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tofficial Cavs thread


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Yet the names on Cavs list spent far more time on injury list.

He pointed out age, I did too. The Cavs core are young, Lebron is the oldest and still in his prime. Love might not even be in their prime yet, Kyrie or Waiters definitely aren't yet.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Love will be 26 before training camp starts if you want to get technical

Ok, under 26. The facts are the age of Miami and the age of Cleveland isn't close and not comparable.

Plus I don't know why age is even in question, it is the player not the age. The Heat were very old last year still got the Finals.


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He pointed out age, I did too. The Cavs core are young, Lebron is the oldest and still in his prime. Love might not even be in their prime yet, Kyrie or Waiters definitely aren't yet.

Not sure what your point is.
Most players who can't stay healthy when they are young don't find ways to stay healthy as the age.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Ok, under 26. The facts are the age of Miami and the age of Cleveland isn't close and not comparable.

Plus I don't know why age is even in question, it is the player not the age. The Heat were very old last year still got the Finals.

Because Indiana was the only team in the Heat's way - and that was with a center who couldn't rebound or score for large stretches of the season.


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Ok, under 26. The facts are the age of Miami and the age of Cleveland isn't close and not comparable.

Plus I don't know why age is even in question, it is the player not the age. The Heat were very old last year still got the Finals.

They actually are when you compare the Heat big 3 in year 1 compared to the Cavs 3.

Miami big 3 were 25,26, & 28. Cleveland big 3 on opening night will be 22, 26, and 29.

Your main bench players are just as old as Miami's bench with one young guy coming off the bench consistently while the others are guys on the wrong side of their 30's


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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My God! So much Heat butthurt coursing thru this thread. Sad....


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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They actually are when you compare the Heat big 3 in year 1 compared to the Cavs 3.

Miami big 3 were 25,26, & 28. Cleveland big 3 on opening night will be 22, 26, and 29.

Your main bench players are just as old as Miami's bench with one young guy coming off the bench consistently while the others are guys on the wrong side of their 30's

We are team though the Cavs bench has TT and Della, also Waiters is the starting lineup. All under 23. Miami didn't have that many young guys, really none until Cole. The team was made up of pretty much all veterans besides the Big 3 and Mario


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Jul 2, 2013
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You guys make way too much out of defense. So you think Tim Duncan, Splitter, and Ginobili at their ages are defensive greats? The Cavs offense will be unstoppable. How far did playing great defense get the Bulls? All that did was make them an easy out come playoff time broken down from playing Thibs defense.

As for Love's defense, defense in the NBA is a team concept. Who else on that Minny team is a great help defender? (answer Nobody)

Waiters is also better than you think. The fact is young players by league unwritten rules (and poor officiating) are not allowed to play defense until they've been in the league for a few years.

Actually I think it's the other way around. I think you guys are underestimating the value and importance of defense in this league.

To be honest (and excuse the pun), but I think you guys have been a little over defensive with everyone's criticism of the Cavs defense. I understand from the stand point that it's a little irritating that everyone is already declaring that Cleveland will not win a title because of X and X reasons. But honestly...get used to it. This is how it's going to be. The target is now on not only the players but all of the fans as well.

The gauntlet that the Miami big 3 and all of their fans received is 10 times as worse as what you guys are experiencing. So be grateful that it's only the spotlight on you guys and not the label of public enemy number 1.


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Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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You guys make way too much out of defense. So you think Tim Duncan, Splitter, and Ginobili at their ages are defensive greats? The Cavs offense will be unstoppable. How far did playing great defense get the Bulls? All that did was make them an easy out come playoff time broken down from playing Thibs defense.

As for Love's defense, defense in the NBA is a team concept. Who else on that Minny team is a great help defender? (answer Nobody)

Waiters is also better than you think. The fact is young players by league unwritten rules (and poor officiating) are not allowed to play defense until they've been in the league for a few years.

Make way out of to much?! You NEED a top 5-10 defense to win the championship. If you have a great offense defense needs to be in the top 10. A top 3-5 defense with a top 10 offense wins more often than a top 5 offense and a top 10 defense though.


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Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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Tim Duncan was #4 in the entire league in defensive rating.
Even at age 38, he is one of the absolute best defenders in the game. He is still elite.

Manu Ginobili has been an elite defender for his career. Old age has slowed him down to being merely a good defender. But, He still hasn't slowed down to pathetic Kyrie Irving levels.

Tiago Splitter is younger than Lebron. So, I am not sure what "at their ages" means for him, unless you are meaning that Lebron is an old man who cannot play defense anymore???

Your team always gets called old only when a few of the guys are old not the whole roster lol


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Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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Here's my assessment of the Cavs defense player by player

Lebron - 9/10 defender when he is motivated and turns on that second gear. 6/10 defender when he's not.

