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tofficial Cavs thread


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Jul 18, 2014
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So now you are calling me a Cavs fan:pound:? Well try again. Anyway say what ya want, to me your "fuck LeBron" statement right under your name says it all.

It does indeed.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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GFY, you think you know NBA BB and you simply don't. Russ and me make you look moronic. Well, actually, you do a fine job yourself.

Actually, you and Wiggy only manage to make yourselves look moronic. But don't worry, you are very close to not having to worry about how look on these forums.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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LOL, Gilbert has billions of dollars and has shown a propensity to spend freely. His fortune makes the Lakers owners look like homeless people.

Gilbert just built a new state of the art practice facility. He puts tons of money into the team. The Cavs payroll was tops in the NBA before LeBron left. And will be at or near the top in the next few years.

It really is amazing how little facts the people here actually know but pretend to be experts in.

How much spending did Gilbert do over the past 4 seasons. You DO know that he was collecting NBA welfare checks over the past 4 years, right? You DO know that a large chunk of those welfare checks came from the Lakers, right?

Remember that letter he wrote? Remember how he said the Cavs would win a title before Lebron did? How much did he spend to make that happen? How'd it work out for him?

It's amazing how little you know about your own team.


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Jul 18, 2014
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Offensively, the Cavs are likely as good offensively as the big 3 that the Heat put together. Defensively, they aren't close. Love and Kyrie are not even close to D-Wade and Bosh on the defensive side of the ball.

Championships are won with defense. That is what the Cavs lack. When was the last time a team that wasn't in the top 10 defensively won a title?

How do you expect the Cavs to be in the top 10 defensively when 2 of your starting 5 are horrible defenders?

Experience is also a factor. When Lebron, D-Wade and Bosh teamed up, all 3 of them had been to the playoffs, Lebron had been to the finals and D-Wade had not only won a championship, but was a finals MVP. Of the Cavs big 3, only Lebron has even been to the playoffs. No one has any idea how Love and Irving will respond under playoff pressure.

The Cavs also have a head coach who hasn't coached an NBA game. Sure, he's been a great coach and won overseas, but overseas is not the NBA.

Like I said, the Cavs have question marks. It doesn't mean that they can't put it all together and win a title. But it's a bit early to be hanging banners and planning parades.

Wade couldn't guard a garbage can. Bosh was playing center and undersized and eaten alive by guys like Duncan and Marc Gasol. That's why the Heat in desperation signed Oden. The best defender on the Heat was Haslem and he has since declined. The Bulls had a great defense and couldn't get out of the first round. You need point differential and the Cavs are going to lead the league in scoring. Likely around 105-108 a game and even if they give up 100, that differential will compare with this years San Antonio differential. It was point diff that won SA the title.

Nobody is hanging banners yet but Las Vegas made them the favs.


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Jul 18, 2014
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How much spending did Gilbert do over the past 4 seasons. You DO know that he was collecting NBA welfare checks over the past 4 years, right? You DO know that a large chunk of those welfare checks came from the Lakers, right?

Remember that letter he wrote? Remember how he said the Cavs would win a title before Lebron did? How much did he spend to make that happen? How'd it work out for him?

It's amazing how little you know about your own team.

How stupid would it be to spend massive dollars on a team full of rookies and second year guys? You do realize that first contracts are set by NBA rules?

You do realize Gilbert has way more money than the Lakers owners right? The Lakers owners ONLY own the Lakers and have a net worth around 400 million while Gilbert has a net worth at least 10 times that!

I know all about Gilbert and the Cavs. There is nothing I don't know about them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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So now you are calling me a Cavs fan:pound:? Well try again. Anyway say what ya want, to me your "fuck LeBron" statement right under your name says it all.

The ' fuck Lebron' says exactly how I feel about him.

It doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy and appreciate every minute he was here.
It doesn't mean he's not the best player in the world.

What is does mean, is that he chose to leave here,
so Fuck him moving forward.

As I mentioned before, I can't stand phony, and will never be phony.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I have not been on Hoop for four years but since I got here it just seems to me that he always has something negative to say about LeBron since he went back home. From the "fuck LeBron" right under his name to calling him a douche. And like I have said before I just find it hard to believe that he had that much hatred for the main piece of the Heat puzzle that went to 4 consecutive Finals appearances. Because w/o James the Heat simply do not make those 4 trips to the Finals.

Of course Heat fans aren't happy that he left. He's the best player in the game. Why the hell would they be happy that he left? Were Cavs fans happy when he left the first time? Of course, I didn't see any Heat fans burning jerseys or the Heat's owner writing letters ripping him.

However, what Heat fans have said about him since he left, is only slightly worse than what they were saying about him when he was on the Heat.

I'm the same way about Kobe that Heat fans are about Lebron. I'm glad Kobe is a Laker, I'm glad he decided to play his whole career with the Lakers and I appreciate the 5 titles that he was a big part of.

However, he never has been and never will be my favorite Laker. Not even top 5, because I don't like a lot of the things he has done and the drama that he has created at times. In short, once he retires it'll be "Thanks for the memories. Not really gonna miss him".


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Jul 18, 2014
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Using your logic. (if you can call it logic) Why didn't the Lakers, a LOTTERY team in 2013-14, not go out and rebuild by spending lots of money? While the Cavs did?


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Apr 17, 2013
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Really? I've got to hear this. Love, LeBron, and Irving are BETTER than Bosh, LeBron, and a declining Wade. LeBron, Love, and Irving are all in their PRIME. Wade was breaking down when LBJ and Bosh joined him.

But, lets compare the rest. Waiters is better than all of the Heat bench players. Verajao is a pretty good defensive center. Thompson is reaching his prime and should be a double double machine. (he was pretty good at double doubles last year) Add in Mike Miller who still shoots pretty well. Add in Marion, a very good defensive player and veteran leader. Haywood gives them a decent backup center. Dellavedova shoots the three well and is an OK backup for Kyrie. (The Heat PG's aren't exactly premier players) James Jones can still shoot the 3 also. Ray Allen, if he decides to play another year joins the Cavs and gives them a pretty good three point shooting group.

I know there is a "hate Cleveland" bias here and it probably got even more hateful when LBJ decided to come back. (likely because of all the free agents don't want to go to Cleveland morons were proven wrong)

You truly are estimating how talented Wade/Bosh are/were.

You better factor in defense, compatibility, and on the court IQ.

You are playing X Box.

How about making the next 4 Finals and win 2 + before making such proclamations?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Wade couldn't guard a garbage can. Bosh was playing center and undersized and eaten alive by guys like Duncan and Marc Gasol. That's why the Heat in desperation signed Oden. The best defender on the Heat was Haslem and he has since declined. The Bulls had a great defense and couldn't get out of the first round. You need point differential and the Cavs are going to lead the league in scoring. Likely around 105-108 a game and even if they give up 100, that differential will compare with this years San Antonio differential. It was point diff that won SA the title.

Nobody is hanging banners yet but Las Vegas made them the favs.

Uh, you do understand that the conversation was about when the Heat's big 3 first got together, right? Not the Heat 4 years later when age and playing in 4 straight finals was catching up to them, right?

Wade in 2010 was one of the best defenders in the league. You want to question others knowledge of basketball, but can't grasp the simple concept of comparing the teams in their first year together.:L

Please, continue to astound us with your amazing basketball acumen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Actually, you and Wiggy only manage to make yourselves look moronic. But don't worry, you are very close to not having to worry about how look on these forums.

I'm a bit disappointed.

I got banned from the Lakers team board ( which I honestly didn't know I was on) for calling Ram a clown( which I admitted was wrong because he is a no nonsense, first class poster), and he's still around after that?

I might go protest in Ferguson. :wtf2:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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How stupid would it be to spend massive dollars on a team full of rookies and second year guys? You do realize that first contracts are set by NBA rules?

You do realize Gilbert has way more money than the Lakers owners right? The Lakers owners ONLY own the Lakers and have a net worth around 400 million while Gilbert has a net worth at least 10 times that!

I know all about Gilbert and the Cavs. There is nothing I don't know about them.

You're the one who claimed that FA's wanted to play in Cleveland and your owner said the Cavs were going to win a title before Lebron did.

How much did he spend to make that happen? How many elite FA's did he go after while Lebron was in Miami? He's a free spender, right? He's ALWAYS been willing to spend to win titles, right?

Where were the trades of those high draft picks so that he could land quality players to build a contender?

Seems to me that if he truly was interested in backing up what he said, he would have opened up the vault and done what he could to land the talent to keep his promise. Instead, he was happy to suck and collect welfare checks.

Face it. The only reason the Cavs even have a chance is because Lebron got homesick and Gilbert is being forced into spending because of it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I'm a bit disappointed.

I got banned from the Lakers team board ( which I honestly didn't know I was on) for calling Ram a clown( which I admitted was wrong because he is a no nonsense, first class poster), and he's still around after that?

I might go protest in Ferguson. :wtf2:

:lol: He may not be around much longer. He's newer than you were, so he's getting a little extra rope. I don't hold out high hopes for him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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I have not been on Hoop for four years but since I got here it just seems to me that he always has something negative to say about LeBron since he went back home. From the "fuck LeBron" right under his name to calling him a douche. And like I have said before I just find it hard to believe that he had that much hatred for the main piece of the Heat puzzle that went to 4 consecutive Finals appearances. Because w/o James the Heat simply do not make those 4 trips to the Finals.

Here's the thing, who the hell cares if Turnup has a "Fuck Lebron" statement as his signature? I feel the same way about Lebron. If you have a problem with how Turnup feels about Lebron, then don't bother talking to CL67, because that man may rustle your jimmies then. In all my discussions (when I attempted to stick up for Lebron while on the Heat), I never tried to persuade him to think twice about disliking Lebron, because I never gave a shit. Lebron knew he was going back to Cleveland months before the decisions and screwed the Heat in free agency this year. That's why Heat fans aren't so happy with Lebron anymore.

The Heat may not go to the Finals 4 years in a row without Lebron, but it's a two way door. Miami has won before without Lebron, and at some point down the road, may win again without him. It's not like Lebron brought his championship experience to the Heat. He came to the Heat for a reason, and that was to know how to win.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I though I had heard that Lebron also gets a piece of ownership in the team?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Using your logic. (if you can call it logic) Why didn't the Lakers, a LOTTERY team in 2013-14, not go out and rebuild by spending lots of money? While the Cavs did?

Let's not get it twisted. This was the Lakers first foray into lottery territory in about a decade. They've been in the lottery/high draft pick territory only 2 or 3 times in their history. The Cavs have been in the lottery/high draft pick position more times in the past 4 years than the Lakers have in their existence.

The ONLY reason the Cavs are spending any money is because Lebron got homesick and Gilbert knows that if he loses Lebron twice, he may as well sell the franchise.

There were 2 "big ticket" items in this FA class, Lebron and Carmelo. The Lakers made bids for them, but in the end, they did what pretty much everyone figured they'd do. So, the Lakers signed players to cap friendly deals and will have a ton of available cap space over the next couple of seasons.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I though I had heard that Lebron also gets a piece of ownership in the team?

Can a player have a piece of ownership while still actively on the roster? I didn't think that was allowed. Maybe it was promised to him after he retires?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I thought I had heard some angle on this


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This guy already has ownership claims secured, and I bet there was some quiet arrangement that also got LBJ back