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tofficial Cavs thread


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Jul 17, 2014
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At least we are not the laughing stock of the league like the cavs were for 4 years when LeBron left. Pat still managed to put together a decent product that should win 45-48 games and possibly be playing basketball in middle of May. He didn't make LeBron James end his world like that buffoon Gilbert

yah...laughingstock of the league with a guy starting the all star game- MAKES SENSE......laughingstock of the league is the Twolves or the Kings or the Sixers or Bucks

The Cavs had a DESPICABLE starting place once Lebron left- the cupboard was BEYOND BARE- I thought it would be a miracle if they were going to contend within 6 years

but 4 years later they are FAVORED to go to the FINALS....



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yah...laughingstock of the league with a guy starting the all star game- MAKES SENSE......laughingstock of the league is the Twolves or the Kings or the Sixers or Bucks

The Cavs had a DESPICABLE starting place once Lebron left- the cupboard was BEYOND BARE- I thought it would be a miracle if they were going to contend within 6 years

but 4 years later they are FAVORED to go to the FINALS....


Glad you agree with us. :suds:


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Apr 16, 2013
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Didn't the cavs go on a 27 game losing streak or something the following year? As I said they were the laughing stock


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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What I find funny is that some Cleveland fans acting like the Cavs aren't still in Cleveland. The only reason any players want to go to Cleveland is because Lebron is there. Once Lebron leaves again via free agency, retires or gets old, Cleveland will no longer be a place any of these guys want to play.

Look at Mike Miller:

Without Lebron: Threatens to retire due to chronic back issues if Cleveland picked him up when he was amnestied by the Heat.

With Lebron: Suddenly his back feels much better and Cleveland ain't so bad after all.


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Apr 16, 2013
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That's what cavs fans doesn't understand. When LeBron retires/father time hits, Cleveland would be the shitty cold weather city that nobody will want to play for. They will have to build from the draft or by trades. Good luck signing top free agents when LeBron is gone


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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That's what cavs fans doesn't understand. When LeBron retires/father time hits, Cleveland would be the shitty cold weather city that nobody will want to play for. They will have to build from the draft or by trades. Good luck signing top free agents when LeBron is gone

:agree: And once Lebron is gone/gets old, K. Love and Kyrie will be gone at their earliest opportunity. They are young enough that they can hitch their wagons to Lebron to try to win titles now and still be able to sign max deals in more desirable locations once the run with Lebron is over.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I lived there for 27 years, so I am well within my rights to call the place a shit hole.

Let's look at it this way.... the Rock 'N Roll Hall of fame is located there.
They have there induction ceremony in NY.

Enough said?


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What I find funny is that some Cleveland fans acting like the Cavs aren't still in Cleveland. The only reason any players want to go to Cleveland is because Lebron is there. Once Lebron leaves again via free agency, retires or gets old, Cleveland will no longer be a place any of these guys want to play.

Look at Mike Miller:

Without Lebron: Threatens to retire due to chronic back issues if Cleveland picked him up when he was amnestied by the Heat.

With Lebron: Suddenly his back feels much better and Cleveland ain't so bad after all.

True. I think most franchises are like that though.

You've got Boston, Los Angeles Lakers, New York... and then everyone else. Those are probably the only 3 teams that will always be considered a place people want to go even when the team is bad. Chicago might be close, and I could maybe see an argument for Miami starting to join that list a little since it has a great location to add to its recent success.

Everyone else probably shouldn't expect their city to be a long-standing attractive destination.. As long as they have a great team sure... but not when they don't. OKC, Indiana, even San Antonio are teams that once things go bad the allure of the franchise will be gone.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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LeBron hasn't even played one game yet in his return to the Cavs yet some Heat fans are already talking about when his second stint will be over? Now that's some really odd stuff. If some Heat fans really aren't upset he left Miami why all the talk about what will happen years down the line? That is assuming LeBron doesn't walk again in two years.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LeBron hasn't even played one game yet in his return to the Cavs yet some Heat fans are already talking about when his second stint will be over? Now that's some really odd stuff. If some Heat fans really aren't upset he left Miami why all the talk about what will happen years down the line? That is assuming LeBron doesn't walk again in two years.

We all know exactly what will happen once he's gone.....whenever that time is.

I think the biggest reason the subject is even broached around here is because Cavs fans all of the sudden act like Cleveland is the place to be.


It all ends when James is gone. That's why some here choose to speculate on what that time frame is.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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We all know exactly what will happen once he's gone.....whenever that time is.