Verejao - 7/10 defender. Good at defending pick and rolls, love the hustle and effort, but is below average to barely adequate defending the post. Not a good shot blocker at all.

Love - 3/10 defender. Opponents shot 57 % against Love in the post last year. When Tyson Chandler, someone who is one dimensional offensively says "go at him, he can't play D"...you know you're bad on defense

Waiters - 4/10 defender. Not sure where you're getting Waiters as "solid on d." From what I've seen of him he gets beat more often than not. Also do a quick google search of "Dion Waiters Defense" and you'll get multiple articles pointing out his bad defense

Kyrie - 4/10 defender. With Kyrie I think it's more effort and accountability. Maybe with Lebron on the team yelling at him on the bench like he used to do with Rio then Kyrie will show more effort.

Delladova - 7/10 defender. I like him as a role player. He works hard and plays solid defense.

Miller - 6.5/10 defender. He''s most definitely not a terrible defender. You guys will like Miller's size and versatility, good rebounder, and also a smart rotational defender.

Marion - 6.5/10 defender. How much does he have left in the tank. We saw Shane Battier go from a regular defensive contributor to a liability very quickly. We'll see what Marion has left to offer

Haywood - 6/10 defender. He's a big body and an above average shot blocker for the limited minutes that he plays, but he's also slow footed and in today's NBA there are a lot of teams that can expose that if he's on the floor.

Thompson - ?/10 defender. Haven't watched him closely enough to assess him defensively

Jones/Ray - 3/10 defender. James Jones has never played defense in his life and Ray at this age gets blown by way too often.

Agreed although kyrie 3/10 and lebron 7/10 no matter what

DJ Fieri

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They actually are when you compare the Heat big 3 in year 1 compared to the Cavs 3.

Miami big 3 were 25,26, & 28. Cleveland big 3 on opening night will be 22, 26, and 29.

Your main bench players are just as old as Miami's bench with one young guy coming off the bench consistently while the others are guys on the wrong side of their 30's

Um, the Cavs are more injury prone than the Heat's trio. Not LeBron, but Irving and Love are.

Wade was the only one who had a history of being hurt.


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Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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Um, the Cavs are more injury prone than the Heat's trio. Not LeBron, but Irving and Love are.

Wade was the only one who had a history of being hurt.

Loves history is a fluke IMO


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I've said it before, but if the Cavs do manage to pull off a title in the next few years... a lot of posters on here will have just 1 of 2 choices.

1) Totally recant on everything they've been saying about the Cavs roster
2) Heap mounds and mounds of praise upon LeBron

I just get the feeling that while everything is all "the cavs roster completely sucks" right now... its going to somehow turn to "LeBron ran away and joined with more superstars, its the only way he can win a title" if they actually do well.... which, of course, makes no sense.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I've said it before, but if the Cavs do manage to pull off a title in the next few years... a lot of posters on here will have just 1 of 2 choices.

1) Totally recant on everything they've been saying about the Cavs roster
2) Heap mounds and mounds of praise upon LeBron

I just get the feeling that while everything is all "the cavs roster completely sucks" right now... its going to somehow turn to "LeBron ran away and joined with more superstars, its the only way he can win a title" if they actually do well.... which, of course, makes no sense.

You should learn how to read. Posters are only saying the following things.

1) Kyrie isn't a superstar PG.

2) Based on the current roster the defense doesn't look like you will be a top 10 defensive team

3) If you get Ray & Marion, you're going to have an old bench


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I've said it before, but if the Cavs do manage to pull off a title in the next few years... a lot of posters on here will have just 1 of 2 choices.

1) Totally recant on everything they've been saying about the Cavs roster
2) Heap mounds and mounds of praise upon LeBron

I just get the feeling that while everything is all "the cavs roster completely sucks" right now... its going to somehow turn to "LeBron ran away and joined with more superstars, its the only way he can win a title" if they actually do well.... which, of course, makes no sense.

They obviously don't suck, but some of the predictions being made here seem a bit outrageous to those of us that have lived through this the last 4 years.

I think the debate here has more turned into Heat fans pointing out the we feel defense is needed to win vs Cavs fans telling us what a great QB Kevin Love will be.


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
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Bandwagon Heat fans are still upset that LeBitch left. Let them cry and bash the new bandwagon Cavs fans. Just pathetic by both parties. Just saying.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Bandwagon Heat fans are still upset that LeBitch left. Let them cry and bash the new bandwagon Cavs fans. Just pathetic by both parties. Just saying.

The next time you make a post that doesn't reference the word "bandwagon" will be the first time.
Talk about a lame 1 trick pony.:deadhorse: