't you get after somebody else for pointing towards Carr being downgraded a bit because of the players he has around him?

Um Cooper is good but he's not quite AJ Green or Demaryius Thomas just yet. And as good as Crabs has been....he's clearly a #2. And we don't have a legit TE, it's TE by committee.


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And Murray needs to keep playing well or he'll be replaced.....he's kind of inconsistent.


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Um Cooper is good but he's not quite AJ Green or Demaryius Thomas just yet. And as good as Crabs has been....he's clearly a #2. And we don't have a legit TE, it's TE by committee.

What I meant was somebody earlier commented that they had downgraded Carr's performance this year because of the OL playing so well and you got after them for that but here you are getting after Dalton for having AJ Green to throw to making it much easier for him to play QB.


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What I meant was somebody earlier commented that they had downgraded Carr's performance this year because of the OL playing so well and you got after them for that but here you are getting after Dalton for having AJ Green to throw to making it much easier for him to play QB.

I was being a little sarcastic about Green....


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Aug 18, 2014
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I'm not sure why Luck would be in anyone's top 10 this year.

More of a lack of viable alternatives. I feel pretty good with the top 7. After that there are a bunch of guys grouped to
I think we attribute the lack of production to different causations.

It isn't just a lack of production. Rodgers' deep ball has gone MIA this year. When he was the top dog in the NFL the guy was the best deep ball passer in the league. For whatever reason he's really tapered off in that regard which has dropped down his overall play a lot.