I think the biggest reason the subject is even broached around here is because Cavs fans all of the sudden act like Cleveland is the place to be.


It all ends when James is gone. That's why some here choose to speculate on what that time frame is.

It will be next year.

If for nothing more than a novelty, Stars will start showing up Courtside all next Season, especially for Televised games.

It happened for the Clippers and we don't have a player of Lebron's caliber.

Before, Billy Crystal and Penny Marshall was all we had.

After the CP3 trade it's been Mark Wahlburg, Adam Sandler, Money Mayweather, Rhianna and the Kar-trashians......* refuses to acknowledge Justin Beiber *

But, I agree....

It's not about the destination.

Guys don't want to play in Cleveland.

They want to play with Lebron.

However, these situations are not mutually exclusive.

One is just the byproduct of the other.

Imo, it doesn't matter WHY they signed with the Cavs.

It only matters that they have.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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We all know exactly what will happen once he's gone.....whenever that time is.

I think the biggest reason the subject is even broached around here is because Cavs fans all of the sudden act like Cleveland is the place to be.


It all ends when James is gone. That's why some here choose to speculate on what that time frame is.

Can't argue w/ that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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:agree: And once Lebron is gone/gets old, K. Love and Kyrie will be gone at their earliest opportunity. They are young enough that they can hitch their wagons to Lebron to try to win titles now and still be able to sign max deals in more desirable locations once the run with Lebron is over.

say what you might

but the fact remains

we are not the franchise that just offered MAX CONTRACTS to just about every elite player in the league and are sitting there with NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT-

don't worry- I am sure Lin and Boozer will be REMARKABLE compliments to Kobe...there might even be an 8 seed in the cards.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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say what you might

but the fact remains

we are not the franchise that just offered MAX CONTRACTS to just about every elite player in the league and are sitting there with NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT-

don't worry- I am sure Lin and Boozer will be REMARKABLE compliments to Kobe...there might even be an 8 seed in the cards.

So to clarify.

The world is over 4.5 billion years old......and the Cavs might be better then the Lakers for 3-5 of them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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So to clarify.

The world is over 4.5 billion years old......and the Cavs might be better then the Lakers for 3-5 of them.

as long as they 3-5 are the current and next few years that sounds GREAT to me

but- i also dont think players trust Jimmy Buss to put together a winner- when you see Ballmer and CP3 and Griffen- or you see wittle Jimmy Buss and his constant failures and poor moves- its not going to be an easy sell anymore for the Lakers- AS WE HAVE SEEN the last couple offseasons


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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as long as they 3-5 are the current and next few years that sounds GREAT to me

but- i also dont think players trust Jimmy Buss to put together a winner- when you see Ballmer and CP3 and Griffen- or you see wittle Jimmy Buss and his constant failures and poor moves- its not going to be an easy sell anymore for the Lakers- AS WE HAVE SEEN the last couple offseasons

The Lakers past success (aging, no draft picks)last decade combined with their loyalty to Kobe set them back a few years.

Fans of successful teams can comprehend, understand, and live with that.

I understand why you would be happy to 3-5 years though.
It's basically your only shot, ever.

Once the Lakers roster gets a bit younger and the cap space opens up, they will build a team in no time at all.

L.A. will always be L.A.,and Cleveland will always be Cleveland.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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say what you might

but the fact remains

we are not the franchise that just offered MAX CONTRACTS to just about every elite player in the league and are sitting there with NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT-

don't worry- I am sure Lin and Boozer will be REMARKABLE compliments to Kobe...there might even be an 8 seed in the cards.

What exactly did Cleveland accomplish during the 4 years after Lebron left that indicates they can sustain anything once he leaves again or gets old?

The Lakers have repeatedly shown that they can re-build into a championship contender. The Cavs, not so much.

Also, this is not the Let's Make Shit Up thread. The Lakers have offered max deals to 3 FA's. Dwight, Carmelo and Lebron.

By the time the Lakers offered the deal to Dwight, they no longer cared if he stayed or not and they recruited him like it. He also, clearly did not want to stay and acted like it.

Lebron was never going anywhere other than Miami or Cleveland, but he's the best player in the game, so they had to make an offer. I was actually mildly surprised that Lebron even met with Mitch (apparently some teams were told "don't bother"), but it's the Lakers, so Lebron probably felt he needed to at least listen.

The Lakers came darn close to getting Carmelo, but in the end, he took more money to stay home and keep Lala happy (nothing wrong with that).

So please tell me all about how the Lakers "made max offers to just about every elite player in the league".

There are more elite FA's coming up over the next 2-4 years, the Lakers will have more cap space each season as Nash and then Kobe each retire.

Assuming Lebron actually finishes his career in Cleveland, the Cavs have about a 5 year window to try and win a title. Once Lebron leaves or gets old, Cleveland's window closes.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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The Lakers past success (aging, no draft picks)last decade combined with their loyalty to Kobe set them back a few years.

Fans of successful teams can comprehend, understand, and live with that.

I understand why you would be happy to 3-5 years though.
It's basically your only shot, ever.

Once the Lakers roster gets a bit younger and the cap space opens up, they will build a team in no time at all.

L.A. will always be L.A.,and Cleveland will always be Cleveland.

That's why you don't see Lakers fans panicking about not getting Lebron or Carmelo. It's also why Heat fans aren't panicking over losing Lebron and C's fans aren't in panic mode either. Fans of these franchises know that, one way or another, their teams will be re-built.

Given the constraints of the CBA, it may not happen as quickly as fans would like, but it will happen.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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What exactly did Cleveland accomplish during the 4 years after Lebron left that indicates they can sustain anything once he leaves again or gets old?

The Lakers have repeatedly shown that they can re-build into a championship contender. The Cavs, not so much.

Also, this is not the Let's Make Shit Up thread. The Lakers have offered max deals to 3 FA's. Dwight, Carmelo and Lebron.

By the time the Lakers offered the deal to Dwight, they no longer cared if he stayed or not and they recruited him like it. He also, clearly did not want to stay and acted like it.

Lebron was never going anywhere other than Miami or Cleveland, but he's the best player in the game, so they had to make an offer. I was actually mildly surprised that Lebron even met with Mitch (apparently some teams were told "don't bother"), but it's the Lakers, so Lebron probably felt he needed to at least listen.

The Lakers came darn close to getting Carmelo, but in the end, he took more money to stay home and keep Lala happy (nothing wrong with that).

So please tell me all about how the Lakers "made max offers to just about every elite player in the league".

There are more elite FA's coming up over the next 2-4 years, the Lakers will have more cap space each season as Nash and then Kobe each retire.

Assuming Lebron actually finishes his career in Cleveland, the Cavs have about a 5 year window to try and win a title. Once Lebron leaves or gets old, Cleveland's window closes.

The facts are the facts- the Lakers have offered a lot of money to a lot of players- whether you deny that Bosh and Dirk got large offers is irrelevant as well as offering MORE money to Gasol then he took in Chicago

Lakers fans need to face that Jerry Buss is no longer there and these are uncertain waters that they swim in. Sterling is no longer your co-tenant and right now that team has a GREAT coach and 2 top 12 players in the league and is LIGHT YEARS ahead of the Lakers

As i have said before-

Who is taking all this Laker money that has been turned down the last couple offseasons?

Who is going to rebuild the franchise once Kobe is gone?

Who is going to go there and say- The west is stacked- but i am coming to LA under a cloud of nepotistic failure, a tenant in the building that has seemingly insurmountable talent (for at least the next 3-5 years) and build the thing from the ground up?

If I am a player and looked at Jimmy Buss' track record i dont gamble my career on it- THAT IS DAMN SURE!- especially with so many other teams that are just light years ahead


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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The facts are the facts- the Lakers have offered a lot of money to a lot of players- whether you deny that Bosh and Dirk got large offers is irrelevant as well as offering MORE money to Gasol then he took in Chicago

Lakers fans need to face that Jerry Buss is no longer there and these are uncertain waters that they swim in. Sterling is no longer your co-tenant and right now that team has a GREAT coach and 2 top 12 players in the league and is LIGHT YEARS ahead of the Lakers

As i have said before-

Who is taking all this Laker money that has been turned down the last couple offseasons?

Who is going to rebuild the franchise once Kobe is gone?

Who is going to go there and say- The west is stacked- but i am coming to LA under a cloud of nepotistic failure, a tenant in the building that has seemingly insurmountable talent (for at least the next 3-5 years) and build the thing from the ground up?

If I am a player and looked at Jimmy Buss' track record i dont gamble my career on it- THAT IS DAMN SURE!- especially with so many other teams that are just light years ahead

Your franchise faces the same questions in a couple years once Lebron's no longer the best player in the league. Gilbert is not that much better of an owner than Jim Buss, track record proves it.